Creating An XML Document Object In IIS 5.0 W2000 Professional Wkst

I am attempting to open an XML file in an asp on my personal IIS server. The
VBscript code is:

set xmlDoc = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xmlDoc.async = False

When I test for errors, I receive this message from the
xmlDoc.parseError.reason property:

reason: System error: -2146697210.

However when I run the same VBscript code on the client it successfully
opens the xml file and away we go. Is there something I need to load or
configure on the IIS server to enable XML DOM processing? What is causing
this error?

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Creating An XML Document In VBScript

The xml document I'm trying to create is in the wrong format.

<catalog><disc></disc><title>AVI 2</title></catalog>

Here is how it should look:

<catalog><disc><title>AVI 2</title></disc></catalog>


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Creating Word/excel Document

We have an application where the user fills out many screens and when
they are done, we are supposed to display the text they entered in a
word or excel format. That is fairly easily accomplished by changing
the content type in the response object.

On one of the screens where they enter data, they also have the
ability to upload a word document containing additional information.
This is also not a problem, and is working fine.

Now they have decided that when we create the document with all of the
text fields in it, they want to embed the word document that they
uploaded. Is this possible? I have been trying to find a way to do
this and so far haven't come up with anything.

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Creating Excel Object

I have an ASP page that create an Excel object.

xlsApp = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application");

It works fine when using under Administrator logon name but not under other users. Proper permissions have been given to IUSR_servername for all folders.what I am missing.

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Trouble Creating Object In Win 2000

I have an asp app that works fine on a windows xp machine but does not work
on a windows 2000 server.

I have the following code in my global.asa:


I get the following error when trying to run my app:

Active Server Pages (0x8002802B)
An error occurred while creating object 'MyID'

Initial searches pointed me towards a permissions error but I still can't
find the problem (everybody has full permission to the app folder).

Once agian it works on windows xp machines running IIS 5.1 but does not
works on win 2000 IIS 5.0. I think I've changed every setting in IIS but
still can't get it to work.

Any suggestions on what might be the problem or how I can troubleshoot this?

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W2000 Server Pro

I have recently loaded up a new Dell Server with Win2000 Server Pro Just a "standard install" IIS and FTP seem to be working fine.system32inetsrv seems to be populated, including asp.dll.the ASP and ASA files have the windows icon not the ASP icon the ASP file does not run it but bring up the "OPEN WITH?" menu.

Is ASP included with the standard W2000?I do not see it as a separate install on the CD.

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Creating A Database Object Using Passed Parameters

I have created a database connection function which I use to open my database connection and recordset and another to close it. Easy stuff I know. The problem is this.

I want to be able to create database conenctions and recordsets specifically when I call the function. For example Code:

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Script Works On W2000, But Not On W2003?

I'm an ASP beginner and did an application here locally on my IIS under W2000 Prof (SP4). Runs here completely great.

Now I wanted to place this application under a W2003 server online. Now always get the message:

Runtime error in Microsoft VBScript error '800a01a8'
object required: 'Application(...)'
/globalfunctions.asp, LINE 18

Funny, that line 18 in my globalfunctions.asp is empty. However I use the Application()-object in this file and the coputer seem not to find it. I read that it could have to do something with global.asa. I then created a global.asa and created the subs for the events but put no code inside. It changes however absolutely nothing.

What could I have still forgotten and why run it here locally? Possibly a rights problem?

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CDONTS Not Working On W2000 Server

I am trying to run a test sending mail using CDONTS on my W2K3 machine.

It works fine running from my WXP Pro, but I don't recieve the mail if
run the W2K3 machine.

Both machines have IIS configured essentially the same. Code:

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Jmail Professional

I'm developing a web site with email capabilities: I have tried the free version of Jmail, now I need Jmail Professional but still don't want to buy it before having the chance to try it....

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Most Valuable Professional.

