Dependent List Boxes

i am trying to link list boxes for a mini intranet. I have created a booking database for our staff to add bookings into for a business and it is all based around dates etc. I want people to be able to select the year in the first box and then in the next list select the month and then the date.

Can you give me a sample code on how to link the lists so that they are dependent? i can get single drop down lists just cant link them.

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Multiple List Boxes Dependent

I am working on a survey form. I need to create multiple-multiple dependent istboxes...I need to allow the user to make multiple selection from a categoryListbox and as the user select from categoryListbox must display and add available subcategories into the subCategoryListbox and allow to select multiple subcategoris.

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Dependent Drop Down Boxes

I've gotten the dependent drop down boxes to work except, when I fill out the form, and get to where I click the first drop down box and make a selection, the page refreshes and all of the fields turn blank, except for the second drop down box, which displays the correct records based on what was chosen in the first box in the entire form. Also the first drop down box returns to the first record in the list.

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Dependent List

Can someone tell me why my "select2" menulist disappears??


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Dependent Drop Down List

provide me a sample code for dependent drop down lists?I need to create a few drop down lists and they are dependent of each other. Their relations are very complex as 1 drop down list may affect 2 drop down lists.

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Dynamic Dependent List

I have a set of dynamic dependent list boxes that are populted from a database. When I select the first box the second box is populetd with the correct items. If the first item is the desired selection another option has to be selected and then the first item has to be reselected for the list to work properly to update the next dynamic list box. To include the --Select-- in the second and third list box table would add several thousand rows to the table. If I added the --Select-- in the table it would add several thousand rows to the database.

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2 List-boxes With Add

I would like to create a page with VBscript and ASP which will contain two list-boxes one in the left side and the other in the right side with two buttons namely "Add>>" and "<<Remove" so that if the user selects a value listed in the left side list-box and presses "Add>>" then that selected value should go inside the right side list-box.

Similarly if the user selects a value listed in the right side list-box and after clicking "<<Remove" then that selected value should go back to the left side list-box.
provide me the code?

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List Boxes

I have two forms on one page. Form A only has a list box, lbox1, in it that is pulling its values via a stored procedure. Form B has a bunch of other stuff on it. What I want to do is hide Form B until a value is selected in lbox1. How do I accomplish this?

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Select One Of The List Boxes

I have two list boxes . User can select multiple values from the lists. Is there a way I can force that the user can select from only one of the list boxes? Can I associate the radio button with the list so that as soon as user selects the radio button the other list box turns grey(not letting the user to select anything from that list).?

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Dynamic List Boxes

I've tried doing this tutorial on Macromedia's site, but can't get it to work.

I'm using VBscript server side script.

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Getting 2 Selection List Boxes Working Together

Here is my situation, I have an ASP page with 2 list boxes. The first list box displays people that are available to be selected. The other list box shows the people who have been selected. This makes it easy to see who has been selected and who has not been selected since if you are in one list box you will not be in the other.

I know how to write the SQL to get the data for each list box but my problem is getting this to work without having to reload the whole page (I thought I could just re-run each list boxes' SQL and display the results instead of having to load the page again).

Write now I was thinking each list box would have an OnClick or OnChange JavaScript event. I would then have 1 table with all People in it and a second table of people who were selected. When the user clicked on the list box of available people (not selected) I need to run an ASP insert script and then requery both list boxes to pick up the change. In the case a user was removed from the selected list box, I need to run a Delete ASP script.

My problem is that I can do this if I reload the page every time a person is selected from a list but there has to be a way this can be done without reloading the page. Do you have any ideas or suggestions?

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Populating Three List Boxes From The Database

I need to have three list boxes automatically populating each other, (ie
when region is selected from the first listbox, it will populate
automatically the second one which is the TOWNS and when the town is
selected is should populate the third one AREA) all data is in the database
in one table.

