Data Displayed As ASP/HTML Chart?

I have a site on which the visitor completes a form. When submitted, the form field details (email address, business, etc) are stored in an MS Access database.

I have to log-in to my server at the moment to see how many forms have been submitted.

Is there a way - I am sure there must be - of linking this MS Access database, that is, the number of forms submitted to it (which is not the same as counter 'hits', because people can visit the site without submitting the form), to an ASP/HTML page which displayes the figure in chart form month by month?

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HTML To Excel Chart

I developed some code to export DataGrid to excel base on the html stream technology.
But that one works only with worksheet cell. Is there any way to output Excel Chart based on the html stream?

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HTML From Database Not Displayed

I have done search on the board (and google too) to find a way to display properly my HTML code that are already inside the text in my database like < br > and < i > and so on. but when I see the result in my browser (using ASP) I see the HTML coding and not the result of the code.

I have found here in the Funky Functions in ASP thread probably something useful but I cant make it work (second post, the one made by aspapp).

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HTTP Header Being Displayed At Top Of HTML

After rebuilding our web server from NT 4.0 IIS 4.0 to Windows 2000
IIS 5.0, I'm constantly getting HTTP Headers posted to the top of the
HTML source (generated from ASP pages of course). This only seems to
happen upon hitting the browser's (IE 6.0) "back" button and not even
100% of the time when hitting the back button. Here's an example of
the source that is generated: Code:

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Chart From SQL-server Data

I have made a page to display a chart based on data from my SQL-server. I have used Office Web-component graph. Here I can set the correct SQL statement and the graph works fine.

Now I want the user to be able to input the WHERE part of the sql sentence. Can anyone point me to info or code on the web to do this ?

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Form SELECT OPTION Displayed Data

Is there a way to retrieve the DESCRIPTION in the following code from within the process.asp page without adding additional fields to the form?

<form name="myForm" method="post" action="process.asp">
<select name="Options">
<option value="1">DESCRIPTION</option>

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Components For Dynamically Displaying Data Chart Or Graph In ASP

I tried to find some components I can use to dynamically
generate chart or graph from database in ASP. It seems to
me that only some other companies have software on this
but Microsoft doesn't have any of them. Am I wrong?

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Inserting Data Into A Database :: Page Cannot Be Displayed Error

I'm having a probelm with inserting data into a database using asp but I can't see what i'm doing wrong. I get the page cannot be displayed error ....

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ASP Can Generate A Chart (pie Chart) ?

May I want to know ASP or Javascript can generate a chart (pie chart) ?
or other method can do that?

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Viewing Data In HTML

I want to take in a user id passed from a specific asp page "login.asp" and query and SQL Server Database & display result of this query on to another for "UserWorkspace.asp".

I need to know how can I establish this, i.e., how do I pass the parameter to the UserWorkspace.asp form.

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Read Data(html) From Iframe

My application requires reading data(html) from an iframe and push into a div tag. 'innerHTML' property of the div tag allows to push data into it. Can anybody tell me how to read data(html) from an iframe.

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Adding Data From A HTML Form To Database

Basically i have a form on a HTML page which someone fills out with a few IDs, then i have a .asp file which is meant to add the info to a database.

However it just wont work, the field names in the database are correct. - i hope the if statement is correct too. Code:

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Display HTML Data In Excel File

I am displaying the data into HTML table into a EXcel file using the REsponse.header and content type, The data retrieved from the database is sucessfully displayed and I am able to open Excel application and save it. But in One of my TD tag I have a image <IMG> tag which should disply the image, but in the excel application the image is not loaded, If I open the table in web browser the image is visible.

Also if I select the save open form the file download box, there is a blank browser window still open, I open this file with functionality. Can somebody suggest how to close the blank window when the excel file is saved on the client PC instead of opening.

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Html Form Sending Over Blank Data

I have a form that is being sent over to an asp page. About 5% of the time, the form fields are blank when the ASP page is reading them. But when the user hit the submit button, they were not blank, because I have client-side validation that will not allow the submit to occur if any of the fields are blank. When this occurs, all the fields in the request.form object are blank?

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Automatically Generate Data To Fill HTML Form

Is it possible to use ASP +/ VBScript to automatically fill in certain fields of an HTML form with data generated from what the user typed in another field?

For example, the user needs to input 24 consecutive weeks worth of forecast data. If everything is done manually, they'll have to type in a date for each of the week. I would like the form to automatically fill in the following 23 dates (each one week later than the previous field) after the user fill in the first week's date. How do I do that?

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Cannot Be Displayed

I am moving from a Windows 2000 Web Server to a Windows 2003 Server.I have converted all of my old CDONTS to CDOSYS with no problems. However,I am having major problems with getting my asp pages that have both MySQL and CDOSYS
on them to work.I get the following error:HTTP 500 Internal Server error
There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed

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Bar Chart

I had downloaded your bar chart. Is it possible to read the values from the database?? If possible, how??

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ASP And Chart

Ineed to create a something like a horizontal bar chart connected to a db. this is all very new for me, Can some one please suggest something....

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I'm trying to develop some graphs for my site and hoped this would be a solution.

