Creating A Single Binary Log In A IIS Server Containing Multiple Websites

I am working with IIS 5.0 and would like use the property CentralBinaryLoggingEnabled which if set true will create one single binary log file in place of a separate log file for multiple websites.

This property is available in IIS 6.0. I would like to know if there is a patch available for IIS 5.0 which will create this property in IIS 5.0.

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Creating Websites

I'm looking for the best software out there that can create simple websites for clients. Basically, a client pays a small monthly fee and they're given a website where they can display whatever they'd like. Something sorta like Geocities in a way. I've searched but I couldn't find what I was looking for. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'd rather buy something already made then to start from scratch and develop my own.

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Creating Exit Poll For Websites

I need to offer a questionaire to approximately every 10th user of my website when then are leaving.

My first thoughts were to use an application variable to determine the number of users but this falls over because it would not instantly release the variable when the user left the site.

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Multiple Websites

I have registered a domain that forwards every hit to my home PC. I have configured Default Web site to show one Web from my PC. So when people navigate to they see that site. What if I want to how more then one web site? Is there a way of doing that?

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FTP To Multiple Websites

I can't afford M$ CMS. What I am after used to be called Content Deployment in Site Server 3.0.Does anyone know of any other software that will let me define a series of
hosts and then FTP to all of them at once?How do you guys update your clusters?

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Managing Multiple Virtual Folders Of Cloned Websites

I've got ASP files in many sub-folders of many levels deep.

I've always used:


The VIRTUALSITE name is really the virtual directory created under

I clone my website multiple times, to cater for different people. So,
each person gets a different VIRTUALSITE name.

This gets messy when I need to update the websites. I can't do a
diff/merge because the files of each site had a "search & replace"
applied to them to change the VIRTUALSITE name to the corresponding

Has anyone experienced this problem? Can someone give me some
tips/solution on how to resolve this?

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Creating Binary File

I need to extract some blobs (chm files, actually) from a database and save their contents on the server (recreate chm files).

I tried to do it in several ways (writing the contents to a stream and save the stream to file, writing the contents directly to file, I couldn't figure out how to do it by using the class ADODB.File) but none of them worked.

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Why Outlook Creating Different SessionId For A Single Session

I am running my web application from with in Outlook.I found a strange
problem that it is creating different sessionId if i open a new window
using from with in my application.I am pulling my hair all
along but no solution so far.

my application works fine when i run this in IE.It is Outlook2003
causing the problem.

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Single Cookies For Multiple Counters

I have written an article program, which has a collection of articles that people can click on and read. It's like a forum but without the reply function...

I want to write a counter for each article, but it cannot be done without question is: how do you use a single cookies to determine which threads have been read and which haven't.

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Edit Multiple Records In A Single Table

I am using a db to hold student data records. I currently display them in a roster based on their affiliation with a certain class. To edit a record I need to click the name of an individual, it opens an edit page, I make the changes, hit submit and return to the roster.

This is pretty standard stuff. What I would like to do is change one field of every record without opening each record individually. The idea comes from my Fantasy Fball league roster:

McNabb, Donovan QB PHI ActiveReserve
Droughns, Reuben RB DEN ActiveReserve
Johnson, Rudi RB CIN PIT ActiveReserve

Where the example above says "ActiveReserve" is a pull down menu that lets me change who is playing week to week. I can then change each record, hit submit one time, and update the db. So how do they do it?

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Splitting Multiple Tiffs Into Single Pages

How Can I extract multiple tiff images into single images through asp

Is there any free dll's that I can use in ASP to split multiple tiffs into
single tiffs?

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Multiple Queries On Single Connection (classic ASP And ADO)

I'm building a page to display a series of records but wanted to filter the results by location and display the resulting records under their own sub-heading.

All the records are in the one db table and there'll be a total of 5 queries.

I'm unsure whether I need to open and close the connection for each query, or whether it's better to open one connection, run all the queries and then close the connection at the end, if so, the resulting code would look like: Code:

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Single Update Button, Multiple Updates

I'm trying to create a single form to update multiple records in a database (Access). Similar to an update qty's in a shopping basket, whereby, on submit/update it passes and updates each record, without using the ONCHANGE feature (otherwise this would become an extremely laborious task in this application)

I've tried passing and updating an array but to no avail (maybe I'm doing something wrong)

Also, I can't seem to grab the contents of the form text field, even though I'm dynamically assigning names to each text field.

Should I be using Javascript to handle the change in values, if so, anyone got any sample code/helpful links?

