Database Driven Search Engine

Does anyone know where I can find a free simple script to create a search engine using Access Database backend and will allow the user to type in a word (not a using drop down list) and it will search the table.

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Database-driven URL

I am trying to create a URL from a list of names from a showing up blank. Trying to pass ID and Name as parameters too. the code I tried is below, thanks in advance.

Response.Write "<TABLE Border='1'>"
Do While NOT NameS.EOF
<a href="access.asp?intID=<%Response.Write(Names("ID")) %>&strName=<%Response.Write Server.URLEncode(Names("Name"))%>"> </a>



Response.Write "</TABLE>"

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Database Driven XML

I have found some code on the net and been given permission to use it. However I wish to connect this code to a SQL Server database, so what would I use? I am mainly an ASP/HTML/JS user but it will not let me use the standard VB script on a .xml page. How do I connect my XML to the database?

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Database Driven Image Gallery

what i want to do is create an image gallery, that when u click on a picture it opens in a pop up with the images caption and name there also. I've stored the captions and image names in a database - images.mdb table - Images

I just need a page now that sorts it all out to display the correct image, caption and title in the pop up. The images are stored in folder images and the database in the website root directory.

i've read a couple of articles on various websites, and played with the image gallery wizard on Frontpage but the websites dont explain my problem, and i cant adapt the gallery on frontpage. I'm a bit of a novice in ASP so I would really appreciate it if you could some how make the bits of the script I need to change standout.

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Database Driven Programming Model

I always heard the term "data/database driven programming" model in ASP database, SQL programming, and web programming circles. But I don't quite sure what does it mean? Does it mean the web software's responds are based on data request from the user? Just like in Windows, we call it "event-driven programming" model because the windows program's responds based on user's responses? That's why we call "data driven programming" ?

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Develop Database Driven ASP Site

I want to develop a site with the following features:

1. A movie library (DVD's, VCD's etc)
2. A database
3. search by category, title, actor, etc
4. membership signup
5. tracking system for lent out titles

Now am new to ASP just dived in am using Visual web developer express edition. Please point me in the right direction on the best way to do this. Am self taught kind a person and will not take me a long time to get the hang of it once in the right direction. Am not conversant with Visual basic or C#.

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Securing A Database Driven Site

Firstly, apologies if this is the wrong section!

Ive created a site using ASP and an Access database. At the moment the database is unprotected, and I haven't used any usernames or passwords to access the database.
Now that development of the core site is almost complete, i want to secure the database.

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Creating A Database Driven Breadcrumb Trail

I want to create a breadcrumb trail on a site, but instead of being
generated by cookies or a directory structure, it needs to be database
driven. My website details hundreds of products, each belonging to a
category. Each category can belong to a parent category, and so on.

My site will feature master/detail pages, and both need to feature a
trail, e.g.

Books > Hobbies > Sport > Football

The master page will list all items within the current category, and the
trail will allow the user to click to any parent category for a wider

The detail page will show the item detail, along with a full trail to
the category/parent categories it belongs to.

The category structure will grow over time, and different branches will
have different number of levels so it needs to be maintainable.

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Mssql Database Driven Spry Type Horizontal Menu

how to create asp spry type horizontal menu that is populated from a mssql database. Only able to find help for, need help for strait asp.

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Search Engine

Is there a script that you guys can point me to, i have a database that has jobs in a table witin the database. I just want the user to be able to type in the job name and click search and get results. I just want to select one field from the table in the database and display that job according to the search. Currently the search bar is not working and i am wondering if you guys know where some tutorials are out there for this situation.

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Search Engine In ASP

I am currently redesigning my website, one feature that I'd like to really add is a search engine. I have tried writing one but have not been successful at all(my ASP scripting still needs work). Do you have one that I can use/work with, preferably one with a textfield and a GO button.

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Search Engine Opt

I have a web site written in asp, but all the products are held in a DB, I have recently changed the way the products are linked to the menus, and have had to change the url and page that relates to the products.

Does anyone have a good plan which will allow the search engines to pick up the new pages asap, I haven't got ride of the old ones yet but some are a little out of date, although I am looking into changing the url and sending to a search page for now.

I already have the meta tags created on the fly, the title is created on the fly, I have h1's as titles.

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Search Engine

I am looking for some free search engine, which give search preferences to particular website.

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Search Engine

I would like to create a search engine for my Intranet...using windows 2000 indexing service and ASP.Can someone assist me from basic steps in developing a search engine.

