DELETE Query Does Not Find Match

I have a query that accepts input from a form and deletes a row if the form input = the value in the table .if the input is not in the table how do i post to the user that this data was not found in the table?

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Sorting Query By Match %

If i am querying from a database with code like: Code:

Set oRs=server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblInfo WHERE Name = '" & request("name") & "' OR State = '" & request("state") & "' OR Zip = '" & request("zip") & "' "

oRs.Open strSQL, conn

Do while not oRs.EOF

Response.Write "<tr><td>" & oRs ("Name") & "</td><td> " & oRs ("State") & "</td><td>" & oRs ("Zip") & "</td>



how can i diplay the results that match all three catories before partial matches?

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Exact Match Query

i want to provide exact match. e.g. if user enters pharma machine result only display records containing pharma machine and not records containing either pharma or machine.

database table: company_info

database field: products

user entered search (field name): st

i had tried the following

select * from company_info where products like '"&st&"'

but is shows the wide result

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Delete Query

I have this query

strsql = "Delete FROM College_List WHERE
STDID = (Select ID from Students where StudentID='" & getstdid & "')"

i get this error

Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

but i want to delete all the records in the child table that have the ID in the parent table which is students.

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Delete Query

i need to delete some values which have dates that are less than today's from a table. The date is in another table so i joined the two tables together and gave a clause

I did this:

FROM RMASerial, Sold
WHERE RMASerial.SoldID=Sold.SoldID And Sold.Warranty_date<Date();

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Delete Query Not Quite Correct

i need to delete some values which have dates that are less than today's from a table. The date is in another table so i joined the two tables together and gave a clause

I did this:Code:

FROM RMASerial, Sold
WHERE RMASerial.SoldID=Sold.SoldID
And Sold.Warranty_date<Date();

But that doesnt seem to be working.

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Make Match

I want to know how to make a match for a text , for I'm wan't to search for this in the db . the search i made search only for the exact text user inserted so if the user misspelled the word the search will give him zero result. So i want to seach for any part of the word or if it is aword in aphrase.

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Selecting Values That Do Not Match

hi there i need to display results that do not match those in the database. I have an excel file and i upload it, inserting the records in a temp table. Than i compare the values in the original table and the temp table. All i want is the values that do not match..i did this:Code:

sql = "SELECT TempSerial.SerialNo "&_
"FROM TempSerial, Serial WHERE TempSerial.SerialNo <> Serial.SerialNo "&_
"OrderBY TempSerial.SerialNo;"
Set RS = objConn.Execute(sql)

i displayed the records with <%=RS("SerialNo")%> but i get all the records in the temp table displyed.

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Check Passwords For Match

part of this code works but it seems to ignore the password check, any ideas?

If Request.Form("PuafoPassword") = Request.Form("RePassword") Then
strError = strError & "Passwords don't match.<br>" & vbNewLine
If rspuafo.EOF and rspuafo.BOF Then
Response.Redirect ("thankyou.asp")
strError = "Username already exists, please choose another one" & vbNewLine

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Multiple Variable Match

I have a web page programmed in ASP that creates a calling list based
on the user's preferences, which queries the information from a SQL
2000 database. I want the user to be able to select whether to create
different lists based on time zones or one list with all time zones.

The user should be able to mix and match time zones. However, I'm not
sure how to do this task. An example would be that the user wants
east coast and central in one file, then pacific and mountain in
another, but it could also be pacific in one and east and mountain in
another, and the possibilities go on. The database is set up with all
the information needed, but I'm not user how to code in ASP for the
different possibilities.

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State Reason For No Record Match

I have a form on a .asp page that when submitted via post to itself its values are grabbed by asp and put into an sql statement. From there the records are generated depending on the criteria selected in the form. What I would like some help or guidance is if no records match the criteria how can I generate a meesage that states which criteria in the request did not match.

So if the form submitted is looking for a home in Michigan, Ranch Style, with 2 car garage, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, between 1000 to 1500 square feet and there is no record that matches that criteria a response is given that the reason for no match is because the 2 bath criteria didn't match or because the 2 bath and the square footage criteria didn't match.

I have the form working with asp already. When there is no record I have a simple statement that says "sorry, no homes matched your criteria" I would like to state why there was no match.

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Read Excel And Match With Database

can any one help me to read the datas from the excel sheet and match it with the database.i will be thankful to you if u provide me a sample code.

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I Need A Code That Resizes The Images On My Site To Match Resolutions

I want the site to look the same on all browsers. All the tables and stuff are based on percentages but this doesn't fix the images. The images are based to fit 1024x768 but i want them to look the same on every other resolution. Can someone help me with a script?

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Need To Convert This Sql Query For Access To Identical Sql Query For Sql 2005..

My code retrieves a username and a password from a form. Then this information is compared to some usernames and passwords that are stored in a database. The important thing here is that the comparison must be case sensitive meaning that "passWord" is not the same thing as "password"

I have this code, working fine in access 2003

SQL = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE StrComp(username_column,'" & entered_username_in_form & "',0) = 0 AND StrComp(password_column,'" & entered_password_in_form & "',0) = 0"

but get the following error when I run it against my sql 2005 database.

[Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]'StrComp' is not a recognized built-in function name.

