I am trying to replicate the Ebay Time Left on Auction. 1 Day, 1 hour, 12 minutes. I would like to calculate this from the current time and date. How do I get this result?
I'm creating a Help Desk Call Track System... one of the fields we want to store is the length of time the call was "Open." When the call is logged, the Now function is used to pull the date in vbGeneralDate format. When the call is closed, Now is again used to pull the date in the same format.
Our current system uses hours to track calls To give an example of what is making it to the database...
The value stored in the database is... Duration = 14
I'm assuming that it is reading back to 12:00 AM and counting the hours up till 2:00 PM. I'd like to be able to do fractions of hours (displayed in decimals).
i have an if else satemement and this part here checks to see if today's date is eactly two weeks away from the expirydate in the database.... however nothing happens so when i did a resopopnse.write i got the datediff difference of 223 ??!! how do i solve this problem?
i have an if else satemement and this part here checks to see if today's date is eactly two weeks away from the expirydate in the database.... however nothing happens so when i did a resopopnse.write i got the datediff difference of 223 ??!! how do i solve this problem?
I have a calendar that I am trying to make users fill out a form if their entry is inside the current week. Is there a datediff code that anyone knows of that can do this?
I want to be able to pull all the records from a table "Accounts" which are more than 7 days old. The attribute "DateCreated" stores the date the account was created.
I've tried "SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE DateDiff('dd', DateCreated, Now()) > 7" but this is coming up with an error (I'm using MS Access db by the way)
i need select statements that counts records from my access database where the time difference is worked out between two fields (datein;dateclosed). Less than 24 hours, >3 days, >5 days, >10 days, >15 days, >30 days, >60 days, >90 days
i am not sure how to construct the statement. If i can just get one, i can hopefully do the rest.
i have now:
strSQL2 = "SELECT Count(*) As Total FROM ptqr WHERE DateDiff('d','" & datein_now & "','" & dateclosed &"')< 1 "
but i get an error: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e07'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access 97 Driver] Data type mismatch in criteria expression.
/asp/ford_tsb/pscs/reports/charts/Chart5.asp, line 40
I put the same code into a simple test document to verify, except for mine has Response.Write. All my numbers came out negative. If I reverse their positions, I get positive numbers. Is the example above wrong or is there something going on with my PC?
I have a datediff comparision value on my form. Since one of the dates inside the datediff is: now(), I'd like to know if there's a way to show the result dinamically (without reloading the page..). I can't see how to do it from server side...It's possible to use js to fill the field or reload only the field value? detail: I'll need to submit the current diftime value along the other input values on my form at the end of process.
I'm having trouble working out the best way of calculating the time difference between two times on the same day. The example I have found des return the hours (in this case 8) but forgets the minutes. I am looking to return the hour & the minute but i've had a look at the dateDiff format and this doesn't seem possible ?
I want to use the instr function, but return results from it depending on surtain functions, I can't realy explain so I'll show my example:
I have a string in wich some word I want to find might be in diffrent Capital Letters order, I want the Instr function to return all the values of the place of that word (avcourse I'll run a for and increase the starting point of the Instr func until it returns 0). The instinct thought is to use the Lcase or the Ucase functions, but in this case I don't know how to use them. In the same Idea I wanted to use the Instr Func with the trim Func, But Its realy the same principle if I just understood how to do so.
Function ShowXML(strXML,strStyleSheet) Set objXML = CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument") Set objXSL = CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument") objXML.load(Server.MapPath(strXML)) objXSL.load(Server.MapPath(strStyleSheet)) Response.Write objXML.transformNode(objXSL) Set objXML = Nothing Set objXSL = Nothing End Function %>
calling the function in an asp file <%Call ShowXML("http://msn.foxsports.com/feedout/syndicatedContent?categoryId=142","nhl/xsl/news/teamNews.xsl")%>
the errors 1. the http:// part 2. and the ? mark
the error message says that the path has been typed wrong.
I am using the now() function to be displayed on an email after a form submission has been sent. The problem is that the server is not in the same timezone as I am for the result. How do I adjust the hours on the now() to allow for this please ?
I know the basic difference between a subroutine and a function is a subroutine performs a task and a function performs a task and returns a value. The Call keyword is required when using parens with subs with more than 1 parameters. Parens around values passed are ByVal vs ByRef and is a waste of processing if passed ByRef for no reason. I am told there is no reason to ever use a subroutine as a function can be used even if it doesn't return a value. While this appears to be true, is there any reason why it's ever a bad idea to use a function, instead of a subroutine, that doesn't return a value? Are there memory, performance, etc. issues?
I am trying to locate information on how to call a sub within VBScript on an ASP page but I can't locate generic information. What I want to do is generate a page that will stay up but the information on it will change based on a series of drop down boxes. I need the first drop down box to call a second dropped down box based on the state that is chosen then city and so on.
I have a column in the table which contains 2 full names seperated by "&" (e.g: Joe Smith & Jeff Scott) I want to display only the first names of the whole record in an asp page. Is there an asp function using which i can do this?
im using the mod function to create a calendar for me, which everything works perfectly, all is totally well with that! but...when i use the mod function it churns out this loooooooooong string which is the whole table... if there is some way that i can insert hard breaks IN THE CODE ITSELF.
I used to be quite an experienced ASP programmer but I haven't used it for a while
I’m trying to do something that I remember as very simple I'm trying to check that the value of a form text box is numerical using the isNaN function. The code I am using is:
<% quantity = Request.Form("number1")
if isNaN(quantity) = true then Response.Write "Your input was not a number" else Response.Write "Your input was a number" end if %>