Database Password In An External File

I would like to know something about placing a password for a database in an external file, something like a global.asa file or a included file. I'm using an access database and ASP. how do I make this file and how do I attach it to my website. I thought this might be useful for extra database security, is this true?

The database is located in a folder that is protected by the hosting provider and you can only download the database using a login name and password and you can change data trough webpages (update, delete and insert).This has all about database security, I want to make my database as secure as possible, I'm already using SSL certificates.

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External Database

I would like my localhost website to connect to a Access Database on the web.Is this possible and if possible how do I do it?

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Drop Down Box External File

how can you make a drop down box from an external file?

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Connecting To External Xml File

i am trying to write a script to parse an external xml file, but am having
problems... the problem i think has to do with me trying to do
Response.Write(xmlDoc.transformNode(xslDoc)) before the xml is fully loaded.
The link to the xml file is valid. Code:

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Parse An External XML File

I have a site that pulls in XML data from an external third party and I need to parse it in my ASP page.

Could someone please suggest examples or online resources where I might learn how to do this? Everything I am Googling is confusing me with DTDs, XSLTs etc.

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SubFunction In External File

Is it possible to store subfunctions in an external file and then include that file ASP files requiring use of its contents?

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Prompting A Download Of An External File In ASP.

I'm trying to create an ASP page which, when it loads runs the ASP code
first then prompts the user to download a text file. I know the answer
might be obvious to some of you, but I've sone several searches online
and I'm not getting anything.

1) Run code in ASP page.

2) Prompt user for download of external txt file after code is finished

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Calling Different Functions In An External .js File

I am trying to clean up my html pages by removing the very simple (copied and pasted) javascript functions and placing them in an external file.

What is the correct syntax to call function f1 in function.js ?
Also can I add asp code in function.js and call it from an html page?
I have this code in my html page that is not working properly :

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="2">Today's date is: <font color="#ff0000"><%response.write(date())%>.

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Database Password

I got this error.

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e4d'

Not a valid password.

/zbgamers/login.asp, line 13

here is my code:

Set DB = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set TBL = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
DB.Mode = adModeReadWrite
DB.Open ("PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=" + Server.MapPath("DSN_CSG.mdb"))

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Password Login + Database

I am introducing a password login script to my site.I know how to password the site but am looking for good ways to password protect to users can only access their details and no-one elses.Also i was wondering whether to use SSL or not.

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Best Way To Store Database Password In ASP Application?

I am new to ASP security. I want to know what is the best way to store
database password in ASP application? Or if there are any places to
store in IIS? I tried to store the password in VB DLL file, but looks
like when I open the DLL file, I can still see the plain text password.

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Password Protect A File

I'm more of a LAMP person than an ASP/windows type (I'll be honest I haven't got a clue about ASP). Anyway, I'm looking for a way to password protect a file. Normally under a unix box I would just use .htaccess and .htpasswd to use http authentication but I don't have a clue how I would do such a thing under a windows box.

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Password On Specific File

I have made a secure website which you can only get access to with right username and password. On this webpage I have some links to some pdf-files, but how can I avoid people from getting the file if they are not logged on first? As it is now they can
easily get the file if they just know the exact URL-address, ex:

If people type the URL above I would like them to be redirected to the logon-page first.
I can't use components or MS-Access database, so I'm looking for another solution.

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Validate Username And Password From Access Database

I am trying to create a "Members Only" section of my website. I have an Access Database to store usernames and passwords and I am using Frontpage 2003.

I have very little ASP experience and am having trouble finding some help on this subject that is understandable. I already have a global.asa file on the site because I currently have a page with a form that writes to the database.

What I would like to know is how to setup a login screen to get to the members only side of the site which will validate against the password table in the database.

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Verify MSSQL User/Password/Database Combination

I am currently writing a little gadget where users can create, delete, alter... tables in a database. Some kind of MyAspAdmin... Everything works fine as long as I specify the MSSQL-Login-Infos database, user and password.

But if I want to make it possible to switch from one database to another, here comes the problem: The user has to choose a database that he wants to work in, and type in user and password.

I need the (probably very easy) solution, how i can check if this user/password/chosen_database combination is correct. Code:

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How Can I Open Word File From Url Without Getting Password Window

I want to open word file (or Excel) from IIS server (URL) without
getting security window for input Username and password. I know
Username, Password and Domain. I'm trying to open with:


When my computer is registred in this domain - no problem. But if my
computer is not from this domain I always get window for input
Username, Password and Domain.

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Password Protecting Single Pages In Access Database Cms System

I am working on a CMS website which uses a access database.

When a user adds a page a record is added to a table in the database. The user choses the page style from a selection of 7 or 8 layouts.

I have been asked to find out if I can password protect one of those pages??

I have tried a few sites but not found much. The it has been done before is to add a password protected layout and build a login area into the site.

The effect i want is for the user to click the page and a username and password box will apear?

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Write To Text File In Password Protected Directory

I have a form mail script that sends an email and then writes to a text file using Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").

The problem I am having is that the information needs to be saved in a Password Protected Directory. When I try to save the info it gives me a permission denied error.

I had my hosting company change the permission on the directory and the script was working ok but now it isn't.

Is there a way to pass the username and password in the script so I don't have to worry about the hosting company messing this up?

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Individually Password Protect Multiple Directories? Password Expiration?

