Date Comparison

I am creating a website that is going to ask the user to enter a date! then
from an access database get all records where a date field is greater then
the date entered! Sounds simple, I do it in vb all the time!

here is my sql line: Select * From Participants WHERE DateJoined > 01/14/07
ORDER BY TournamentID

it updates fine with the date the user has entered! I know in vb I need to
put ## around the date I am comparing! I tried that, I tried %%. still I
am getting all records from the database

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MS SQL Database Field Date Comparison To Date()

In a connection string, I have the following:

sql3 = "SELECT DISTINCT State FROM Property Where TypeID = '" & srch_cat & "'"

In the database, is a field called expiredDate I am trying to show only records whose expiredDates are greater than todays date, but I am messing up somewhere. The values in the fields are as this: 3/7/03 (or something like time is added to it)

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Date Comparison

I have problem regarding the Dates. I am storing Expiry date of the item in DB as varchar since I want date to display in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM.

From user I am taking expiry date in dd/mm/yy hh/mm format and then using toLocaleString() function to convert it into string to store in Database. This function stores date in the format

Sunday, May 1, 2005 10:00:00 AM.

Now at the time of displaying items I am comparing this date to current date. I want to display items which has Expiry Date greater than today�s date. But it is not giving proper result. It is showing items whose expiry date is previous than today�s date. So not showing the desired result.

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Date Comparison...

Just wanna ask if any1 noes the method to compare between current date(today) with other date and state out the difference of days in between? and also for current date(today) is it date()?

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Date Comparison

I'm comparing a date held in a string with a date held in an access database using an SQL query. However despite tests in which the string and the date held in the database are exactly the same, no matches are found.

Here is my SQL query:

SELECT id, TimesheetDate FROM Timesheets WHERE TimesheetDate=VarDate

The format of the date in the database and the format of the string are exactly the same.

I understand this is because the VarDate variable is a string and not comparable so how do translate the string into a date format the database can make a comparison with? I've tried using CDate() with no luck.

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Date/Time Comparison With If Then...

I'm looping through database results where I have a date time field in the format: 9/2/2007 6:28:53 AM. What I'm trying to do is flag entries that are within the next 12 and 24 hours with a different color. I'm doing this currently with a counter field on another project like this:

PMCOLOR = "#000000"
If cLng(rs("target_current_value")) > cLng(rs("target_value"))- 2800 Then
PMCOLOR = "#FF0000"
End If
If cLng(rs("target_current_value")) > cLng(rs("target_value"))- 1400 Then
PMCOLOR = "#FF9900"
End If

This turns the line red if the current value is within 1400 of target and orange if its within 2800 of target. I want to do exactly the same thing with the date/time field flagging entries red if they are within 12 hours of the current time/date and flagging them orange if they are within 24 hours of current date/time.

I'm not sure how to break down the time and date and compare them to the current time and date, though. Its easy with integers.

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Date Comparison Quirk

I had a script set up to create a redirect until a certain date, and I
left the script in there after that date thinking it would just be
dormant until I changed the date parameters.
To my surprise, it started redirecting again. I must not be clear on how
dates work.
Here is the very simple code:

if date < "8/20/2005" then
end if

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VBScript: Date Comparison

I am doing a date comparising. Is it possible to compare a selected date with current date which call from date function in VBScript. If can please show me the coding or reference or source online. Or you all have any idea on it?

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Date Range Comparison

I am back with another question. I need to have the user input two dates for a date range--thats easy! But now I would like to pull all the files up in a directory that are within that date range. I don't know how to do a comparison on dates.

I already have a working script with a loop pulling up all the files in a directory based on one date entered and listing them ---now I want to make it pull up all the files within this date range---just need to know you can do a date comparison in asp.

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Date/time Comparison Problem

I am trying to pick up records from a date range without much luck. For my
example below I am trying to pick up all records made in the last month.
However none are being found (my code is tried and tested for all records).
My database is in Access format. Field "datetime1" is of Date/Time data type
getting the default value by using now()

The relevant part of my code is as follows. Can anyone see what I'm doing

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i am trying to get a piece of code that will check a value and then act accordinly - the usual thing with a For loop enclosing IF THEN ELSE loops - heres what i have

