Default Session Expiration

Does anybody know the default session expiration?

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Session Expiration

is there a way to warn the user before their session expires??

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it seems that a session in sometimes expires before its time is
supposed to expire? so for example i developed a client side that relies on a

if Session("Var") > 0 then

end if

to verify that a user is logged in with proper credentials. now sometimes
the session expires before the twenty minute mark and kicks the user out of
the client side because the Session("Var") is no longer > 0. can someone tell
me why this is happening?

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Session Expiration

How come my session expires after 20 mins even if I leave the window open? I didn't close the window and didn't even minimize it.

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Page Expiration

I have a greeting card and i want to expire my email sending page after execution of the page because when i click to refresh button another email has been sent so i want when anyone click to refresh or press F5 the page expire page appear how it could be done in ASP, pls tell me.

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Page Expiration In ASP

i want to expire my email sending page after execution of the page because when i click to refresh button another email has been sent so i want when anyone click to refresh or press F5 the page expire page appear how it could be done in ASP.

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Content Expiration

I am having problem of content expiration it expires immidiately.Real problem is I am replacing some images on mouse over. On every mouse over its downloading images from server that takes time to display, and second thing is its working fine with same aaplication on server1 but when I putting on server2 its not.I have content expiration checked / unchecked in IIS but no luck.

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Page Expiration

I noticed some pages will not allow a user to use the back button to access them. I would like to apply this to a webpage on my site. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Checking For Cookie Expiration

I have a login page that sets a cookie on a successful login.

When I set the cookie to "time-out" after, say 5 minutes, it transfers to the logon page again, but how can I check if they were directed there because they weren't logged in initially or if they were redirected there because they were timed out.

I want to display a message saying, your session was timed out, please login again.

How can I check if the cookie has expired?

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How To Set The Cookie Expiration Time?

i want to expire my cookie after 1 (one) hour but i don't know how to do this. my ASP code:

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Individually Password Protect Multiple Directories? Password Expiration?

I have a client who wants to password protect a learning course that is set up in modules. Each module needs to have it's own password protection so users can only access them as they progress through the course.

Each user should have their own password (for each module) and, said client would like the password to expire for the user at some (predetermined?) point. Is this possible? It seems like a lot (in terms of setup), but I don't know much about password stuff.

If it is possible, can someone give me an overview of how it works (theoretically) or where to find more specific info on setting something like this up (in

If it isn't possible, can someone suggest what is more reasonable in terms of protecting the modules?

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Default Value

if for list box, check box or radio button. in asp. how can i write to make it a default value??

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IE's Default

I'm using a binary stream to send down a file from the web server. I've been having trouble with IE and getting it to recognize my file. I've added the filename as a paramater(?filename=file.jpgw) to handle IE's mime type mangling, but I'm still having trouble with IE's default Save As Type being HTML. When we send down a jpgw (geo-jpeg) file IE wants to save it as an HTML file. I've got the correct filename showing in the Filename box, and if I choose the All Files option from the Save As Type drop down then the file is saved with the correct extension. I'd like to have the All Files option choosen by default. I know it's just a couple of clicks but we have some noivce users that can't seem to get that

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I wrote an application that generates reports.It then presents a page where
I click a button [javascript:print()] to open the print page. However, I
have a fixed printer and would like to know how to print to the default
printer without me clicking anything. So the page will just load up and
print. Or when I click a button. I just don't want the select printer screen
to pop up. Much similar to clicking the print button on top of the address
bar in Internet Explorer.

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my new site uses default.asp, instead of using index.asp. this is how my old site was done. now i get error 500. is this because it is trying to find index.asp or because my database isn;t workjing properly? i'm tired and being stupid i think. it's reall probably the database, but i just want to make sure in my sleep deprived state.

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Specify Default Button

I want to make it so that when the user is looking at a rendered ASP page
and they hit the ENTER key, one of the buttons on the form gets "clicked".
In other words I want for the user to not have to click on the button, and
just hit ENTER instead. How do I specify the button?

