DB Locks On Srv W2k3

I have a very simple database call running on a W2K3 server. I moved it over from a W2K box. However, when it is run on the 2K3 server, it leaves a lock on. It is an ASP page and not and ASPX page. It works perfect on the W2K box.

Anyone else have this probelm or better yet a cure for this problem? I do not have the time to convert it to ASP.NET yet. The ODBC driver is a bit different. One is V 4.00.6205 dated 3/2003 the one on the W2K box is version 4.00.6200 dated 6/2003.

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Transaction OR Locks

I have problem i need to carry out a transaction on a ASP page... the page goes like this:


Conn.execute (Sql) ' Where the Sql Gets the Set_Number froom Table1

Conn1.execute(Sql1) ' here the Sql1 inserts the Value (Set_Number + 1 ) 'into the Table2.


This page should be Executed as a transaction or else please help me out how to lock tables so that no other person can execute the same page with same data simultaniously...

I dont use any components in this page..so now how to go about with this...????

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Rs.Update Locks Up Page

I have an ASP page which uses QueryString data to determine what the user is wanting to do. It has Upload (which provides a form to enter a category, title, overview, and file), Edit (which gives user a form with the before mentioned sections, minus the file, to change the overview, title, or category), Update (which processes the Edit form), and Delete, which allows the user to delete a file.

A user can upload a file just fine, and a file can be deleted just fine. The problem is with Edit/Update. The Edit form loads fine, with all the correct information in the input boxes, and a hidden field storing the "ID" for the record. This form submits to .asp?Action=Update, where the Select statement is based on the hidden ID. When the user clicks the update button on the Edit page, the next page never loads, the confirmation never comes up.

On our Production (Live) server this caused ALL of our sites to go down, we had to restart the server to bring them back up. Now I've been testing in our Development server trying to solve, it causes this site to go down, but all other sites on the development server continue to function (so we have a different result on this server, but still the problem). Reboot is not required here though, if I wait a few minutes, I can access the page again (maybe a timeout is happening here that isnt on the other server?) Code:

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Check Locks Live

in ado we have 4 locks


how can we check this locks work ...means suppose i used adlockpessimistic ..this lock does not allow other user to alter data ...i wanted to check it live.

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Application Object :: Existence Of Variables, Resources And Locks

I'm using application variables for a web based sales tracking application. I use the variables for stuff like connection string, database name, etc. I store the values in a asp file that is included in a login page. The assignments are in a procedure that I then call on the login page. This is done everytime a user connects to
the login page.

what's happening to the variables? Are they being overwritten everytime a user accesses the page? I'm not checking for the existence of the variables. I just call the routine everytime the page is accessed. I know the values are shared for all users but, I was wondering if I should check for the existence of variables? Will it free up resources? Should I be using locks?

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No Asmx In W2K3?

I just setup a 2003 ent server. How do I get .Net installed so I can run asmx, aspx, asax, etc?

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Enable ASP On A W2K3 Box

I hava a new Windows 2003 box running IIS.When I try and display an asp page it says page not found.but the page is there.I've checked the settings in IIS - I have execute
permissions script only.What do I have to do to allow ASP to run?

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Word Automation W2K3 IIS 6.0

I've develop a simply exe app that merge two or more document in one using MsWord automation.

I call this exe from an asp page (giving authorization to IAWM IUSR...). This run ok on a web server with Xp and IIS 5.1 but don't work on W2K3 and IIS 6.0.

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W2K3 Server Permissions

I just finished writing an app for an ASP.NET website which uses SQL, C# ASP.NET and web services on my development box. Ported the app over to the Web Server(running W2K3, IIS 6, SQL2K), created the website on IIS, setup the appropriate SQL db, and loaded VS.NET 2K3 to compile the app. However,the app will not compile due to ASPNET and Network Service not having the specific permissions.

Are ASPNET and Network Service both process accounts? And, which directories should permissions be granted for compiling and running the app? One way (which was suggested by a supervisor) to go around this (and compromise security, I think) is to use the Local System process account. I created the app on a W2K box with IIS 5 and SQL2K, and I have had no problems debugging it to where it's ready for production testing.

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I have both cdosys.dll and cdonts.dll on my W2K3 server. We have been told by our web authors that their asp code won't work on our machine and that we don't have CDONTS installed on our machine. They're getting an error from:

Set objCDOMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")

I know that the new format is:

Set objCDOMail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")

Is there something special that we have to have installed to make CDONTS work?

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Write To Event Log From COM Component In An ASP 3 Page On W2K3

I have some ASP 3 pages that instantiate a COM component. That
component writes messages to the one of the Windows event logs.

Things work as I expect them to on XP Pro but not on 2003 Server. I
figured it was a security thing, so I surfed around and found that
permissions were tightened in the server's first service pack. The fix
I found[1] said to append an ACE[2] to the event log's CustomSD
registry value found at

HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesEventLog{L OG_NAME}CustomSD

I tried three different ones with a reboot after appending each one:

1. (A;;0x3;;;AU)
2. (A;;0x3;;;NS)
3. (A;;0x0002;;;S-1-5-21-237510213-3056582554-1478882900-1003)

The last uses the full SID of the IUSR account on the Windows 2003 I'm
working on. I obtained that ID using this vbscript: Code:

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Inconsistent Unexpected Errors----iis 6 ---W2K3 Server

At least once per day I am receiving this error on this
specific page.

"Error: File /customer/record.asp Unexpected error. A
trappable error (C0000005) occurred in an external object.
The script cannot continue running.."

This page gets hit thousands of times per day yet it
usually only logs one incident of this error per day.

I have checked every resource and made all the recommended
fixes but it still occurs.

This page uses some ADODB connections, Jmail, and sets a
few cookies. I cannot reproduce the error. I have no clue
as to what it could be. All code is sound and works

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