Debugging Messed Up On Classic ASP After Installation Of 2005 Express

I'm working on XP IIS5.1 in classic ASP 3.0. After the installation of the 2005 Express Suite and the beta .net2 framework that ships with it( the debugging with classic ASP has an odd behaviour.

I use option explicit on all pages. When the parser finds an undeclared var or function or there is some error in a stored procedure (not in the ASP page but in the SP itself)
I receive no error reporting. The page simply renders till that point and stops.

All the other errors are reported as usual.

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SQL Server 2005 Express

I am using the following to try to connect to the database, but it does not seem to be working.

Dim sConnString
sConnString = "Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security
Info=False;Initial Catalog=MediaDB;Data Source=MEDIAMACHINESQLEXPRESS"
Connection.Open sConnString
Dim Recordset
Set Recordset=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

Can someone tell me the correct syntax? The original syntax (which worked) for an Access DB was as follows:

sConnString="PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & "Data Source=" &

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Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005 Express ...

How may I make Visual Web Developer 2005 Express as editor/debugger in place
of Visual InterDEV for ASP and HTML pages?

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Classic ASP Problem On 2005 Upgrade

I'm seeing a VERY odd issue after moving my data from a SQL2000 DB to
a SQL2005 DB. About half the time, when I request a value (using
ors.fields("pagedata") for instance), I get nothing returned. I know
there's data in the field, and I'm on the correct RS object.

Sometimes, when I move the call to another portion of the page, I get
the data (while on the same RS object). I need to move to a new server
running 2005, and folks are starting to chomp at me.

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FTP Transfer Messed Up My Code...

I transferred an asp page from a remote ftp backup server to my dedicated server. Upon opening the file in notepad there is obviously something gone awry. Every page there is supposed to be a newline there is a strange character that looks like a square 0, obviously some kind of code for a line break. Needless to say though the code is a mess void of any structure and is very hard to work on. Is there something in the FTP transfer that caused this?

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Regular Express

I have a reg exp pattern as below works fine for the string : <param name="url" value="contents/cf_intro.htm" valuetype="ref">


But the same is not working for

<param name="url" valuetype="ref" value="../fmmain/fmindex.htm"

note that, i want to capture the url that comes after value=". if the value=" comes in the second place in the html tag it works. but if it comes in the 3rd position, then it doesn't work.

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SQL Express Connection From Local IIS

While I know within visual studio express 2005 it's easy enough to test and connect to SQL Express 2005 database's I ask can standard ASP connect to this also? I will be attempting from localhost IIS as obviously visual stuido does not host ASP sites.

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Connection To SQL Server Express

I recently moved to Visual Web Developer Express. I need to create a simple page that connects to my Database.mdf and runs a stored procedure. I have tried a million times but i simply cannot create a connection. I need to create an ADODB connection as i need control over the CONNECTION TIMEOUT and the COMMANDTIMEOUT properties.

I'm using the following string:
Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFileName=e:dataCusto mers.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True

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IIS Installation

I might be in the wrong thread for this question,but still if someone knows the answer,i would really appreciate it.I installed IIS on windows 2000.But now when i put a page like test.asp in wwwroot folder and run this page on IE,nothing happens.I see the code again ..i guess its not still running asp pages.Dont know how is should get this working.

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Installation Of

I'm transitioning into developmnent and need to properly install and mdac... IIS is already installed on a server on the network. Development will be
done on a seperate development pc connected to the network using VS.NET.

sorry for the dumb quesiton, but do and mdac get installed on the web server or the developmentmachine.Looked around on the microsoft site for an overview of how this is done.

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Asp Net Installation

If I want to develop an ASP application, should I place asp codes in Win2k Server necessarily? Could I place them in Win2k Professional? What is necessary to locate in Win2k Server?

Assume both Win2K Server and Win2k Professional contain .NET SDK.

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PWS Installation Issues

I am setting up an environment to test ASP pages, but cannot but cannot get PWS to install. I receive messages related to MTS system registry errors, and messages that .dll's failed to load. The environment is Win98SE using IE6.

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Installation Wizard

I have developed an ASP application and would like to use something like
"wise installation wizard" to package and deploy it.

Does anyone know where I can get it
Can it automatically perform the IIS authentication setup

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Font Installation

is it possible to install a font automatically using an asp page.

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VoiceXML Installation

I have my own VoIP Gatekeepr and also I have my own windows 2003 web server. Now I want to use my web server as a gateway where I put the vxml file. And the same gateway I registered in my Gatekeeper using his IP address and the VoIP Gatekeeper provided a Telephone No. to call this gateway.

I was using openIVR in the same gateway, I can hear the wav file but when I am trying to use text-speech nothing is hearing but the phone is calling so it means the openIVR is not passing voice to the caller. Is there any way to using VoiceXML in the gateway without OpenIVR?

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Restricting Installation To One PC

If I were to write an application in ASP and sell it to a business, can i restrict people from installing it on multiple servers?

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PWS On NT Doesnt Display Asp/ And Installation

My friedn is using PWS on NT4 machine, its a local machine, whenever he directs to an .asp page, visual interdev starts.

How can we over ocme this.I had solved this problem long time ago. Now i dont remember. Also to install IIS4.0 do we need to install MTS? if yes, where can we get

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Installation Problem CMS2002

When I try to install developer tool I got a message saying
"VS.NET not found (needed by Dev Tools)"

I have VS-NET 2003 (Microsoft Visual C# .NET 69586-335-0000007-18067)
installed and it works fine when I develop other web applications. Any suggestions?