FOR removecounter = 1 to 15
IF removecounter = Session("newoptions") THEN
response.write "THEY ARE THE SAME - NOTHING TO CHANGE<br />"
IF removecounter < Session("newoptions") THEN
response.write " NOTHING TO CHANGE <br />"
' the only other thing it can be is > Session("newoptions")
response.write "BLANKING THE UNUSED<br /> "

the Session("newoptions") is a value between 1 and 15 - i simply dont understand why this thing doesnt work

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Comparison Using Loop

I am doing a scheduling system. The concept i have but i am weak in my programming, therefore i hope that u all can help me on this.

i have a capacity (uph x shift x 7.17) and orderperday (total orderqty per month / total shift per month)

the thing that i am not sure in is, i want to do a comparison it is becoz there is a capacity limit per day. i cannot afford 2 produce overlimit. so if the orderperday > capacity then orderperday - capacity = balance. balance will be bring forward to the next day to produce. then the comparison will be done again. i am not certain on how to do the looping in this context.

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Two String Comparison

i want to compare two string where one is stored inside acess DB and othe one is input by user! so what is the if statement should be look like!

if (string1==string2){

what wrong with the code above?i try that code but could not work!

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IP Range Comparison

I need to compare an IP address to a database that contains ranges for each byte in a potentially "valid" IP.

Columns in the msSQL db are IP1, IP2, IP3 and IP4.

The problem is that one entry in the database may have a range. If I were to query all four columns and concatenate the data, I may get something like this:

So if a user sends me 4 variables (1 for each byte in IPv4) over a form, how I would I begin to compare this data?

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Comparison Of Dates

My name is Abhishek. I am writing a code in ASP which wants to access all records from SQL Server database where date lies between 11/24/2004 and 12/20/2004.DateVal is a field in custdate table.Can u reply me ASAP i.e. within 2 hours.

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String Comparison

I am writing a script that allows a user to edit one record and its fields in a MSSQL database. For the time being I don't mess with the data, I just display what the script thinks should be updated.

Output is below.

Field name => Original Value = New Value submitted by user

Code: ....

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Comparison Of 2 Variables Using If

If the 2 variables after comparsion return true, then the statement: This file had been inserted already will be displayed! but currently, there is nothing shown when i execute

ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM DATES");
String date1=rs.getString("Dates");

<%if (date.compareTo(date1)==0)
<%=("This file had been inserted already!")%>

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ASP Comparison Question...

I am doing this here:

dim i
dim j

i = 10
j = 10

If i = j then

But it is giving me a false result...

Any ways to do this comparison so it gives me the proprer result?

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Utf-8 String Comparison Failed

I want my website to support multi-lingua, so I add Codepage="65001" in my english website.
However, after adding that, all the string comparison failed (login page, catcha).
I thought I only need to add codepage, then my website will become multi-lingua site Did I miss something?

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Problem With Data Comparison

I have a site where I need to compare the current date with the clients wedding date. (ie: 3/09/2005 with a wedding date like 6/15/2006) Here is what I'm using now.

CIExpires = DateDiff("d",CurrentDate,WeddingDate)

It will give me either a positive or negative number. I then just use this to either show or hide a link.

If CIExpires <= 0 Then

'don't show link


'show link

end If

What is the best way to do this? The one above just doesn't work.

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Price Comparison Script/Code

I have looked all over the net and even down the back of the sofa but I've been unable to find any scripts that allow me to add price comparison functionality to my shopping cart. where a script might be or even offer some pointers as to how I might go about doing this.

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Question On String Comparison In SELECT Statements

question on string comparison in SELECT statements


First off, this is not the standard problem that can be solved by using:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE string LIKE '%abcd%'

It's actually sort of the opposite of that. I'm looking for a query that can take a string variable and will return only rows where the complete string in the relevant column is a string of the variable passed to the query. So for instance, if the variable passed was 'abcd' then...

rows containing only these strings in the relevant column would be returned:


rows containing these strings in the relevant column would NOT be returned:

Is there a way to do this with a MySQL query?

Thanks in advance.

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How To Check The Date Difference Between The Current Date And The Booking Date?

I am developing a simple booking system where I had a booking date. The problem is I want to make sure that the user must book 3 days in advanced for certain room.

