Data Feed Called By Javascript From Affiliate's Server

This is a mix of technologies so I hope I've put this in the right place.

I have a system where people can sign up to a data feed. They place a single line of Javascript on their web page and a formatted banner of products is displayed based on the options they have chosen in their affiliate account.

<script language="Javascript" src=""></script>

The original system was built by our developer 3 or 4 years ago, and worked fine. However, he built the system using two ASP files - feed.asp which looks like this:


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ASP/javascript Content Feed Problems

I can get the content feed to work with a simple javascript but once I add ASP the whole thing strangely fails. Code:

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Data Feed

I have access to a .csv data feed behind a password-protected ftp server. What I would like to do is access the server via code, execute queries against the .csv data feed, and return live results.

Is there a way to do this?

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Import Data Via Csv Feed

I need to find a way to import a csv file into a sql database via classic asp or if easy .net to update a table. Every time this is imported i would like to overwrite the existing data in the database.

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Fetching A RSS Feed Through A Proxy Server And Displaying It On ASP Page

I need to display the contents of an external XML/RSS feed in an ASP page. I have found a couple of scripts that seem to do the trick at:

(URL address blocked: See forum rules)
(URL address blocked: See forum rules)/ow.asp?ASP_Based_RSS_Reader

(any good alternatives will be much welcome)

However, my problem is that the ASP page is part of an Intranet site, so it can only access the Internet (in order to fetch the RSS) via a proxy server.

Can somebody tell me how can I modify the above scripts (or any other that does the same) so the IP/port/login/password parameters can be passed along with the feed URL?

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Data Access With JavaScript

I'm attempting a login script where I first authenticate a user's login info for a valid connection. When I use a valid ID/Password everything works. When I use a bad user/password I get an error page stating the login failed.

I would prefer to redirect the user to another page on a failed login. This is the part that doesn't work. I'm new to ASP and JavaScript, but have done this kind of thing with PHP with no problems.

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Server-side Javascript

I'm trying to modify an existing ASP application, which uses JavaScript as the server-side scripting language.

Can you use the "try...catch" blocks in server-side JavaScript?

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Server Side Code From Javascript

Is it possible to run a Server Side function from JavaScript? I have a dropdown list that executes some javascript in the onChange event, but I need it to query a database after it does so.

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How To Pass The Server Side Value To JavaScript Object??

<script type="text/javascript"
function window_onload(
{var params = new Array()
params["streetNumberPrefix"] = <% Request.Form("streetNumberPrefix") %>

</script></HEAD><BODY onload="window_onload()">

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Global.asa :: Is Not Being Called

My global.asa is not being called.. any idea what may be the problem

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Error While Dll Is Being Called From Asp

I am getting the below error when i am calling function of dll in my asp page.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch: 'GenerateWelcomeLetter'

/cgi-bin/Anagram_Utils/welcome_letter/generatedoc.asp, line 72

dim a
a = false
a = welcome.GenerateWelcomeLetter (qry,template_filename, save_filename)

The function in dll is having boolean as the return type. Can someone plzzz tell me what can be the problem. I am using dll for the first time in asp.

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Called By Ajax

My web site HTML comes from a database via querystring e.g. page.asp?pid=55. I have a separate asp search page, search.asp. Its output is retrieved by an ajax call from page.asp and its HTML is then neatly wrapped and styled by page.asp.

I want search.asp to recognise if it is not being called via ajax frompage.asp, but directly e.g. via the address bar (and if so, redirect to page.asp). Do I need to put something into the posted string, or (better) is there an asp method that can do this?

The ajax call is
function GetSearchPage(st) {
var poststr = "searchterm=" + encodeURI(st);
makePOSTRequest('/search/search.asp', poststr,'divFullSearchDisplay');

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Operation Called

I don't know the exact operators, but it's something like:


Which translates to:
If a = TRUE then
return b
return c
end If

I need this for an ASP script.

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Called Function Has Finsihed

I have the a function which creates a table of search results from a paramater passed from the page Request as shown below..


Is there a way to detect when this function has finished execution as i want to page a page loader on the page until all the HTML is build and ready for rendering? I have the page loader in a div so when the above function finishes i would like to disable or hide it via Javascript. That bit is fine it's just the how to send a call to the Javascript so the DIV can be hidden is the problem.

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Page Called Logout.asp

I have a logout button for my admin system. I really need on logout, to go back to the login page. This is fine but I also need the session set to false. I could do this via using a secondry page called logout.asp, and place inside that something like session.abandon and a response.redirect. But I do not wish to have a secondry page.

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OnSession_End Not Called Everytime

my web application has user name and password, whenever user logged in i set his status in database as 1 so that only one user can logged at one time with same login and i
write a code to set status to 0 on logout menu, but if session expired then status will remain 1.

i have written code to set staus to 0 in onSession_End sub but it not work all the time. Sometimes it works and sometimes not. So i m looking for an alternative way of doing it

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Where Does My Local Cookie Hide And What's It Called ?

