Data Updated Into The Database Twice?

I am using a ASP page(User_Account.asp) to create username and password & updating the info into the database through another ASP page(User_Account_Upload.asp).

The problem I am facing is that, at random instances the data gets duplicated. I tried to check if the user Id exixts in the database before updating. After implementing this logic, whenever I create a new user, if the ASP page tries to store the username for the 2nd time, it generates an error message that the user_id exists and doesn't update the database. However, this error message is displayed on the screen even though the user_id was created for the 1st time ....

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Can't View Updated Data

i am working with asp 3.0.whenever i enter new data and want to view the data. i can,t view latest data(it shoows the page last visited), i have to refresh the page , then i can view the latest updated records from database.

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Display Updated Data W/o Refresh Using ASP

I figured out how to display data from an Access mdb file using ASP, but my database is continually being updated in real time. The only way for the end user to get the most current data is they have to refresh, or I have to code the html to refresh like every minute, which is really cumbersome, and bloats the logs. Code:

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Database Last Updated Code

Does anybody have code to add a "Database Last Updated...." line on your webpages that are generated from an MDB? There is simple ASP and javascript for 'page last updated', but the code that I have found just detects the time when the page was generated, which is every time the page loads since it is querying the database.

Im looking for code that queries when the database was last updated, then displays that info on the page.

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DB Updated

I m developing a site n creating a enable/disable page. In this page when I enabled a user then in DB field user enable once n value is entered "Y" but when I updated user field n I disabled then DB is not update plz help me friends.

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Table Not Updated

I am using an Insert command in my asp code that Inserts a rows in my database. After the Insert command i create a recordset and ask for all the rows in the table that i aplied the insert command Some times the rows i get are correct but sometimes the database is not updated by the time the recordset is opened.

Is there any way to wait until the table is updated with the new rows and then open the
recordset? ...

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Updated Book

my work lended me a book, Active Server Pages 3.0 for Beginners by WROX.So far its been pretty good, but here is the bummer,its kinda old. Since I am new to ASP, am I better off just sticking with this book and getting through it, or do any of you recommend one that is more "updated" or such and could be just as beneficial? This thing was reprinted in 2000.

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Updated A Record

I use a popup window to add a record to a database that is displayed on the webpage. How do I trigger the parent page to refresh from the popup?This could either be a hyperlink or to happen upon closure of the popup.

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Displaying Updated XML File

I'm trying to create an XML guestbook. I'm using a form for the user to input his name, e-mail, message etc. an .asp file to update the xml file and an .htm file with javascript to display the xml file. The .asp file contains a <meta> tag to redirect the user from the .asp file to the guestbook.htm file. Following the submission of the form the script in the .asp file runs fine and updates the xml file but the problem is that when the xml file is accessed by guestbook.htm in appears to be accesing a cached version. For it to display the latest entry i need to access the xml file directly (http://....../guestbook.xml), refresh it and then return to the .htm file.

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Session Variable Not Updated

I'm unable to update a session variable
btween pages. I can read them after I set in global.asa
and I can change its value within the same script but when
I go to another page, the session variable remains

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Count Updated Records

I think this should be simple but cannot find it:

I use a update query like


2 things I want to do, check if query is success and display message with number of changed records. How can I do this?

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Display Updated Message

I have a SQL database with a ASP frontend. I can update my record without a problem. What I am looking to do is update the record by pressing the submit button and when the record is updated display on the same page that the record was successfully updated. When I update my record now, I have it where it redirects me to a different page. I would like the message to appear on the same page.

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How Do I Export Data Fom Local Database To Server Database?

I'm current working on a project which need to upload local data to
live server database.

Meanings that, i'm current having a server in my local mechine. I need
upload data from local database to live database which host at oversea
company. But i really have no idea how to do this in asp.

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Page Title In A List Of Recently Updated Pages

I'm using VBScript to display a list of the ten most recently updated
pages on my web site. Right now, the script lists the filenames and
the date modified in a given directory.

What I want to know is if there is any way to extract the page title
and display that instead of the file name? Can I use .asp and VBscript
to "delve" into the file and extract the title? Code:

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How To Get Data From 1 Database To Another

I have a master table called ad_dump. ad_dump is an Active Directory dump of 20,000 users across the domain. I capture user's logon to filter ad_dump on department so only user's department personnel show.

This ad_dump will supply data for many databases. Therefore, each application requires a user to "choose" which personnel belongs into a local application(personnel). Personnel choice is the ad_dump of personnel of logged on user's department. The user selects choices by checkbox and submits.

How can I collect the form's hidden values and have them inserted into another database? I assume I can use the form collection object but I cannot seem to figure it out. Code:

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Last Row Of Data From Database

How to get the last row of data from database which is integer value by using ASP?

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Display Data From Database

I want to display a system maintenance notification on my webpage using a splash screen. I got the code for splash screen from Dynamic Drive and added it on my web page. Now here is my problem. I have created a table in my SQL database with these two fields, Flag and Description. I am trying to connect this splash screen to this table.

This is because-if the flag is set to 1 the splash screen will pop up and display the data in the description field on the splash screen and if it is set 0 the screen will not pop-up at all. Two things I am having trouble with-

1. Displaying the data on the splash screen. I made the connection to my db but can't get it to display it on my splash screen.

2. How to make the splash screen pop-up only if the Flag field is set to 1.

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Pulling Data From A Database

Here's my scenario: I send an email to my customers which contains an embedded URL with a recordnumber within it. What I want to do is create a variable for the recordnumber, write a select statement against my database using the variable as the argument for the WHERE clause, and display the results of the SELECT (its always a single value) within an HTML page.

