Data Source Name Not Found And No Default Driver Specified

So i get this error and i have no idea what it means. So if someone could help let me know what this error is coming up for it would be nice. Im just starting asp today because my work has a client who has an asp site. Thank you


Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

/class/classView.asp, line 13

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[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data Source Name Not Found And No Default Driver

When I try it on original server, it works, but when I moved everything to a different server it does not work. I have checked the dsn name, userid and passs. But no luck.

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified


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Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data Source Name Not Found And No Default Driver Spec

We hosted our asp based application under windows 2000 server with sql server 2000 as backend. All the asp module works fine with internet explorer version 5 but same application is giving odbc error when we run the application in IE 6.

The exact error is :
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified xxxxxxxx/login.asp, line 27

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Access Is Denied :: Data Source Name Not Found And No Default Driver Specified

We had a web site that works in windows NT very good with a DB in Access. Our clients migrate to Win 2000 and now the connection to the DB doesn't work ... the error is this:

Error: Access is Denied.
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

/directory/progs/, line 17 ...

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Data Source Name Not Found And Default ..

Mircosoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers [0x80004005]
[Mircosoft] [ODBC Driver Manager]

Data source name not found and default driver specified

This is the connection string im using and ive install an odbc driver
connect_string = "Driver={Mysql}; Server=localhost; Database=Tester; "
set dbConn = server.createObject("ADODB.connection") connect_string

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Data Source Name Not Found

ADODB.Connection.1 error '80004005'

SQLState: IM002
Native Error Code: 0
[INTERSOLV][ODBC lib] Data source name not found and no default driver specified


strconn ="DSN=dsnname ; UID=username ; PWD=password"
set conn = Server.Createobject("adodb.connection")
conn.Mode= 3 strconn
the error is in the last line. THANX

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Displaying Alternate Image When Image Source Not Found

I am creating a dynamic ASP VBScript page, which gets data from an Access database.

In the database, there is a field which holds a URL to an image. I can get the image to display fine, but where there is no file that matches the URL (i.e. a missing image) I want to display an alternative, default image (e.g. one that says "Awaiting Image"). The field is never blank, but the image file may not exist for all records in the database.

I think what I am trying to get to is the following:

If file exists (using URL from database to get location of image file) then
display image using the url from the database as the image source
display default image - hardcoded in program

I have had a go and come up with the attached but I get an error with my if statement...

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Data Source Name

i dunno what's the DSN coz it's my friends code and she's using windows2000 so her open database connection code differs from what i

" ...."

what should i do to redirect the the connection to its database?i cant change all the codes coz there's many pages and takes ahellotta time

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Complex Data-source Question

I have knowledge of programming ASP pages, HTML, Vbscript and making/connecting to MySQL databases with SQL queries. I am prepared to learn new things if they are required, but ideally if it can be done using the above, or slight additions to the above it would be great!

I would like to get data off of the web. What I mean by this is that there might be a site that has a table on it. Is it possible to make a script take data out of the browser window (just thinking about it sounds difficult!).

If not, is there an easy way to get a script to dump the information (i.e. the source code of the page) into a .txt file or something that can be read by a script. Alternatively, would automating the pasting of the table into an excel spreadsheet be possible. Code:

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No Data Found,send Messag Then

What I'm doing is to show people data from database with ASP, but when there's nothing to show, ASP brings the browser with an error where only people like us knows what it means so what I want to know is how can I make ASP go to another page where I can explain the user that there's no data ralated to that new search and that he or she needs to try again?

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Win2k Asp Connection To Data Source On Unix

i'm trying to use an odbc driver to connect from an asp page to a data source (dbase) on unix sunsolaris. is this poss?

the driver is installed though i cant seem to do it through dreamweaver ultradev - can i do it through the ftp connection?

what would i input as the source on the following to initiate the connection in the asp page?

"Provider= "MSDASQL"; Data Source= server name ?
"Database=test;User ID=sa;Password=blabla"

or how would i do it using the followign as an include file ? Code:

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Data Source Wont Populate - Paraenthesis Issue

I have a couple fields in an Access DB that have parenthesis in the name:

EST(Minutes), EST(Seconds)

When I try and populate the dataset and then bind the datagrid it claims there is no field having that name. Can parenthesis be used in fieldnames. If so, can you please tell me the correct syntax please.