Where can I find information about "most valuable professional"?
How do you get the MVP title??
I've heard that it's a pretty lucerative title ;)

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Win 2000 Professional + IE6 Problem

I have a simple .asp page with a text field and submit
button. When it runs on a Win 2000 Professional + IE6
client machine, and the .asp page is set "anonymous
access" only on IIS, the contents I entered to the text
field did not get submitted when I click the submit
button. If the setting is "Integrated Windows
Authentication" everything is fine. Has anyone had
experienced this problem?

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Session Variables On Win 2000 Professional

I recently had to reinstall windows 2000 professional due to a harddrive
crash, I downloaded all the newest updates, now I find that session
variables are not being kept from page to page as it had with older

If any else had this problem with IIs 5.0, frontpage 2002 server
extentions I would appreciate a tip. What I have found out so far is that
the session variables used with asp 3.0 are going away in favor of

This is a repost from another group, the server appears to be
configured correctly, and the application still works fine on the server it
is published on, the problem appears to be only on my development machine
after installing the sp4 update for windows 2000 Professional.

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Installing IIS Server On Windows Xp Professional

I have a computer where I installed windows xp professional. However, during installation, I did not choose the IIS server component. Now, I need to install the IIS Server.

At the moment, I am not carrying the windows xp CD. Is there any IIS server download for xp available in the web so that I can get a local web server up and running real quick?

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Setting Up MSDE 2000 Release A On Windows XP Professional

I recently downloaded and installed (hopefully correctly) MSDE 2000 Release
A. I previously, and still do, have the version of IIS that comes with XP
Professional installed on my computer. I wanted MSDE 2000 Release A so that
I could do database access using ASP from my websites, which are on my
computer. When I went to my first test website, I recieved the following

Error Type:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Neither DSN nor SERVER keyword supplied
/testDB.asp, line 26

The ASP code that I used on my web to connect to the database (which is
currently just an empty text file) is the following: Code:

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Source Code For Professional Active Server Pages 3.0

I got this book for some time. I need to download the source code for this
book. However, Wrox, the publisher, does not have download code for this
book. Could anybody suggest any site from where I can get the download of
source code for this book?

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JScript: Can't Programmatically Delete Cookies On Windows 2000 Professional

I persist the login info using cookies so that a user doesn't have to login every time they come to our website, unless they previously logged out. Everything works OK on W98 SE, and Windows XP Pro machines.

On a W2K machine, IE6.0.2800.1106 SP1, the following function won't delete cookies, or deletes them but they're mysterioulsy re-created when the web page is subsequently referenced. Therefore, a web user can't logout.

// ============================================
// remove login cookies
// ============================================
function KillLoginCookies ( )
Response.Cookies ( sCookieCustomerID ) = '';
Response.Cookies ( sCookieCustomerID ).Expires = '01/01/1980';
Response.Cookies ( sCookiePassword ) = '';
Response.Cookies ( sCookiePassword ).Expires = '01/01/1980';

What am I missing here?

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Arrays Of Dictionary Object Stored In An Object?

I'll admit my ASP skills are very rusty, and come seeking help.

I'm currently using a dictionary object to store a multi-dimensional array.

I want to pass this dictionary object to an object, which holds an array of dictionary objects.

However I'm finding that the array is not getting set, thus I'm having great issue with dynamically resizing the object's property for every new dictionary object I'm adding.

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Can VB Com Object Used By ASP Get Events Fired By An Internal Object?

I have a VC++ COM object which fires an event. I've written VB EXE apps against it and they receive the event notification.

I've now built a simple VB COM object which uses the VC++ COM object internally.

My question is, assuming the ASP page which loads the object does not immediately exit, will the VB COM object be able to receive the events from the internal object?

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Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object.

We are using .net 1.1 on windows 2003 server. This is we are facing in our
production server.

When we are doing the load testing we are getting the bellow error. While
the load testing this error is not coming frequently. When we run 20 threads
for 3 mins we are getting this error message 2 or 3 times. But this line of
code is executed by all the threads. Code:

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Recordset Object Vs Command Object

I want to open a recordset object on an .asp page. When I open the recordset I would like to use a stored procedure that expects a parameter to be passed for the stored procedure. I will then use the recordset to loop thru the recordset, update values from the recordset and then update the database by passing parmeters to another stored procedure.

