Create A Upload File Form

I am trying to create a upload file form in is what I have so far


<form enctype="multipart/form-data" name="Form1" action="<%=basepath%>Admin/reportrequest.asp" method="Post" onSubmit="return submitwindow(Form1)">

and then I have the following

Upload the templated :

do I need to do two separte forms,because when I include enctype="multipart/form-data" in my form then my submit part stops working meaning it will not add data in my sql table when I hit submit.

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Create File Upload Script

I want to create a asp form where in a user can select any file from the local PC and upload it on a server.Does any one know asp script for it?

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Create Xml File With Asp/form/sqldb

how hard is it to create a xml file then upload it to an ftp with a webform that query's data based with entry? i need a user to be able to enter certain parameters then it queries info based off that parameter and creates a xml file, then uploads it to a ftp.

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Form File Upload

I currently have an ASP form on a web site I maintain. This form allows visitors to submit an ad with a picture attached. I am seeking a way that checks the file size prior to uploading to the server. Currently if a file larger than 1mb is uploaded there is a timing problem and a html error page comes up instead of our created error page. I would like the error page to appear before the file even starts to upload.

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ASP File Upload Form

Originally Posted by <%=RS("Tony")%> did you try it? and did it work . Works like a charm for me! Any ideas for uploading images and resizing them?

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ASP File Upload Form

I am in desperate need of an ASP File Upload Form that will allow my users to upload files from their computers to a folder called "uploaded" on my server. I have been everywhere and have tried just about everything to get something working with no success so far. I need to use the form within my user system and need to incorporate the folling code at the top of the page:

If Session("MM_Username") = "" Then
End If
%> ....

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Upload File To Server From A Form

I need users to upload and delete pictures on the server from a form. I've done this in PHP before, but in ASP it looks like a different world. I need to do it simply with ASP, and cannot be installing components from the web.

Is the following in the right direction?

Code: ....

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File Upload And Form Components

I am having problems trying to make a form submit information back to itself. The form works fine when I am not using the enctype"multipart/form-data" tag that is used to upload files with the <input type="file"> form component. However I need to upload a file using this form and also pass information back to the ASP page aswell.

txt = request.FORM("COMMENT")
<form name="frm1" id="frm1" action="mytest2.asp" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<strong>Select file #1:</strong><br>
<input type="file" size="40" name="FILE1" id="FILE1"><p>
<input type="text" size="40" name="COMMENT" id="COMMENT"><p>
<input type="submit" value="Upload!">

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File Upload And Contact Form

I did an contact form page using asp, when we press the submit button the information r going to a mail id. i want to add an file upload to that page . i can use that , when i used it , the file is going to that mail id but i cannot download that file. can u tell me how can i do that?

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File Upload In Form, Attach To Email

I'm trying to get a file attached to an email from a form.

The form is a simple name, email, attach cv. When the user hits submit it gets sent to the company. I simply used the <input type="file"> for the user to browse.

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Create Database And Create Table On One Form

Here's what my code looks like...

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Create Subdirectory Upon Upload?

I'm using freeaspupload script and have had help adding a feature where the email address of the user is added to the file name being uploaded (line 135 below) which is:

streamFile.SaveToFile path & (Session("PMMS_EMAIL")) & "~~" & fileItem.FileName, 2
and it works successfully.

Can a line of code be added, that will automatically create a subdirectory, named: "users email address", upon upload submission? Thanks. I look forward to your reply.....

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Create Csv And Upload Thru Ftp Server

I want to generated a csv file from sql server table, in which I would like to create a asp page which display a field list with a check box.

Then whatever check box I selected, and click on generate button, then a CSV text fill will generate depending on sellected field with the field header and uploaded to FTP server.

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Upload Create Folder Or Not

I need to upload a file to a folder wich might not exist yet. How can i create a folder before uploading the file or is there a parameter in asp that creates a folder before copying the file there if it doesn't exit?

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Upload Excel With Macros Using HTML File Upload

We face problems uploading excel (with macros) documents using HTML
File Upload.

The file contents are corrupted while viewing the same. However, we
are able to upload excel (w/o. macros) documents successfully. Is
there anything we have to take care of, while handling uploads of
excel documents with macros?

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How Can I Create New Folders On The Server Which Allows Anonymous Upload

How can I create new folders on the server, via ASP programming, which automatically allows by any user:

1. Files to be browsed
2. Anonymous upload to this directory
3. Allow uploaded files to over-write the existing file

I use the following ASP codes to create new folders, but all above options are off and I cannot e.g., upload (via ASP programming) to upload a file in the new directory because the option is off.

Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set b = fs.CreateFolder(newFolder)

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Request.form :: Can´t Upload But The INSERT INTO Form Works Propertly

I´m having a problem using ASP Upload with an insert form..

