Creating Session Variable

Working on a survey with results going into an Access (2002) database. Each survey-taker would be a new, unique entry in the survey-taker table, and the primary key is set as an autonumber.

The survey is several pages long, and I need a way for the autonumbered primary key to carry over to each page in order to keep the results together.Would creating a session variable tied to the primary key work, or am I going about this all wrong? If a session variable would work, how do I tie it to an autonumber?

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Creating A Variable Name

I have a txt file with content similar to below I want to read in each line do a split on the = and then create a variable with the name of the first value and the value of the second. I'm fine with the splitting etc but I haven't got a clue of how to set the variable name to the value on another variable?

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Creating A Variable

I need to create a variable after the first time a page has been run.Ok this is really for flash but the need is from the asp side.When the user visitsthe site the variable will either not exist or be set to 0.When the user goes back to the same page or any page then the variable will be set to 1.I dont wish to use a cookie, but I believe this can be done using maybe a session, or even the global.asa to detect one visit.Can anyone give some light into this request.

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Creating A Dynamic Variable

a way to view the contents of a variable. But That variable could be one of several variables. So, I would like to pass in the name of the variable as a string into a function, and pull out the contents of that variable.

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Creating Dynamic Variable Names In A Loop

I'm having a brain fart at the moment. Can someone tell me how to dynamically create variable names based on a loop counter?

for i = 1 to Num_Cart_Items
Item_Name & i = Request.Form("item_name" & i)
Item_Number & i = Request.Form("item_number" & i)
Desired result:

Item_Name1 = Test Product
Item_Number1 = 1234
Item_Name2 = Test Product 2
Item_Number2 = 2345

The problem is with the Item_Name & i..I used to know how to do this, but I can't remember or find any code that I did this with.

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Creating A Count Variable And Generating Forms In ASP

Im currently studying an HND in computing at uni and i am having a MARE of a time trying to work out my ASP as this is a major project and i tihnk i have thrown myself in at the deep end.

Basically what i want to do is Pull details up from a table in access but i want each row to be put into a seperate forms and make some of the fields that i have pulled from Access into text fields so that i can enter data into them and then save this data back into the table.

I figured that in order for me to do this i would need to firstly create a variable that i could include in the name of the form so that they are ames; Form1, form2, form 3 etc every time a new one is created. Code:

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Creating A Session Timeout

i have the following page that i need to create a session timeout for it, the page is admin.asp.the beginning of the code is as follows Code:

<%if not session("AdminOk")="true" then response.Redirect "login.asp" %>

how can i create the session timeout and where should i insert it.

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Why Outlook Creating Different SessionId For A Single Session

I am running my web application from with in Outlook.I found a strange
problem that it is creating different sessionId if i open a new window
using from with in my application.I am pulling my hair all
along but no solution so far.

my application works fine when i run this in IE.It is Outlook2003
causing the problem.

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Session Variable

I delete the files/cookies and clear history from the IE 6.0 browser and try to write in a text file use FSO but it dont write any thing in the file needs Code:

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Session Variable

I'm trying to set a session variable after displaying a form, then capture
the Session variable on postback. For some reason, the below code always
returns the form, not the "Step 2" results part.
What am I doing wrong? It's on a local network server, not on the web if
that matters.

'* Step 2: Display results
If Session("PageAction") = "view2" Then
Response.Write "Results"

'* Step 1: Display form

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ASP Session Variable

I have created a session variable.... and i have to write code to check for
this session for each ASP webpage in my website....Is there a alternative
I do not want to repeat the same code for valid session.... in each page..

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Session Variable

I first create a session variable 'client' in the login.asp file
The login.asp file opens a file (xxx.asp) with an include file
If I write
<!--#include file="../../../data/" & session("client") &
I have a message stating that the application can't find the file.

If I write the path without the variable (" & session("client") & ")
<!--#include file="../../../data/eurovini/"-->
it works without any problem.

- is there is an error in the syntax?
- is it possible to include this kind of variable in an include file.
And if not, any idea to get the same result?

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Session Variable

I'm new and I hope I explain this correctly.I have a products page which populate products dynamically with checkboxes. when the form is submitted, I check for selected boxes using the split(). My problem is, products page submits the form to client.asp, and within that page is client info. then the client page is submitted to confirmOrders.asp, which will display client info, and products selected. the split() works fine within the client.asp page. I'm trying to assign the checkboxs to a Session variable and use it on confirmOrder.asp. Then display the session variable on confirmOrders.asp page. I know I can do everything in one shot with confirmOrders.asp, but the client wants to display the client.asp page then the latter. hmm...hope this makes sense.

Session("myarray") = Request.Form("chkproduct")

strP = Session("myarray")
p_Array = Split(strP,",")
For i = 0 to UBound(p_Array)
Response.Write p_Array(i) & "<br>"

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Session Variable

Is there a simple way to store session variable on the client-side
javascript or retrieve the value of the session variable from the
server-side session("variable") script onto the client-side script?
I want to keep the value of user entry on the text field of an html form
after refreshing.

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Session Variable

I have variables declared like this:

<p class = "hide">
<input type="text" name="nameVal" value="">

How do I make the "nameVal" as Session variable?

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Session Variable

Quit simple: I try to make a session variable on a hiddenframe like:

document.contexthiddenform.URLattach.value = URLvar; = 'hiddenframe';
document.contexthiddenform.action = 'context_hiddenframe.asp';
session("sesURLattach") = Request("URLattach")

Response.Write "<script>" & vbcrlf
Response.Write "alert('" & session("sesURLattach") & "');" & vbcrlf
Response.Write "alert('" & Session.Timeout & "');" & vbcrlf
Response.Write "</script>" & vbcrlf

The value of session variable is shown and the timeout value (60) shown as well. But immediately I get the error message "a timeout has been occurred, you have to log in again". If I make the highlighted sentence comment then I don't get the error.

