Creating Graphs From Data In Database

I need to create a chart/graph with the following data from my database:

Each record is opened and then closed at a later stage. I then calculate the time it took from when the record was entered to when it was closed.

Now i need a pie chart to display how many records was closed in certain times. for example 10 records was closed within the first 10 minutes, 2 in 20 minutes and so on.

this also is to happen for dates that the user entered. i.e a Weekly report and a monthly report.

Any advice and help will be appreciated. I found alot of examples of hardcoded graphs but none extracting data from database.

So first i need to count the records that fits each section of minutes and then use that data to draw my graph?

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Creating Line Graphs Using Asp

Is there a method using asp to do line graph?

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Graphs Based On Data Of An Array?

Does anybody know of techniques (or websites) where a graph is generated based on data of an array?

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Creating Tables And Copying Data From One DB To Another?

I want to create another Database using ASP, this I can do. However, what is the easiest way to copy tables from one DB to this new DB?

I dont really want to have to write the SQL to create each table and then to use a 'select into' code for table, especially as I have around 15 tables to do!

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Creating An Excel Spreadsheet From Web Form Data

I want 2 create a survey Web Form that people can fill in. I then want the data entered to be saved to an Excel spreadsheet located on a server.

Can .ASP handle this kind of task? and if so does anyone know the code required to perform this function?

The data entered will be RAW and the .ASP (or whatever required programming) will need 2 process and convert the data into the spreadsheet.

Also, would it be possible to run this from a stand alone machine so that the web form, .ASP and spreadsheet are all contained on the machine and have no outside influences?

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Validation Of Data Creating Problem In ASP Page

I got a ASP page where one can add a record or update any existing records.
As soon as a record is added it is appended to the existing records. With
this design user can check for erors in existing records or the added record.
Initially, there was ino data validation rule.

Now, as soon as I am putting
data validation via script, I cannot update the exisiting data as the
validation looks for empty space in the text boxes meant for adding data. Is
there any way, I can avoid this situation and can update existing records. If
this is possible, how does one validate the existing records.

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Creating Line Charts Of SQLServer Data

Is there a way to draw charts from SQL Server Data using ASP.? Is itpossible to use the SQL Reporting Services using ASP.

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Creating Database

i'm having trouble finding the syntax of the create database..can some give me a link or something??

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Creating Database & Tables Using ASP

I want to create a database and its tables and populate it through a web page, using ASP. The database is MySQL on win32 (4.10.13-nt) and the driver is MyOLEDB 3.0.

One thing, to set up the ole-db connection, it seems I have to specify a data source, which is an already existing database.

The Connection works and I actually can create the database, but the code for the table creation generates a 500 server error. The SQL itself is taken straight out of MySQLcc query window, so I know it's all good, syntactically.

(Also, regarding the connection, I can connect to and read from an existing database. It's the table creation that seems to be the trouble.)

I did a response.write to the page to make sure that the code coming out is what went in and that is the case. So, I guess one question is, what could be different about creating tables in a db that would fail, when "create database test_links;" and "use test_links;" both complete successfully (and the newly-created database shows up, just no tables in it).

To test the sql, i made three strings of SQL and executed each of them sequentially. The first two work, the third (table generation) fails.

A second question is, is there a way to capture any error message that might be generated at the MySQL end, rather than having the page bomb out; and then display the error. I tried using a RecordSet object, that didn't work, the page still crashes.

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Creating An Access Database

Is it possible to create a database of any sort not only Access using nothing but code?

To this day I still create databases using Access on my hardrive then upgrade them and use code to modify them... would be very convinient if there was a way to just create with ASP code and edit from ASP as well...

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Problem With Creating A Database In Win Xp

i have to do a code in ASP that including this code:

set c=server.createobject("adodb.connection") "dsn=MyDSN;"
c.execute "create table first_tables(Name char, Tel char)"

and i am geting that error:

Error Type:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E09)
[Microsoft][ODBC Text Driver] Cannot modify the design of
table 'first_tables'. It is in a read-only database.
/1.asp, line 4

what can i do?

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Creating A Database System

Does anyone know of a database system available in which users could establish a user name and password to register products, buy merchandise and access a message board? I have moderate asp skills, but have no idea how to write or where to purchase software to create this database.

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Creating Database Fields Dynamically

I am using a repeated field to bring in to my page repeated records, and I have been able to retrieve values that are entered into text boxes that are associated with these repeated fields. I would like to post these values into a database, but I'm not sure how to set up my table as I know that each employee's values as well as number of fields will be different.

I thought about setting up two tables. One that houses the dynamic question and the other to house the answers, but I'm not sure if that will work. I could really use help as to the syntax to write a loop statement that will insert my returned variables and create the field names dynamically into my database table. I believe this is what i need to do.

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Creating A Database Driven Breadcrumb Trail

I want to create a breadcrumb trail on a site, but instead of being
generated by cookies or a directory structure, it needs to be database
driven. My website details hundreds of products, each belonging to a
category. Each category can belong to a parent category, and so on.

My site will feature master/detail pages, and both need to feature a
trail, e.g.

