Databases, Passwords, & Security

I need to tighten up security on my page... only thing is, I can't change file permissions. I have databases and normal files (.dat) that I don't want someone to be able to just type the URL to and be able to get into it all. For example, I have a database with usernames and passwords, but if someone found out/guessed the URL of the DB then they could open it all.

how can I use Encrypt in Access so that if someone guessed the URL then they couldn't just open it? Basically, I know how to do that in Access... but what I don't know is what code to add to my ASP pages to decrypt/un-password protect it so I can open it. If it is possible to stop someone from having access to a file by just using global.asa.

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Is it possible to password protect a web page that has editable text areas defined so that only authorised users can make edits?

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MD5 Passwords

I've create a log in page connecting to a database that stores its passwords in MD5. Can someone point me in the right direction on how I can get my login page to recognize those passwords? Here's the code I'm using: Code:

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i have the following code to check if two password fields submitted equal each other. If they do then passwordok = 1 else it = 0. No matter that i put in the two fields it always = 0. can anyone see whats wrong? Code:

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Database Passwords

Can anyone tell me how to apply a password to an Access database and then open the database with ASP. I know how to do this without the password, but have not been able to make the password work.

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Lost Passwords

In my access database i have 2 tables called seceret question and secret answer. I would like to provide users with thier passwords without using emails. There would be a screen where they can enter thier username, secret answer then thier password will be displayed on the screen. Or alternatively they could just enter thier username and thier password

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Creating Passwords

Can someone help me with creating a password in asp? i know how to create a password for a single user, so how would you create one for multiple users? also i want to know how it is stored in a database, e.g. MS Access

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Saving Passwords

I made a website for my work and we have it secure to where you have to login when you come to the site. But for some reason when you use the check box to SAVE PASSWORD it will not save the password.

So each time a client comes back to the site they have to put thier password in (and they arent happy about it) Just wondering if there is a setting I can turn off or turn on to enable the passwords to be saved.

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Usernames And Passwords

I have an access dbase that holds and an expiry date. I need to compare the expiry date with the current date and if it is later than the current date it will allow access (if the username password is correct of course)otherwise it will display an error message saying that membership has expired.

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Secure Passwords

what is the best way to create secure passwords in a database. I have a login system that can create users but it saves the users passwords in clear text. how would i go about doing this so if people look in the database they will not know the password.

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Hashed Passwords

I'm working in ASP (not ASP.NET), and want to create a user database, with username and password. Though it isn't really necessary, since the program will be used on an intranet and by few people, I'd like to have the passwords stored and compared as hash values, for extra security.

However, I'm having trouble finding out how to do hashes in ASP. All the exampes I'm finding are for ASP.NET (and, no, I can't upgrade.) What function(s) would I use for hashing in ASP? Can it even be done?

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Passwords And Different Forms

What I want is to have a user log on with a username/password which I give to them. When they type it in I want it to direct them towards a specific form for them.

What I am doing is running a soccer league. so I want a team to be able to log in and then show up a form where they can enter stats from their game, and about their players which will go into a database. I am unsure how to go about having a different form show up for different users.

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Login Passwords

I am new to ASP and have been asked to create a login page which will bypass the password (see code below): Code:

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Checking Login And Passwords

does anyone know of any good tutorials on how to get a login and password checker.

basically ive got a home page with forms to log in and give password which get sent to an asp page i then need to check that username and password with the relevent one in the database or check if they are wrong or do not exist.

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Enforce Strong Passwords

I have a requirement to enforce strong passwords from a customer, and I can only assume they won't be the last to ask for it.

Does anyone have any pointers for handling complex passwords? In this particular case I need to enforce.

between 6 and 16 Case Sensitive AlphaNumerics with at least one non-AlphaNumeric character. min and max I've got, but I'm not sure where to go with the rest.

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Problem Hashing Passwords

I'm trying to create a MySQL table for users in a Drupal install (as I've accidentally deleted it).

So, i go through my existing tblContacts and write out Firstname, Lastname, email, password, etc., formatted for MySQL.

Everything goes perfect UNTIL i try to MD5 hash the password (via the included MD5_js.asp): for some reason, it is returning the same hash for every user. If the hash function is not applied, each users unique password appears as normal. Code:

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Check Passwords For Match

part of this code works but it seems to ignore the password check, any ideas?

If Request.Form("PuafoPassword") = Request.Form("RePassword") Then
strError = strError & "Passwords don't match.<br>" & vbNewLine
If rspuafo.EOF and rspuafo.BOF Then
Response.Redirect ("thankyou.asp")
strError = "Username already exists, please choose another one" & vbNewLine

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Expired Oracle Passwords

We have a web application where we want a user to be able to change his/her password if the password has expired but we are unable to do this with ASP at the moment because we can't log the user into the database without a valid password.

We do not want to store any "admin" user info to connect to the database to change the users password for security issues.Does anyone have any ideas of how we could go about doing this?

