Creating A Function For Find A Record

I am trying to creating a function to find a record that was entered in a database. I have created the add button with no problem and it works. The links are:

Text file

ASP file

When I placed the script in the code (lines #524 - #547), I now get an error message looking for an "end" statement. Before this everything worked fine. If I have and "else" statement after closing the form and and "else" statement after opening the recordset, I don't understand where I need the "end statement."

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Find Out If A Record Exists, ASP,MSSQL

What I want to know is how do you check if a record exists in a MSSQL database. When a user visits a page in my ASP app it picks up thier username and uses it later on in the app.

What I want to know is how do I say in asp and sql , do I have a record in my database for user "john smith"? Then I can shoose my next action according to weather or not the user exists. Make sense? Code:

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Find And Return Data From A Just Submitted Record.

I have a page where a user can submit a record for a new "applicant". After the user clicks Submit, I would like to send the user to a new page containg the "Applicant Number" which the user will need.

The applicant number is simply the autonumbering of the record in the table which is in a SQL Server db. How do I capture the record number(primary key) of the newly entered record in the table and send it to my new page?

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Creating List Of Images From SQL Record

I'm building a simple image gallery. When I upload the photos, they all have the same filename except for an incremental number. For example:


I have a SQL table where enter in the filename "suffix" ("photo_of_event_") and then I enter a start number (1) and an ending number (4).
So, each gallery only has one record entry.

Now, I need some advise on how to take this record and generate a page that displays all three photos.

Is there a SQL statement that would generate an incrimental list of number (1,2,3,4 in this example?).

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Creating A Link For The URL That Is Inside Record Set

How can i make the URL to be a link that is in record set (coming from the database)? Along with URL this field might alo contain some text message.

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Creating Arrays In ASP (Ubound Function)

I am currently using arrays to store values that a user inputs into text fields which represent cells in an access table. I am currently coding them like this:
HomeScore = Array(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
HomeScore(0) = Request("Home_score1")
HomeScore(1) = Request("Home_score2")
HomeScore(2) = Request("Home_score3")
HomeScore(3) = Request("Home_score4")
HomeScore(4) = Request("Home_score5")
HomeScore(5) = Request("Home_score6")
HomeScore(6) = Request("Home_score7")
HomeScore(7) = Request("Home_score8")

And then later refering to these values using a for loop like so:

For x = 0 to 7
strsql = "Update CUPFirstRound Set Home_Score=(" & HomeScore(x) & "),...

I know that it is possible to shorten this cpodiong using the Ubound function but i really dont know how to use it and i cant find any where useful on the net that explains it how i need to know.

If anyone can help me from what they see above then it would be Really appreciated, if you need more code just let me know. I didnt paste the whole code because that is pretty pointless because its virtually all the same except for the names of the arrays and the fields it is requesting (Request("..."))

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0x80004005 Error, Cannot Add Or Change A Record Because A Related Record Is...

I'm getting this error message: Error Type:

Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80004005)

You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in table 'employees'. Code:

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Insert Record Goto Last Record

I have an insert record form that posts fine to a db which automatically creates an ID how could I get the next page to do a preview using the ID just created by the DB to go to the right record?

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Record Numbers Against Record Problem...

I have a .asp page which lists a date, then a bunch of record lines for data that falls within that date, then the next date and it's bunch of data record lines. e.g.

Ship Date: 04/06/04

Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ship Date: 11/07/04

Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

What I want is:

Ship Date: 04/06/04

1: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
3: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
4: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ship Date: 11/07/04

1: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
3: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

How can I get these numbers printed againsts the records ?

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Difference Between Private Function And Public Function?

What's the difference between private and public functions in ASP? When should I use either?

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Cant Find Folder!

However, when i opened a page on my pc the database string was:

DBFolder = path & "..mysqldataformuladata

I cant find the folder in question. Even when ftping.

Any ideas where is could be lurking?

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Cannot Find DWG Files

I am trying to locate a file using the following code

Set objXMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")

strURL = "http://server/ApprovedAutoCAD/140-00007-01.dwg"
objXMLHTTP.Open "GET", strURL, False, "login", "password"

strReturn = objXMLHTTP.status

I get a 404 status back indicating that the file is not found, which is incorrect. I am able to locate XLS and DOC files on the same directory. Any ideas why I cannot find a DWG (Drawing) file?

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Find And Replace

I am not sure if this is a question for this forum or the IIS forum but here goes. I have a dedicated server on which I am hosting about 80 websites at the moment, all of which have been created by copying a template site. All of these sites have an identical structure and are located in the same directory on the server, C:Inetpubvhosts. Several times when I have needed to make an adjustment to the sites I have to go into the remote desktop connection to the server and go site by site, copying and pasting files. For example, as each site has the same pages, ie., map.asp, sometimes I make a change to that page and have to copy it to every site. Could I write some sort of script using the FSO and execute it from one site and have it loop through each site on the server making the neccessary change(s)?

