Currency Data Types

Why am I only able to create 60 currency type fields in Access 2002 (Build 10.4302.6735) SP3?
If I try to create more than 60 Currency type fields, I will get an error that says, "Too Many Fields Defined. Errors were encountered during the save operation. Data types were not changed."
What if I need more currency type fields - like about 32 more? Do I need to create two separate related tables?

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Data Types

does the data type varchar allow numbers and characters, or just one, also if this does not allow both numbers and characters what data type can i use to do this.

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i have a problem with the data types im using right now... because i set my data type to text ang number of characters allowd is 50, what happens is everytime i entered a data that is less than 50 characters and if i displayed it the remianing blank spaces that hasnt been cosumed is displayed.
anyone here got an idea how i can control this? is this a data type problem? i cant set my data type lesser.

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Querystring Data Types

I have a form with 3 submit buttons that uses Javascript to determine which of the three buttons were pressed, appends the appropriate querystring to the end of the action value of the form before submitting it. eg

if add was clicked then the action would be; process.asp?query=add

Inside process.asp I have a switch statement that should check the value of the querystring and execute the appropriate SQL query. Here is the code:

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ASP SQL Query Error With Data Types

I am trying to use a query to filter SQL Server 2000 records by a date

Here is relevant columns in my database table (tblContent):

title [nvarchar]
starting [smalldatetime]

.... and here is my query:

Query = "SELECT title FROM tblContent WHERE starting = '" & date & "'"

I've done exactly this query on numberous occassions in the past with no
problems at all but this time I get the following error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E07)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The conversion of char data
type to smalldatetime data type resulted in an out-of-range smalldatetime

What on earth is going on? I'm not using a char data type anywhere! I am
doing all the initial development locally and I have just installed XP
Service Pack 2. I realise it's unlikely, but that's the only thing I can
possibly attribute it to. Or am I just missing something obvious?

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Data Types And Export To Excel From ASP Page

My asp/sql server application gets an error, but only when you use the
Excel export option:

<% Response.ContentType="application/" %> (very popular w/

I think somebody entered a string of characters that Excel does not

So I believe (but not sure) some character(s) in a Ntext sql server
field "desc_text" is confusing the Excel file and causing it to error
(and crashes Excel)

So far, I have attempted three fixes with no success

1) Tried to convert the data type in the SQL query:
CAST(sr.desc_text AS VARCHAR(255))

2) Tried to convert the data type in the vbscript:
<% desc_text1 = Cstr(rs.fields.item("desc_text").value)%>

3) Tried append an apostrophe to the beginning of the field so that
Excel would not read it as a formula. (this might have worked, but
Excel does not treat an apostrophe the same from an export as it does
if you typed it in directly)

<%response.write "'"%> <% response.write desc_text1%>

Soliciting all ideas!

Also, if you have any ideas on how to isolate and identify the
specific record and character(s) that is causing the error, that would
be great. I have it narrowed down to a record set of 600 records, and
the error occurs if I include beyond the 130th character position. The
problem does not occur if I use CAST(sr.desc_text AS VARCHAR(129))

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I came across the following question at a website but unfortunately the answer wasn't accompanying it:

What are the special sub-types in VBScript?

What's the answer to the above question?

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Types In ASP, Is It Possible?

I am writing a basic tournament submit site for a poker tournamen
group I am in. The situation is we want to use code to calculate wha
we owe other members at the end of the week. The way I figured to d
this is read from the database and store tournament numbers in an arra
then run a query for each tournament and cycle through the tournamen
data assigning the information where needed. I can not find if you ca
or how you can use a Typedef in ASP. Pretty much I want to create
type then make an array of that type. ie: Code:

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Cursor Types

the cursor types and lock types while opening the recordset.

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PWS And MIME Types

I'm running PWS on a Windows ME machine to do some WAP development. I need to set up some mime types so that PWS can deal with .wml .wbmp and .wmls WAP files.

I'm told this can be done by either via the Folder Options -> File Types from a Windows Explorer or by editing the registry. I've tried both of these but to no avail.