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Combo Default Value

This is the code for a combo box, and I would like to make certain value the default value, so that appears unless users select somthing else.

call rs.Open("SELECT * FROM Trim.dbo.luDecisionMaker ORDER BY DecisionMakerName" _
, myCon)

do while not rs.EOF
Response.Write("<OPTION value=" & rs("DecisionMakerID"))
if rs("DecisionMakerID") = nDecisionMaker then
Response.Write(" selected")
end if
Response.Write(">" & _
rs("DecisionMakerName") & "</OPTION>" & Chr(10))


It comes from a table and has PropertyDetailsID(1,2,3,4) and PropertyDetailsname(Fee, 5,10,Other) and for example "Fee" needs to be the dafault value.

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New User In DB Default

If a new user is added to the database through a webform, and they would usually have immediate access to member only services, is there a way to make them nonactive in a MS access db until an admin activates them?

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Default Compenent

I am wanting to compress/zip a file up on the server and email it. Is there a default component that should be installed on the server that will compress/zip files? If not is there FREE ones that anyone would suggest?

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Default Value In Field

with "select @@IDENTITY" i get the value of the last field insered.. i would
like to get also the

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Default Include

Is it possible to add a default include file to every ASP-page servered on IIS? So I do not have to modify every page.

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Default Value For Combo Box

How do I make a value the default value for a combo box in ASP 3.0?

What I have below does NOT work, yet I've seen it in HTML file examples before (and works if I put it in a HTML file by itself, but not if I use it in a ASP 3.0 app.

<select name="cboCompany" style="text-align:right; font-size:8pt">
<option value="08">08</option>
<option value="09" selected="true">09</option>
<option value="33">33</option>
<option value="18">18</option>
<option value="17">17</option>

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Default Image

The following code works fine for PC but not for MAC. It won't select the default image from the DB. When I check the DB there looks like there is Binary information there but nothing is displayed ....

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Change The Default

Using a DetailsView to update data in SQL 2005, How do I change the default "Update" hyperlink to a more user friendly button?

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Default Values

I need a string of code that will allow me to eliminate,exclude,or ignore the default values that are sent in my web form.It is an order form that has hundreds of items.The items not selected show up looking like this in my email box.


and I have to sort through all of them to find the few selected.can any one tell me with some type of loop to eliminate the values returning 0 or 0.00.

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Default Port

i set up iis 5.0 on my local machine(win2kpro) (on a pvt LAN) at the default port. when i try to access asp it gives http 500 error. i have been able to configure cgi scripts but asp still doesnt work.

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Default Dates

I have two drop down lists on one of my pages.One of the them lists all the MONTHS in a year, second one list a number of years starting for 2004. Users couldn't be bothered selecting that every time they are filling it in for submission, so they want me to popolute the two fields with the current month and the year automatically.

Plus the month has to be selected as a current month up to the 7th of every month,on the 7th it changes to the correct month. of basically if date is < 07/08/2004 = July.

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Default Date

I need to display (and use as a hidden field) the date on a page. How do I change if from MM/DD/YYYY (e.g. 12/25/2004) to 25/DEC/04 . I'm putting it into an Oracle date field and it doesn't like the date in the first format.

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COM Components Available By Default

Is there available some list of COM components available to ASP pages, that are available on virtually every IIS machine?

I am wondering wether there is some right-away-available API with cryptogrphy functions. The particular function I need is MD5 hash estimation for files. I have one written in JScript, but it would be very slow for larger files.

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Reset To Default In SQL

Is it possible to reset a SQL field to it's default setting? For example, someone changes FIELD1 to "John Doe" and the the default is "YOUR NAME". Can I reset it back to "YOUR NAME" somehow?

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Non-Default Web Site

I am getting the above error message on a non-default website. But, default.asp and other asp files work properly. There are few asp files which are residing on this non-
default website created by our application folks, and it is not working.

Server Details
Win2k SP4
IIS 5.0
URLSCAN is installed
C2 Security Settings implemented on the server.

let me know what could be wrong.

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Missing Default Property

I got the following error when access an asp page.

Response object error 'ASP 0185 : 8002000e'
Missing Default Property
/downtime_category-old2.asp, line 0
A default property was not found for the object.

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Retrieving Field Default Value

I have 3 text fields in an Access db with each some default values.

I have an edit page where user's can edit those fields. The problem am having is if for instance I empty the field in the edition page, since am not allowing null or empty in them, when I save of course I receive an error telling me that this field is not allowing empty value.

Now what I would like to be able to do is this, when I save I'll check If the request.form("thefield") is empty, if so then instead of saving the empty value I want to return to the default value set in the db.

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