DLLHOST.exe Become Large

The following is the error keep getting while running web application.
Tools used: HTML, ASP, DLL's(written in Delphi).

Application Error: dllhost.exe - Application Error
The instruction at "0x00000000" referenced memory at "0x00000000". The
memory could not be "read".
Click on OK to terminate the program

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oRS.CursorType = 1
oRS.LockType = 3

sSQL = "select * from sat_lesson_drills where drill_id=" & drill_id
oRS.open sSQL, conn

For each Field in oRS.Fields
if instr(Field.Name,"MA") = 0 then

oRS.Update Field.Name, Request.Form(Field.Name)end if


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Im suddenly having a problem with the asp pages displaying on my website. Whenever I try to access an asp page, the processor usage of the task "dllhost.exe" shoots up to
100% and my asp script times out.

This asp code has been running on my site for over a year and nothing has changed about it. All the articles/advice that I have read relate to programming variables within
the asp script to prevent these type of problems. If the script has been running for this long, why would this type of problem manefest itself at this time?

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Hanging ASP And DLLHOST.exe

I have intermittent problems with asp pages timing out. When this happens, my DLLHOST.exe runs away with all of my CPU for about 2-3 minutes. As I understand it, this component executes asp requests in a COM server on IIS.

I am not using any custom COM objects in my app, but lots of ADO. Could this be a memory leak with my use of ADO, or is this caused by something else? If it is a memory issue, I can start tracking it down. I just need to know what the possible issues/causes could be to get started troubleshooting.

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Source Of Dllhost.exe

I've got a Windows 2000 server running with about 50 websites on it, all
running ASP scripts. I've noticed that the servers CPU usage gets up 100%
sometimes, caused by dllhost.exe, which I'm certain is a hanging ASP script
somewhere on the box. Probably an on error resume next line that doesn't go
anywhere when an error is an encountered. Anyways, I'm not sure if there's
a way to isolate the website where its originating, or even the page this
problem is originating from. Is there a way to do this?

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DLLHOST.EXE Shutdown Not Working!

I have an IIS app running in high isolation, although the dllhost.exe COM+
process isn't shutting down & accumulated memory released. I've tried to set
the 'Server Process Shutdown' on the server package in COM+ in an attempt to
shut-down the process when idle for more than 3 mins (the default), but this
ain't happening.

I've read that this may be because IIS is caching the TypeLibs so I tried
setting the AspEnabletypelibCache flag to try stop IIS doing this, if indeed
it was, but the process still doesn't shut down.

Is there another way to get the process to shutdown (I thinkin this must be
happening because references to various dll's aren't being released in the
code), I would hope there to be a way to tell IIS/COM+ to shut-down the
process anyway. I don't want to have to run a script to keep unloading the

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Dllhost.exe Memory Size

I am running a web application with application protection level set to high, so it runs in a separate dllhost.exe process, the process takes around 14,000 K of memory I wanna know if this is fine or I have a memory leak problem.

I set all record sets to nothing without closing them and also I close the database connection.

Are there any tools that can measure the ASP page performance and tell me where do I have performance bottlenecks?

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DLLHOST And Memory Creep

I'm running IIS 5.0 under Windows 2000 Server. My ASP (VBscript) code
instantiates and uses some objects implemented in custom-written Visual Basic
6 DLLs. (Thanks to a previous thread, we no longer store those objects in
Session variables.) Application Protection for this site's Virtual Directory
is set to Medium (Pooled).

I'm using the Microsoft Web Application Stress Tool to monitor performance
and make sure database connections (opened within the VB6 DLLs) are being
closed and pooled properly. At the same time, I'm using the Windows Task
Manager to watch how much memory DLLHOST.EXE is using.

Windows Task Manager is showing me that DLLHOST is using more and more
memory over time. Memory usage goes up while a test is running, and then goes
down a bit when the dust settles after a test (e.g., once the closed
connections are removed from the pool and finally deleted), but it never goes
back down to what it was before the test ran--over time, memory usage keeps
creeping upward.

The VB6 DLLs used by my ASP pages open ADO database connections, but the
code is very careful about closing Recordsets and Connections and setting
them to Nothing.

A few questions:

1. Is this normal? Should I be concerned?

2. The ASP code instantiates these object with code like this:

set obj = Server.CreateObject("DLLname.ObjectName")

Is it important for the ASP code to do something like "set obj = Nothing"
before it exits? If the ASP code doesn't do that, will the memory used by the
object be freed when the ASP page terminates or when the user's Session ends?

3. Is there a better way I should be monitoring memory usage for this kind
of situation? (The Counters in the Perofrmance Monitor are kind of daunting.
If you can suggest an article that would help me understand memory usage,
that would be great.)

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An Asp Page Caused Cpu Rising To 100% --> Dllhost.exe

Today, an interesting thing happened to me. When I am doing the test of an
asp program, one of the pages(which I submitted several ten times before, no
problem at all) caused our server cpu rising to 100% and I reset IIS and
submit that page again and same thing happened again, and then reset IIS
again and it happened again, the process caused this is dllhost.exe.

