Create XML Parser Object

I'm trying create an MSXML object so I can load an XML file into it and start to retrieve values from it. The msxml.dll is there and registered. When I try and run the code below either the object doesn't get created or it cannot load the XML file. And I just can't see why. Does anyone have any ideas.

'Create an instance of MSXML to retrieve values from the XML file
set objXML = Server.CreateObject("microsoft.xmldom")

strPath = server.MapPath("books.xml")

'load the XML document that we want to add to the database

'see if the object loaded OK
if objXML.parseError.errorCode <> 0 then
Response.Write "object could not open"
Response.Write "object opened fine"
end if

set objXML = nothing

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Create Object & DAO

how to create dao.tabledef object in asp:

I need to convert the following code into asp:
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim fld As DAO.Field

Set db = OpenDatabase("C:Mydb.mdb")
Set tdf = db.TableDefs("Table1")
Set fld = tdf.CreateField("Field2", dbText, 10)
tdf.Fields.Append fld

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Cannot Create Object

This may be more of an IIS issue, but I receive the following error when I first try to login to my ASP application... however if I just hit the refresh button on the page where the error is showing, it goes through just fine, until I recycle the application pool, then it does it again.

Server object error 'ASP 0178 : 80070005'

Server.CreateObject Access Error

/includes/, line 11

The call to Server.CreateObject failed while checking permissions. Access is denied to this object.

Anyone have any idea why this is happening... it couldn't really be a permissions issue could it, since it actually does work, just not the first time.

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Can't Create Object

I receive this error when launching my .asp page. The .asp page works perfectly from the SQL server itself, but it does not work when I moved the code to the web server. The web server has an ODBC connection that tests "successful".I do not know .asp. I know .php.

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Create A Shell Object In ASP

I want to run batchfiles via the Shell, but accessible in the Browser via IIS. Actually, I'd like the server to start a command line ntbackup if a users selects to do so on an ASP in his webbrowser. Does anyone know how to create a shell object in an ASP?

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Create Object Error

I am getting the following error when using CDONTS to send an email.

Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'

Server.CreateObject Failed

/submitauth.asp, line 42


We have recently moved the application from a windows 2000 server to a windows 2003 server with DOT net framework installed. Everything else works but I am not able to send emails. Does anyone knows why this happens?

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ActiveX Component Can't Create Object!

Originally Posted by Error

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01ad'

ActiveX component can't create object: 'CDONTS.Newmail'

/mailer.asp, line 20

I am Getting that error once i submit on a Form.. Code:

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ActiveX Component Can't Create Object

I am recieving error ActiveX component can't create object in the following
line in the asp page.

set ExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

Previously this code was working fine.

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I am trying to migrate some websites to IIS 6 and this code does not work in IIS apparently, at least I have not found a way to make it work after 10 business days of trying. In ASP is there another way to accomplish this that may be more suitable: Code:

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Unable To Create Cdonts.newmail Object

I'm having a problem with cdonts.newmail. quite simply when i try to use the server.createobject method to create it it gives me an invalid progid error. it works fine on the test server so the problem is somewhere in the server settings and not with the code. both servers use win2k advanced server.

I'm not sure what information is relevent to this problem so if you need more information please just ask.

specifically I'm wondering if it's possible to dissable the object, preventing it to be created. if this can be done where would you do it?

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ActiveX Component Can't Create Object: 'CDO.Message'

I get:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01ad'

ActiveX component can't create object: 'CDO.Message'

/wheelofgod/mailing.asp, line 3

How is that dealt with?

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ActiveX Component Can't Create Object: 'CDO.message'

I run a script on my server I get a error

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01ad'

ActiveX component can't create object: 'CDO.message

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Error: ActiveX Component Can't Create Object: 'CDO.Message'

does anyone knows how to send email from ASP forms?

I wrote this code for sending email:

Dim objMail
set objMail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
objMail.From = ""
objMail.To = ""
objMail.Subject = "New leave application."
objMail.TextBody = "Testing"
set objMail=nothing

But I got this error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01ad'
ActiveX component can't create object: 'CDO.Message'

What does it means?

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ActiveX Component Can't Create Object: 'CDONTS.NewMail'

Does someone know the cause of this error? I'm developing a simple christian site for our church and it needs to have an email functionality. When I submit the form I receive this error. Can anyone give me some tips?

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ActiveX Component Can't Create Object Error Number = 429

After server went down I got this error after submitting Membership form. (win2000, IIS 5.0, Access Database(mdb)
ActiveX component can't create object Error Number =429

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ActiveX Can't Create Object:"Scripting.FileSystemObject

I'm at a complete loss on what is causing this error. ActiveX Can't create object:"Scripting.FileSystemObject when executing the code below. Every example I've looked at is pretty much identical except for the file names.

What I am ultimately trying to accomplish is when clicking on a link check to see if a file with today's date exists if so link to it. If not, link to a file with yesterday's date.

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Error :: ActiveX Component Can't Create Object: 'ScriptUtils.ByteArray'

I need to upload large files.I had the Huge ASP upload installed.It came recommended here.

Using the sample script I get this error when uploading:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01AD)
ActiveX component can't create object: 'ScriptUtils.ByteArray'
/, line 53

What does that mean?

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Asp Xml Parser

Who wants to me all about xmlHttp and how to use it with asp. Here is what I have so far and what I need to do. Something similar to the following.

set xmlhttp=createObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
xmlhttp.Open "GET", "", False

This doesn't seem to work. I just get an error. How can I make it work and then parse the returned xml

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COM As Parser

Did anybody creating ASP application using the traditional method like calling the COM object from the ASP?I have a friend, he told me he actually did it differently. He used COM as a parser and it read the HTML pages and serve it to the client machine. I don't understand what the idea it is.