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ADSI Users And Passwords

I am using the ADSI objects to retrieve groups and users informations. If possible, how can I retrieve the user password? I've search in but I find only the SetPassword function (that of course changes the user password).

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Inserting Random Passwords Into Database

I have a ASP/vbscript program that generates random passwords. The problem is I need to insert those passwords into an Access database of 327 clients. I have the random password program generating the 327 passwords, but have had no luck inserting them. Code:

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Using Databases With ASP

I'm learning ASP with a database in Access (new to Access also). I have created my tables and all but I'm stuck on how to query the table. I'm familiar with sql statements, so I was wondering if you can access the database the same way as with php and mysql. I.E.

Select * From Table Where id = 5.

Something like that, or will I need to use

objRS.Filter "ID = 5"

I guess the main question is does Access accept SQL statements and if so can you give me some examples as to querying the database.

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ASP And SQL Databases

I am working on ASP and SQL Databases. I have written the code . the program is very simple . its just an application form and u will be having upload and submit button . So after the data is being entered , the submit button code should be invoked and the data entered should be stored in the database.

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Asp And Databases

I'm having Difficulty understanding the concept of retreiving information from a database upon user request. E.g i have an ASp page that has a form with 3 drop down boxes and a submit button.

I want the next page to bring results from the database that meet the criteria set upon by the 3 drop down boxes. The DB is Access and its already got the information in it, i just want the correct information to come up in tables once the user has selected the choices in the drop down boxes.

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If i upload an ASP page that is connected to an MDB (Access) database to my FTP server, is there any way that I can ensure that no one can download the database and that it remains "untouchable".

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Checkboxes And Databases

The problem I have is that I need to save the content of a form in a database, and I donw know how to save the content of a checkbox, can you give me an example of the code?

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Multiple Databases

I need script or a link to a tutorial that will allow me to do the following.

User enters username and password site checks the username and password against database1
if the user entered the correct username and password the page shows records from database2 if the user enterend incorrect username or password then nothing happens.

I am new to this forum and really looking forward to being involved in the community.

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Searching Databases

I'm trying to design a simple website with 2 dynamic searching functions. The first is the user enters text into a search box, clicks on the search button and then connects to a sql or access database and brings back those records that are LIKE the search phrase. It's my intention to then have a detailsview link on the searches so the user can drill through.I'm designing an online version of my catalog so that the user can browse by page. I also want the user to enter a page number and then click go and that would then take the user to the corresponding page in the catalog. I'm guessing I'll need to declare If 1 then open page1.html, if 2 then open page2.html.
I know I'm close but not close enough and my knowledge has been well and truly stretched and I must have read and read my Dummies book about 20 times over the last week.

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Access Databases

For my ICT (computers) project at college I'm using an Access database, and I now have a problem with that. Basically the way it works is that the user enters their details in a form page (here). This then does the usual thing; runs a script which inputs the data into a database and then displays a thank you message.
the problem I'm having is that whenever I input punctuation into the form, it refuses to work; it comes back with a 500 server error. This is understandably quite irritating, as I'm setting up a mailing list that needs to incorporate a list of email addresses

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MySQL Databases

My hosting account gives me a lot of MySQL databases but I usually just stick with MS SQL Server because it gives me fewer troubles.Now I want to challenge MySQL again. I use connString "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}; SERVER=myserver; DATABASE=mybase; UID=myID;PASSWORD=myPwd; OPTION=3"

And the conn and recordset objects connects smoothly with the database. I can even get the things i want out of it. But every time I try to update the database such as:

rs.update names, values

It just wouldn't work...why? Content field is a text field.

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ASP And Relational Databases

What i need to do is build 2 tables below with the following fields:



Now i need to build a relation between the two id fields but what i relaly need to know is how to retreve the data in the tblUsers from the id in the tblShop through asp. This is like for a shop

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Multiple Databases

I'm trying to pull information from two different databases, use it, and then put it back into a database. The program I am writing is one which will keep track of exempt employees' absences. At the end of the year, employees get to rollover the sick days that they do not use. Herein lies the problem. The information on how many sick days an employee is in an AD download on one server. The information on how many days that employee has taken this year is on another. I need to take that information do a little math, and then add those days into a different table on the same server that the absences came off of to keep track of their "sick bank".
I would like to just Loop the information, but I cannot put recordsets inside recordsets and I cannot create a view from two separate servers, so I am at a stop sign. Can I just take all of the users and the amout of sick days they have and put them in a text file and then pull off of the text file? I'm not quit sure how to do this.

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Three Databases Tables

How do you go about searching three tables at the same time? I'm using Dreamweaver MX, but I can also hand code it in if know one knows the dreamweaver method

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Querying From Two Databases?

Given if tables A and B are in the same database, writing a query for them is relatively easy. But what if tables A and B are in different databases? Is it possible to query them together? If so, can anyone provide a generic example?

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