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My Own Search Engine

how to do a search engine? im planning on building my own search engine just like how do they get the search results?

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Asp Search Engine

I need a asp Search Engine Script. Where i can find it.

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Search Engine

I am looking for an search engine that could parse .html, .asp, .pdf, .doc documents. Does anybody know of any good ones(free ones) or a ASP script that I could modify or any links that would help me in building such thing.

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Search Engine

I’ve never done any search engines before. Please advise me, how can we do search engine in asp page.

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Search Engine

how can i integrate e-commerce site with search engine. Site has been developed in ASP.
Have any idea or any refrence site that help in this topic.

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Search Engine

I m facing a problem while I try to build search engine...Like every engine you got some resualts, and the link to the description... My Q: how do I create the right Hyper Link to the resualt ?

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Search Engine

I have make this site

its a static Site not a dynamic. so tell me thats wat i hav to do? bcoz i want to add search engine on this site. howz its possible?

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Search Engine

i want VBSCRIPT to search something in only my own website.

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Search Engine

Specifically, i'm having problems with getting images and styles to render (e.g. when i create a rewrite rule like which transforms a script like - what happens in the browser tries to find instead of

Also, while ISAPI rewrite tells me how to create urls which I can input via the browser, it doesn't tell me how to convert an output string to it's friendly equivalent. The only way I can see to do this is to rename every link in my site, which I understand you don't have to do with php equivalents.

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A Calculator/search Engine

I have a database of bible verses in hebrew. Each letter is given its value in number. Therefore words will have anumerical value.
WHat are the steps that I need to take to search a number and let the search pick up all the words which adds up to that number?
First can asp alone do that job? Javascript? VBScript?

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A Calculator/search Engine

I use MS Access 2000 and my recordset holds 31102 records.

I have a database of bible verses in hebrew. Each letter is given its value in number. Therefore words will have anumerical value.

WHat are the steps that I need to take to search a number and let the search pick up all the words which adds up to that number?

First can asp alone do that job? Javascript? VBScript?

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Making A Search Engine

I already have a skeleton to work off of but this is for a dynamic site. Each page has it's fields in a DB which I will use to search through but my problem has to do with how the system will treat queries.

The site has to do with dairy. How do I proceed to process "the CDC's regulations"...

I'm thinking tokenizing but I don't want the site to search each token individually since it'll bring up each page that contains CDC which can be quite substantial.

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Website Search Engine

i have a website built in asp and access (to be upscaled to SQL server). i
need to put in a website search engine. Anyone got any ideas on an easy to
integrate commercial one ? my worry is that the pages will work with the
search engine. The pages are formed as follows....

<include header.asp>
var page
page = home_page
SELECT * t_content WHERE page = & home_page
print out content
<include footer>

I already have a copy of 'site search pro gold' and this seems to index my
html websites alright, but doesnt index the asp files, so if anyone knows of
a better search engine i would be happy to hear.

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ASP Search Engine Script

Anyone knows of an ASP PPC (Pay Per Click) Script... that allows me to run a PPC Search Engine on my site. There are a number of Perl/PHP ones on hotscript, but nothing for ASP.

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Search Engine Function

i want to do a search function for my project, my project is allow user to upload file into my server and sharing among each other,i need to do a search engine function to allow user to search for the file that they want, can i know there a function can search through the server's file implemented in asp?or may i know there any open source search engine function coding for me to refer?

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ASP - All Internet Search Engine

Does anyone know how to make an all of internet search engine, or if its even possible?

I am willing to pay for a website to be amde for me that does this. If you reply then I will tell you more.

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A Calculator/search Engine

I have a database of bible verses in hebrew. Each letter is given its value in number. Therefore words will have anumerical value.

WHat are the steps that I need to take to search a number and let the search pick up all the words which adds up to that number? First can asp alone do that job? Javascript? VBScript?

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Site Search Engine

Can anyone suggest any good software/scripts for crawling, indexing and searching an intranet site. I have used Atomz for internet sites and like it but i need something internal now. Open-source or free is good.I have seen MS Indexing Server in action once before and didn't like it - has anyone found it good?

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Search Engine Coding

I'm using an Oracle database and basically all my information is in there ready to use, what I'm having trouble with precisley is that:

I have a search field, when a somebody types in what they are looking for basically what I want the asp page to do is retreive that specific information from the database. Basically I don't know where to start. I'd be very grateful for any help you could provide me with.

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