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MS Access Driver Vs JET 4.0 Driver

I have 'upgraded' my website from MS Access Driver to JET 4.0 driver. Additionally I used Include files for the connection string, so that when I put the program on another website, I only have to change 1 file not 160 files. So far so good. The upgrade to the JET driver has had some problems, problems not experienced in 4 months of smooth operation by the MS Access Driver.

The JET Driver did not like square brackets in the SQL string(these are often placed here by Access, when testing strings). The JET driver did not like my field name called 'position'. It totally stuffed up and I had to change the name of my field in the database. Took 3 hours to work out the problem!! The JET Driver did not like the field I called Day, had to change it's name to weekday.

The reason I 'upgraded' to the JET 4.0 driver is that it is meant to be better and it allows me to use a password to protect the database. Can I have a database password using the MS Access Driver, in case I get stuck again, does anyone have the syntax?

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Driver Sch

I want to populate a dynamic schedule table M-Sunday like this. My db doesnt have a column called monday,tuesday,etc.

I want to create a loop that get the data from access then fill the cells for date and route..Any day may have 2 or more schedule. Code:

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Myodbc Driver

I want to install mysql odbc driver 3.51 and downloaded from the
but when i unzipped it, it shows only dll file..
I m very confused how to install odbc driver? would i
need to install whole mysql as well or i can just install
myodbc driver? I just wanted to create DSN to remote

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ODBC Driver

I'm getting Internal Server Error in one of my pages. The server's error log says: ODBC driver does not support the requested properties. there was recently a hosting change but there is no way to find out the configuration of the previous hosting. The current hosting is on win server 2003-IIS , mssql 2000.

My connection string is
Application("ConnString") = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=*****;UID=*****;Password=*****;Database=*****"

After some tries in isolating the code that causes the error i believe that the error occures when this:

Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Command") is executed.

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ASP To MySQL With No MyODBC Driver

I have a mySQL database which I use successfully with a web site but now I must share the content with another web site running ASP on a Windows 2000 shared server. Unfortunately myODBC is not installed and I cannot create a DSN to the database because of the lack of mySQL driver.

Is there any possible way I can make a connection to the database using ASP?

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Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr Failed

I am recieving an weird error when trying to check to see if a user exists in the database. The error I am recieving is:

Error Type:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed
/PhotoBBS/NewUser.asp, line 56

I have searched on google, and nothing really came up, except to check my SQL Statement, which I have and it seems correct, tho I might have made a little mistake, could someone help me? Code:

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ODBC Driver Issue

I used following line to connect DB and get following ODBC driver issue
oConn.Open "UID=user1;PWD=abcd;DRIVER={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};SERVER=server1;"

Error message:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005' [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLAllocHandle on SQL_HANDLE_ENV failed

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Microsoft Text Driver

Does anybody know if its possible to do a non case sensitive search in textfiles with this driver ?

Or is it another way around the problem.

Ex.: SELECT * FROM table WHERE name like '%john%'

should return : Johnson, john, JOHN, jOHN, ......

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Oracle ODBC Driver

I have an intranet site that uses basic authentication to allow users to view and update information from an Oracle DB (ver 8.1.6 -- ancient, I know). Anyway, the site worked fine as long as the machine accessing the ASP page was running Win 2k but when an XP machine tried to view the page, the client got an error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-12640: Authentication adapter initilization

I tried googling the error and ran across a post that suggested using the Microsoft ODBC driver for Oracle rather than the Oracle ODBC driver. I made the change and things are working fine now. I guess my question is why did this happen? If it was really an ODBC driver problem it would seem to have occured regardless or the OS of the requesting machine. (After all, this is requested through HTTP)

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ODBC Driver Error

Getting this strange error all of a sudden.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers. error 80040e21
ODBC driver doesn't support the requested properties.

and the line is:

tRST.Open "SELECT id FROM " & sTable & " WHERE " & sField & " = '" & vValue
& "'", oConn, adOpenKeyset, adLockReadOnly

I'm using vbscript and this was working before I changed some tables and relationships, which should not affect the above line though.