I have a client who wants to password protect a learning course that is set up in modules. Each module needs to have it's own password protection so users can only access them as they progress through the course.

Each user should have their own password (for each module) and, said client would like the password to expire for the user at some (predetermined?) point. Is this possible? It seems like a lot (in terms of setup), but I don't know much about password stuff.

If it is possible, can someone give me an overview of how it works (theoretically) or where to find more specific info on setting something like this up (in

If it isn't possible, can someone suggest what is more reasonable in terms of protecting the modules?

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Password Sessions - Prompt Password Change

I created sessions to authenticate username and password. How can I utilize this same script to alert the user to change password at 3rd login? In other words when a user logs into a site after the 3 or 4th time which ever, they are prompted to change their password. Code:

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External Xml

how do i include an external xml file, i take it i cant use <link> like with stylesheets.

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Can I Combine ASP With External CSS?

I am trying to display a random background image for a webpage. I found this code to do it

'Defines the number of background images you have

'Initiates the randomize function

'Sets a variable: this will be used to hold the
'random generated value
Dim intImageNumber

'This is where we create the random number
intImageNumber = Int((NUMBER_OF_IMAGES * Rnd) + 1)

Modify the body tag to accept the random number. In this case we are going
to place it within the image so as to facilitate the selection of a random
image. Code:

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Calling External Sub

Im wanting to call a sub funvtion on another page from vbs that is:

sql="exec SomeStoredProc"
call DoConnection(sql)
call DBClose()

the DoConnection sub is in another page called MyDBConnection in a folder call Common.

I know that I can use serverside includes and embed my con in the page using <%%> but I want the use runat server How can I make call to a function in an external page?

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External Script

Is there any way I can link to a EXTERNAL (on a different server) VBS script or a include file in an ASP document??

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External VBScript

Is it possible to run an external VBScript in an ASP page. ie. A VBScript that will run on it's own outside of ASP.

I have a VBScript that performs a function,there is no user I/O. I want to use this script both on it's own and from within an ASP page.

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Cookie Via External ASP Page?

I have 3 domains, A, B, and C.

I want to put the same JS tag on sites A and B that call an asp page on domain C.

The tag would look like this:
<script language="JavaScript1.1" src=""></script>

The ASP page on domain C would write a cookie, in theory the cookie should have permissions for read and writing from site C.
Something like this:
Response.Cookies("Name").Expires = Date() + 365
Response.Cookies(SurveyName).Domain = ""
Response.Cookies(SurveyName).Path = "/"

In firefox the result is exactly as planned, a cookie is set when a user goes to sites A or B via site C, and using this same approach, I can read the cookie from domains A and B via the JS tag calling the script on site C.

IE does not like this. Sometimes it doesn't even write the cookie, other times the cookie has to be there b/c of resulting actions taken, but when viewing the list of cookies, it's no where to be found. Additionally, I don't seem to be able to read the cookie the same way as firefox is letting me.

I know this can be done, I went to (yeah I love to cook), and saw that they were using a metric service that was calling a back end script from the vendors domain, and setting a cookie from that vendors domain, all without the user seeing anything or leaving the domain. I've looked at the resulting JS code that is returned from these vendor back end pages, and it has nothing to do with the cookie being set, it's definitely happening server side.

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Searching An External Website

I have multiple websites on my Intranet. My current search engines can search within their own environment. However, I would like to have one search page, which retreives results from all environments.

My first task is to connect, retreive and display results from a second server (through http). Then I will need to scrub the results to display in a unique template.

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Customising External .js Files

can you use asp to customise external js files e.g.

<script src="fred.js"></script>

where fred gets the page id and changes an image in the .js file to sui....

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Include From External Server

I'm looking for a way to include a file from another server in asp page.using #include won't work because it's not on the same server. In php, you can simply include(), and it doesn't care whether or not it's on the same server, is there a similar function in asp?

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External Viewer Application

i have an asp page to list the result of search page.when i click on a link(href) , which is a 3D CAD file located in a directory ,it should be opened in a new page.This page shld support a 3D cad viewer in built in to inbuild a CAD viewer in the HTML page?and view the link in that page

the code goes like this :

<TD> <a href ="prev.html" target = "new window"> <%=Rs(k).Value %> </TD>

This Rs(k).value is a link to the 3D file (eg. "C:Directoryfile.dwg").When this file is clicked,the value of Rs(k).value has to be passed to the "prev.html" page and the file must be opened with "3D file viewer".How to inbuild the CAD viewer into my HTML page and how to pass the Rs(k).value to that page?

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Load External Web Page

I want to load a web page from another server via http into an array or variable, parse it, and pull some data using plain ol ASP / example page to pull:

I search quite a bit for this info but so many results and not enough knowledge in this area of ASP.

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External Data Acessing

i need to create a site with a feed back system. one of my friend said to me ASP has nothing to do with this project. is it possible to do this using ASP ?if yes then what r the major functions that i should use.

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Import From External Source

My company recently hired a third party to handle phone orders during off hours. The third party wants to be able to update our database through their own interface. We are running SQL Server 2000 on Windows 2000 Server with ASP.NET 1.1. The number one thing that come to mind is security for credit cards. Perhaps some kind of web service, xml, etc.? Does anyone have any suggestions on the best way to handle this?

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