If I use ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" the all the parametres i might get with request.form don´t appear.. but i can upload the files.. Besides if I take away the ENCTYPE tag, i can´t upload but the INSERT INTO form works propertly

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Merging Upload Form And Email Form

Im having problems with my form, separately both forms work perfectly, but having problem sending the email once submitted, however the upload fuction is working fine. The message im getting is,

Request object error 'ASP 0207 : 80004005'

Cannot use Request.Form

/forminfo.asp, line 42

Cannot use Request.Form collection after calling BinaryRead.

Heres the script Code:

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File Upload - Need To Check File Size

I'm having a problem with the fact that I want to allow image files to be uploaded to a remote web server, as the hosting package the web site is on is IIS6 and has a default file upload size limit of 200kb. As it's a shared hosting package, the default limit cannot be changed for me unfortunately.

Anyway - i need to check the size of the file being uploaded, so i can notify the user and prevent them getting the default Microsoft error message page. The problem is that I can't implement a server side size check which works, using either Request.TotalBytes or load.getFileSize (with "load" being an object of my loader class). It seems that I can't carry out any of these operations when the file size is too large.

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Upload File To Server And Get File Properties

I would like to add a facility to my web page which allows users to upload basic files (word, excel, text, gif, jpg etc) to the server.

I know there's a facility to do this using HMTL forms, but I don't know how to handle the file on the server side.

What I think I need is an ASP file running some code to manipulate the filesystemobject, allowing me to receive the file and store it in the filesystem on the server. It would be nice to access some of the file properties too (name, type etc).

I've seen a few custom components online which allow you to do this, but I can't depend on installing them. I need to be able to script it myself.

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ASP File Upload - Limit File Types?

I would like to use this code on my website to allow simple file uploads from clients. I would like to restrict the file types they can upload. Code:

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Create A Form

i have been asked by a friend to create a form in asp,basically one that gets 2 numbers and adds them to gether,then puts the result on the same page.

how this is done as i havent got a clue.i know how to make a basic form.

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Create A Pdf Or Word Doc From An Asp Form

I have been tasked with developing an online Purchase requisition system for my employers. This requisition system will submit the employees requisitions to a database for approval before they can buy their required products.

What I would like to do is offer the option of creating a word doc or pdf of the requisition details on submission to the database. This doc or pdf could then be emailed or printed and sent to a supplier for a quotation.

Is it possible to have a form do 2 functions at once? i.e. submit data to the database as well as creating this doc or pdf? Any info on how to create a doc or pdf from an asp form would be much appreciated.

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Create A Reservation Form

I have a problem to create a reservation form. Code:

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I Need To Create A Asp Search Form

i have an access database and i want to create a form using asp to search one or more field(s) and display all the fields in the db online.

you know where i can get help on this or is there such a software where i could buy and do this kind of stuff?

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How To Create This System Of Easy Form?

i would like to create the following one, but nor I know as. One index.asp that db catches one information as heading, hour of entrance and station time and shows in the page index. An example, let us assume that now they are 23:00, then the shown information will be inserted in the page index.asp in accordance with the current hour.

If it will have something registered in cadastre in db that it starts the 23:00 and it finishes the 01:00 will be in index, passing the hour it leaves and it enters another message with programmed hour.

If I have in db a message that would have to be shown of the 09:00 the 11:30, and now I am 11:20, the system analyze and show the information, until he is 11:31, when then I enter another one, and thus successively, they are menmsagens that in accordance with enter the hour of the server.

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Create ASP File On The Fly

I'd like to create ASP file on ther server side. Can I use
fso.createtextfile("c:folder est.asp")
Do I need to create a folder too?

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Create Xml File With Asp

is it possible to create a xml file and save so that i can upload with asp?

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Create Txt File

How can I simply save some data into a flat file (.txt) ? I've some data available and if the user clicks on a button it will save that data into the flat file... The user also need to define the directory (as in VB the common dialog box)...

Is this possible ???

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Cannot Create ASP File

I have Windows 2000 and recently included Internet Information Services. I
then created a simple ASP file and clicked on it. The Open With dialog
appears asking me to select a program. I copied an existing ASP file,
test.ASP from another computer where it runs successfully. When I copied it
to my computer it changed to test.ASP auto file. The other computer runs
Windows XP. I am not sure is this is the issue. I verified the IIS is up
and running on my computer. Is there anything that can be done to correct

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Using ASP To Create DOC File ...

I am using ASP code to create a Word document on the server and all is working except for one thing: I need to be able to insert page breaks. My existing style formatting for page breaks does not seem to insert a page break into the Word DOC. Suggestions? Code:

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Create Ql File

I was wondering if it is possible to create an sql file using asp to back up a tables contents at all?basically I want to make a copy of each table we have on the server into an SQL file so we can move it elsewhere, the server techs want to charge us for the backup copy so I want to get around paying if possible.

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Cant Create File???

i'm using window XP (hope this is not the reason) i cant create a file in my computer but it works on my school server

Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set OutputXMLFile = fso.CreateTextFile("c:xx.htm",true)

everytime i run this method my IE hang(???) so, is it my IIS configuration problem or else.

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