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Could Not Find Path

if i use the physical path where the database is located then my code works fine
such as ("e:folderabc.mdb")

but when i use the server.mappath("abc.mdb") , i get error

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Can't Find End Statement

The dreaded missing end statement
I need another set of eyes mine are about to cross.

My Error

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03f6'

Expected 'End'

calendar.asp, line 289

My code:

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Find Performance

We have several pages that are running very slow, is there any way to
identify which pages are taking the longest to process?

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How Can I Find What Value Is In My Variable?

At first glance, the question in the subject line seems way too easy. But I
am finding some situations in my app where the value in a variable is some
sort of blank-like value, such as Null or " " or "", but I cannot tell

Of course, in order to find out the value, I did a response.write, and added
a nonsense word afterward, to help make sure it is writing it out for me.

First, I tried to check for null: Code:

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Best Way To Find <> NULL

How do I go about testing to see if a value is not equal to NULL? isNULL provides the opposite functionality, but all my attempts at the former return a FALSE value.

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Find Referer

I want to know how to find out who is sending visitors to my site. So i obviusly need to find out who a visitors referer is.

I took a guess and thought that this is what I should use:


But that does not return anything. Any ideas guys?

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Using The Find Method

Based on what the user selects in a combo box I need to find the value from another column in the same record. This is what I am using:

rsPrice.Find "Component='Desktop'"
If (rstPrice.BOF = True) or (rstPrice.EOF = True) Then
response.write("The Price for the Component Not Found")

curPrice =rsPrice("Score")
End If

I keep getting an error messages:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E29) Rowset does not support scrolling backward.

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Find Quoteint In Asp

can u tell me how to find the quoteint in asp

for e.g
290 / 100 = 2
I want result 2 but it gives 2.9

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Find Images

where i can get very professional and sophisticated images for my web sites ( even if i have to pay for them )

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Find Errors

I'm coding in classic asp and can't figure how to get IE6 to display some kind of descriptive message about code errors? I have the correct settings under ADVANCED in IE's options selected.

What bugs me is sometimes IE will report the line number and a message, and then other times it's the standard "The page can't be displayed." When you have hundreds of lines of code, how can you fight this?

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Find In String

How can i count the number of times a string appears within another string.

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Find Out The Count

i have 2 columns. called wintersubjects,summersubjects . the data in the columns will be 4 subjects.

social science

i want to find out the count for all of them.

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ADO Find Method

I am attempting the following for a real estate website. I want to list the agents for the office all of whom have a unique identifier with an Auto Number type. As I loop through the recordset, I also want to open another table called listings. This table has a field called agent whose value is a number and corresponds to an agent in the agent table.

If there is a listing in the listing table, I want to insert a link to "View Listings", if not, no link. I am having a hard time doing this and if someone could point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it. I tried the Find method but to no success.

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Find Numbers

I want to find numbers in one comma seperated string which are not in another one. For instance if I have two strings "strString1" and "strString2 how can I find numbers in "strString1" which are not in "strString2" Example:

strString1 = "1,3,6,12"
strString2 = "1,6"

In this case the numbers I want to end up with are 3 and 12.

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Cant Find Syntax

I am working on a survey and I have gotten the pages done to collect the data but now I am having trouble finding the correct syntax for displaying some of the data back to the user. I basicly need one to do this

Text on site <field1*field2*1.5> More Text on site.

and a seperate one to do this:

if field1=a then write "message one"
if field2=b then write "message two"

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Find And Replace URL

I'm working on something at the moment which pulls through a url to another page if it exists. I've got that bit working.

The bit I don't know how to do (real asp beginner here) is to check if the url has http:// in it, and if it has, remove it.

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How Can I Add Mail Function To That Post Function

I am using a simple guestbook /portal and i want script to send mail to the thread owner when someone reply his message.

this is the send message code ....

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How To Find Coordinates On The Image

I have one doubt in my asp code (or) in HTML.

How to find coordinates on the image for display the text on that image....

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Find Current Directory

I am wondering if there is a command to determine what the current directory is.

My reason for this is that i have a include file called connection.asp sat in a folder called Data. My connection.asp file holds the connection details. I need to determine whether the file calling the include is in the root folder or not.

EG. if it is the root folder the location of the db will be "Data/dbMarkShop.mdb" but if it is another folder, say a Scripts folder, the location of th db would be "../Data/dbMarkShop.mdb"

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Find Out Distance Calculator?

I am looking for a way create a distance calculator from city to city, zip to zip, so on so forth. I know this has been done many times. Does anyone have this around by any chance. Also does anyone know of a place I can get the db or text file I need for this? I know there are some floating about but haven't came across a decent one yet.

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