we just upgrade a win2k server to win2k3. First we depromoted it, then we made the upgrade. The webs with ASP worked OK.

Then we made the DCPROMO and promoted it. After restart ASP's won't work.

The message on IE is:

"ya se está utilizando el recurso especificado"

something like "the specified resource is already in use"

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I'm currently testing a version of Win2003 to evaluate a migration of our
NT4 server, but I got some troubles with Office Web Component 9 (office
2000), it seems it doesn't work anymore, and I can't find the issue.

When I make a Set objSpreadsheet = Server.CreateObject("OWC.Spreadsheet"), I
got an error :
Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'
Server.CreateObject Failed
/test/include/./include_asp/excel-class.asp, line 10

So I thought it was a "Web service extension" problem, prohibited por
default by IIS6, I authorized MSOWC.dll but nothing changed...

Then I decided to setup OWC11 and it seems to works fine.... even if I don't
authorized it... (is it a normal behaviour ?, shouldn't I be supposed to
autorized it ? )

I can't understand my problem with OWC9 is there some incompatibility with
IIS6 ? Code:

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Asp Iis6

Ive got a ASP site on a server with a old iis and it works perfect on but ive got a new server with IIS 6 with exactly the same site and the session variables wont stick they just dissaper any idea.

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I have a custom File management ASP application that handles Large File uploads and download from a database (30 - 40 MB files) The application works fine on IIS5 but when I relocate it to IIS6 i get an error when I file not found error when i attempt to download out of the Database. IS there a reg setting or metabase setting that i need to change to handle large blob outputs.? Sorry I can't be more specific about the error msg but that is all it give's me a File not found error. it does however work fine with small files less then 2mb in size

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IIS6 And ASP Problem

I used to be able to run ASP scripts on IIS and then I installed MS SQL
server 2000, and EVERY page I go to that has an .asp extension (even if the
code inside is BLANK) will return a error labeled "The requested resource is
in use. ".
I've tried many things like re-installing IIS 6, allot of things. PLEASE
help me, this is on a production box and HAS to be UP AND WORKING before 1:00
AM CST (5 Hours from the time I posted this)

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Components Under IIS6

I migrated an application from NT4 (IIS4) to 2003 (IIS6).

The application only works when the components are registered with regsvr32.

One of the webpages doesn't work-- when I fill the form out and hit submit I
get "compx error '800af10a' Insufficient memory to perform operation.
/submit.asp, line 283"

I've tried going through and changing permissions but haven't had any luck.
I also tried setting the Web Site to use an Application Pool that I created
to run as System Mode but that didn't make any difference.

Everything works when I select "IIS5 Isolation Mode".

Knowing that it works under IIS5 Isolation mode how can I determine what is
causing the message so I can run it under IIS6?

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I migrated a VID6 application from Windows NT 4 to Windows 2003 Server (IIS4
to IIS6) which was developed using ASP and VBScript and I now I am getting an
error message as follows:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Visual FoxPro error '80004005'
There is not enough memory to complete this operation.
/hinojosa-web/iPD2.asp, line 377
The line mentioned above refers to the execution of a query to generate a
recordset which will be displayed to the user who is requesting data. This
issue does not always happens, it does only after accesing the web site
several times.

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IIS6 Is Not Respondeing

I just have installed Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Ed.Where the IIS ver.6 came with it. I installed the IIS6 with all its subcomponents. The problem is that ASP pages
are not processed by the IIS whereis HTML pages are. I have allowed asp extensions.

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IIS6 APS Thread

Is there an explanation somewhere as to how IIS6 determins how many ASP threads its actually going to use?I have configured IIS6 to have 20 threads (ASPProcessorThreadMAX) but it uses them all.

I am using the MACT test tool to stress test and with 50 concurrent users I quite often see only a single ASP thread being used the other 49 are on the Requests Queued. The Request Wait Time in Perfmon can be averaging around 5 or 6 seconds and there is plenty of spare CPU.

The application quite often has long running queries(15 to 20 seconds per request)and rather than use another thread IIS will quite often just keep ticking along with the threads its using with the result that the Request Wait Time can jump significantly.

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PermissionChecker And IIS6

Set oVar = Server.CreateObject( "MSWC.PermissionChecker" )

The PermissionChecker component works flawlessly in IIS5.0, but we're migrating to IIS6.0 and it no longer works because IIS6 no longer supports it. Has anybody gotten around this issue?

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IP Blocking With IIS6

Is there a way to block an IP from entering a website on IIS? I do not have MOD-Rewrite and I have been told not to do this wih a PHP script. IS there a way in IIS?

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I've used DynuFTP and am happy with it but now the host server needs upgraded to IIS6 and Win2003. After they did this I get the error that I'm pretty sure is from DynuFTP:

Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0115'

Unexpected error


A trappable error (E06D7363) occurred in an external object. The script cannot continue running.

Has anyone run into this? Seems like an IIS6 compatibility issue.

