Creating A Recordset That Joins 3 Tables

I would like to create a recordset which joins 3 tables using the column 'productid' as the key column throughout. I want all the columns from all three tables with a where clause that says category = beau and subcategory = mirror. I have tried numerous things but I get one error message after another. Code:

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Creating Dynamic Tables In Dreamweaver To Display Tables

I know how to create dynamic tables in dreamweaver to display fields and records in a table of a database, but in my case I need to create a dynamic table that lists all the tables in the database, then to click on the one i want 2 edit the data in there.

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Creating Database & Tables Using ASP

I want to create a database and its tables and populate it through a web page, using ASP. The database is MySQL on win32 (4.10.13-nt) and the driver is MyOLEDB 3.0.

One thing, to set up the ole-db connection, it seems I have to specify a data source, which is an already existing database.

The Connection works and I actually can create the database, but the code for the table creation generates a 500 server error. The SQL itself is taken straight out of MySQLcc query window, so I know it's all good, syntactically.

(Also, regarding the connection, I can connect to and read from an existing database. It's the table creation that seems to be the trouble.)

I did a response.write to the page to make sure that the code coming out is what went in and that is the case. So, I guess one question is, what could be different about creating tables in a db that would fail, when "create database test_links;" and "use test_links;" both complete successfully (and the newly-created database shows up, just no tables in it).

To test the sql, i made three strings of SQL and executed each of them sequentially. The first two work, the third (table generation) fails.

A second question is, is there a way to capture any error message that might be generated at the MySQL end, rather than having the page bomb out; and then display the error. I tried using a RecordSet object, that didn't work, the page still crashes.

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Creating Access Tables

if its possible to create a database from an asp script? My task is to make user surveys where a user selects elements such as text boxes,drop down menues etc from a form, I then have to to make the corresponding table in Microsoft Access.

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Creating SQL 2000 Tables In ASP

i did try using tables created in SQL Enterprise 2000 and then use it in ASP and it works well. However, I wanted to create a table in ASP. I created a page that asks for a Name and is supposed to create a new Table, not just a new record in an existing table. is this possible? have you guys encountered this? Code:

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Creating Tables And Copying Data From One DB To Another?

I want to create another Database using ASP, this I can do. However, what is the easiest way to copy tables from one DB to this new DB?

I dont really want to have to write the SQL to create each table and then to use a 'select into' code for table, especially as I have around 15 tables to do!

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Dynamically Creating Repeating Tables With ASP And CSS

I am generating a series of tables in CSS. The tables should repeat
themselves for a number of times governed by a counter that is
calculated at runtime by the ASP code. The problem is that I have used
top margins to position the tables in the ASP page.

So the tables when repeated super-impose on the tables that are
already placed at that margin position. Can someone suggest me a
better way out to resolve this?

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2 Tables In One Recordset

I have been trying to create a set of horse race results.The result of the race is one table and the breeding and owner details in the other table.I am using the horse name as the comon value in each table.the tables look something like this

table: result
pos1; horse name
pos2; horse name

table: names
horse name; horsename, sire; sire, dam; dam
horse name; horsename, sire; sire, dam; dam

Currently I am using a new record set for EVERY field position sorted by the horse name to bring up the related breeding for every positoin in the race field.
This mean for some races I am calling 16 seperate record sets.

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Recordset With Joined Tables

Does anyone know a good way of searching a recordset with joined tables and grouping the records (it's a one to many relationship) so that the fields belonging to the table with the primary key are only shown once?

So for example if I have a companies table and and offices table where a company can have multiple offices and I use a linked table to join the two. I need to be able to search both the company and office tables and I want my ASP to display: Code:

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Recordset Looping - Tables

I know how to loop around a recordset and put it into a table :

ASP Code:
<table border="1">
    <%Do while Not answerRecordset.eof%>
            <tr align="center">
    <%  answerRecordset.MoveNext

But how would i loop around but instead of one massive column put the answers into 4 diferent columns

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Create A Recordset With Multiple Tables?