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How To Update Multiple Records Into A Single Table

I already have this piece of code that inserts multiple rows of data into a single table at once. Code:

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Split Single Variable To Get Multiple Variables

This is a simple question, but is been a while since I program in ASP and I forgot.

I have a variable like this: 01-00005-03

I need to have 3 variables from that single one... Something like this, from that variable, let for example that is called fullvariable, split it and get the following variable values from it.

variable1 = 01
variable2 = 00005
variable3 = 03

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Retrieving Multiple 'values' In A Single OPTION ITEM

I have a difficult technical challenge I'm facing. I need to retrieve multiple values for the very bottom item in the list, 'Federated' (ignore the rest).

The database will query based off the option 'value', however, in this special case I want to perform a retrieval based off of multiple of values. I want to try to use the existing code without reinventing the wheel. Code:

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Multiple Pages Pulling Form A Single Text File

I've got multiple pages on the same server that all have the same drop down
boxes in them. It is a list of all our facilities. Every time there is a
change, I have to change it on every page. They are in the format below. Is
there an easy way to store all that data in a text file so I only have to
update it one place?

<option value="fac 1">fac 1</option>
<option value="fac 2">fac 2</option>
<option value="fac 3">fac 3</option>

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How To Send A Form With Binary Data To Another Server?

I'm trying to submit an image object, along with some other text fields to
another web server from within an ASP page but am stuck on getting the image
to be submitted with the form.

In a bit more detail:

1. When this particular page is executed, I want the server to pull an image
from a db (stored as a BLOB) along with a few other text fields. This part
is easy and I have no problems with it.

2. I want to submit the image, along with the text fields to a second
webserver which typically accepts its input from a form (ie, the second
webserver usually has a webpage where a user enters some information into
form and browse for a file. When clicking submit, the form fields along with
the file are submitted to the second server).

The reason for this is that I'm trying to migrate from one web based photo
album to another which uses a data structure that is complicated and
difficult to interface with, so I'm using the web based image upload
functionality of the new album. Code:

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Creating Multiple Drop-Down

I'm either way too tired or this is a bit above my head. I have a database (access) with four fields. One field is a unique id (rs("id")), one is a category (rs("category")), the third is type (rs("type)), and finally a title (rs("title")). There are and will always be seven types, numbered 1 - 7, with each type identifying a category. To be more specific, 1 = appetizer, 2 = soup, 3 = main dish, etc.

What I am trying to do is to create seven seperate drop down list, one for each type. The options in the drop down list will each be identified with the id (rs("id") and the values for each option will be the rs("title") field. I am having a hard time in the Loop distinguishing when to end one select statement and begin another.

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SQL Server - Update/Insert Multiple Cols Into Multiple Tables

Just as the title says I am trying to do something impossible with a single SQL statement. I am doing an ASP webpage for internal use at the company I work for.

I want to know if there is a way to insert/update data into multiple tables in 1 SQL statement.

If it requires functions | views or anything else that is fine but I don't want to have 3-4 different SQL statements to update 2-3 different columns in different tables.

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Example For A VB Application Creating Multiple ASP Sessions?

We have an IIS+ASP based application server that is capable of providing
complex reports to hundreds of users but in some circumstances these reports
can take a long time to create. However the data for the report is cached
so subsequent calls to view the same report come back with a sub-second
response time.

In order to make use of this caching we pre-prepare some of the reports by
getting back a list of potential users from the server and then executing
reports on their behalf. When the real users log in the report is served
from the cache.

I wrote the warm caching application using VB6 and it uses XMLHTTP requests
to execute the reports. However because ASP serializes the requests to the
server the application can only have a single session open with the server.
To get round this I spawn multiple instances of the application, each
instance then has its own ASP session and the server is loaded more

The question is how can I create multiple ASP sessions from within a single
VB application and have each session handle its own XMLHTTP requests? Its
obviously possible as MACT, OpenSTA and LoadRunner all achieve it.

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Having A Problem With Creating Multiple Page Results

I am attempting to only show 10 results per page in my results page. I keep on getting the following error. Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment: 'MoveFirst'
Does someone know where i am going wrong? Code:

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Creating Files On Another Server

I am trying to create a file on another server, but I get either "Permission Denied" or "Path not found" errors. If it helps, the folder I am attempting to put it in is a shared folder. here is the path that I am trying to put the file in...Code:

set f=fs.CreateTextFile(" est.txt",true)

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How Would You Go About Creating Recurring Appointments? ASP/SQL Server

I initially tried building a coded system where numbers 1 through 10
referenced a certain type of recurring appointment, and would then call a
specific function for each, but as more appointments were added things began
to slow down quite a bit.