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Trying To Send 8 Bit Chars Under IIS6

Part of the content of one of our web pages uses wingdings and Chr(239)
through Chr(242) (which are little arrow outlines, though that's not really

It worked just fine in Windows 2000 Server, but now under Server 2003 it
seems that characters above 127 get converted somehow, and our code no
longer produces the desired effect.

Does anyone know how to make it send our content without modification, or
how to encode it in a way that it makes it out to the browser with the
intended character value (as opposed to some thoroughly useless conversion
to a 7 bit value)?

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Session Inconsistencies IIS6

Im trying to find why my hosted server won't maintain session state.
Its not a web farm (not load balanced), its all the same server

An application requires a session to be set and then recalled (like you do

However, since the server software was upgraded from IIS 5 to 6, the working
code no longer works.
(ie - login with session variables but get logged out immediately the page

Using simple code like <%=session.sessionid%> on the IIS6 server, and
refreshing the page shows a new ID most times - it should be the same id??
Testing on the old server (IIS5) would keep the same session id.

Where do I start looking and what pertinent questions do I need to ask my

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Regional Settings In IIS6

I am trying to set a webserver to use French regional settings for testing
ASP pages.
According to http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q306044, for IIS5, this is a
matter of changing the regional settings for the authenticated user, and if
this user does not have a user profile then the default regional settings.
Unfortunately, this does not seem to be working in IIS6, in that I have
change the default user's settings and I am still getting English dates. Can
anyone tell me if this is because the way IIS chooses its settings has
changed for IIS6 or just because I have done something wrong?

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Does Anyone Know How To Enable ASPX On IIS6 ?

Does anyone know how to enable ASPX on IIS6?

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Memory Leaks In IIS6

I am using traditinal asp in IIS6 and seem to be experiencing memory leaks problems that I did not have or at least did not seem to notice as much when I was running the same code under IIS5.

There may beunclosed connections/recordsets and/or connections/recrodsets that
have not be set = nothing in the code. Two questions

1. Is IIS6 less forgiving of this?

2. If you do not close recordset or connection objects or set them equal to nothing is there some sort of garbage collection going on in asp that will release the memory anyway.

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Recordcount Issue On Iis6

My company is in the process of moving servers and I am one of the developers in charge of making sure it runs smoothly. Currently, we are on a Linux server that runs Chilisoft ASP. We are moving to a 2003 Server with IIS6.Several of our scripts use the recordcount property of recordsets.

On the new server, recordcount seems to be shaky. We have managed to get it working on one of our websites fine, but on another site on the same server it does not. Both sites are configured in the same manner. We did have to add "objConn.CursorLocation = adUseClient" before opening each connection, which made it work for the first site, but adding the same line of code on the other site seems to have no effect.

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Difference In IIS5 And IIS6

I have an ASP app that grabs the logon user, and then I use GetObject to query the user's security groups. On a Windows 2000 server running IIS5, this works excellent. I then copied it to a different networks, Windows 2003 server running IIS6, and now I get permission denied on GetObject. How can get around this?

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IIS6 ASP Sessions Losts

My sessions variables are resetted without any more information from time to time. I am calling /Alive.asp every 5 minutes. (Doesn't really do anything by itself, it is here only to keep alive the sessions) And from time to time, a Session_OnStart is called again ! (And my Session variables are resetted) I've checked this with the AppendToLog in the Session_onStart

- The cookie ASPSESSIONID has not changed
- It's not a session timeout (20minutes)
- There is nothing in the eventlog about pool recycling
(Default settings for this)

Have you any idea ?

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Performance Issue With RDS Using IIS6

Two Windows boxes with identical COM objects and databases for comparing and
testing purposes (2000 and 2003) exists as virtual mashines on one big host
server. Network settings for
these VMs are identical (except IP address, of course).

We have on remote client request executing time (getting 3000 rows from DB ~
1.4 Mb amount - measured via Network Monitor) about 3 sec on Windows 2000 VM
and 50 (!) sec for 2003 VM. For local request both time are identical and ~
1.5 sec. Code:

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FTP Component For IIS6/2003server?

I'm looking for an ASP (classic not .NET) FTP component that works with IIS6/2003server. DynuFTP doesn't and isn't supported so I need to replace it. I need a pretty full featured component (get, put ,dir, mkdir, cd,del) and would rather not use the script method as described in the article on this site.

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Session Timeout In IIS6.0

I'm having problems getting session timeouts to change programmaticlaly under IIS6.0. This is unchanged code that ran as expected under IIS5.0. Anyone else run into this problem?

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Searching On IIS6 With Index Server And ASP

We've been using Index Server and IIS4 and the corresponding objects to
search our sites. Everything fine.

Now we have set up a new server running IIS6 and the search results always
return "null" for Characterization, DocSubject and some other properties. I
found out that they were not cached. But turning caching on and initiating a
reindex didn't help either. Code runs fine on IIS4.