I have tried to use DateDiff but it seems doesn't work. Actually i just 1 to make sure that the user must book 3 days in advanced from the current date. I am wondering whether there is anything goes wrong in my datediff function. Code:

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Select Statement Comparing Date() & Date Field Of Database

i'm new here and i'd like to ask if there's someone who knows how to compare date() function and date from database with date/time type inside select statement so i don't have to do if..then..else

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Date Problem (wrong Date Inserted When Updating)

sql = "UPDATE Marknad SET" _
& " Typ ='" & Typ & "'" _
& ", Modell ='" & Modell & "'" _
& ", Arsmodell ='" & Arsmodell & "'" _
& ", Beskrivning ='" & Beskrivning & "'" _
& ", Stad ='" & Stad & "'" _
& ", Prisidé ='" & Priside & "'" _
& ", Fornamn ='" & Fornamn & "'" _
& ", Efternamn ='" & Efternamn & "'" _
& ", Telefon ='" & Telefon & "'" _
& ", Epost ='" & Epost & "'" _
& ", Datum ='" & Datum & "'" _
& " WHERE (((Marknad.Annonsnr)=" & Request.QueryString("id") & "))"
DatabaseConnection.Execute sql


Above does work as I want it to do BUT it inserts 1/8/2006 instead of 8/1/2006 as it should!

The best thing would be to exclude the date from updating at all, but when taking away the line:

& ", Datum ='" & Datum & "'" _
It gives an error... how do I solve this?

I forgot, you might want to see this:
Datum = date

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Getting Week Start Date And End Date By Entering Weeknumber

In my page i have two combobox. one for year and one for week numbers.Now my prob is

1.when i select a year from combo box 1, second combox box will display the number of weeks in that if i select 2005 it display me list from 1 to 53 as there are 53 weeks in 2005.

2.when i select a weeknumber from combobox 2 and press submit button it ll display start date and end date of entered week.

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Compare Server Date With Date String

I am trying to compare two dates. My problem is no matter what the value of mydate, it is still fall in the first IF statement condition (even if mydate is 10/10/2004). Any advise for this matter?

mydate = "6/6/"&year(date)
IF date() <= mydate THEN
response.write "first half of the year"
response.write "second half of the year"

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Comapare General Date With Short Date

I am trying to construct an SQL statement that can grab all of the entries out of a table, where the Date field consists of today's date. The Date field is called 'DateTime' - and it is in a General Date format (DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS). I obviusly want to use an SQL statement like this:

SELECT * FROM tblExample WHERE (DateTime = Date());

However, that wont work because Date() will only return a short date (DD/MM/YYYY).

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Date Picker - Making The First Date Five Days Away

I would like to modify this so that the first available date that can be selected is five BUSINESS days out. The script only shows Mon-Fri so if the date is Tue Jul 13, 2004, Tue Jul 20, 2004 needs to be displayed. Code:

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Compare A Date In My Database To The Current Date

I am trying to compare a date in my database to the current date. MySQL statement is:

sqltemp5="select * from users where dateclosed <= '" & date & "'"

What I am trying to accomplish is exclude records where the dateclosed field is older than todays date. Such as if dateclosed = 6/30/2004 then today being 08/25/2004 that record should be excluded.

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Comparing A Date Field To A Date In A Form.

"SELECT id, title FROM Businesses WHERE Date_Added >= " &

This SQL string returns all records from the table Businesses and does
not seem to be able to recognise Request.Form("Since_Date") as a valid
date. The Since_Date value is entered into a form field as
"01-Jan-2005" and appears to be treated as a date; when viewing the
SQL statement(with a response.write) it shows the date as 1/1/2005
even if it is entered into the form as 2005/1/1

I've also tried CDate(Request.Form("Since_Date")) with no luck,
although this was the treatment that worked when the SQL statement was
running in an .idc file.

Date_Added is a regular DateTime field in an Access 2000 database

Any suggestions please ?????

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ASP Date: Get Records With Date = Today (SQL Server)

I'm trying to get all records from my SQL Server Database with
"DeadlineDate" = today (not today - 24 hours).

All records has a field called "DeadlineDate", and the date is stored in
this field like this: 13.08.2005 07:00:00

I dont care about the hours (Ex: 07:00:00), just the date (ex: 13.08.2005).
This is the SQL I have made, it gets all the record with the date = today -
24 hours... but that is not what I want.

sql = "select title from tblProject where (deadlineDate BETWEEN DATEADD(d, -

How can I get just the records that has the date = today's date??

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Data From Date/time By Date

How do i select all records from a table that has a datetime field in it by date.
so i want all the records that was created today.

if i put only the date it doesn't work. this is what i have:

strsql = "select cnum from [topline data] where cnum = '" & cnum & "' and activerecord = "& activerecord & " and timestamp <> '12/10/2007'"

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