Here are snippets of the code. The recordnumber is represented by strCallID and the resultset that I'm trying to display is strATG (shown near the bottom of the HTML)
All the connection string stuff has already been taken care of, so that's not included in this code:

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Data From ASP Web To Access Database

I'm using Dreamweaver MX with ASP VBScript and using a MS Access Database. For about the longest time now, I've been trying to make a Mailing List form online and when you submit the data, [data] goes into the Access Database.

The Form is obviously working fine, although sometimes I do get errors, I'm mainly trying to get this data skullduggery working. Is that even possible (with ASP even)? I have to use ASP and I can't use SQL (because I would), but I think my n00b self has tried everything I could think of. Code:

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To Put Image Instead Of Data From Database

i wanna check one cell value from database and then if cell value is 0 than put this image in the dynamic table, if it's 1 than put other image to dynamic table, and so on Code:

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Displaying Data From A Database

I have a page that allows users to sign on and then have access to the site. What I need to do is to have them sign on and see selected (tables) or data that is in the database.
I need some help. How would this be written. Unfortunalely the only book I have on the subject is Code:

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Retreiving Data From The Database

I on my site i have a form that users fill in, once they have filled it in, they are then redirected to a preview page. All this is fine.

Then users get redirected to a secure third party that takes all the customers credit card details and checks them all.

If they are all authorised then it will the go back to my page to confirm that everything is ok and that their information has now been added.

What the problem is that i can not carry the information through the secure servers pages and what I need to do is basically get the user to fill out the form have it inserted to the database, then they pay for it, If all ok i want to be able to insert a "confirmed" into the payment field for the advert that they have placed or if it fails for it to say "awaiting payment" in the payment field and a message on the screen to tell them to contact sales team.

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Data Not Being Added To Database

I have a site and im trying to make a create account page for users to create an account. Unfortunately after getting everything working right i find out that for some reason the code is not adding the users to the database, i have double and even triple checked my sql connection string im at a complete and total loss Code:

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Get Data Into Text Box From The Database.

I have 2 textboxes. In first text box i need to enter name, the second text box shud be automatically filled with the person'd id.

Both the name and id is coming from database. I tried using this code, but i'm getting error saying System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at line 1 Code:

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Update Data In The Database

I want my users to be able to update their data(they store hours spend in different courses per week) stored in the Access database. So far they are able to update only one record(i.e. for only one week).....all they do is search for their records using their User_Id and click the WeekNo they want to update.

when there are (e.g. WeekNo1, WeekNo2.....) the user can only update data for WeekNo1 and when they click WeekNo2 the link takes them to WeekNo1 data.Please guys I need help cos I've been trying so hard to figure out what might be the problem and failed.

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Display Data In Database

How to use the for loop to display all the data in database? For example, displaying the data that start with "a".

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Duplicate Data In Database

I have a database which consist of these field:

When the admin enter data to the form, the data will go to another page and will be displayed in a classtimetable form,according to the time, day and room number. i am using Macromedia Ultradev 4 to develiop this page. what i want to do some programming here is.. when the admin enter the data,

1. Room and Time can be same, but in different Room,
2. Room and Time cannot be same(with previous data) in the same Room,

how to code this?

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User Data Vs. Database

I have been thinking about storing some data, which my users upload, in text files rather than database, since often I do not know how much information users submit for things like item description or images URL paths.

This information may be very short or very long. MS SQL Server requires a maximum field length to be set. Thus, if user enters 5 characters into 5000 character field, a lot of space will be wasted. On the other hand, the database reference would point to the text
files to read users' data and display it on page.

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Add One To Database Recordset Data

I’m in the middle of designing a simple website poll... nothing to fancy a simply question and results type thing... however I’ve hit a problem in that I cannot figure out how to add one to the running total when a vote is cast. For example:

Do you like this website:

A: Yes Lots – radio button if selected adds one to yeslots column
B: It’s ok - radio button if selected adds one to Itsok column
C: It could be improved - radio button if selected adds one to Itcouldbeimproved column

And of course we’re using an Access database for this one.

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Retrieving Data Strings From Database

I am submitting data to a database field, and the data is being submitted in the following manner to a table in the database:


It's all comma delimeted. Now, what I would like to do is have an update page in which a user can update these values. I am trying to place the values in a repeated text box that corresponds with a repeated question.

The questions that I am displaying are in a repeated field and each question has a text box that will hold the value that corresponds to. I would like to be able to bring in each value into a repeated text box. Right now, each repeated text box contains the above information. (5,3,4,4,3,3,4,5,4,5,5). Is this possible?

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Send Cdo Email With Database Data

i've got a database in ms access. using ASP (vbscript) and IIS. I can send text e-mails through ASP but i want to attach a file from the database to the e-mail when it is sent. can anyone give me any hints on how to get the data from access, attach it to the e-mail and send it on?

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Question On Exporting Data From A Database Using ASP.

I don't know if this is possible, but I have been amazed at what I have
learned from this group so I will throw it out there.

I have an MS Access database that I connect to through .asp pages. Can
I offer a user of my page the ability to export data from the Access
database (either feeding of a table or a query) to their hardrive in an
Excel format?

If it is possible, I have two followup questions.

1: Can you export in additional formats (Access, Word, Notepad, ...)?

2: Can you do this if connecting to a SQL server?

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Database Won�t Receive Data

I have application form in ASP and I�m using a code
which I have use many times before and when I fill out
the forms it doesn't return any errors so it works perfect I guess.

Anyway... when I download the database (Access mdb)
back to my C: and open it a new line of record has been
created but all the fields are empty and no data.

Does anyone know what can be wrong or what are the

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