Debug With Microsoft Development Environment

Before I was able to use Microsoft Devleopment Environment to debug my asp code. I did that by going to Microsoft Development Environment 6.0, go to Debug menu -> Processes, and will see inetinfo.exe and then I can attach it. But lately, (and I don't know if it's got anything to do with the fact that I have recently installed Norton Internet Security and Norton Anti Virus) when I opened the Processes window, the list is blank, and the Machine drop down is also empty.

If I hit Properties or Refresh, I'll get the "Development Environment has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience" error, and the app will close. If I hit the Machine button, even if I find the machine, it'll say "Unable to connect to the machine". Has anyone had similar problems before?

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ASP Development Environment

Does anyone have any suggestions what software would be best used for an ASP development environment with several programmers working on the same project? It would have to have source control and version control etc.

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Development Environment

I am about to dive in to the world of ASP. I have done HTML sites before using Dreamweaver MX.My question is: What is the best development application for me to use to create ASP web apps/sites?should I go with ASP or

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Debug Environment

I have an asp pages which uses ActibeX dll and Exe written in in VB and VC++. I want to debug the components from asp page. When the asp page is run I should be able to get the breakpoint in my VB & VC++ dll and exe.

what could be the setting to do that. I can debug those componnets from another VB/VC++ applications but I want to debug from asp page.

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HTTP_REFERER Environment

A week or so ago, I needed to find the HTTP_REFERER environment variable to check and see if a user is coming from a certain website:

If Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")_
= "http://localhost/mydir/page1.aspx" then
response.write "Click on a menu choice"
response.write "check back later
end if

I have a page nested in an IFRAME (for example framepage1.aspx or ..asp), and I need to check to see if a user is coming to (not coming from ) a certain page where the framepage1.aspx is (the framepage1.aspx could appear in not only page1.aspx, but page2.aspx ,or page3). I'm not sure how to accomplish this given that the
HTTP_REFERER checks on address only incoming.

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Access Cgi Environment Variables

can't seem to find how accesss the standard cgi environment variables in vbscipt/asp, remote_addr, server_port, etc they are accessible right? or a similar vbs set?

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Staging Environment For Two Asp Developers?

What is the best way to allow a second developer access to existing html and
asp files in the office from a development point of view. At the moment, I
have been developing locally and then uploading my files to my web host but
I now need to create a usuable office environment which allows a second
developer to work my folder structures and files.

We do not have a big budget.

I am thinking of asking the company to buy a second hard drive loaded with
Office XP professional and use this to server files locally in a staging
environment before pushing the files to the remote web host.

Am I on the right track?

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ASP - Reading Environment Variable

I would like to read a client environment variable... How can i do this ?

I can read server environment variable using

but concerning client environment ?

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Setting Up ASP Environment In Windows XP

how to set up ASP development environment in windows XP (or i have to have windows 2000/2003)? Any good tutorial out there? By the way, I already have Visual Studio .net installed in my computer.

I am a PHP developer and want to learn ASP for my new project. How long u think it will take for me to catch up?

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Environment Variable From ASP Page

My goal is to retrieve my local machine's %USERNAME% environment variable
from ASP page.

When I enter http://RemoteServerName/testusername.asp?id=%USERNAME% directly
into the IE Browser URL box, %USERNAME% is repalced with the local machine
ID. However <a href="http://RemoteServerName/testusername.asp?id=%USERNAME%"> get mahcine id</a> in an html file and use Request.Querystring("id") to retrieve it in testusername.asp page, it returns "%USERNAME%". I guess IE browser is smart enough to replace %USERNAME% with the local environment variable value before sending URL string to the web server when you type directly into the Browser URL box.My question is , is there any way to retrieve local machine's environment variable, %USERNAME% from ASP page?

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How To Read An Environment Variable?

I have a variable in an INI file (fileLocation) which will point to the location where i can store some temporay files.

This fileLocation variable has a value "%USERPROFILE%Local SettingsTemp" >Now, how do i get the actual expansion of this variable (for ex:i.e : C:Documents and Settings<username>Local SettingsTemp).

How can this be achieved through ASP?

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Cookies In A Load-balanced Environment

Users in our load-balanced environment get to our home page via where a persistent cookie gets set. bedineta is 1 of the machines in this setup. You can unofficially get to our home page that way too. Question I have is if the user comes in thru bedineta how can I get their machine to recognize the cookie I set when they came thru They come thru the same block of asp. I've played around with the cookies.Domain and Cookies.Path setting with no luck.

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Network Login In An Intranet Environment.

The goal is to retreive the network login in order to validate users. Right now when I try to get Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER"), it returns a null value. Currenly in IIS, anonlymous access is checked. Is there any way for me to get the LOGON USER?

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Dialog Box Too Small In Windows XP Environment

I have a problem with dialog boxes. When in Windows XP, the dialog boxes are too small, but when in other environments it is ok. What should I do to accomodate all environments?

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IDE For ASP Development

Previously, I used ms front page editor for my asp development ... and now I am planning to start another development soon with asp but this time I want to use an IDE instead of an editor ... I heard about visual basic interdev 6.0 ...