My database has customers, orders, and orderDetails tables. I'm trying to create a page that we can access to lookup all details about our orders. That page will need information from all of these tables.

How do I create a recordset that can handle the relationships and bring in all data?

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Clone/duplicate Recordset Spanning Multiple Tables

I would like to dulicate a selected record. Sounds easy enough like performing another INSERT operation. However, that solution only works if the datasource is only one table.

I have 4 different tables all linked to the main table through a unique primary key (auto number). When a user clicks a button to clone a record, all related records from the other tables must also be duplicated using the newly assigned ID that matches the one from the main table.

Hopefully I didn't confuse you. Consider it like a multi-step process of filling out different web-based forms but using the same unique id.

I don't know the first place to start on creating duplicate entries based on existing records. If you can start me with the code, I could probably follow the logic. THe difficult part for me to conceptualize is how to carry this new ID to all the other tables.

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Joining Three Tables Returns Unnecessary Fields In Recordset

I have three tables in my db, joined together. The connection works fine, but I want to stop the first two tables from listing their info. for each call to the third table.

table 1 - page title, description
table 2- section title, description
table 3 - links, and their info.

For each page, there are mulitple sections and links, so I don't want the section title to appear each time I display a new link.

Here is my code:

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Problem Creating Recordset

I'm trying to create a new recordset using a variable taken from a record value. I can get the variable "subTheme", but I'm not sure how to use it to create a new recordset. This is my best attempt using dreamweaver, it does not work. How would you do it? Code:

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Creating Recordset Paging Using ADO

I'm getting the following error:

ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0BB9)
Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.

but I didn't found any wrong with the code....

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Inner Joins Between Dbs

I am using access dbs and want to do an inner join on tables in two different dbs how do I do it?

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Two Inner Joins

i m getting error when run this query..can we form such query?

strSQL = "SELECT distinct y.company_id,y.company_name,z.location_id,z.locati on FROM appointment_detail AS x INNER JOIN company AS y ON x.company_id = y.company_id AND appointment_detail AS x INNER JOIN location_table AS Z ON x.location_id=z.location_id ORDER BY y.company_name,z.location"

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression ''.

/sd/jobsearchasp2.asp, line 18

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Recordsets And Joins

I have some problems with my recordset in asp (ado). Due to some JOINS in my SQL statement i need to get the data with both, the tables name and the fields name.

My SQL String is this one:

SELECT * FROM tblObjekt INNER JOIN tblRegion ON tblObjekt.fk_Region=tblRegion.Id INNER JOIN tblOrt ON tblObjekt.fk_Ort=tblOrt.Id WHERE ObjektNr='6009056841' AND fk_Region='1'

But when I try this

rsData(1, 0).Fields.Item("tblObjekt.Id").Value

it just doesn't work.

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ASP & Access Outer Joins

I am trying to work on a little application that will look into three tables,
(tblTasks - taskID, taskTitle)
(tblObjectives - objID, taskID, objTitle)
(tblResults - userID, objID, objResult)

Display a drop down list of tasks from tblTasks, when a user selects a task, it will display objectives (with checkboxes against each objective) from tblObjectives for that task.

User can then tick the objectives that have been completed and submit form which will update tblResults. will need help with both ASP and Access. I can email code and table structure offline.

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Error Type: ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0BADODB.Recordset (0x800A0BCD)

Last week, my shopping cart was still working well until I began getting the following errors 2days ago..

Error Type:

ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0BCD)
Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.
../order/saveorder.asp, line 157

Browser Type:

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)

GET /main/saveorder.asp

Could you check my code below and let me know what possibly the error is?

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Recordset Controlled By Another Recordset Within A Loop

I have created a forum, in which I have 3 tables:

1: Table_Forum
2: Threads
3: Replies

I have it at the moment that on the main default.asp there is a recordset that will
display all records within that table, these are a list of forums that will be available.

