Declaring A Month To A Dropdown Box Value

I am looking to declare and object to dropdown box value. Currentmonth= request.dropdownbox? The dropdown box is on the same page.

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Combobox :: Selected Month Should Not Be Greater Than Current Month

I m having two combobox on my page cmbyear(years) and cmbmon(months). i want to make a check that if year selected is current year then selected month should not be greater than current month. how we can achieve this.

one way out is that we can store values of selected options in two variables in javascript function. In the function we can make the check that if selected value for year is current year and selected value for month is greater than current month then it ll show some error message and reload the page.

i m trying this but do not get results. May be i m having some mistake in syntax. can anyone tell me how to get selected value in a variable in javascript or some other way out to achieve this. I have applied same technique on text box value. its working fine. but with combobox. i dont know whats the prob.

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Append The Coming Month Value In My Current Month

I need a date simple date function that would append the coming month value in my current month ...

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Convert A Month To Previous Month

How to convert a month to previous month in a very easy way?For example, I have AUGUST, but I want JULY to return.

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Declaring A Session

Do you have to declare a session in the global asa or can u just us them where ever I'm passing information from my cookie into a session object then looping through the session content and I was curoious do I need to declare this session in a global asa ?

If so what is the basic outline of what the declartion will look like.

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Declaring Variable

I am trying to make the options for a drop down menu change for the state when a country is selected.

I am trying to use a script like the following that I modified, but getting undefined variable 'selected' error. How do I define a variable with two components (variable(component, component))? Code:

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Declaring Function

the user can key in variable A and B. then C is auto generated by C = A / B. so how and where should i write the C function?

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Declaring Variables

i trying to put the location variable into a a href link


response.write ("<a href=""index.asp?content=description&hotid="&hotelid&"""&location="&location&"""><B>Click here for more information<B>")

the end result i am trying to get is

<a href=""

how i am ment to be writing the statement in code as i must have too many speakmarks or something like that.

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Login,declaring Session

I want to put session variable on every page, so that I can create security for pages. Below is my code, Iam not getting idea, that how I put session varaible on every page of my website, to check that either user is logged in or not. Code:

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Declaring The Output From A Loop As A Variable

I need the the results from the loop, in the Response.Write objFile.Name & "<br>" bit to be declared as a variable and then I could:


Does anyone know how I go about doing this? Or is there an alternative Code:

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Making Dropdown Menu Dependent On Another Dropdown

I have a category that I will call "company". in my access DB, there are about 6 or so companies. On another table, I have a list of locations that are related to these companies.

What I want to do, is have a drop down menu that lists all the companies. When you select the company, the second drop down menu will automatically populate with the locations of the company you selected in the first dropdown.

Anyone know any links to some examples of this? My google searches have been pretty fruitless since Im having a bit of a problem trying to explain it concisely (as you probably noticed).

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Declaring A Variable As Type "checkbox"

i am trying to update a field in an access database that is of type 'Yes/No'. this is because i am using a checkbox in my ASP form to represent this field, i get Type mismatch error if i change the field type in access to text and i get this error if i keep both as Checkboxes: Code:

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Last Day Of A Month?

If I keep a hard sql statment to show all records from 1 to 31 of each month
will get error on months where there are no 31 days, how can i know the last
day of the month ? any sql function or just via programming language? Using
ASP and Sql Server 2005!

What you suggest ? Code:

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Month Help

I have the following for the header in my table which should display "November", "December", "January" but instead I'm getting "November", "January", "December". Is it possible to do it like below or will I need to incorporate year in some way to that when it gets to these last months in a year it will know start back at January?

DIM iMonth
iMonth = Month(now)
For x = 1 to 3
intMonth = Month(iMonth)
Response.Write("<td align=center colwidth=""50""><b>" & MonthName(iMonth) & "</b></td>")
iMonth = Month(iMonth)


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Last Day Of A Given Month

How will I get the last day of a given month and a year ?

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Last Day Of Month

a quick and dirty way to get the last day of the month?

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Need Month To Be 01, Not 1

I am wanting to retrieve the current date and submit to db in DDMMYYYY format. I have got it working but am now worried that if the month was January, that the value returned would be 2812003 and not 28012003.

Can anyone confirm that the below code will return 01(January) etc for the month instead of 1?

