Dealing With Friendly Urls

My application runs on ASP and the business logic is embedded in Dlls written in VB. The application hosts a list of articles for the user to view and these are accessible through some complex urls like "http://mysite/articles/category1?articleid=34512". I would like to denote a friendly url to these articles such as "http://mysite/articles/kb_TaxPlanning.asp". I am thinking of using an ISAPI filter to do the work for me. My friend was trying on using a httphandler, but it did not work. Please share with us the resources for creating an isapi filter for the same. Also how to use the same for the expected result?

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SE Friendly URLs With ASP & IIS.

has any one tried SE Friendly URLs with ASP & IIS? There's nothing like mod_rewrite for IIS. Ofcourse there are some 3rd party COM available but how many of us can use them on shared webservers?

So, is there a way to do it?

For those people who don't know what I'm talking about,

Normal URLs with querystrings look like

while SE Friendly URL will look like

The operative words being look like. You will see the 2nd URL in the browser's address bar but the server will take it as the 1st URL.

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Dealing With MP3's

I would like to be able to control the downloading of (my own)music files from my music site other than letting the user right click and "Save target As" on a hyperlink.

"Save Target As" must issue a command of some sort to the server. I would like to be able to issue that command myself under program control.

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Dealing With Checkbox

I want to design a page which has lots of criteria on which I want to be selected by using checkbox's. I then want to pass only the criteria that have been checked and store them in an Access DB, and leave the items that have not been ticked alone.

Anybody any ideas?

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Dealing With 2 Db Tables

i got 2 tables...on the table "times" i only null the records column "dtime" (if it is not null) and save this records column "username"... straight after that i need to select on the second table "useringo" the record with the same username that its time was nulled and to null its column "msginfo"

i realy need your suggestion to how to do this...i do not want to run on all this tables every time...i want it be most minimal and smart.

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Dealing With Xls (excel) Files

Can .xls (excel) files be opened and manipulated using ASP?

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Dealing With Too Many Database Connections

I have a database class that I've been starting to use with my ASP apps and I was wondering about having too many database connections on one page. I'm beginning to write other classes that use the database class to reach into a table and pull data out.

Say for instance I have these classes:


All of these classes have a method like getUserByID() or getNewsByID() but they are all using a private database object from the Database class.

Are they all using the same connection behind the scenes (underneath ASP) or are they all actually using separate connections? And if in fact they are using different connections then is there a common design patterns that alleviates the pressure by passing around the same DB object?

It makes me a bit uncomfortable to know that every class is creating a new Database object and a new connection on top of that; however, if you were pulling data from a MS SQL database for the users and an Access (ugh) database for the Reviews this would be necessary.

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Formatting Percent And Dealing With Division By Zero Problems

I have some values that I want to display as percent, such as the
retail price/wholesale price. In some instances, the wholesale price
is zero, so I get a division by zero error.

What can I do to avoid this?

Also, how can I get this to only show two decimals, instead of it
going .##### the way it does. I want it to look like .45%

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Recordset Dealing With Unlimited Text Field

I'm trying to query a set of data from MSSql which contains field type "text" for unlimited length of characters.

I make a query and store the data into a recordset. However, soon as the page try to access the unlimited field, it seems as if the recordset looses all the data it was holding.

Does anyone know how to get around this problem? or what's causing this? I dont even get an error msg. It just doesn't show anything as if there was nothing there.

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Two Different URLS

We have just signed up for and I need to somehow integrate the canned web-to-lead form from salesforce inside my login/registraiton system without messing up the existing 'join' form.My registration form is built on top of database while the alesform form isstatically generated form which is similiar but not exactly the same.

Post to two different urls at once for my main Join form.Or, perhaps 'hide' the form and somehow populate the values in the form and when the visitor clicks my Join form it also posts the sf form?

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Reading URLs

if it is possible to store the URL of a browser window as a variable? For example:

var loc = window.location.href

in JavaScript will store the contents of the address bar as the variable loc.

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Long URLs

Is anyone aware of any sort of asp coding to deal with long URLs? I have a few asp that pull URLs from fields within a MS db, which then display on a width-limited table. Is there any way to wrap these long URLs such that my table doesn't get widened? e.g. wrapping at "/" or something similar?

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Encrypting URLs

Are using this practice? If yes which method are you using?

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Creating Clean URLs

I need to convert the Query Strings into Clean URLs, Found some articles on
PHP and Apache server.. How do we it them with ASP ??

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Linking Names To URLs

I have a dynamic table that displays names of companies. Some companies have URLs and some don't. I would like for those companies with URLs to open a new browser and show their website, for those with no URL just to open nothing. So far I have this, however doesn't work.

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Response.Headers And URLs

Is there a way to add a header to a page that will change what text the
browser displays in the address field?

For example, say I point my browser to

I would like IIS to send back the content generated by the page
request.asp, but would like the address is in the browser to read

Is there any possible way to do this? It seems like this should be possible.

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Upload Images From Urls

I'd like to save images from urls ? I need to save images with a procedure that i get it the url of image. if anyone know about this problem, let me know?

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Make URLS Understandable

how to create urls friendly in the term of 'search engine friendly'. I have a website writen in ASP. For example when i click to new page-About us, the url is ....