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Types Of Users On My Forums

Assume I have three types of users.
Type I can only Read Posts.
Type II can Read and Edit. And
Type III can Read, Edit and Delete Posts.

Now to manage this, do I need to make three different users in my DB or should I just use ASP to determine that what permissions should every user have. For example, Type I users will not have the edit and delete button on thier screens and Type II users won't have delete button on their screens and Type three would have all three buttons.

Even if I make different users in my DB (assuming it's necessary for security), so how would I determine that what connection string should I connect a specific user with since we have to give the user name and password on the ADODB connection string?

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Database Field Types

I pass a table name into my program dynamically. I could display the data by looping through the object.Fields for both the field name and the field data using object.GetRows.
What I have not figured out is if there is a way to figure out from the Fields what type of field (ie. Numeric, Text) it is.
Certainly I could check the actual data once it is read, but is there a way to figure out the field type without doing that? Perhaps an object property of a recordset that I am not familiar with?

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Sorting Document Types

I'm currently using a document upload script and saving the filename to a database field as such: Code:

RS("Title") = Form("SourceFile").FileName

What I'm trying to do is evaluate that files type (ie. doc, xls, txt...) and fill in another database field with just the document type or a variable representing it. Is there a way to just strip off the last three letters of the form input and save that seperately?

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Downloading Known Mime Types

I have a selection of MP3's on my website, (non-copyrighted of course), I have an asp page that list the directory of MP3's which then provides a link to another ASP page to force download the file.

Response.AddHeader "content-disposition","attachment; filename=" & Request.QueryString("fname") & ""

Up until the weekend just gone, this worked fine, but now it only downloads a 0 byte file.

Obviously my code hasn't changed, so has anyone any other ideas whats gone wrong or another way the force download of a known mime type can be acheived.

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How Browsers (IE) Understand File Types.

1) I have the following html code on the server:


<A HREF = http://MyServer/MyDoc.doc> Click here to see the document</A>

When I click on the link How Internet Explorer understand that it's a Word
Document and It's necessary open it with Microsoft Word ? Is The extension
to give the necessary information to Internet Explorer ?
Where does IE look for the application to use to open the file on the server
? On the local registry ?

I have tried to rename Mydoc.doc in MyDoc.pdf and I have called

http://MyServer/MyDoc.pdf and the browser has opened Acrobat Reader but the
binary format is for Microsoft Word.

Does the Browser User an Http_Header sended automatically ? (for example

2)Now I have the following link:


It returns the binary data of MyDoc.doc file. Now I want to say to the
browser that the file is called MyDoc.doc (I don't want to use Content Type
= ms-application/msword) : is there a header to say this to Internet
Explorer ?

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Passing Correct Value Types From ASP/VBScript To VB/DLL

I'm getting an error on my ASP page:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'
Type mismatch: 'StoreFileIntoField'

I assume - 99.5% - the error is generated because of worng value types,
I attemp to pass from my ASP/VBScript page to the VB/DLL function.

My relevant ASP/VBScript Code:

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Passing Correct Value Types From ASP/VBScript To VB/DLL

I'm getting an error on my ASP page:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'
Type mismatch: 'StoreFileIntoField'

I assume - 99.5% - the error is generated because of worng value types,
I attemp to pass from my ASP/VBScript page to the VB/DLL function.

My relevant ASP/VBScript Code is:

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Converting String Types In Stored Procedure

I have the following stored procedure:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GET_CategoryCurrentNewsList]
@Category VARCHAR


SELECT dbo.News_Joined.NewsTitle, dbo.News_Joined.NewsID
FROM dbo.News_Joined
WHERE (dbo.News_Joined.StartDate <= GETDATE()) AND (dbo.News_Joined.EndDate >= GETDATE()) AND (dbo.News_Joined.CategoryID IN (@Category))


dbo.news_Joined.CategoryID is an INT, and @Category is a string such as (1000, 1010, 1020). However, no results are returned. I figured I had to do something to do some string conversions from INT to VARCHAR or something, but I can't use CSTR. I do not know how many numbers will be passed to @Category, so making seperate variables isn't an option.

Any ideas???