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Dynamically Linked List Boxes

I want to link 2 list boxes on the same page without reloading it. The list boxes are dynamic and when one selects an item in the first one, the second one get's populated accordingly. So far I've been stuck with Javascript Object Expected Error and I cant find a way to make it work. Code:

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2 List-boxes With Add & Remove Button

I would like to create a page with VBscript and ASP which will contain
two list-boxes one in the left side and the other in the right side
with two buttons namely "Add>>" and "<<Remove" so that if the user
selects a value listed in the left side list-box and presses "Add>>"
then that selected value should go inside the right side list-box.

Similarly if the user selects a value listed in the right side
list-box and after clicking "<<Remove" then that selected value should
go back to the left side list-box.

Can anyone provide me the code?

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Dependent Dropdown Box

I have a dropdown box getting data from a database, and I send the data to the database on form submition, But, I need to send another data to another column to the database according with the user dropdown box selecion. Example.

Dropdown option 1: DELL Corp.
Dropdown option 2: IBM Corp.
Dropdown option 3: Avante Systems

If the user select DELL Corp., it will send 'DELL Corp.' to the database but I need it to send dell.jpg to another column too. I have the code to send the data, but the relationship of the boxes is 'the thing'.
A solution almost like bellow is what I am looking for, but instead of, the selection in the first combo should point to another selecion in the second combo (so the second combo will have the dell.jpg value):

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Dependent Dropdowns

i have a form and i need the selection from the first dropdown to influence the results on the second dropdown.The first dropdown will have a list of guesthouses and based on the guesthouse chosen, the second dropdown will give the rooms available in that chosen guesthouse.

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Dependent Check Box

currently need to do a dependent checkbox, mean when i choose 1st check box, 2nd check box will become visible and if i never choose it, 2nd checkbox will become blur and unclickable. may i know how to do it?

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Dependent Listboxes

I have three listboxes
1 : company
2 : department
3 : function

I want the following functionality. when i choose a company all the available departments in that company must appear in listbox2 and when i choose a department all the available functions must appear. how can i do this with Java?

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Dynamic Dependent ListBox

I have a database table called Pumpdata. This table contains all the different pumps available. I had to make 2 other related tables one called pumpType which is just a description of Pump Types. ie.. (single, double, mixer etc..) and the other table is PumpManufacturer which contains a list of Pump Manufacturers.. the 2 tables are related to the pumpdatatable based on the TypeID (in PumpType) and MfgID(in PumpManufacturer)..

Ok the problem I'm faced with Is I need to create a form to get a particular pump based on the Pump Type, The manufacturer, and then the specific Model Number..

The First list box alllows the user to select the Pump Type, The second ListBox allows the user to select the manufacturers based on the pump selection. (Note in the pumpdata table there could be an occurance where a particulatar PumpManufacturer could have several Pumps of the same type (I just need to show one occurance of the PumpManufacturer here). Code:

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Dependent Texbox Combo

I have an application in asp; in my form I have a combo and a textbox, the combo is fill in from a database query. I cannot do the following: when selecting an item from the combo, it should send the ID of the combo to a textbox. In other words, when selecting an item, it must send the ID to a query and the result of this query send it to the textbox. I need to do this using vbscript and the onchange method.

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Give Dependent Listbox

how to give dependent listboxes in asp code.

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Dependent Form Fields

I'm working on a form where if a client makes an entry in one field, it causes another field to become unusable. The fields most likely will be drop-down lists. The form will be filled out online then mailed to me using the post method.

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Dynamic Dependent Dropdown Lists?

I want to have dependent dynamic dropdown lists where the person can select the state, then county, then zip code, and all 3 of these menus will be populated by a database. I have a page that Ive been working on but I just cant get it. The page I am working on also refreshes when you select the state, then when you select the county it refreshes again but instead of populating the zipcode list it just takes the state name and inserts it into the city menu. Code:

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ASP/JavaScript Dependent Dropdown Menus??

i'm trying to create a dependent dropdown menu based on two objects, packages and steps (the steps dropdown will be dynamically updated/populated when a package is selected). the site uses ASP and since ASP is server-side, i am using JavaScript to handle the client-side "dynamic" change.