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Asp Code Parser

I have a legacy ASP application, which is full of memory leaks. The source
of the leaks are ADO objects that were not closed.
For exapmle "Open" recordset without "Close" and so on.
As the application is rather big, manually parsing asp code is rather
Are there any asp code parsing tools, to analyze the source code?

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ASP Email Parser

I have a contact form, that needs to be sent as email. However, I would like that email to be received with elements of the contact form in order and not as code in between.

Personally I would put it into a DB. But My client uses mac, and a server that supports ASP but not access db. Go figure. and the current form made in PHP does not work for some reason.

Is there a way to parse the email in ASP so it is organized.

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Search Parser

I'm looking for a solution that would allow me to take an advanced search string from an HTML form such as:

"ASP Functions" AND (M@rco OR CrowDozer)

and parse it into a nice SQL query. I started to write a function where I could pass the search string and the field I wanted to search and it would return the WHERE clause, but after a few minutes my head started to spin and I began to feel ill.

I'd need a parser that properly handles: parenthesis, phrases delimited by double quotes, AND keywords, OR keywords, NOT keywords, and uses the AND as the default joiner. Has anyone seen any premade functions that would do this? I'm an IS major, not CS, so I am being trained to plug cables together.

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Getting Child Nodes By Name With MS XML Parser

I am trying to port PRAX (PHP Record-oriented API for XML) to ASP and have run into a problem. With Microsoft's XML Parser, to get child nodes, the only way I have seen is by calling on obj.childNodes(1). I need to get a child node by name, not by number, since it could be in any order. Is there a way?

If not, I will have to write that part of the code differently by using an array. I don't want to do this because it would make the code more memory intensive and not as powerful as the PRAX implementation.

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Submitting A Form With XML Parser

I want to be able to post data from a form on one server to another server at regular intervals. I know the XML parser is built around this kind of technology and can post information to a server.

Is there a way of either posting form data to a seperate server without user interaction either using the XML parser or by generating a form and using some JavaScript to autosubmit a form once the page has loaded.

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Remote HTML Parser

I'm looking for a solution that would enable me to specify a remote URL and parse the HTML (doing various things like replacing links or image refs) and then deliver the revised page to the browser.

I know it's possible, because site search engines and W3C Validator do that sort of thing, but I can't find anything suitable on the web.

Basically I need the plain ASP source code - I don't want anything that would require me to install new components.

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Upload File Parser

I have a windows app that uses WebClient upload function to upload a file to the website for processing. My website uses ASP. I know how to parse a uploaded file from a webpage using <input type=file...> inputfile control. But I just wondered how I can receive or parse a file from a winapp.Does anyone have some sample code for upload file? both in winapp and server side.

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Could Not Load Type 'XXX.web.Global'. Parser Error Server Error

This New Company I'm with Sets their Default WebSite to a local Directory on "D" Yea I've been down the whole route reinstalling XP Pro,,, IIS 5.1 The .NET framework everything. Now I'm just frustrated.

What the Heck !! Theres a web project (C# in the solution containing many many some odd 19 or so projects. MSVSS is additionally in the picture to make things a little more complex. (I.E. the non web projects go elsewhere on the D drive) All I'm asking for here are the BASIC Settings to get my DEV environment and my IE to "SEE" this D:Web folder as Localhost. It worked for a sec. A very brief second. Then it was Gone. Specific ERROR:

Could not load type 'appname.web.Global'. Parser Error Server Error in '/' Application.

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Create Database And Create Table On One Form

Here's what my code looks like...

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Arrays Of Dictionary Object Stored In An Object?

I'll admit my ASP skills are very rusty, and come seeking help.

I'm currently using a dictionary object to store a multi-dimensional array.

I want to pass this dictionary object to an object, which holds an array of dictionary objects.

However I'm finding that the array is not getting set, thus I'm having great issue with dynamically resizing the object's property for every new dictionary object I'm adding.

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Can VB Com Object Used By ASP Get Events Fired By An Internal Object?

I have a VC++ COM object which fires an event. I've written VB EXE apps against it and they receive the event notification.

I've now built a simple VB COM object which uses the VC++ COM object internally.

My question is, assuming the ASP page which loads the object does not immediately exit, will the VB COM object be able to receive the events from the internal object?

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Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object.

We are using .net 1.1 on windows 2003 server. This is we are facing in our
production server.

When we are doing the load testing we are getting the bellow error. While
the load testing this error is not coming frequently. When we run 20 threads
for 3 mins we are getting this error message 2 or 3 times. But this line of
code is executed by all the threads. Code:

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Recordset Object Vs Command Object

I want to open a recordset object on an .asp page. When I open the recordset I would like to use a stored procedure that expects a parameter to be passed for the stored procedure. I will then use the recordset to loop thru the recordset, update values from the recordset and then update the database by passing parmeters to another stored procedure.

I would like to use the recordset object but can it be used to pass a parameter to a stored procedure? Do I need to use a command object to open the records instead in
order to pass the parameter to a stored procedure?

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"Object Variable Not Set" When Object Is Neither Empty Nor Null?

I have a custom function for checking if a variable has been set or not to make the code easier to read, as well as to keep it shorter.

However, I'm getting errors that "Object Variable not Set", even after I've already checked for null and empty. Code:

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