Thinking about what's the difference this time from what I submitted before.
The only thing I can think of is I entered some name fields data with

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Memory Leak :: Dllhost.exe Grows Unexpectedly

We have a web application in AS. It also uses COM+ and SQL Server as back-end. Sometimes the size of the dllhost.exe grows unexpectedly. It is such that we restart our IIS/ PWS. Also there is only one instance of dllhost running when we restart the webserver but later on we notice more than one instance sometimes.

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Setting Session Variable Maxes Dllhost

I have an ASP application that has been running for 5 years that I am now modifying. Since then, I have installed asp.net 1.1 and 2.0 on my xp pro box. Whenever I run the "login" code for the app, it crashes as my dllhost goes to 98% cpu. I have traced the code to this line:


What is strange is if I set the value to 11 or lower, this does not fail. What is also strange is if I set Session("SCH1UserID")= 123 it works. I know this has to have something to do with running asp.net on this box as well. I have tried running the app in its own process (High) and creating it's own virtual directory with no luck.

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Dllhost.exe :: Listener Failed To Start A Dedicated Server Process

I am having serveral web applications in ASP in my server ( windows 2000 advance server ), sometimes dllhost.exe taking more memory and causes the cpu usages to be 100% and makes the server hangup and causing error like "TNS : listener failed to start a dedicated server process", by the way if i end the process of dllhost.exe manually then the cpu usage will be very less and i wont get such error .

i have the following questions regarding that

1)what causes the dllhost.exe to takes more cpu usage,

2)is there any command from dos to kill such process so that i can create bat file to be run every one minute. i have searched i found only some third party tools and there is command taskkill but it is not for windows 2000 ( it is available only for win xp and windows 2003)

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Large SQL Query

I am updating over 100 fields in 7 tables with SQL in VB 6.0. The values will mostly come from check boxes. Do I need a VB variable to hold each value for my SQL query?
Also, what is the syntax for skipping an optional field? Do I just skip it and use comma's? I will never know which values are checked off so I cannot write code that will only insert my true values.

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301 A Large Site In ASP

we are rebuilding a large website and we want to make sure it doens't lose it good ranking within the search engines. So we were thinking of using 301 to tell google where the pages have moved to.

The problem is I'm not really sure where to start to impliment something this. We have a website that has 26,200 indexed pages, so I need to come up with somekind of solution that would work across the board.

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Large Variables

I am a PHP programmer and trying to do a site in asp but one feature I can't figure out how to do in ASP is large variables.

In PHP it is

$fullpage = <<<EOT

EOT can be anything it just uses that as a starting and ending point so I can have quotes, apostrophes, variables etc inside the page. Is there any way at all to do this in ASP? Code:

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Large Amount

I need to populate a select form input (combo box) with about 22,000 rows of data. This is taking an unacceptable amount of time to load. And this data is only going to grow in the future.

I'm using a stored procedure to get the data. Not sure if that's the most efficient. I'm using classic asp. I'm open to any suggestions because I'm not even sure where to look to get options.

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Display Large Images

I am trying to upload large images ( around 4 mb) from the server to show on
the client. Currently I'm using an http handler to do it and breaking it
into chunks sending it 1 mb at a time. Sometimes I'm getting errors, like
the page won't load. Any solutions on how this is done right?

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Calculations On LARGE Numbers

I am trying to do some calculations on large numbers (ie
7,768,489,957,892,578,474,792,094 / 12,280) and no matter what I do it
doesn't get it quite right. Its always somewhere between 10 and and 5000 out

I have a suspition is could be down to one of the number functions I am
using along the way but im not sure.

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Downloading Large Static

I am using forms authentication to protect all content as described in the
kb article below.

This works fine except for files that are larger than about 40 or 50mb at
which point the user gets a 404 error and the httperr log indicates
connection_dropped status.
This is a w2k3 server with SP1 and all security patches installed.
Has anyone seen this before? I have been reading various posts online but
none seem to fit this symptom. Also have tried tuning various meta-base
properties to no avail.

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Is It Bad To Have A Large GLOBAL.ASA File?

It seems to me that I generally use two types of Functions:

Type #1-Ones that any page on my site might use
Type #2-Ones that only a single page would ever use

Logically, it seems that I should put the Type #1 functions in the GLOBAL.ASA file and the Type #2 functions in the pages that use them. I would like to, however, just go ahead and include ALL of my functions in the GLOBAL.ASA file.

Comments on this? Is this a good idea?

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Optimizing - Large Db Result Set

when creating a webpage that must display a large result set, the page load time is unbearable. Unfortunately, there are a lot of records and they all need to be displayed, at once, on this one page.

To reduce file size, I have minimized the amount of HTML tags used to dislay these records. My only other idea is to write javascript matrix to hold the data, and then to use dom to create the page on the client side. Are there any tried and true ways of speeding up page loads?

