Crystal Report 8 From Asp

Is there anyway to set the number of copies in crystal report viewer from asp.
like Printout function but what i need is that the report also to be displayed. So when the user click on the print button in the crystal viewer ,he doesnt have enter the number of copies coz that will be mentioned through...

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Crystal Report

i want to connect crystal report with asp .but i don't no how
plz tell me with example and web link where i can see?
is there any more option of reporting with asp other then crystal report?

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Crystal Report

all does any body know??how to run a crystal report in ASP..I found many sites but it is all on ASP.Net

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Using Crystal Report In Asp

How can i include crystal report in ASP?

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Crystal Report And ASP

I am new to the world of ASP. Yes, I have created some asp
pages, for our organization. My Server configuration:
Windows NT 4 SP6, IIS Installed. Now, i want to link my
asp pages to one of my crystal report which i have
designed using CR9. I have searched all over for finding a
solution, but I could not. Please help me what are the
steps i should do to call my testreport.rpt through my
test.asp program.

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Crystal Report

I have develop a crystal report in localhost.
But I dun't how to put in to the server.
we only need to Install the crystal report in the server?
and share the folder then it will able to run ??

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Crystal Report

I've got an ASP application on a server. It has some reports , but they're not that nice. They are usually just printing from the form, nothing fancy. I am looking at Crystal reports as an option. Do I have to have Crystal reports installed on the server for this to work? I am assuming I do.I was going to build it locally , then copy it to the server.

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Crystal Report 9.0

i need generate reports using data from database.with Crystal report 9.0 and asp.

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ASP Crystal Report

Does anyone know how to pass an ADO recordset to Crystal report for subreport?
I was able to pass ADO recordset for main report but have no idea how to do the same for subreport

Here's the code that i used for passing ADO recordset for Main report:
Session("oClientDoc").DatabaseController.setDataSource session("oRs"), Session("oClientDoc").Database.Tables.Item(0).Alias, "ADORecordset"

I tried to use code below but it didn't work
Session("oClientDoc").SubReportController.setDataSource session("oSubRs"), Session("oClientDoc").SubreportController.GetSubreportDatabase.Tables(0).Alias, "ADORecordset"

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Use Crystal Report

I want to use asp to preview a crystal report.

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Crystal Report

give me a Guide to Use crystal report with ASP, I have read a book but not yet understandtand....i need some simple example to guide me trough the rest

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Use Crystal Report In Asp

I want to use crystal report in my asp application can u give me idea how to use crystal report in asp?]

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Crystal Report

there's an issue which required me to make use of the PrintDOcument Object to print this crystal report..Instead of the pre defined printer button on the crystal report viewer.Can anyone teach me HOW to print crystal report using the print document??it just seems to can't capture the crystal report for printing.. ANd how do i make use of the PrintPage Event?

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Crystal Report 7

I installed crystal report 7 and was trying the aps samples that come along with cr7.

I encounter following error

20535 Unable to connect: incorrect session parameters

The error occurs when readrecords() is called. The report works fine in crystal report designer. I can preview the reports as well, but the above mentioned error is generated when called via the web.

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Crystal Report

I'm using Crystal Report 9 and classic ASP. I've found an example to make a dynamic query, with the "SQLQueryString" property. The example use a DB Access and it works fine.

I've tried to use the same syntax connecting to Oracle, and it seems that my statement SQL is ignored (it just select all records, without conditions) What's wrong with it?

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Crystal Report 9

We convert Crystal Report 8 (CR8) to CR9, the interface looks great with tree view, search...functions but its retrieval records from database (Access) quite long comparing to its CR8--does any body know why?

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Use Crystal Report

how to use crystal report in asp with a sample code.

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Using Crystal Report

How can i use crystal report in ASP while i don't want to use a table for it , i want to do it using SQL query.

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ASP And Crystal Report

I am new in Crystal report and I would like to know how can 1 asp page link to crystal report? I got the rpt file then what can I do to make it show in ASP page?