Has somebody an idea why I receive immediately the timeout error?

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Session Variable

A user field called 'Custom1' exists in my data base. This user field is used to hold a URL path to a custom download page for clients. Each client has their own unique URL which directs them to specific locations.What would the proper format be for the variable:


to be able to be displayed as a hyperlink with the label: "DOWNLOADS" while at the same time sending the current user to the 'value' / 'path' to which the Custom1 field contains? I am not an advanced coder and am just starting out with basics.

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Session Variable

I assume that mostly,asp programmers use their own session variable to know whether a user is to be considered is-logged-on(together with a home-written log-on form web page).

However, I wonder if there is a convention for the name of such a variable?And does asp/iis have a built-in is-logged-on status variable? For example when IIS is to render a normal html page with an acl that invokes a basic authentication, can I as an asp programmer make use of that status variable, and can I write to it to force a logout programatically?

So, this is not about it there is a session as such, it is about beeing logge-on inside an asp-session. I've looked around but haven't found any good info on this.

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Session Variable

I have drop down for selection of council - it is then passed to a session variable - it works fine to display the variable, but when I put it into a hidden field, if the value was Milwaukee it is fine, but if the value was Green Hills, it only puts Green in the hidden field. How can I fix this - I need it to put Green Hills in the hidden field.

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Session Variable

when a session variable is declared,how long does that variable last?this isn't coming out of the global.asa.i'm pulling a field out of a db and declaring it with session(whatever)=whatever and then calling it out on the page.

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Session Variable

i don't know where else to go, if there is a better or more appropriate forum for this question please let me know.

I have just moved to another isp host and some of my pages use session variables. I have a session variable, amongst others that hold the username and customer number to display data. The session variable value keeps disappearing giving me ADODB.Fielderror '800a0bcd' errors.

If i hot the refresh button a few times the session variable data comes back. Somebody please tell me they've experienced this 'cos i'm losing my mind ! I've updated the page to show the variable, and it does and i've removed underscores from filenames (apparently a possible problem with IIS 6)

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Session Variable

i'm using the dundas freelib upload code to upload files in my website. when the user choses to upload a file a new window is opened and the upload procedure goes fine and the file is uploaded successfully. but the problem is the i want to know the name of the file in the parent window to save it in the database.

i tried to use a session variable which contains the name of the file but it dosen't work. the parent window contains a form which is used to insert new data in the database so i can't use the upload window to insert the filename in the database.

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Asp Variable Session

i don't know how to retreive the session variable from the previious page..i have also problem querystring application because the browser execute very slowly..and sometimes page will not be displayed.

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Session Variable

I need to create an array with a session variable. According to my book, the following should work,. but if fails

for each key in request.QueryString
if left(key,6) = "cboRun" then
iIndex = cint(mid (key,7))
response.Write(iIndex & "<br>")
end if

it is the (iIndex) part which fails. If I remove this, then I can create a
single session variable.

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Session Variable

i m receiving username from the user using form's post method (request.form("username"))and then created session variable as follow..


username = request.form("username")
session("username") = username

on other page i get username from session variable as follow.


username = session("username")

this workes fine when i run it on the same PC that is hosting my page(on which IIS is running)..however problem arises when i request page through different PC in the LAN.Nothing is assigned to variable username.

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Session Variable

Can I prevent session varaible shared by the new opened browser? For example, if the user has login and viewing a page, when he opens another browser, the user has to login again if he want to veiw the same page in the new browser.

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Session Variable Or Cookie

First, I like to know if I can specify how long a session variable could expire?

I am having problem with user logged in period when using session variable.

When I logged in and go away from keyboard for like 10mins. By then I have to login again in order to post or any website features that requires login.

I have not yet create a cookie for the user when they are login.

What is the proper way of doing it?

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Passing Session Variable

Im trying to pass the 'month' variable which is a session variable from one page to another. It manage to appear on the other page in a textbox but when I try to pass it to the recordset, it fails. Can I know why?? This is the page which I'm passing the variable to. Code:

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ASP Session Variable Manipulation

I was wondering if there is a way to "trim" the session value in ASP. I know that "trim" takes the spaces but what I want is to shorten the actual txt. For Example I have a Session.MM_Username.

This session return the users email address because I am using this as there username for when they log in. Is is possible to only return the characters before the "@" symbol? when they log in I want the user to see "Welcome abc" not
see their email address .

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Displaying Session Variable

I am storing my site name as a variable in global.asa. I am trying to retrieve it and use it in a page title. The following is what I am using.

<% title="Homes in "& session("communityName") & ", " & session("cityName") & " | Online Resources" %>

I can use Code:

<%= Session ( "communityName" ) %>

anywhere in the body and it works. So I know that the variable is not empty.

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Session Variable Not Updated

I'm unable to update a session variable
btween pages. I can read them after I set in global.asa
and I can change its value within the same script but when
I go to another page, the session variable remains

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Session Variable To Database

Does anyone know how to update a session variable to the database.

I can get the session variable to appear on the screen but I can't seem to get it to be send to the database using a form and hidden fields. Does anyone know how to go about this. What do I need to do to maken it work. I'm using ASP/ VBScript & an access database.

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Session Variable Array

I have a declared a session variable array. I want to create an array in my client side vbscript with the same values. I know you can set an array in server side script equal to the session variable array.

AryDocCache() = Session("DocCache")

How do you set an array in client side script equal to the session variable array?

I know this does not work.
AryDocCache()= <%=Session ("DocCache")%>

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