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How To Deal With Multiple MIME Types In ASP Pages

How to display this str in a proper format accordingly to the MIME type specified in side the str? Code:

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ASP Currency Converter

I have a web page which displays various data reports. One field displays £GBP. I would like to display the conversion to $ next to it, i.e.

Charge £100 ($172)

Is there anywhere I can link to for this info, or do I have to enter the exchange rate myself in a db field and do the calc in a script?

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Date And Currency

i have a little problem that i can't fix, in the Regional option of the Win2k server control panel i have set the Euro currency and the date format with dd/mm/yyyy but all the peoples that use a simple asp script like asp ASP date(), get the $ currency and the Usa date as mm/dd/yyyy, do you know where can i change this on the server?

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Format Currency In ASP?

Is there an easy way to format a number into a currency display style eg:

I have this set in my Access database on the field but my asp produces:

Is there perhaps a formatCurrency command or something like that in ASP?

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ASP Currency Issue

i have a textbox where a user enters a number when he submits that page i want to show the number entered as currency:

say for example he entered 12

next page i want to show $12.00

i did this:

txtprice=Cast(txtprice AS MONEY)

but its throwing an error

any idea how to work this out

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Currency Number

I have a ASP shopping cart system and sell expensive products that can push the total purchase price over $1000. If the invoice total is more than $999.99... say $1010.00, it passes a value of $1.00 instead of $1010.00. Anything under $999.00 get processed just fine. Of course, say's it's my code and not their system.
Is there a limit to FormatCurrency that would cause it to trim the value? I'm not quite sure where to begin looking but my "hidden x_amount" value thats passed along to the gateway is using FormatCurrency.

<input type="HIDDEN" name="x_amount" value='<% = FormatCurrency(Request("GrandTotal"))%>'>
Looking at it just know I noticed that the x_amount value is enclosed in ' ' instead of " "... could the comma in the currency value $1,010.00 be ending the code? It happened to some of my product drescriptions that had a comma. Changed it to " " and all was well.

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Problem With Currency

i have a database where the price is in pounds for my products,

on my localhost it comes up in pounds, groovy

however, on my web server it comes up in dollars (not so groovy) how can i solve this problem ( preferably not by getting a new server ;-)

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Currency Format

I want to format a number in one of me text boxes as a currency, I tried CCur but this didn;t work.

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Currency Conversion

im looking for some code that will convert an inputted amount in sterling to a number of different currencies.i presume i will have a text box and a series of radio buttons that a user will choose for another currency then a button to initiate the code to convert.
Could it do the currency symbol also? ie £ > $

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Currency Sign

I have a problem with an ASP page pulling data from a SQL2000 server. Expected behaviour is that when prices are displayed they are displayed in pounds as this is the default locale of the server. However they are displayed in dollars.

I've checked the default locale and the user locale of the (windows 2000) server and these are both British english. The language for the SQL user is also British english. Are there any other setting that could affect this?

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Format Currency

when I read a float number from my sql database and use format currency to to display it it always puts a question mark before it. why it does this? I've checked the value in the database. response.write on the value itself.

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Show To Currency

I want to show the currency like that xxx.00. In my database, i already set the type of column which i want to show to currency. However, the currency can no be shown as my expect. It only show like that XXX..

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Currency Rate

I am writing a script than connects to my database and pulls prices in pounds, does anyone know how I can get the current exchange rate so I can have a dual currency on my site. I would like to have prices in say pounds & euros.

Is there a site that my website can connect to, to retrieve the current daily exchange rate.

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Currency Converter

i am a web designer, and very new to programming. I have a project to create a website for a Bank and i have to include a currency converter in it. I just dont know how to make it.

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Currency Symbol

Wondering if anyone can help me with this annoying problem. I want to display a (£) on an ASP page, but it keeps putting a J instead. I've tried formatcurrency on the variable that it displays, but still comes up as a J and I've tried changing session.LCID to 2057. Still shows a J.

If you check View Source it shows the £ but it shows as a J on the page. If you check on IE under View... Encoding it comes up as Cyrillic (Windows) and if you change this to Western European (Windows) the page refreshes and shows fine; £ signs come up. But, as soon as you click on a link, it reverts back to Cyrillic.

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