Customer Orders By Fax

I have a small team who are building e commerce sites for different clients .One of our client wants his customer orders to be faxed directly to him.

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Exporting Of Orders

I have a site where orders are placed, i was just thinking of a good way for customers to keep track of there orders, at the moment they can page through there orders and and find it manually, I was thinking of putting a seach in also. Another one was to export all there orders in to an excel file, and one think thats any good?

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Printing Multiple Orders In Asp?

I have an orderreport page where it lists all of the orders that have been placed, on each individual order i can click and it brings up a page where it shows the order items shipping info and such. I can print on each of those pages, Is there a way to say pring ordernumbers 1 2 and 3 or to say print all with a certain status.

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Query Customers With No Orders

I'm trying to pull a listing of customers for which no orders appear in the order table.

table names are "customers" and "orders"
both tables contain a column named "idCustomer"

I thought performing a subquery that would sum up the total of order numbers would give me a means by which I could determine this, but I'm still getting incorrect results.

select customers.idcustomer,customers.customercompany, Orders.idorder,Orders.idcustomer,orders.orderDate from customers inner join orders on customers.idcustomer = orders.idcustomer where customers.idcustomer in(select count(idorder) as totalorders from orders where orders.idcustomer = customers.idcustomer and totalorders = 0)

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Creating A Best Sellers List From My Orders Table

I'm creating an online shop which has an area showing the top ten best selling products. I'd like to generate the list of the best selling products from my OrdersDetail table (which is table showing listing purchases made on the site), ordered by the most popular at the top and the least popular at the bottom.

I thought if I could use the SQL DISTINCT command this would create a list of products without duplicates, then if I could COUNT them I'd generate a list of the most popular products in the OrdersDetails table. This nearly works but the list won't ORDER BY the COUNT column (I get an error). This is my code so far:

SELECT DISTINCT ProductDescription, COUNT(ProductDescription) AS bestSellers
FROM OrdersDetail
GROUP BY ProductDescription

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How To Place Shopping Basket Contents Into Orders Table

I am reaching the point in the implementation of my first shopping cart where I need to place all the customer’s products within their shopping basket into an orders table.

I am sure many of you have performed this task before so I wondered if you wouldn’t mind pointing me in the right direction. I am not really sure exactly what is usually stored within the orders table in most shopping carts. My shopping cart contents is stored in a session array like this Code:

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Customer Support

I have been using ALS for a while, and I want to be able to create my own version, But the only issue I have is being able to track users realtime, ie get what page they are on, how long they have been online, and being able to contact them by throwing a pop-up.

ALS does it but i've tried scoping the coding, but can't find anything.

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Customer Login, How To With Txt File?

I am trying to make a client login system with asp. the users register and their details get written to clients.txt. per client there are 9 lines in this txt file (name, address, etc)

username and pw are on lines 4 and 5. at login.asp i capture username and pw into strUsr and strPwd - that works fine. im unsure as to how i should not authenticate those variables against clients.txt.

- should i loop through all entries of clients.txt and compare strUsr and strPwd to line 4 and 5 of each entry?

- should i first create an array with the contents of the whole txt file and then see if strUsr and strPwd match any of the 4th and 5th lines?

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Customer Textbox Field

i have a page which lets u search for a tupple in the allows the user to search by customername or i have 2 text box to let the user enter.and each text box has a submit button which will link back to the same page and it will display all the search results.

i have error check script that dun allow the user to submit if nothing is entered.but now on my same display page... how mani i suppose to write the sql statment as i dun have idea to display the results from the customer search or job no search.

i mean i can write 2 recordset.but how do i make sure that it will display the 1 tat the user there a if else way or sumthing??i mean if i search by job no.then when i request from the customer textbox field.wat is the value that is pass over?

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Customer Details Page

Just uploaded my database how to i create a simple page where i can enter customer details into my database. i would like fields like customer id, first name last name etc where the telephone number could be the primary key

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Info On Customer Only Area

does anyone know of a site that takes you through a walkthrough on how to set up a client only area, but in javascript to use on an asp server?

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Customer Updating Website

I have a client who wishes to make changes to their website live and without having to purchase any additonal software and do any training.

I have seen a few websites where they have an admin page where the client can login and make changes on the fly to the site through a browser. Does anyone out there know of any software that can do this or where i can find more info on this?

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Only Latest Record Got Customer Name.

i have table Comment and Customer. Customer is a registered customer. but, comment can be given by registered or non-registered customer. right now, i have 6 records which are 3 registered customer and 3 non-registered customer in Comment table.

for the non-registered customer, i put as a Guest for their name while registered customer, i have display his/her real name. my problem is, the latest record in Comment is a registered customer and her name is displayed in the html table but the rest registered customers, their names are not displayed. something wrong is there. for the non-registered customer, no problem at all. this is my script. at this page also has paging script. Code:

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The File '/Customer/Login.aspx

I have an 2.0 web application that I have pre-compiled and deployed to a Windows 2003 server. When I try to access the web application I get thefollowing message in my browser:

'The file '/Customer/Login.aspx' has not been pre-compiled, and cannot be

If I rename the folder containing the web app to something other than'Customer' then it works! I have tried deleting the folder and recreating it but I get the same problem. I have also copied the folder to another serverand it works without any problems.

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