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Generating Temporary URLS

I have a form on my site that users must fill out before downloading a pdf document, however, i would like the form to send them an email with a temorary URL.

which they can click to download from, and which expires after 'x' days. is this an asp thing? or do i have to move to .net to do this?

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Relative Addressing For URLs

Anyone know of a site that gives all of the syntax of relative addressing for URLS?
for example: /, ./, ../, etc.

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SE-friendly Dynamic URL

For some of my pages I currently have part of the URL as being 'ourservices.asp?ID=1' (its got nothing to do with sessions) and I am currently changing part of it so its more SE-friendly - i.e. 'ourservices.asp?services=website-marketing'. However following Googles guidlines regarding dynamic URL's,. it says that some search engines don't crawl pages which have a '?' in them for fear of them being a session URL (which mine isn't).
My question is- is there any alternative that I can use to replace the '?' with another character for my dynamic URL. Or, is this the only way I can have this dynamic URL?

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Printer Friendly

Just looking for an affective and easy to use free 'Printer Friendly' script for an Intranet.

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ASP User-friendly IDE

can anyone tell me a user-friendly IDE for ASP? (not Is interdev has intellisense in it?

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Printer Friendly

I have an asp application that generate reports. The reports are a list of tables that contain information about users. each user has his own table. how do I get the tables to be printer friendly using either css or a script.And how do I page break the tables.

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Search Engine Safe Urls

Has anyone seen a good solution for Search Engine Safe URLs with Classic ASP? I've been looking for a while and short of using the 404 or installing tool on the server I was hoping there might be something else.In ColdFusion you can do a and it just works ... (well, after you parse the slashes)

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Dropped By Google/static URLs

I having trouble with some of my classic asp pages being dropped from google.Specifically, a set of four pages reused many times with the content identified via query strings (max 3 variables). I was under the impression that google no longer has a problem with urls appended with query strings. Does anyone know if it is possible to incur penalties for the "over use" of such pages? My product detail page for example is used to display 230 seperate products.

if using static urls may help get my pages re-indexed, but I have had difficulty finding a way to do this with classic asp. Could anyone suggest a suitable method or advise possible reasons for my google disaster?

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How To Redirect From SEO Friendly URL To CMS From ASP Code

I am trying to SEO a website which gets content from a CMS, and is coded using ASP, running under shared IIS hosting.

There are urls like

To get some keywords in there, I was thinking how to get a URL like this OR
convert automatically into the one above with ? and ids..

If this can work, I can have keyword rich URLs, which when clicked can turn into old ID urls, and fetch relevant content from the CMS.

I've heard about IIS redirect but am not sure how it works. Considering that the site is on a shared hosting, I wanted to know your opinion and best ways to achieve this.

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Printer Friendly Form

I have developed a client based form using vbscript for a web page to run on IE and would like to make this form printer friendly. Anyone have some ideas?

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Friendly Reminder: Look Before You Post

This message is being brought to you by a few of your friendly neighborhood ASP programming solution providers:

Please attempt to solve your own problems before posting to Sitepoint. I know I (and other persons who will remain anonymous) find it a little irritating when one (or more) of the following happens:

1) We can type your question into Google and the answer is the first hit that comes up.

1.1) We can type your question into Sitepoint's search and the answer is the first hit that comes up.

2) Your question is answered two posts below your question.

3) The answer requires merely looking up the appropriate object/function in the ASP/VBScript references. *

4) Two or three minutes after posting your question, you post "Oh, nevermind, I got it." without even referencing the solution so other people with the same question will know how you did it.

* Note that we will be VERY happy to provide you with links to these kinds of references (and indeed already have in the Important ASP Resources thread - which happens to be marked important twice) upon your request (I know of at least one individual who links these references in his signature also).

Now, please don't think that I'm ranting and raving. I'm just trying to inform those persons who do the above on a regular basis. It grows tiresome when I login for the day and all 5 new posts are questions that are easily answered with a simple link that could have been found if the one who posted the question would have spent 30 seconds researching his/her problem.

Mentors, Advisors, and Sitepoint Team Members:

If the opinions of this post are contrary to that of Sitepoint, please let us know. I would suspect that you would like us to spend our time on questions that are not easily answered instead of just repeating information which is already easily accessible.

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Printer Friendly Page

Just want to ask if anyone here has experience with doing printer friendly page. I have done a printer friendly page but the problem is if the line overflow, the printer friendly page will 'run' because my code count line by line, but by charactar or pixel.

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Printer Friendly Pages

my data all can display.but when link it 2 printer friendly pages no data display

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Printer Friendly Code

Is there a way to get a printer friendly page using ASP. And when I say this I do not mean removing banner, picture etc and print the page.

The problem I face is, an ASP output is a big table with say 10-15 columns and it would not print even in landscape mode. So if I print the output from the IE browser the right side of the table gets cut. I want to know if there is an ASP code to over come this problem.

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Printer Friendly Pages

What are the best approaches to create printer friendly pages in ASP web sites.? provide us help or links to useful artciles on this topic. Also can we avoid creating separate printer friendly pages and send the current page output to printer as the PRINT
button is clicked?

I have seen this functionality when we print our MCP transcript in MS certificastion site?

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