DBMSSOCN General Network Error

Periodically, our entire website will display the following error for all
users when requests are made to ASP pages:

DBMSSOCN General Network Error

HTML pages will load just fine, and I *believe* that ASP pages that don't
access SQL Server will also load. Someone suggested this problem has to do
with named pipes, but I don't have any clue when it comes to networking and
our network admin just resigned. This happens very sporadically (maybe once
a day) and never seemed to occur when he had DSN based connections. We also
have migrated our SQL Server to another machine (used to reside on the same
machine as our webserver).

Any ideas on what could be causing this?

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General Unspecified Error Question

sometimes but not every time when i upload a fresh copy of my database to my webspace..

i receive this dreaded error..

Provider error '80004005'

Unspecified error

on the line that connects to my database..


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Error :: General Access Denied

when i run the ip of my web site i get the following error:

HTTP 500 - Internal server error
the log file shows the following error:
The server failed to load application '/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT'. The error was 'General access denied error '.

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General Error Unable To Open Registry Key

can anyone tell me what i have to do with this error ...

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0xeb0 Thread 0x7a0 DBC 0x1110064 Jet'.

everything was ok until i Compact and Repaire the DataBase
i checked google everyone says it is security problem. i am admin on my computer but still i give all users Full Control Permission for both Temp and server folder "C:Inetpubwwwrootcareer" and i Add Everyone with Full Control but there is no use

any ideas ...

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Active Directory :: General Access Denied Error

I'm trying to add a user to active directory using ASP and am receiving the
following error:-

Active Directory (0x80070005)
General Access Denied Error

Does anyone know how to get round this problem?

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General Error Unable To Open Registry Key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet

Why d I get this error?

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x18c8 Thread 0x1478 DBC 0x2f56fa4 Jet'.

/wheelofgod/search/cat/showbook.asp, line 102

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Network Is Busy Error

Im running a ASP & Access DB application that im developing off my local
Windows 2000 Pro machine (i.e. not server)

Im starting to hit loads of "The Network is Busy" errors when i do a few DB
updates in succession. Does anyone know why it does this? I have a feeling
its cos MS has put some protection in Win2K Pro to stop people using it as a
server?Any thoughts of how to stop it, since i need to to help me develop this

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[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General Error Unable To Open Registry

I am urgently finding a set of codes to write data into a form and the data will go to my database. However i have tried a lot of form but couldn't successfully process. Below is one of my problem...

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x9a8 Thread 0xa08 DBC 0x3041e1c Jet'.

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ASP.NET And .NET In General

I am doing some research into the reporting capabilities provided by ..NET by itself and also integration with other programs such as Crystal Reports or thrid party tools. I don't have much experience with .NET technologies but most of the reports will be requested through the web and produced via VB components with a SQL 2k backend.

I am looking for reports either in xls or pdf format and mostly they will be data intensive i.e. no graphics such as bar or pie charts etc.

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General Questions

<object RUNAT="Server" ID="dbConn" PROGID="adodb.connection"></object>

When using such objects as the one above, where is dbConn actually comming from?

How do I store session variables using the session("") in the code below? Everytime I try doing it, I get an error page.

<object RUNAT="Server" ID="dbConn" PROGID="adodb.connection"></object>
<object RUNAT="Server" ID="spEssRtd_loginValidate" PROGID="adodb.command"></object>
<%@ LANGUAGE=vbscript enablesessionstate=false %> ......

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General Design

I have customers that I designed a site for. I am almost complete with the site, and they are saying that the font is too small. However, on my computer it looks just like the font on devshed and everyother site. Are there any suggestions out there, as to maybe their settings are messed up or my scripting is bad .

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General ASP & COM Question.

I have written a COM component who's purpose is to allow a user to change
his Windows (NT/AD) password via a web page. Now the component works fine
when I run it in VB 6, but not via the web page. The component also returns
an integer value that contains a return code from the Component (and the
appropriate Windows API). The result (using the ASP page) is Zero, which
indicates success. However the password doesn't change. (Zero = success, 100
= Invalid Domain, 101 = Invalid User, 102 = Invalid Password). Code:

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Comparing Two 'General Dates'

I have two dates formatted as 'General Dates'....

21/08/2006 21:39:21 and 21/08/2006 21:58:48

How do I find the difference between them in seconds? I take it thats there's 2 ways of doing it: either with ASP or SQL. Anyway of doing it. how would I go about doing this?

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Compare 'General Dates'

I have a field called EndTime in a table called tblSessions. This field is a Date type, with a General Date format (DD/MM/YYYY HH/MM/SS). I want an SQL query which can return entities which are less than 30 minutes old.

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Add To Cart - General Question

I have developed asp application, but never worked with shopping
carts. I was wondering, when a user clicks on Add to Cart for a
product, is it done visa session variable, where item detail and price
is stored, and later on, fetched and added together to show total

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General Questions About SQL Db Connection Using ASP Pages.

I normally work with MS Access databases using ASP pages. I have been
given the opprotunity to work on some available SQL server space, and
wanted to ask a couple of questions. The following is a simple update
query that I use. It is an ASP page that connects to an MS Access Db:

Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
myDSN = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};"
myDSN = myDSN & "DBQ=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxdatabase003.mdb"
mySQL="UPDATE SKUList SET SKUList.Department='Furniture' WHERE
Set Conn = Nothing

I was wondering if someone could tell me (or better yet show me) how
this code would look in a SQL server enviroment. I have no information
on the server itself as the database will be setup for me, and I will
just need to create ASP pages to connect.