I have a table that will show the forum name, and the description. This table is then looped using Do while not, now what i need to do is show how many records in the Treads table are related to each forum using asp. Code:

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Add Sql Tables

I want to be able to send two sql tables to access db at the same time

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Linked Tables

I have a database that has 2 tables linked into it from another database. I am having problems trying to pull in values from those 2 linked databases. One of the tables is tblClient. Code:

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SQL Statement Using Two Tables

I need some help with a SQL statement. I currently have which works:

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM mstJobs WHERE JobStatus = True"

I need to query against a second table but I am not sure of the
correct syntax of the statement for adding another table.. somthing
like this i would imagine... ????

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM mstJobs.pmdata WHERE JobStatus = True AND
WHERE WeekEnding IN tblSuperInput.pmdata = strThursday"

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Get Tables Names

Does anyone have some sample code on how to get all tables names in a MS Access database?

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HTML Tables In ASP

I have a form in my HTML page and I require a number of checkboxes. These are to be dynamically generated from an Access database. The code below will work but it will only create a single row. How can I include the <TR> tag inside the loop - I'd probably want 4 cells per row


Do until rstCategories.EOF = True

Response.Write "<TD width=200>"_
& rstCategories("strCategory")_
& "<input name=chkCategory type=checkbox value=" &rstCategories("lngID")>"_
& "</TD>"


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3 Tables, 1 Page

I am trying to list data from the DB from three different tables. The first table is creditors, the second is statements and the third is payments. I don't know much about inner joins and I'm not even sure that's what I need to do. The first section on the page is detailed information about the creditor.

Below that is a section for a summary of all statements from that creditor. Below the statements section is a section for listing payments from that creditor. The 'creditors' table has a field of "credID" as well as the tables "statements" and "payments".

The "statements" table has a "StatementID" field and the "payments" table has a field of payID. What is the best way to list the statements and payments from a particular creditor?

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Linked Tables

Ithe goalposts have been moved (yet again!) and the database that was one, may have to become many, being used on subdomains of the same server sharing some information but not all from a 'global' database.The solution I initially found was to used linked tables and developing it on pws - this was perfect. I linked local databases to the external table data in the 'global' database hey presto the application ran smoothly. There was only 1 connection to each local database and I could retrieve all the information I needed from the global one. However on uploading I have no idea how to set this via asp or sql as online the path of the linked tables is what was on my local machine and I have found no way of being able to edit this or indeed know if this is possible.

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SQL JOIN 3 Tables

I've got three tables:

Id (PK) | Event_Name

Id (PK) | Delegate_Name

Id (PK) | Event_Id (FK) | Delegate_Id (FK)

I need to retrieve a recordset with the following information:

Booking Id | Event_Name | Delegate_Name

Can anyone see how to do a SELECT statement to do this?

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Dynamic Tables

I dont even know if ASP is the right language to be doing this, but what I am basically trying to complete is a way for a dropdown box to come, and depending on what they select data will go into a table. For instance, the dropdown will what type of taxpayer they are and if they select individual, the offered services will appear in the table.

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How Can I Compare The SQL Of 2 Tables In ASP ?

I have an application that creates online quizzes, each quiz has a results table generated by ASP on MS SQL Sever.

What I want to do is compare the SQL structure / code of the table I am about to create with the SQL structure / code of an existing table (previously created in ASP) to see if they are the same.

So how can I get the SQL structure of a table that already exists in my database into an ASP page?

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Querying 2 Tables

I have a database with 2 tables in it.

Each table contains the fields: ID(autonumber),Title, Artist, Description, DiscNo, and TrackNo. The second of the two contains an additional field: Price.

How would I make an asp page in which a person enters DiscNo and Price into a form and the code would read all the fields of that record from table1 and then add those and the Price into table2?

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BackUp Tables

I am looking for code that will go through all tables in MYSQL db and transfer records into text or excel files.

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