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Crystal Report 8.5

I have been trying to call a crystal report from an ASP page.
I pass the stored procedure parameter in the Query string. Read that
in the Reports.asp page. Instatantiate the Crystal report and pass the
parameter. But nothing comes up. I get the following error:

-2147189176An Error has occured on the server in attempting to access
the data source

My code is based on the samples page that come with Crystal. I have
had it working earlier on a diiferent project. Can't figure out, why
it is not working on this one.

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Crystal Report

Using a simple page with a crystal report on it. Loading from IIS using Integrated Secruity in the reports connection string it populates the report in the browser.

What User ID and password is Crystal Report using to get permission to access the database? I created a simple page with a data grid using integrated security. It gives an error that it's not a trusted user.

My understanding is the IUSR user ID and password must be on the domain and on the SQL server to get the data but how is the Crystal Report working? In other words how is IIS 5.1 be getting data for a Crystal Report but can't for a data grid.

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Crystal Report

I am developping a web-based application using asp for a whole sale company. The application envolves lots of reports. I want to use Crystal Report. Would you please let me know which version(standard, Professional, Developer or Server) should I have at least?

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Crystal Report

Crystal Report is not opening in client machine. can u tell me how to register crystal report dlls in client machine.

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Crystal Report

how can I do for generate dynamics crystal reports from an ASP application? My application generate dynamically queries to a DB and returns de data into a XML format. I have an infinite number of possible responses, and for this reason I can’t define one repot for each possible response. So, I need generate an RPT file dynamically.

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Calling Crystal Report 9 From Asp

i want to call crystal report version 9 from my asp applications,
earlier we had used crystal report version 7 using crystal report viewer

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Crystal Report 8.5 Error

I am using Crystal Report 8.5 and extract sample crystal report 8.5 (aspxmps85).
I am running SimpleSQLQueryString and using SmartViewerActiveX.asp for preview report. There was error when I try to export preview report in word and excel destination. For Excel destination there was comment “CRAXDRT Error Occurred on Server. -21471905 48 : Missing or out of date export DLL”
I have installed all the service pack and all then monthly update pack for Crystal Report 8.5 and Crystal Report Enterprise 8.5. I don’t know which wrong the script in rptserver.asp or there is another update pack that I am not yet install. The Script for export to excel and word in rptserver.asp like this: Code:

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Crystal Report Generation

Can anyone here suggest me a solution to solve my follwoing problem?

1) I got a .aspx page and on that page i got a combo box and a command button.
Combo box displays records from the database.

I wanted to generate a report which is based on the record that user selects from the combo. The report is designed using crystal report correctly and saved in Inetpub
folder... Code:

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Accessing Crystal Report 10 From ASP.

I have developed a report in Crystal Report 10 and I am trying to display it from ASP. It is displaying a blank page with the following error in the bottom of the page.

Error Occurred Reading Records: -2147189176 Logon failed. Details: ADO Error Code: 0x80040e4d Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Description: Login failed for user 'sa'. SQL State: 42000 Native Error: 18456

Could any one please help me in resolving this problem? Code:

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Calling Crystal Report

I want to call crystal report from asp page. Anybody help me for this? with sample code.

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Connecting ASP To Crystal Report

I want to create a report using Crystal Report and accesing it through ASP pages, anyone ever make something like this? Or where I could find some code similar to this?

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Display Crystal Report 7.0 Through ASP 3.0

I need to display the reports developed in crystal reports 7.0 through ASP 3.0. the report is located on the server along with the .asp files. the reports needs to be displayed accross the network (intranet/internet).

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How To Add Columns In Crystal Report

I want to create a report with 4 fields( employe ID, emp name, DOB,age).

out of this 4 , record for 1st three flds i m getting from table in my data base, and the 4th fld that is age ....i m calculataing that in my code behind.

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Crystal Report 7. Subreport

The vb6 code uses a method 'subreportToChange' of the report object. Where as the method is not available in the report object under ASP. I'm using the 'Crystal.CRPE.Application' to create CR application object in asp.

vb6 code snippet:

CR1.SubreportToChange = "detail"
CR1.Connect = "DSN = ...the dns goes here....."
CR1.SubreportToChange = ""

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