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ODBC Driver Error

My server was JUST upgraded to 2003, the system had been running fine under 2000, but after the system crash I was convinced to upgrade - that's when it all fell apart. I'm not doing anything fancy with asp, just passing a couple of fields and obtaining the record from the database.

I can disable IUSR_computername and when it prompts me to log in, using the Administrator's password, the ODBC driver fires and connects to the database just fine.

Re-enable the IUSR_ and it goes back to giving the can't load error.It has to be a permissions deal, I just don't know for what directory. Any help would be greatly appreciated, server has been down now for 81 hours.

You can see the error (when server comes back online) at:

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Microsoft Text Driver Connection

I'm having trouble setting up my queries using microsoft text driver to pull from a TSV text file. When I do the query:

SELECT EntryDate, Lot, Batch, Product, Operation, Recipe, Route, Entity, TimeNum, Flag, Template, Seg, Diagnostic, Val FROM Excursion.txt

I pull everything fine with no issues, but when I try to add a condition as such:

SELECT EntryDate, Lot, Batch, Product, Operation, Recipe, Route, Entity, TimeNum, Flag, Template, Seg, Diagnostic, Val FROM Excursion.txt WHERE Flag= " & Flag1

I get: Code:

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Microsoft Excel Driver Error

I am using an ASP script on my site that reads a microsoft excel file and adds the values to the database (MS SQL Server). The script works completely fine on my LOCAL server, but it shows me the following error when I upload it to the server and try to run it.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Excel Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x1128 Thread 0x2268 DBC 0xd2d0fec Excel'.

/Bacardi/bblcontest/readexcel.asp, line 5

FYI, I am using the following connection string:

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ODBC Driver Error '80040e31'

I have a dynamically generated update statement which has a rathe large IN clause making comparisions on an indexed and keyed integer field. Here's the code below: ....

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Database Connection Info And Driver

Im doing a login page for my website, and it seems i have to do this:

'Database connection info and driver
strCon = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};uid=;pwd=letmein; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath(strAccessDB)

What the hell is that? Do I just put the physical path of my DB in there?

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Driver's SQL Alloc Handle On SQL_HANDLE_ENV Failed

i m facing this problem when i use to connect to an oracle database on the server, through the Microsoft's ODBC Driver., while in the visual basic it is working after giving one error message "TSN Contact lost" something like this, i m using the oracle92 client on my pc.

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OBDC Txt Driver Problem With Reading Dates

I have made a recordset from a csv(txt) file and all is A ok on my machine and on one server but the server I want to run on it doesnt show some dates?

I noticed that the dates it doesn't show are ones where the day is graeter than 12? Code:

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Specified Driver Could Not Be Loaded Due To System Error 1114

what happened was that I have installed oracle in my window 2k server and when I try to get a ASP program to access some data on the oracle db this error keeps on bugging me... I have search the web in vain for solution n would be really grateful if any one can help me with this bug


Microsoft Ole DB provider for oDBC drivers (0x80004005)
Specified driver could not be loaded due to system error 1114

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Set cnt = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") "test"," "," "
set cnt = nothing
i have some simple asp code as above running well in http mode,but once i run this in https mode, i got the following error message .
line 3:
[MERANT][ODBC PROGRESS driver]Optional feature not implemented.
what i am using is Merant 3.70 32-bit Progress driver
and the progress db version is 9.1c
any suggestions? thanks a lot in advance

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[ODBC Excel Driver]Syntax Eror In Update

I have to do an ASP script that updates some columns in four MS Excel files, based on the SQL Server data. For 2 days I have an error :

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Excel Driver] Syntax error in UPDATE statement.

This is the code I use for the update statement:

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Error - ODBC Driver Does Not Support The Requested Properties.

I am taking my first crack at writing some ASP and have no clue as to what this error is pertaining to. I will be in your perverbial debt for ever!


The error I am getting is:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e21'

ODBC driver does not support the requested properties.

/agentlookup.asp, line 8


And here is the code it is referencing: Code:

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