I'm running my script locally and the cookie has been saved on the machine because the login page is by-passed (with the Redirect to "menu.asp" below.

OK - but where is my cookie stored? Or at least give me clue. What will the cookie be called and what text will it contain if:

iAuthorID = 1
iSecurityLvl = 3
uName = "barny" ?

The machine user is "flintstone" and machine name is "W2KPro". The CookieName will be "mABmyASPBlog" ....

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.asp File Called In A Template?

I have an .asp file that generates a nav menu.

I have tried and tried to "include" this in the blogger template, so that I can update the menu dynamically, without fiddling with a cumbersome blogger template all of the time.

The question is, does anyone know how I can "call" this file in to the template successfully?

I have tried using <script> tags: something like:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

But had no success.

Does anyone know how I can accomplish this?

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Error When Some Stored Procedures Are Called In A Classic ASP Page

When some of the SQL Server stored procedures I have written are called via
my Classic ASP page I have written I get the following error in the cell that
is supposed to be retrieving a single result:

"ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cc1'

Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name
or ordinal.

/Default.asp, line 130"

I have no idea why this could be occuring. Some of the other stored
procedures work just fine. Any one have any ideas?

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Rolling Back Timed Out Stored Procedure Called From ASP?

I don't know if this is a truly esoteric question, or not, but I'm
wondering how (or even if) you handle a timeout on a transaction
within a stored procedure executed in a Stored Procedure?

A theoretical example of the stored procedure (sadly, I'm not allowed
to post the actual code):

Create proc sp_testproc @myval int, @outval int OUTPUT as

begin tran

select top 1 @outval= myname from mytable where recid = @myval

update mytable set myname='xxxx' where recid = @myval ...

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RSS Feed

today a client asked me for an RSS feed on their website. I've never done it before. Bascially i've just spend a while on google and worming my way around the web but just cant seem to get my head around how the heck I make this thing work.
I basically want to embed an rss feed on a website in a little section that will act like a news bar. Can anyone describe to me in the simplest possible terms how i do it. Thats an rss feed, as part of a website. Not a descktop application or anything, it needs to be embedded.Im thinking its the morning tierdness thats making me 'not get it'

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Rss Feed

I would like to create a RSS feed from my Access Database.
I have an Access table for news which has the article title, date, and
story in it. What I would like to do is pull the data from there into an
xml file to create the RSS feed, so when users upload a news story it
automatically updates in the xml file. Can this be done with asp? and where
should I look for more information.

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What Is RSS Feed?

i am new to this RSS. so can any body tell me wat is RSS feed? wat is the benifit?

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RSS Feed

I have this statement which produces data from an RSS feed. The statement works well but I'm confused on how to format the {DC:DATE}.The date currently displays like this: 2006-05-22T08:57:00-04:00. I might like something else ie May 22, 2005 or maybe time.

This statement is inside ASP Tags.

ItemTemplate = "&nbsp;<a class='rssLink1' href=" & """{LINK}""" & ">{TITLE}</a>&nbsp;{DC:DATE}<BR>"

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I want to put a BBC RSS Feed onto my site, and i dont want to link to a host, i want to link directly onto the bbc site.

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RSS Feed

where i can find a good explaination of RSS Feed and a example of it a working example of it. I searched google found some articles but it only tells me what RSS is an overview not in depth.

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RSS Feed

I am looking to set one up for the information on the following page (here ) in the "Forum - Recent Topics" box.

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RSS Feed - ASP

how to get news RSS feed in asp?

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Displaying RSS Feed

Firstly, I am not a programmer, so forgive my complete and utter ignorance of all things ASP related.I am trying to display an RSS feed on a website using some ASP which I found on this website -
I have downloaded the script and running it locally it works (kind of):-

However, when I put this page on my web server I get an error message:-

The ASP file is here:-

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Create RSS Feed

how to create the RSS for a static ASP site. I have used CMS before which has buitin feature of creating the RSS. I like to write own RSS for individual pages. The site in question is SIPLNET.COM

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Reading XML/RSS Feed With ASP

I could post the various bits of code that I've tried to use to get this to work... but it'd be kind of pointless as I haven't gotten very far with either of them (I've run across encoding problems, and problems where it works on the local machine, but not through ASP. I've tried using an XLT doc and without).

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Parsing A CSV Feed

I need to create an asp page to parse a slightly unusual data stream which is in CSV format with new records identified by carriage returns. how to start? Really I want to just tabulate some of the data and ignore other fields. It's a travel industry data feed - sample record:

1,JNY,1,050718,1943,S,AHL,051217,LGW,ALC,0645,1235 ,051224,LGW,7,R,154,154,0,-1,0,8888,8888,,,WAL2,0,0,0,0,0,0,

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RSS News Feed

Anyone know the code to retrieve and display an rss news feed ?

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