DSNLess Troubles

I'm trying to setup an Access DSNLess connection on my local computer. The following string works fine within the Dreamweaver interface. But when I upload to my server (locally) I get this error. Can anyone lend some insight?

Object required: 'oConn'
/Connections/conn.asp, line 2

oConn.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" & _
"Dbq=c:inetpubwwwrootauthors.mdb;" & _
"Uid=admin;" & _

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SSI Troubles

whats the line of code to include another website?
ie:heres the code for including another page on your server::
(!--#include virtual="hi.html"--)
but how would you include a whole differnt page thats hosted on a whole different server?

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ASP Email Troubles...

all i need is a contact form, that validates... and goes to a success page.. I have pieced together what i thought should work.. But it does not.. in parts it does but on the whole it does not. Code:

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Dsnless Connection

My code runs a Select query in Access DB using dsnless connection, and then print out the results. When I run the script the very first time, it works perfectly fine. Then, for the next few seconds (or sometimes minutes) I cannot run any script that uses the database. I get the following error:

Provider error '80004005'

Unspecified error

Exactly same code and DB schema works without any problem on test server but not on production server so I am pretty sure that the problem is not with the code, but I am open to all suggestions. Unfortunately, us programmers are not "privileged" enough to log into the two webservers to compare and contrast.
This is my very first post so I will give you some background of myself. I am new to ASP coding but I have been doing web-based programming in other languages for many years now.

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DSN Or DSNless Connections...

Right, which do you use? If your using DSNless, then STOP! It's SLOWING down your code and making it UGLY!!

Why? Lets look...

Which looks better
"DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & server.mappath("./data/vote.mdb")

Its also easier to manage and will cause less typing errors. Think about it, it makes sense!

Everytime you run a DSNless connection inside an ASP page the connection string needs to be verified,but a DSN connection is only verified when it is created! Meaning the DSN connection is indeed faster.

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DSNless Connection String Using ASP

I need help in creating a DSNless connection string for the database driven website I am doing using ASP and Access. However I get persistent error message even though I use
"DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=c:inetpubwwwrootdatabasesabc.mdb"

Since I use IIS to test the ASP pages, do I need to amend the connection string? Is it necessary to amend the conection string to allow the driver to run on local machine or testing server? I am confused.

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DSNless Connection String

i am using access database with asp . there is no password assigned to mdb file. but now i want to assign a password protection to my database so that nobody could open it despite downloading it. i am using following connection string

DB = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & _

now i want to know what shall be connection string when i shall assign password to my access database file.

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