Custom Date Formatting In ASP

I would like to generate a custom date format for my ASP output ... i.e.: "5 Apr 06" instead of the "05 April 2006" that the British English 2057 LCID automatically gives me. In other words, I would like a 3 digit month and two digit year.

The code on my page reads as follows now ...

<%= DoDateTime((Recordset1.Fields.Item("StartDate").Value), 1, 2057) %>

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Date Formatting

i have a date in the following format: 12/1/2003

how do i reference just the 'day' portion of this date - in other words '1'

if the date was 12/10/2003, then i would just want the '10'

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Date Formatting

I am trying to display dates in a spreadsheet, but the dates need to be in a
format that will allow them to be sorted in Excel. The datatype in the SQL
Server database is datetime. In this case, I need to display the date only,
not the time. But I don't want to change the datatype in the database
because the time is used in other places.

So what I am doing is pulling it out of the database, then modifying it in
ASP/VBScript by using the datevalue function. This results in values such as
3/31/2006, 4/3/2006, and 4/14/2006. The problem is, the ones with the
single digit date (4/3/2006 in the sample data I just listed) messes up
Excel's sorting capabilities. How can I force the dates to display in a
2-digit date format? It would probably be good to do the same for the month.

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Date Formatting

does anybody know if you can change the format of
a date from the us version 10/20/04 to the european way

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Date Formatting

I currently am showing Todays date on the page as follows:

I would like to show it in Day of Week, Month, Date, Year which normally I would
show like this: <%=FormatDateTime(rstemp("StrDate"),1)%> where StrDate is a date/time field name.I want to do something like that with <%=Date()%>. Is there a way to do this?I am also using this to show Tomrrow's date also:

<%=Date() + 1%>

Again, I also want to show the date the same way.

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Date Formatting

I know I could write one, but is there a built-in VBScript/ASP function to take a date, which is in the format mm/dd/yyyy, and put it in a yymmdd format?

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Formatting The Date In Asp

I've got ASP to display the date in the format mm/dd/yy - i'm assuming thats the default value for date(). how to format that so it is in the form dd/mm/yy ? Or is ASP just returning the date format from however it is configured on the web server?

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Date Formatting

how can I format date that always return in fixed width. for example..

if the date is 1st jan, 2003..

it should return 01/01/2003 not 1/1/2003.i need date format always in 10 characters.

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Formatting A Date

I have the following at the top of my page :

Session.LCID = 2057 'UK

which sets local date/currency settings to UK. But despite this, a date entered as "28/01/1999" and stored in Access as "28/01/1999" is displayed as "01/28/1999". I haven't a clue whats happening.

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Date Formatting

I have a client that wants a time field to resolve to 7:00 PM rather
than 7:00:00 PM (wants the seconds gone). vbLongTime provides the
later but vbShortTime produces a 24 hour version or 19:00. Any

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Date Formatting

How do I perform the VB : format(now,"yyyy-mm-dd") in vbscript. It seems not to like 'format' ..

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Formatting The Date

I'm formatting the time that I'm storing. I'm trying to use:

riTimeIn = FormatDateTime(("timein"),3)

The problem is, since i'm using an insert i'm not using any recordset, so the code will not work. It will work like this (riTimeIn = FormatDateTime(rsdata("timein"),3) with the recordset. Do I just create a recordset.? Or is there away to get it to work without it?

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Formatting The Date

I currently drag in a date stored as dd/mm/yy in my access database into a recordset and subsequently onto my asp page. What I want to do is format that string so that it returns to the html code - could somebody could help me out here?

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Formatting Date

I have a question regarding the date format. I am using an Access database as the backend. In Access there are only two formats, short and long.

Is there anyway to display the long date but without the day of week spelt out? In other words, I want January 24, 2006 and NOT Tuesday, January 24, 2006.

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Formatting The Date

I have a field in my mysql database that is configured as 'DATETIME' and '0000-00-00 00:00', which i populate using the 'NOW() function, this returns a date in the format

2004-09-18 22:08:26

I would like to have this displayed in my web page as

Tuesday, 18th September 2004 at 10:08 pm (or something very similar)

How would I go about doing this?