Dim DateToday
DateToday = Day(Date()) & Month(Date()) & Year(Date())
Response.Write DateToday

(The above returns 28102003, which is what I want).

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Get Last Month Value

I want to know how to get the last month value. I used the Month(Now) to get this month, but how can i get the previous month?

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Sql Query By Month

I need writing a SQL select statement. I know this one has to be simple, but I can't seem to get the query right. I need one query to select where the date range falls within the last 24 months, and a second query for data that's older.

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SQL And Month Filter

I am trying to get my SQL Query to to through a list of faults, and pull all the records from the previous month (say now is july(7) it pulls all from june (6)

the current SQL i have is....

SELECT Faults.DateAdded, Faults.[Teacher ID], Faults.[Computer ID], Faults.[Type of Fault], Faults.[Description of Fault], Faults.Fixed
FROM Faults
WHERE ((Month([DateAdded])=Month([Date])-1));

but this doesn't work, can anyone assist?

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Get Month Problem

I am using MySQL. I am trying to GET the data from the database but ASP changes the month to single digit (insead of 01 it assigns it 1).

My code for GETTING and SENDING the date:

DIM iMonth
iMonth = Month(objRS("DateEntered"))
iYear = Year(objRS("DateEntered"))


<a href="archive_view.asp?urlmonth=<% Response.Write (imonth) %
>&urlyear=<% Response.Write (iyear) %>"> » <% Response.Write
MonthName(iMonth) %>&nbsp;<% Response.Write (iYear) %></a>

How do I change it so that it pulls the 0 (if present) too?

Second, how do I display only one record for each month and year on
the overview page: Code:

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Day Value Based On Month Given

I'm looking for asp functions that can do the following:Based on the Month (& year) given I'd like to find out:

1.) The # of days in that Month
2.) The day of the Week the 1st falls on.

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Trying To Sort By Month

I have an Access "date/time" column and I am trying to use SQL to select by month. I thought the code below would work (to query for records in april for example) but I am still getting all the records regardless of when the date is.

FROM comm
WHERE comm_requested_date = month(4)

Basically, I have a drop menu with the months and I want to query the DB for all records for a particular month.

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Days In A Month

Does anyone know of a formula that I can use to work out the number of days in a month not including the weekends?

I know I could probably use a loop that checks each day and if it is a weekday it adds to a counter but I'm guessing that would make things run a tad slower and the way this system is running I wouldn't want to make it any slower.

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Week From Month

If I would like to get the week number for month, let's say today is July 25, 2005, which is the fourth weeks for July, how can I use base on the date I have and convert to get the week number in ASP.

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Using Month() In SQL Query

I know the ASP/VBScript function for retrieving the current month - the Month() function. But how do i use this in a query to retrieve all records pertaining to a month?

For instance, my SQL Server table has a date field (TestDate) which stores the date when a test was taken by a person. How do I write a query that would pull all the records for tests taken this month?

Likewise, how would i pull for a week? I can't do a Date() - 7 because it has to be each work week..

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I have a form and I request a date. I want the slashes(02/25/2005) to auto fill in the form. Can this be done? How?

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How To Sort Month And Year

i have data likes this
post_month post_ year
january 2006
december 2006
january 2007
february 2007

i need to write a query to display as follows


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Script Needs To Execute On Last Day Of Month

as you read, i have a script that needs to execute on last day of month, is there a way that i can automatically get this script to execute itself on the last day of every month?

i kno i could scedule a task on the server, but you have to select a day of every month, so then the latest it could be would be the 27th.

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Get All Records For Previous Month

I am trying to build a commission calculator for my sales team. Commissions are calculated every month. What is the syntax to pull all records from the previous month?

In other words, at the beginning of December commissions will be paid on November sales so I need to pull all sales recorded in November.

I found this code to pull the current month:


so I added a -1 at the end for this


I haven't tested it yet as I still have many things to do before I can upload to the server to test it. Is that the correct syntax? If not, what is? Also, how can I get the month AND the year?

This will be a default value of the Date field, so I need it in asp, not SQL.

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First Monday & Last Friday Of A Month

Do you know how will I find the first monday and the last friday of a given month in asp?

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How Can Show Only Year And Month

How can I get the following date field to display as month and year only like "January 2004" ?


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Double Figure Of Day And Month

I am going to use the date as my filename. How can I convert date() ["5/18/04"] to "20040518"? Thanks a thousand.

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