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Unable To Proceed Fatwire Installation

When I try installing fatwire CS on a trail version of Weblogic application server, installation fails. During the initial framework installation process csinstall.bat will ask to select the available application servers from the options. I don't find the drop down option in that window, so am unable to proceed further in the installation. So could anyone please let me know what could be the problem?

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SQL 2005

Thinking of using MS SQL 2005.
There are only two problems: My wallet(lol), and what licence I need.

There's so many different kinds of SQL 2005!
Can I make it with the standard edition? How many clients do I need? How
does the client-thing work on the internet?

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ASP And VS.NET 2005

Can an existing Website built using Classic ASP be maintained with VS.NET 2005? My employer has MS Visual Studios Interdev but I have never used that. I've been using VS.NET 2005 and would prefer to use that if I can.

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VS 2005 Web Page

I have just created a very simple web page/site in VS 2005. I have saved it,
built it but when I try to display in a browser it takes about 20 seconds and
then comes up with "the page cannot be displayed" error. Being new to C# and
the .Net environment I"m not sure what to go look for. I was using VS 2003
without any issues.

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VS 2003 To VS 2005

I migrated my webapplication from VS 2003 to VS 2005. and i am running on win xp Professional sp2. After migrating. i am getting the following error ."The type initializer for 'System.Web.Compilation.CompilationLock' threw an exception." the error is shown in the following line

@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Test.aspx.cs"

i looked into the net but couldnt fix this.

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Breakpoints In Vs 2005

My app uses some pure asp pages as part of the app. During debugging of pure asp I have set breakpoints in pure asp code but the problem is no breakpoint occurs on these points during execution. How can I successfully use breakpoints for pure asp in vs 2005?

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ASP And Sql Server 2005

I need experts suggestion please help me out , am new in ASP and Sql Server 2005.
As I mentioned am using SQL server 2005 with ASP and now I don’t know how to create database in Sql server and after creating how to connect it.

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Uploading File Into SQL 2005 Using .asp

Anyone who can send me a sample code of how to upload a file into SQL 2005
server using .asp running on IIS 6? I have a code that has been working when uploading into SQL 2000 but when I do the migration to SQL 2005, it doesn't work anymore.

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Connect To SQL 2005 With ASP Is Not Working

My hosting service just updated their SQL Server from 2000 to 2005. I have been trying to update my code and keep getting this error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'
Type mismatch: '[string: "//"]'

Can someone please have a look at my connecting code and see what needs to be updated for the 2005 version. I would appreciate it as I have not been able to figure this out. Here is my ASP: Code:

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Support Asp Debug In Vs 2005?

Is it possible to change the web.config or machine.config file to allow access to an .asp page? I'm new to .Net 2.0.

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Debigging Global.asa In VS 2005

I am trying to set up a classic ASP project in Visual Studio 2005, and
I am unsire of how to debug the global.asa file (I can debug a classic
ASP file, though.):

1) Set a breakpoint on any ASP code line and run the debugger
2) In Visual Studio 2005, Select Debug --> Attach to process...
3) Click the Select.. button in the Attach To section
4) Highlight the inetinfo.exe process from the list and click Attach

I can stop on a breakpoint in an asp file, but how can on stop on a
breakpoint in global.asa? If you have to start the application first
and then attach to the process, aren't I already past global.asa?

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Connecting To SQLEXPRESS 2005 With An ASP Web App

I have an ASP web app with an SQL back end. It's currently connecting to an
SQL Server 2000 database using an ODBC DSN. I am currently migrating to a new Windows 2003 Server machine and SQL Server 2005 Express.

As usual, the app doesn't connect right away, but I've gone through all the new Windows 2003 Server security issues and I'm able to get a normal ASP page to display.

I can also connect to the SQLEXPRESS when I use visual studio or MS Access on a remote machine, even using the same ODBC DSN, but for some reason, I get an error when trying to access it though ASP. Code:

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ASP Problem On Uploading File Into SQL 2005 DB

I have a problem with uploading file into SQL 2005 DB using IIS 6.0
webserver, this code was working in SQL 2000 Db and IIS 5.0. Can you please
help me to see what the problem is. Error msg :

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e23'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The cursor does not include
the table being modified or the table is not updatable through the cursor.

/uploadnewrequest.asp, line 158


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Can't Connect To SQL Server 2005 Db With Asp But Access 2k3 Is Ok.

I am about to migrate my asp web pages from a previous well functioning connection with Access 2003 to SQL Server 2005 Express Edition instead.

I have created a database in SQL Server called "test_db". As far as I know I have not set any particular user id or password for the database.

In this microscopic database I have onnly a single table called "name" and in this table I have two columns called "fname" and "lname". I have two records stored in the name table. What I want to achieve is simply to display these two records in my asp-page.

How can I achieve this and what am I missing here?

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How To Get Date Time To Display Like 01/01/2005 16:14:10?

How to get date time to display like 01/01/2005 16:14:10?

Here's something that I found works against an Oracle database.
However, I'm not getting the same results against a SQL 2000 database.
Can anyone point out the correction needed? With the following, the
time displays correctly, but no date at all.

<%d=formatdatetime(rs2("Begin_Time"), 2)
if mid(d,2,1)="/" then d="0" & d
if mid(d,5,1)="/" then d=left(d,3) & "0" & mid(d,4)
Response.Write (d) & "&nbsp;"
Response.Write formatdatetime(rs2("Begin_Time"), 4)
if second(rs2("Begin_Time")) < 10 then
Response.Write ":0" & second(rs2("Begin_Time"))
Response.Write ":" & second(rs2("Begin_Time"))
end if%>

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