I have one question really. We've installed the MS Office 2003 components on our webserver -2003- but i seem unable to create a reference to it in the code i.e.

dim owc
set owc = createObject("owc.chart")

It comes back with an error which doesn't seem to make sense as the component is registered on the server, does anyone know what might be causing this?


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Pie Chart

I ve created a table of information and now i need to make a number of pie charts from this table.

Ive attatched an image of the table, to make it easier for you to know what i mean. a pie chart i want to make for example is, say, the number of red,yellow and green projects in Fixed Income, ie 14 red, 4 yellow and 4 green.

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Organizational Chart

how I can do this pulling from a Microsoft Access database?

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OWC Chart Plotarea

I have been making a dynamic chart in ASP, and it's working fine so far. However there's only one thing that is not working. The color of Plotarea!
I don't know how to define the color of plotarea. I tried to specify the color of Plotarea as below but it didn't work.

set oChart = Server.CreateObject("OWC.Chart")
set objChart = oChart.Charts.Add()
objChart.PlotArea.Interior.Color ="#FFFFFF"

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Radar Chart

what the best way to produce radar charts from asp would be? I know that I will probably need to install a component on the server. Any comments on what the best / cheapest one would be?

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OWC Chart In Asp Page

I've heard conflicting stories on the ability of Office Web Components to access a data source that resides on the internet (as opposed to the intranet). Some say you can, some say you cannot. I can get the owc chart to connect to my database on IIS but I would like to publish this on my webpage.I'd like to insert a chart on a page which I like to use data from an Access database on my webpage. How do I get that chart to link to a data source on my website? I use the following line to connect to my database normally:

Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("amsydb est.mdb"))

But where do I insert this in the data connection section so I can get my OWC chart to connect to this database?

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Ntext Cannot Be Displayed

Because I needed to store more than 4,000 characters, I decided to convert one field in SQL Server Database from nvarchar to the field holds many more characters without a problem as I examined in my online manager.

But when I tried to display it on my asp page with


, nothing showed up, and there is no error message. It cannot be null because i checked in the manager...

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Page Cannot Be Displayed In ASP

I'm using classic ASP. I made a change to a page and I got a Page Cannot Be Displayed error. I changed the code back and now I get the same thing. Other pages can run and access the db server.

I tried taking out includes and bypassing some code. I've also checked both the Application and Event logs on the server and there doesn't seem to be anything obvious there. I'm not using any components. Can anybody give me an idea as to the types of
things that cause this problem?

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Excel Chart By Using The ASP

I have a problem,i create an excel chart by using the asp, but due to my selected database is quite large until the chart shows the data in a messy way and it is too tight even the name for the unit also cannot see.

is any way to seperate it ? i mean show it in another way for eg show it for 10 data in a page and can click on a "next" to link another page , or create another drop down list to select for how many data to show in a page? and may i know how to write that ??
thank you very much

another question is , once created the chart , how to view it like a pic in a part of IE just like the stock market value?for your information, i connected to database and created the excel chart , and just link to show it in IE for whole.

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Excel Chart

i have a problem,i create an excel chart by using the asp, but due to my selected database is quite large until the chart shows the data in a messy way and it is too tight even the name for the unit also cannot see.

is any way to seperate it ? i mean show it in another way for eg show it for 10 data in a page and can click on a "next" to link another page , or create another drop down list to select for how many data to show in a page? and may i know how to write that ??

another question is , once created the chart , how to view it like a pic in a part of IE just like the stock market value?for your information, i connected to database and created the excel chart , and just link to show it in IE for whole.

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Be Displayed Error

I've got an asp page that allows users to input quantities of certain items. When they click the "Total" button, the page is submitted to itself and a total for their selected items is displayed, similar to any online shopping cart.

When all items have been selected, the form is submitted, and their taken to the next page. If they choose the browser's "Back" button, or a "Cancel" button on the asp page, they get the Page Cannot Be Displayed Error. However, if they never update the total, and instead enter all the quantities and then submit the form, withing submitting back to itself, the browser's "Back" button and the asp "Cancel" button work fine.

It appears the back button doesn't work when the previous page has been submitted to itself. Does anyone have any suggestions? Is it a bug in my code or possibly an IIS issue?

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X-axis Of OWC Chart

I prepare a owc chart in asp.
in category axis (x-axis) i want to adjust date format according to date range, For Example: if data is of 5 years then tick lables show Years as below
Large data : 2005,2006
Medium : Jan, Feb
Samll : Mon, Tue

I've tried by NumberFormat property
Chartspace.Charts(0).Axes(0).NumberFormat = "dd,mm,yy"
but it is not working.
can it be done through ASP or via SQL statement. if SQL then how

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Line Chart

Can someone provide me sample codes to plot line chart.

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Chart To My Site

I have been asked that every user in the site should have a chart that shows individual calories, fat, carbs of items that the user selects in any restaurant so And the user would be able to plan how those items would effect their diet plan.

Also the charts and graphs will be for Weekly Progress Chart , as the site is for diet progress for the users.If anyone knows how this can be done,please help as i am stuck here and i am a newbie to ASP.

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Page Can't Displayed

I have a form from html called "rcf" and it suppose to get the data from users and send it to the database.but from my form to my add_rcf.asp page I get a "The " message.I uploaded the files.

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