I would like to use the recordset object but can it be used to pass a parameter to a stored procedure? Do I need to use a command object to open the records instead in
order to pass the parameter to a stored procedure?

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ASP In XSL Document

First of all, yes we are still using classic ASP, lol. I have a XSL
document that is reading in info from a XML file. I have to display
serveral server side dates on the page. Is there anyway to use ASP
code inside a XSL document.

I have tried the following.

<![CDATA[ <%=Date()%]]>

This does not work. In the view source the < and get changed to
&ls; and &gt;. Is this possible? Is there any other way to read a
server side date from this xsl page? If not I will have to re design
the hole page.

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XML Document

Is it possible to query the database using an ASP doc, then write the data to an XML document? The XML document is then going to pass the data as variables into a flash mx file, but the issue right now is just how to write to XML from an asp doc

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How To Get The Document Name In ASP

Is it possible to get the current document name (file name only) in ASP? When I load a document, i.e. /a/b/default.asp, I would like to be able to get the name of the document I'm currently loading (default.asp) to do some processing before displaying the contents.

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MS Word Document

I want to do a Ms Word document in a ASP page. I can do it, With the code lines:

Response.ContentType = "application/msword"
Response.AddHeader "content-disposition", "inline; filename=OrderFax.doc"
With these lines all document content show like a Word document.

But i can not change the MARGINS of this Word document.And Default
left/right margins are very bigs.

I try it, change the <body> attributes and with styles, but this don't work,
the margins are always the same.

How can i modify the margins of word document? I should do this with another method?
Can I modify PC client settings to change the defaults margins of word document create througt the web?

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Word Document

I'm currently working on an application that has to open word documents (word forms) and read and write data from/to it. But, unfortunately, the web server hasn't Word installed (my ISP...). Is there any other way to do that?
I'm currently investigating about working with rtf documents, but the syntax is turning me crazy!!! Any idea/dll/other way to do that?

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Document Title

I am writing a little ASP script that reads the URL and generates a navigable breadcrumb trail from it. It is highly dependant on the filename and folders being named appropriately and consistently.
However, what would be prefereable is for the file that you are currently reading to be generated in the breadcrumb base on the document <title> instead of the actual file name.
Is it possible in ASP to read a <title> attribute?
Naturally, the ASP script would be in the <body> of the document and as such the <title> would already have been written to the client.

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I am working on an asp page, where I need to set the title to a variable. I have tried
<% document.title = variableName %>
I even tried

<% response.write "<title> " & variableName & " </title>" %>
That doesn't work either. I need to set the title to a variable on a dymanic ASP page

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Word Document Via ASP

I've been looking (unsuccessfully) for a tutorial on creating Word documents from ASP. I know it can be done and have been able to find some references to various aspects of this, but nothing that spells out the process from beginning to end.

What I'm trying to accomplish is being able to generate a paper document using some information that is contained in an Access database. I have a ASP script that will generate the same info on the screen, but nothing that will put it on paper in a clean, professional format.

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Word Document

I am creating a word document from an asp page. I have no problems
actaully creating the document and creating some tables that have data
in them. I am using Response.ContentType = "application/"
to create the actual document. My problem is that I want to place a
picture (which resides on the server) into the word document as well.
However all I seem to get is the place for the image but a picture of
an "x" meaning that the picture is missing.

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Write An XML Document

If you wanted to create a dynamic XML file for Froogle bulk upload based on products from your database, is it possible?

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MSWord Document

I want to perform a full-text search for a lot of MSWord documents. So that I have to read the MSWord content and store it to the database. However, I cannot find any solution on it. What should I do if I want to perform a full-text search for these MSWord documents? or any alternative solution for me?

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Faxing Document In ASP?

is it possible to fax an document to another location in ASP? or is there any plugin avaliable?

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