I've taken a different approach since, and decided
to create a single record for each recurring appointment, but this has
problems as well due to the fact that I have to search each time slot going
all the way out to the specified end date/time.

What is the most efficient way to create recurring appointments using ASP
and SQL Server?

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Asp For Websites

i want to start learning asp for websites.what can asp do?and where should i start?

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Creating And Debugging A Web Application With A Remote IIS Server

how I can create a web application that is created on a remote server and debug it locally in Visual Studio 2003 ASP.NET 1.1.?

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Dynamically Creating Html Files On Server

I need to implement the following functionality in asp. I have got an asp page which renders some html onto the browser.Now instead of rendering the html to the browser i should save that as an html file in server itself.

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Asp Code Websites

i first used this forum to find code for coldfusion, but now want to learn ASP. are there any websites out there that show you the code for various things such as counters, guestbooks, database stuff, etc.etc.

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Updating Websites

If I am updating a list of records for a user on an asp page, is there
a way to hold the page updating, even if they refresh the page, until I
have updated all the records.

i.e. rather than them seeing records change 1 at a time if they
refreshed their page, all the records would update together in 1 go, a
bit like a batch update ?

The source is from a MySQL db which is fed from an MS Access front end.

This could be an MS Access issue, in which case I will post there

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Creating ASP Website On Server Running Sharepoint Services

I am having trouble creating a web site on a server running sharepoint services.
I am creating an ASP.Net website using Visual Studio 2005. The server I am trying to create it on is a Windows 2003 server.

From what I understand I need to exclude in sharepoint services the folder where the application will be deployed. I have done this in the Define Managed Paths section of the Sharepoint management site, but it has no effect. Even after I have done this and then attempt to create the ASP.Net website in Visual Studio I get the error message.

"Visual Web Developer does not support opening Sharepoint web sites. See help for more details".

Hence despite excluding the folder, the website still attempts to deploy into Sharepoint Services instead of the IIS. This is backed up by the fact that I can then see the website listed in "Sites and Workspaces" in Sharepoint.

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The Server.CreateObject Method For Creating Text Files

I have made a asp page that will read a db table and select certain fields concerning the current day's activities to be written to a text file. After the information about the current day's activities has been compiled, it is stored in a variable and written to a text file.

What I would like to do is create a text file for each day instead of over-writing the same one. Is there another Server.CreateObject method that will allow the 'creation' of a text file rather than just over-writing a text file that already exists? I would use "month(date)", "day(date)","year(date)" to append to a text file name to keep it unique.

Below is what I currently use to create a text file. But any new information will only overwrite what is already contained in the text file. Code:

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Cookies: Favourite’s Websites

I'm trying to produce a custom favourite’s section for my site so that users can store links to their favourite’s websites.

I would like to use Cookies to do this rather than make the user log in and use a database.

I would like the user to be able to create as many links as they want and be able to edit and delete individual links.

I've managed to write a cookie for one link but having problems trying to work out how to add multiple links.....

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Update Websites Links In Access Db

I'm trying to update an Access db: if link is ok, then status=up else status=down, in a form with 3 fields: names, link, status:

Server.ScriptTimeout = 1500

Session.timeout = 1
If IsObject(Session("press_conn")) Then
Set conn = Session("press_conn")
Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") "press","",""
Set Session("press_conn") = conn
End If

sql = "SELECT names, status, link from websites order by names"
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.Open sql, conn, 3, 3

Dim GotothisURL

Do Until rs.EOF
GotothisURL = rs("link")
Set GetConnection = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
GetConnection.Open "get", GotothisURL, False
on error resume next
ResponsePage = GetConnection.responseText

if ResponsePage="" then
sql = "UPDATE (websites) set status=(offline) WHERE names = '"&rs("names")&"' AND link = '"&rs("link")&"'"
sql = "UPDATE (websites) set status=(online) WHERE names = '"&rs("names")&"' AND link = '"&rs("link")&"'"
end if

Set GetConnection = Nothing
Set ResponsePage = Nothing



set conn = nothing
set rs = nothing

I get no errors at all. The path to db is ok.

The script acts very very strange. On the first run, it seems that everything is ok, but the page freezes on half [the blue bar on bottom of browser]. If I'll stop the script, on the second run, the page loads very quick, but nothing happens.

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