i've found several snippets of code that create the dependent dropdown; however, the two examples i have use arrays which are statically defined. the data that will populate the dropdowns is coming from a SQL database, and that data will be updated/changed fairly often. my question is this: is there any way to generate the arrays using ASP (outside javascript tags) and use them in the javascript?

or is there a way to use javascript to generate the correct arrays and fill them with data from my SQL tables? can i use a recordset ojbect in javascript? i have heard that you may use PHP inside javascript tags, but i'm unsure if that is what i want to do.. especially since i am using ASP as the main language for this site. Code:

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Dynamic Dependent Dropdown Menu

i have three dependent dropdown list.when select city in first box then 2nd list will show all company for selected city. 3rd will show all jobs of co. any suggestion?

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Server Side Dependent Drop Down

I am trying to create a drop down list that I have populated. But what I want to do is to populated the other drop down based on the selection in the first one, I am getting an error when I try to make the selection. here is the error that I recieved

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '='.

/reportrequest/admin/ReportRequest.asp, line 233

and here is my code:

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Dependent Queries In Access And Entry Date

I have a created a cost reporting system which shows a level-breakdown
report. There are three levels in the report the lowest level holds the cost
items that are entered by the user these records also have an Entry Date.
The level above that is a Sum of the lowest level and the top level is the
Sum of the second level. I created the solution using three queries in
Access. I then use the queries in ASP to generate the report. But now I need
to use the Entry Date at the lowest level to re-generate the report with
values from the StartDate to the EntryDate (which is entered by the user).

Question is, can I do this using the construction I use, or do I have to
pull my queries to the ASP code and include the dynamic EntryDate? How do I
solve this?

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Locale-dependent Date&Time Input Via HTML Forms -

In our legacy asp/web-application, we have
date/time-input form in USA style
(i.e. mm/dd/yyyy and 12hour-scale time with AM/PM).
There is also some validation code on client side,
and then submitted data are used in MSSQL queries.

Now I would like to know about how to generate locale-dependent
HTML form layout, and what ready-made ASP code could I borrow
for this task.

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How Can I List All The Email Address From Hotmal Contact List?

How can i list out all the email address into my website from the hotmail caontact list? i am successful log in into the yahoo contact list by using serverxmlhttp and list out all the email address from the page source, but i could not access to hotmail by using the serverxmlhttp. Is any other methos can list out the email address from hotmail contact list?

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Drop Down Boxes

I have a form that will add a device to a database. What I am having a problem with is that I have two drop down boxes. One is a building number and the other one is a room name. Because there are many room names that are the same in many of the buildings and some room names that are not in all of the buildings, I have created a table called buildings and another table called rooms.
I have a drop down menu that displays all the building numbers and what I want to be able to do is when I select the specific building number, another dropdown box appears showing all the room names for that specific building. I also what to be able to keep the information already on the form intact. As an example, a user puts in information on the form such as the machine name, username and then selected a building name, which would then show the rooms in that specific building, maintaining the information of the machine name and username on the form. There are seven items on the form, which the user must include prior to submission of the form.

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Three Check Boxes

I am trying to create a database submition type interface which is dependant on the selection of three check boxes. The form contents will always be the same type of information;;; name address etc. The user must decide which db to write their details to.. So if check box one is selected then it writes to database a. If the other two are individually selected then the script will write the form details to another database b and c. If all three are selected then the script will write to all three databases a b and c .
Is it as simple as creating three connection strings and assigning them to variables

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Input Boxes

I am in the process of writing a website which has an access database
and uses asp to access it. Part of the site is a search facility. I
have heard that it is possible for hackers to gain access to the
database by entering SQL in to the search box. First of all is this
possible? Secondly if it is possible, what sort of syntax should i be
checking for on the text entered in to the search field

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Select Boxes

Does anyone know if there is a way to select an item in a select box by
typing the beginning of the word and it finds it in the list?
As an example:
Say I want to go to the item named "M1234" in the list.
When I type M it goes to the first "M" item.
When I type 1 it goes to the first "1" item.
Is there a way to make it go to the first "M1" item instead of jumping back
to the "1" item?
Is it even possible to do this in classic ASP?

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