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IIS6 W3wc.exe Memory Usage.

I have a problem with our web servers and memory etc.

We have one application pool with a few websites in it and the w3wp.exe is
consuming about 800 mb memory now.
First we had a rule for recycling the application every x minutes or when
it's using more than 600 mb memory but when the recycle is activated the
w3wc.exe process hangs and the cpu usage goes to 100% until we execute an

That's the reason why we disabled all the recycling options and configured
only one worker process for that application.
All the websites in the application pool use the same code, only they have a
different skin.
The website also uses xml/xsl transformations.

Is it normal for an application to push the w3wc.exe process to about 1GB???
If this is the case i really want to know how much memory dedicated hosting
companies need in their webservers :-)

We are storing some information in the application cache, but this is only
for the entire website and not per user... in plain text so the amount of
data would be no greater than 100KB at most.

The application is in classic ASP.
We walked thru the entire code and checked for correctly closing all sql
recordsets, email components etc etc etc...

What is the best approach to find out what is using so much memory and why
the recycle does not work correctly?

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How To Read IIS6's Smtp Logs

i need to parse smtp logs to check the delivery status. from previous experience with smtp logs, i was under the impression that the log file followed a very specific format:


in this case, however, i've got a log indicating commands being issued like this:


i have a separate list from a database of people i attempted to send emails to and need to try to look at each line in the smtp logs until i find a matching email address, then continue to read until i find a line that includes the string "+Queued+mail+for+delivery" or any of the other strings indicating the delivery status. however, given the odd sequence in which the mail commands are being issued, i don't seem to have any way of knowing if the delivery status notification line i'm reading really reflects delivery status info about the email address in question or if it's referring to one of the other delivery requests issued with another one of the EHLO commands. i've tried looking to see if there's something unique about the delivery status line to see if it's in some way associated with the RCPT line, but don't see any patterns:

2005-10-05 11:12:30 OutboundConnectionCommand SMTPSVC1 ACME -
25 RCPT - TO:<person@acme2.com> 0 0 4 0 50 - - ......

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Russain Language Support On IIS6

We are working with a Russian based client.
Our web based application is written using "classic" asp in English.
We would like to change the user interface text to the Russian language.
Please advise on the process to output ASP and HTML in Russina using an IIS
6 English web server.

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ASP On IIS6 Windows 2003 Server

At the early testing stages of writing some simple ASP scripts hosted by my Windows 2003 Server but I have hit upon a problem.

When I open an asp page, IE just returns the script rather than expected web page. What have I or am I doing wrong?

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IIS6 Meta Refresh Issue

this is an interesting problem i've been trying to solve past week. I have a framed site and one of the frames is refreshing through meta tag refresh every second. The page that is refreshing looks pretty much like this:

Database: Access, IIS6 - Windows 2003 Server

1. Declare connection object
2. Declare recordset object
3. open connection
4. open recordset with sql query
5. Check database for changes (on change, refresh another frame)
6. Close recordset
7. Close connection
8. Destroy Recordset
9. Destroy Connection

That's all. After about 6 hours in operation (constant refreshing) the WWW Service just dies. Restart of the service makes it stuck ever more, the only solution is to completely reboot the server.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated. I'm at a point of sticking the connection and recordset into session so it does not declare and kill it every second..

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Session Vars In ASP App Under IIS6 Not Sticking

Developed a basic ASP web site with MS Access 2k3 as a database
back end. I've developed it on two different Win2k3 servers, and app works
flawlessly on both.

However, we just moved it to a client's Win2k3 Server,
and it's not holding any session variables. It IS, however, holding
Application variables, but not session variables.

I checked all the usual
things (MS KB, ASPFAQ, etc), but none of them provided any solution. The
only difference I can find between the three servers is that one has the
Enhanced IE Security whosiwhatsis loaded, whereas mine don't.

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Random Session Timeout In IIS6

I have an asp application running on both iis5 and iis6. (not .net) The server ruhnning IIS5 has no problem running my application. IIS6 randomly times out WEB users. The session timeout is set for 60 minutes. I will get timed out in iis6 in less than 5 minutes. Are there any other settings that can be changed to stop this from happening.

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Javascript Caching Question On IIS6

I am having problems with our IIS6 server serving out of date javascript files in our ASP scripts. It appears to be an intermittent problem, but causes all kinds of headaches
when working on javascript code. Is there any way of setting a Javascript file to always expired ?

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DE.Init On IIS6 Works Intermittently

I have an old ASP web site that runs since 1998 (IIS3, 4,5). It use DataEnviroment stuff . Now on IIS6 after a couple of hours of use this line get in error:


Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0005'
Invalid procedure call or argument
/test.asp, line 25

All the rights, connection, global.asa, dataenvinroment.asa, etc are ok. If you hit after the error F5 maybe it runs ok or maybe it goes still in error After an IISRESET things get better, but after few hours it comes again.

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