The problem is I need a useful documentation to help in learning about this tool ... I looked in some libraries in my country but these books are very hard to find in Oman ... I am wondering if I can find a useful tutorials for this tool on the net?

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Web Development ASP

I have a question about databases used by asp or .net applications.
The fundamental Question is, Is it possible to send data from a webpage
to a web page.

View Replies View Related Development

I am trying to start with ASP.NET programming. After installing IIS 5.1 I noticed couple of new accounts: IUSR_*, IWAM_* and ASPNET.

I would like to ask the following:

1/ Why I need these accounts; how can I use them?
2/ How should I set permissions for the folder c:Inetpub and for its subfolders?

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SSL And... ASP Development

In order to develop a site with ASP and SSL (Windows Server 2003 or 2000) what should I need to know about SSL before development ?

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WAP Development

I'm running PWS on a Windows ME machine to do some WAP development. I need to set up some mime types so that PWS can deal with .wml .wbmp and .wmls WAP files. I'm told this can be done by either via the Folder Options -> File Types from a Windows Explorer or by editing the registry. I've tried both of these but to no avail.

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[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Cannot Update. Database Or Object Is Read-o

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Cannot update. Database or object is read-only.

I keep getting this error message when im adding a new record to my database.

Here is my code: ....

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[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] System Resource Exceeded.

i m trying to coneect to a access database Using DSN , but when i try to connect i get an error

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '8007000e'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] System resource exceeded.

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Error:[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too Few Parameters. Expected 2.

I am trying to peform a multiple deletion of records from a single table "Stockist"

I i keep getting the following Error and can't see where i am going wrong. Can anyone help?

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Driverserror '80040e10'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 2.
/RetailerStockProductRemove.asp, line 22

The code i have used is as follows:

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Error :: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Not A Valid Bookmark.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Not a valid bookmark.

has anybody seen such types of errors?

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Error :: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Missing Semicolon ( ; )

this small bit of SQL:

SQL_EditNews = "INSERT INTO tblNews (newsBody) VALUES ('" & editedNews & "') WHERE newsID=63"

Is there something wrong with this statement? When i try to execute it, i get the following error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Missing semicolon ( ; ) at end of SQL statement.

/edit_news_03.asp, line 19

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[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General Error Unable To Open Registry

I am urgently finding a set of codes to write data into a form and the data will go to my database. However i have tried a lot of form but couldn't successfully process. Below is one of my problem...

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x9a8 Thread 0xa08 DBC 0x3041e1c Jet'.

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Can't Access Client Side Environment Variables

I am trying to find out how to access %APPDATA% environment variable on the client side of an ASP Intranet application. I need this so that I can perform some cleanup function. So far everything I read points to using Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables("APPDATA"); I can't seem to get this to work. Error message says Environment not defined.

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Sniffer Development

I am creating a browser sniffer in ASP. I created one is ColdFusion and it works like a charm. Now I am trying to make a similar one in ASP. I can not get it to work properly can someone help me out? here is my code:

<% If #CGI.HTTP_USER_AGENT# CONTAINS "Gecko/20060127 Netscape/8.*.*", "Gecko/20060909 Firefox/*.*" %>
They get this item in the web site
<% Else %>
they get this item in the web site
<% End If %>

Due to browser companies still being at war with how the web will be seen, it has forced this type of development. I can not seem to get this code to properly work though. what am I doing wrong?

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Development Tools

What does eveyone here use to create their ASP apps?

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ASP Development Architecture

can any one tell me the architecture of asp page. how the page is structured.

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Offline Web Development

Currently using WIN 98 + PWS for off line web development.Will WIN 2000 PRO support PWS? or does it have IIS5 bundled with it, or does it support no web server at all?

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BackupExec Development

I am building an .ASP app to manage Backup Tapes alongside Veritas BackupExec. The DB is pretty simple so all the data/sp's/views are easy to work with.

There is a feature in BackupExec 10.1 (and earlier versions) to move Media to a used-defined offsite 'Vault', but I can't find the stored procedure or function in SQL that is called from the GUI.

I know, a pretty thin request, but hopefully one of you Guru's has build or seen something similar.

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Intranet Development

I am currently preparing my final year university project and dissertation, for which I am developed an Intranet system for a local company.

The company requires an online calendar similar to functionality of the one in Outlook. However, they would also like to integrate an appointment reservation booking system into the calendar, so meeting rooms/employees can't be double booked etc.

I will be developing the Intranet system in ASP because of the company's hosting package.

I have looked about on the Internet for free scripts or applications but all the ones I have seen are no good and don't contain the functionality I am trying to achieve.

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Setting Up Development PC

I'm a VB/SQL programmer, but not familiar with WEB programming or the Microsoft products for this. I'm trying to set up a development workstation to create and test .asp files running server side VBScripting.

My PC has Win2k Pro and Visual Studio Enterprise Ed. Does anyone know what other software I need to install in order to have a development Web Server?

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