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ASP.NET Large File Transfers

I am attempting to use the technique in KB 812406
(http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=812406) to transfer
large files via Response.OutputStream.Write.

It works GREAT in in debug mode. But whenever I set
debug="false" in the web.config file clients get cutoff after about 1.5 minutes.

There is no error raised the client simple gets an incomplete file.I've tried playing around with various timeout settings in web.config and in IIS with no luck.

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Uploading Very Large Files

I am currently developing a download centre for a hardware manufacturer which has alot of firmware and other software available to it's clients. Most of these are less than 10mb and with their internet connection I'm thinking a browser upload through the admin tools will be fine. However there are files on the current site of up to 100mb, how would be best to handle uploading these?

I was thinking maybe an ftp component would handle bigger files better than an normal http upload? Does anyone know of any components that allow some kind of background uploading so they can continue to use the admin for other tasks while this continues?

Or just any other suggestions full stop! Maybe I would need to come up with some way of taking them out of the system and loading a windows ftp with the correct directories etc.. predefined?

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Large Data From Sql Server

I want to count number of data available depending upon the conditions in the large database the database table rows are approximately 3 lakhs and there are multiple table to be searched and records need to be displayed in ASP pages.

Kindly suggest the best scripting method as i am always getting error like "Script Time Out" Error in Active Server Pages (ASP)

please suggest how to avoid or in sql server i can create some pre defined script and just call from asp pages

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Large Database Fetch

I've a large database that I am working with. The problem is right now I've so many sample data in the datbase all the testing data in it. I want to clear the database and reset the AutoNumber so that it starts at 1 and goes up by one.I know that its possible in Access and I've done it before, problem is the tables have relationship and lots of them.

the way I know to rest the AutoNumber require me to break the relationship but it will take very long time for me to rectreate them again and I might not get them same at the end.Is there a way to rest the AutoNumber without having to break the relationship?

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Large Volume Of Text

I am creating a dynamic website using ASP and an MS Access backend DB. I am a little confused with how to go about things and am now facing the following problem. I want a large volume of text to be loaded dynamically on my page but don't really understand how i should be storing this text as the database fields will only hold a max 255 chars.

Obviously this is not large enough to store all of the text i may need and so where should i be storing the text? The only idea i had was storing the text in an external text file to which i point to with the database field (i.e. database holds the path to the txt instead of the actual text itself).....is this possible? or more to the point is there a better way? How would this normally be accomplished?

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Uploading Large Files>2MB

I hope we can upload only files with limited size through ASP scripts(<2MB). I need to write an ASP script that can serve up to 100MB of file uploading. I have written one script(with progress bar ;-)), as my hosting won't allow me any third party upload components. Is there any way we for ASP scripts to make larger file uploads?

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Large Insert String

I have an asp page with a form, which has a lot of fields 30 to 40 .Is there an easier way to loop through all the fields submitted to the insert page or is the only way to do it using the standard, request.form for each field and then INSERT INTO Reports (ReportID, ReceivedDa very lengthy for this amount of fields. Perhaps there is a way of looping through some sort of collection ?

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Large File Uploads

I have a site that i upload files to that are no bigger than 100MB. we upload about once a day, and use FTP...... we would like to be able to do it from the site itself.

any idea where i can get a script? i cant register components with my
hosting company i dont think. i go thru godaddy.com

need a good free asp upload script. cant find any that work. Huge ASP Upload
doesnt even work on the demo page, let alone on my own page

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Data Size Too Large

i'm getting the following error in my event log:

Event Type:Error
Event Source:Active Server Pages
Event Category:None
Event ID:5
Time:11:50:48 AM
Error: File /index.asp Data size too large. Size of data being sent
in the request is over the allowed limit..
For more information, see Help and Support Center at

The problem is that when I get this error, all websites in IIS6 become completely unresponsive, and I have to run an iisreset.

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Data Size Too Large

We are using Windows Server 2003 along with IIS 6. When trying to browse to an ASP page, the following error is returned:

Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0107'
Data size too large.

Size of data being sent in the request is over the allowed limit. the asp page in question is about 5 KB in size and we also increased the size of the AspBufferingLImit setting in Metabase.xml to over 16MB to no avail.

Similar ASP pages are all working, it is only this one, and there is nothing special or different about this one.

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Large Amounts Of Data

If I use a form to pass data (say, for example, through a textbox) the data seems to be limited to somewhat smaller amounts. What should I do if I want to pass a large amount of data? For example a list of 200 items?

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Display Large Image From Database

principally I'm a photographer, and in the absence of any image galleries I could make sense of I created my own asp pages in Dreamweaver displaying images from a path stored in a database. These can then be paged through, all done using server behaviours in Dreamweaver. However, because I wanted to include some text next to my images, again a field in the database, I have to scale them down. I would like to give the user the option to see a larger version of the image on display, preferably in a pop-up window that is then closed by the user before they continue scrolling through the images....

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