I don't know the corresponding t-sql for the query.

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Query A DB - Pass The Query To Next Page

I am running a querry on an access database and have set the number of records/page displayed at 20. if there are more than 20 records returned, then 1st page will show the first 20, the next page will show next 20 and so on....

The trouble:

the count of total records displayed is correct and the first page is displayed correctly. But when i click on *Next* to go to the next page, all the records of the database get displayed (not the 2nd page of records from the query).

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Query Access With Multiple Query

I am using ASP/MS ACCESS to see how I can query the same database, via 2 formfields.

{name: - search}Textfield 1: - Search by Category
{name: - searchT}Textfield 2: - Location


strSearchwords = Trim(Request.QueryString("search")); where "search" is the name of Textfield1

Which is fine, but how can I set it so that on Submit, the string from search, and searchT are somehow joined together into one string?

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Cant Find Folder!

However, when i opened a page on my pc the database string was:

DBFolder = path & "..mysqldataformuladata

I cant find the folder in question. Even when ftping.

Any ideas where is could be lurking?

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Cannot Find DWG Files

I am trying to locate a file using the following code

Set objXMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")

strURL = "http://server/ApprovedAutoCAD/140-00007-01.dwg"
objXMLHTTP.Open "GET", strURL, False, "login", "password"

strReturn = objXMLHTTP.status

I get a 404 status back indicating that the file is not found, which is incorrect. I am able to locate XLS and DOC files on the same directory. Any ideas why I cannot find a DWG (Drawing) file?

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Find And Replace

I am not sure if this is a question for this forum or the IIS forum but here goes. I have a dedicated server on which I am hosting about 80 websites at the moment, all of which have been created by copying a template site. All of these sites have an identical structure and are located in the same directory on the server, C:Inetpubvhosts. Several times when I have needed to make an adjustment to the sites I have to go into the remote desktop connection to the server and go site by site, copying and pasting files. For example, as each site has the same pages, ie., map.asp, sometimes I make a change to that page and have to copy it to every site. Could I write some sort of script using the FSO and execute it from one site and have it loop through each site on the server making the neccessary change(s)?

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Could Not Find Path

if i use the physical path where the database is located then my code works fine
such as ("e:folderabc.mdb")

but when i use the server.mappath("abc.mdb") , i get error

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Can't Find End Statement

The dreaded missing end statement
I need another set of eyes mine are about to cross.

My Error

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03f6'

Expected 'End'

calendar.asp, line 289

My code:

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Find Performance

We have several pages that are running very slow, is there any way to
identify which pages are taking the longest to process?

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How Can I Find What Value Is In My Variable?

At first glance, the question in the subject line seems way too easy. But I
am finding some situations in my app where the value in a variable is some
sort of blank-like value, such as Null or "&nbsp;" or "", but I cannot tell

Of course, in order to find out the value, I did a response.write, and added
a nonsense word afterward, to help make sure it is writing it out for me.

First, I tried to check for null: Code:

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Best Way To Find <> NULL

How do I go about testing to see if a value is not equal to NULL? isNULL provides the opposite functionality, but all my attempts at the former return a FALSE value.

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Find Referer

I want to know how to find out who is sending visitors to my site. So i obviusly need to find out who a visitors referer is.

I took a guess and thought that this is what I should use:


But that does not return anything. Any ideas guys?

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Using The Find Method

Based on what the user selects in a combo box I need to find the value from another column in the same record. This is what I am using:

rsPrice.Find "Component='Desktop'"
If (rstPrice.BOF = True) or (rstPrice.EOF = True) Then
response.write("The Price for the Component Not Found")

curPrice =rsPrice("Score")
End If

I keep getting an error messages:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E29) Rowset does not support scrolling backward.

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Find Quoteint In Asp

can u tell me how to find the quoteint in asp

for e.g
290 / 100 = 2
I want result 2 but it gives 2.9

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Find Images

where i can get very professional and sophisticated images for my web sites ( even if i have to pay for them )

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Find Errors

I'm coding in classic asp and can't figure how to get IE6 to display some kind of descriptive message about code errors? I have the correct settings under ADVANCED in IE's options selected.

What bugs me is sometimes IE will report the line number and a message, and then other times it's the standard "The page can't be displayed." When you have hundreds of lines of code, how can you fight this?

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Find In String

How can i count the number of times a string appears within another string.

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Find Out The Count

i have 2 columns. called wintersubjects,summersubjects . the data in the columns will be 4 subjects.

social science

i want to find out the count for all of them.

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ADO Find Method

I am attempting the following for a real estate website. I want to list the agents for the office all of whom have a unique identifier with an Auto Number type. As I loop through the recordset, I also want to open another table called listings. This table has a field called agent whose value is a number and corresponds to an agent in the agent table.

If there is a listing in the listing table, I want to insert a link to "View Listings", if not, no link. I am having a hard time doing this and if someone could point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it. I tried the Find method but to no success.

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Find Numbers

I want to find numbers in one comma seperated string which are not in another one. For instance if I have two strings "strString1" and "strString2 how can I find numbers in "strString1" which are not in "strString2" Example:

strString1 = "1,3,6,12"
strString2 = "1,6"

In this case the numbers I want to end up with are 3 and 12.

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