Books > Hobbies > Sport > Football

The master page will list all items within the current category, and the
trail will allow the user to click to any parent category for a wider

The detail page will show the item detail, along with a full trail to
the category/parent categories it belongs to.

The category structure will grow over time, and different branches will
have different number of levels so it needs to be maintainable.

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Creating Unique Usernames For Users Of A Database

I am tryin to create a database of users for my system,each user is given a username based on their own name(surname and first name), however if 2 users with the same or similar name enter their details they will be given the same username,for example john drew would return drewj as thier username, so would jack drew, when a new user is entering their details how do i check that the username generated for them does not already exist,i.e i need to compare the username generated for the new user with all usernames already held in the database,if the username does already exist i want to add a digit to the end of the username how is this done using asp?

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Creating A Database Object Using Passed Parameters

I have created a database connection function which I use to open my database connection and recordset and another to close it. Easy stuff I know. The problem is this.

I want to be able to create database conenctions and recordsets specifically when I call the function. For example Code:

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" Character In Database Field Creating Problem

I am using an Access database, and for a field called size the client entered some values such as 20" x 20" Unfortunately when I try to print that field to the page, the cursor stops typing at 20 because I'm assuming it considers the first " inside the 20" x 20" to be the end of the string.

I am simply trying to print the whole string <%=(rsProdsUpdate("size1"))%>

Is there a workaround this without having to change all the values in the database?

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How Do I Export Data Fom Local Database To Server Database?

I'm current working on a project which need to upload local data to
live server database.

Meanings that, i'm current having a server in my local mechine. I need
upload data from local database to live database which host at oversea
company. But i really have no idea how to do this in asp.

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I've done all the reporting bits on counting and all. I would like to know how to create graphs for that information. I m at a total lost on how to display a graphs on the web page.

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Graphs For ASP

Does anyone know of an easy way to display graphs using asp code. Is there any free packages on the web that can be downloaded for the purpose of displaying results in a graphical format. Or is it better to use pure asp code??

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Graphs And ASP

any way of creating graphs in MS Access and desplaying on a web page and all of this done by ASP!!

i want a graph with multiple comparisons such as a bar and a line graph combined...Possible???

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Graphs (3D /2D)

Hi I would like to display 2 dimensional graphs in ASP using the data from the database!.

Any body having a template!

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Excel Graphs

I'm trying to find thorough documentation for creating graphs using
serverside Excel from ASP. Any book recommendations?
A well-documented COM wrapper would be nice if it allowed us to create
may different types of graph, e.g. Wind Rose (for wind direction),
thermometer, as well as standard pie, line, bar charts. I've found a few
examples of charting code on websites and at MS, but none of them
contain a thorough explanation, and our database/ASP guy wants more

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Graphs & Diagrams

I have a db of prices for a material updated weekly, i am trying to create a graph to show the prices visually. i tried with JavaScript Diagram Builder, but didnt succeed,
does anybody have other ideas to how to do so? or have good knowledge on how to do it with the Diagram Builder?

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Drawing Graphs

I have managed to succesfully return data from a database with an SQL SELECT string, and now I was wondering if there is a simple way to graph the data?

Does ASP have any objects that will help out with graphing, or would I have to to draw it out manually?(if that could be done). Or should I not try to do it myself and look at a 3rd party solution for graphs?

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Graphs And Charts

I am trying to figure out how do I create graphs and charts in ASP without having to use third party solutions. I was told that I can create dynamic graphs and charts using ASP.Net but when I read up on this, came up at a dead end. Any ideas anyone?

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Plugins For Graphs

Does anyone know of any asp plugins for graphs, i.e. in php there is something called jpgraph where numbers can be given and graphs drawn...

I am creating a statictics section on my website..

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Develop Graphs Using ASP 6.0

How can I develop Graphs using ASP 6.0, which I am using SQL 2000 as my database? Is there is any free tool to develop graphs using ASP 6.0?

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Displaying Graphs

Does any one perhaps know how to display data from a db in a asp page in graphs, or perhaps know of a resource where I can find more information on this topic?

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Create Charts/Graphs

I want to display the data from Access in form of Bar charts and Pie charts. I know this is possible by using the OWC components. But i am not familiar to them.Can anybody give me an outline/example of how to do this?

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6 Different Graphs Without Having To Make 6 Different Connections To A Db

Does any one perhaps know an easier way of showing 6 different graphs that all display different information with out having to execute 6 different connections to the db?

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Building Dynamic Bar Graphs

Does anyone have any experience building bar graphs or charts in asp? Or has anyone used a dynamic bar chart generator that is easy to use and easy to integrate into a webpage?

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Graphs And Office Web Component (OWC)

I'm trying to use Activer Server Pages (ASP) to display a graph based on user's selection criteria. To achieve this, I would like to use Office Web Components (OWC 9 or 10), a Microsoft ActiveX component. My questions are:

* Can you use it with NT operating systems or Must it be in Windows 2000/XP?
* Do anyone has experience in using it? and if yes, Are they easy and reliable to use?
* Are there any other free components out there?

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