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Date Formatting

The dates stored in my database are in dd/mmm/yyyy format but when it displays on the browser, it changed to mm/dd/yyyy format. Does anyone know what had went wrong??

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Date Formatting In Oracle/ASP

I'm returning a date (5th Jan 2004) from Oracle using the
following query:

select TO_CHAR(invoice_date,'DD/MM/YYYY') from...

This should return my date in the UK format, and it
certainly appears to be doing just that in Toad. And it
also looks correct in my form as it shows as:


However when I submit my form I am having to convert the
date to an Oracle format using this function: Code:

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Formatting Date Change How Can It Possible

I'm currently entering the date into my date field using the now()
function, which delivers this result: 2/2/2004 9:08:09 AM which is
fine for some cases.

However, when retreiving this result, sometimes I'd just like to pull
up the first part, such as the 2/2/2004 and cut out the rest. How do
I take this date output, and format it to show only what I want? I'm
writing all this in ASP.

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Time/Date Formatting

I am having a little bit of trouble converting some time/date formatting.

I am retreiving it from an existing database we have (MS SQL) with
"SELECT * from table"

It is in this format "01/02/2005 13:31:00"

I need to convert this to the format to YYYY-MM-DD e.g "2005-02-08"

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Perhaps some sort of more advanced sql query, or ASP scripting.

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Insert And Date Formatting

i am having with my classifieds ads site, i am using Access. I little info first: every ad that is posted automatically includes the date it was placed, and on the actual ad page it shows when the user posted the ad and when it will expire.

the script always displays all date formats as so: mm/dd/yy however after using the following code in my asp files: session.lcid = 2057 it formats all prevouis ads like this: dd/mm/yy and that is what i wanted. Now here comes to the problem after inserting the above code every new ad that is posted on the site still shows the mm/dd/yy (us format) and i do not understand why.

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Date/Time Formatting Of Now()

how i can format a date/time field from an access db, so it displays the date followed by just the hours and minutes of the time and not the seconds. The information is stored in the db using Now() so it contains the date and the time. I want it to show dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm .

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Formatting A Date Into Yyyymmdd

Is there a quick way to format a string in this format yyyymmdd in ASP / vbscript? I want this format because I want to pass the formatted date to a SQL Store procedure for a query on searching for date. The type of input could be something like 611974 (aka 6th January 1974) or 2091980 (aka 20th September 1980).

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Formatting Date & Time In VbScript

I'm passing the current date and time to a DATETIME coloumn in my database and it's so far proved very finicky about what format it will accept. It seems to want it like so:

yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

I'm not sure but I think it will only accept the '24 hour' time. (Military time; ie. 17:58:23) The following line of code works and the database will accept it:


Year(Date) & "-" & Month(Date) & "-" & Day(date) & " " & FormatDateTime(Time,4) & ":" & Second(Time)

But it seems like an awful waste of declarations. Can anyone suggest a sleeker way of getting the date & time formatted so the database will accept it? Or if you're familiar with the MySQL DATETIME type, let me know the best acceptable way to pass this info.

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Easy Date Formatting Question

I have a variable that represents a standard mm/dd/yyyy date , but i want to change it to just October 6


datepart("m","d" , mydatevariable)


....doesnt work.

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Formatting Date Incorrect Code

I have two dynamic listboxes.One is a date and needs formatting.I am using DWMX and therefore used the format function within the dynamic listbox wizard.When I run the page the listbox without formatting is ok, but the date listbox returns the following:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'. Type Mismatch 'DoDateTime' /admincontacts.asp, line 189

Line 189 is the following:

<option value="<%=(rsAdmin.Fields.Item("Date_Added").Value)%>" <%If (Not isNull(DoDateTime((rsAdmin.Fields.Item("Date_Added").Value), 1, 4105))) Then If (CStr(rsAdmin.Fields.Item("Date_Added").Value) = CStr(DoDateTime((rsAdmin.Fields.Item("Date_Added").Value), 1, 4105))) Then Response.Write("SELECTED") : Response.Write("")%> ><%=(rsAdmin.Fields.Item("Date_Added").Value)%></option>

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Formatting Date Field From Access Database

I am pulling legislation information and expiry dates from an access database and posting to the web. The expiry dates in access are formatted as Month Day, Year (EG.. January 1, 2006) But when they are pulled from the database to the web, they come out as 01/01/06. I know that the format we have in access is simply a mask, however we require that format be carried through.