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A General Question About Text Messaging?

What does a website need in order to send
text messaging to cell phones? Is this something the hosting company will
offer or does the website need servers from Micrsoft? Can you refer me to
where I can get more information on this?

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General Procedural Question Regarding Passing Data

I have the following pages...


The following variables are given values on page1.asp:


The values are not used in pages 2-4, but are used in page5.asp.

Should I put the values in session variables? Or should I put them in form
post data? Or does it really matter?

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Asp On Network

My system is on the Network.The system has a Project being developed in ASP and Oracle.
shared the ASP files but in other system the file is showing as MS-Front Page.
both the systems are on Win-2k.

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Using Asp To Go Through Network

I've looked all over and can't seem to find any information on whether or not you can get a file through a network. I have a webpage that needs to check to see if a file is on a specific server. Is this what it would need to look like?

Set file1 = fso.GetFile("computernamedrive

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i got an asp project, current done the phase one, is a web application over the internet. phase 2 the client need us to do a add on application to previous web application. but can only access with their own network.

that mean they want some portion of the application to be over the internet, and some portion of their application can be access by their own network only. so what do i need to do to make my system to know the station accessing the application currently is within own network or from other network?

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IP Or Network Name

I've been getting this recurring "[DBMSSOCN] General Network Error" ever since we separated our web server and our database server. My connection string has been as follows:

Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=machinename;Initial Catalog=xxxxxx;User
ID=xxxxxx;Password=xxxxxxx;Network Library=DBMSSOCN

Is it possible that changing the machinename to an IP address will help? Initially, it seemed as though adding the Network Library parameter was working, but recently it started to happen again.

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Network Status

Is there anyway I can check to see if a server is online in my network with an if statement saying if online response.write "Online" else response.write "Offline"?

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ASP Forbidden On The Network

Below is the message I received when I attempted to use a web page on our
network that makes use of ASP.

The page cannot be displayed
You have attempted to execute a CGI, ISAPI, or other executable program from
a directory that does not allow programs to be executed.

Please try the following:

a.. Contact the Web site administrator if you believe this directory
should allow execute access.
HTTP Error 403.1 - Forbidden: Execute access is denied.
Internet Information Services (IIS)


Does that mean that we need to relocate the files where the server allows
ASP executable commands to function? Or can the directories properties be changed so that such executables is allowed?

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DB Connection Through Novel Network

we have our Intranet in work where my ASP pages are and i want it to connect to a database on one of the network drives.. The location of my database is:-

NW-SHARE-1DATATEMPTRANCOMMON@digireportsRobbieASP es t.mdb

but the following connection code i have doesnt work:-


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Network Places

i create virtual directory on iis with network directory is a share located on another computer...after i did that ....i can't browse that virtual directory...if i browse that virtual directory ...at browser IE show message the page cannot be found

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Can't See Network Printers In IIS

I have a dll I wrote in VB6. Basically, it can list all the printers
it finds as well as print to a selected printer.

I created a test app in VB6, added the dll as a reference, and added
the following in a button click: Code:

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Network Drive

<i><b>Originally posted by : Augusto (augustocm2000@yahoo.com)</b></i><br />Hi<br />I've got a problem that I´ve been trying to solve but there is no way I can find the solution.<br /><br />I am mapping a network (intranet) drive in my computer (winNT 4.0), but when I try to "see" this drive (or a directory of this drive) from an asp page, it is impossible! What I mean is that the drive is mapped and accessible in my windows explorer, but my asp code says "Path Not Found". And I have no problem when I "see" a local drive, it locates without no problem.<br />Does anyone know if this is a problem with the server??A configuration problem, for example?!<br />

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Network Login

I need to know if its possible to create an ASP page that when requested
will display the network id of the requester.
Most people have told me to query the request.servervariables("LOGON_USER").
But this will get me the login of the server and not the client. In our
situation we do not want to have our users login twice (once to their machine
(the client) and then again to the server (the one that serves the asp page).
I need to know the client logon name.

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Network File

We are trying to display pdf files which is mappedre to the IIS server. For ex:
My website is located on server A and the url is http://myfolders
Now there are some pdf files ( ja.pdf,feb.pdf..) located on server B which is mapped on server A on the F drive.
So f: >> Server Bpdf folder

Using ASP we would like to allow the user to search for a pdf say jan and we display the pdf as a downloadable link.

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Network Drive

I am trying to write a file of emails to my mail server for a newsletter.The emails come from a form on a website and append the file.However I can not accomplish this.I have tried mapping the a network drive.Then writing to the file with the path

"U://subscrib.txt" using the filesys obj.

This did not work and I am unsure why.I could not add the internet user to the permissions on the mail server because its not the same machine.

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Get Network User IP And Pc Name

i m making an intranet website(asp is used) , on the home page i want to display the network user ip & user pc name when anyone opens the website. can any 1 help me out how to get the pc name & user IP of network user?

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FSO Network Drive

I have a mapped drive on my intranet web server to my internet web server. When I iterate through the drives collection on my intranet site, my mapped drive does not show up. Is there anyway I can get to this drive to read a small set of known files? I don't really want to have to create a virtual folder on the internet web server and move the files in question to it so that my intranet server can get to them.

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