This is likely a simple solution, however I am new to ASP and can't seem to locate any information on this. I have searched the forum for related info on this but can't find anything that relates to my specific situation.

Here's the code we are using so far...


Do While NOT Recordset.Eof 'i.e. carry on looping through while there are records
Response.write "<tr><td>"'open row and first cell
Response.write Recordset("Legislation")
Response.write "</td>"'close first cell
Response.write "<td>"'open second cell
Response.write Recordset("Repealed")
Response.write "&nbsp;"
Response.write Recordset("Expiry_Date")
Response.write "</td></tr>" 'close row
Recordset.MoveNext 'move on to the next record

I have also found and implemented the following code:



This lets me change the positions of the numbers, but I can't figure out how to make it display the full month name and full year.

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Custom 404 Page

I notice that when you have the defualt setup of 404 error
pages the IIS 5.0 log tracks the page the user was trying
to get to and the page they where at when they tryed to
get to the now missing page. I recently wrote my own 404
error page to make it match my site but when I set IIS to
use my custom page it no longer traks the page that the
user was trying to get.

I was told I needed to add some
code to my page to fix this, but I don't know what code to
add. Can someone tell me? (I am useing ASP on the custom
404 error page) I am returning a 404 error response,
everything works fine it is just that IIS does not log
what page the user was trying to get to.

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Custom 404 Asp Page

I created my own custom 404 handler and it works, so when I put in
it produces the correct 404 error and you see in the url still which is fine.

But when I put in

it redirects to

it gives a 302 (moved temporarily) as well as the 404 error.
Why does it do this for not .html files? I dont redirect it at all, and am
thestring = Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING") to get the url

but thestring sometimes does not display the asdf depending what I do after
this command, very odd.

does anybody have anyideas as to how to preserve this in the url and avoid the 302?

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Custom Hit Counter

I decide to put a custom Hit Counter on my page (below). Then I won't be
reliant on the standard FrontPage one which uses webbots.

It is called by:

<b>Hit Counter: </b><!--#include file="_fpclass/"-->
The code it includes is below.

OK, it works - sort of.

If I go to Guestbook and then return via the Home button, the counter
increases by 3, not 1.

I can't see why this is happenning.

After returning, a refresh increases it by 2, then another refresh increases
it by 1 ??

I know that many say "Don't use them - it is a sign of an amateur", but I
would at least like to get it working even if I later decide not to use it.

I have thought to make it a conditional include, i.e. if document.referrer
is blank. Is that possible? Code:

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Custom Tags

i have a table that users are inserting custom tages ,it looks like :

user_id type value
1 99 television
2 98 beach
3 99 coldplay

now i have to make a search which will show all the users that typed the same value from the same type .i dont want the query to be a textual query (slow ...)what is the right way to do it ?how can i make a query that JOINs to tables from 2 different databases?

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Custom Sessions

how to go about setting up and using custom sessions for user authentication throughout an application?

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Custom 500 Error

When you have a custom HTTP 500 error handler, how do you go about making sure all your previously opened recordsets/objects/connections/etc.are closed properly?

It would seem to me that once you hit a 500 error, you have no opportunity to close any of the previously opened objects, eventually causing memory leaks.

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Custom 404 And Logging

I'm developing an application that uses a custom 404 page to deliver all of my site's content. However, doing things this way renders IIS's regular log files pretty much useless.

Are there any established "best practices" for creating your own logging system? I know that others use this technique and I'm hoping someone has some ideas they can pass along. For example, do you log every single page request or do you just log totals per day, week, or month? How do you deal with the increasing volumes of data? Do you collect referrer data, etc.?

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