Deploying An ActiveX Component In A CAB File, Problem

I have created an .OCX in VB6 for use on a web page. I created a .cab file
and placed this file on the web server and updated the web page with the
<OBJECT> tag with the correct guid, etc.

When I hit the web page, it prompts me and asks if I want to download and
install the component. I click yes and it appears to go through the
motions of downloading the .cab, etc. But the control never appears on the
web page. When I check the registry, the ocx (and its dependencies) are
not registered. In fact, I can't see that the ocx is even on the system
anywhere. If I manually install and register the ocx, then the web page
works fine. Code:

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ActiveX DLL Component

I created a ActiveX DLL component to create a Excel file under my home directory through VB6.0. Then I registered it through "regsvr32" command and a messagebox came out to say that the register was successful. But when I tried to run it in my ASP page under IIS ver5.01 and win XP Pro, it gave me this error:

Error Type:
Server object, ASP 0177 (0x800401F3)
Invalid class string
/tg.asp, line 2

Here is my full code:
set myExcel=server.createobject("test.test1")
set myExcel=nothing

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ActiveX Component

Was running my ASP app no problem on a Windows XP Pro SP2 machine with IIS, dragged a copy my app folder and put it on another Windows XP Pro SP2 machine with IIS and I get the below problem:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01AD)
ActiveX component can't create object: 'Scripting.FileSystemObject'
/asp/forms.asp, line 497

I can run old copies of this app folder no problems so what has happened since I dragged a copy from one machine to another?

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ActiveX Component IIS

I´m using IIS 5 on Windows XP. When trying to send a mail using 'CDONTS.NewMail', I get this error message : ActiveX component can't create object: 'CDONTS.NewMail' .

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ActiveX Component

In an ASP page, I get the above error which is Error number 429. I have 2 seperate webs.
1 web you must log on. It creates an object by getting DLL just fine. This works great.

The other web is open to the public, no login. The same web page gets the above error message.

How can I have an Public web page to create an object, which is my DLL?

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Excel ActiveX Component

Im writing a script with the Excel ActiveX Component, ive written it all and just rememred I dont have excel installed on my server, or have the time to uplaod my entire Office ISO onto my server. Is there any way I can steal the excel dll from the cd or the installed version on my computer and install that on my server?

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Access A Activex Component

We are trying to access a .net dll based method from classic asp code. When the method is accessed, system gives a message "You are about to access a Activex component". How do we suppress or stop this message from interfering method access.

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Can't Load ActiveX Component

I'm trying to configure IIS (create new web site) in code. My code works fine within a standard windows application, however, when I copy the code to an page, I get
the above error message. It occures in the:

function 'GetObject("IIS://localhost/W3SVC")'.

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Client-side ActiveX Component

I wrote a vb6 "client-side" ActiveX Component that will extract the user's
network login.Now I want to be able to do some server-side work with this info, and it
would be great if I could put the user's network login into a session
variable but serverside-code is executed first ....
My objective is for, each time (or the first time) our intranet users access
the intranet's web page, it call the activeX which pull their user name
which them would call SQL and displays custom information.
would an include file work ? or can I in vb6
re-write my ocx so that it places the username directly in a server session

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ActiveX Component Can't Create Object!

Originally Posted by Error

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01ad'

ActiveX component can't create object: 'CDONTS.Newmail'

/mailer.asp, line 20

I am Getting that error once i submit on a Form.. Code:

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ActiveX Component Can't Create Object

I am recieving error ActiveX component can't create object in the following
line in the asp page.

set ExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

Previously this code was working fine.

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ActiveX Component Can't Create Object: 'CDO.Message'

I get:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01ad'

ActiveX component can't create object: 'CDO.Message'

/wheelofgod/mailing.asp, line 3

How is that dealt with?

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ActiveX Component To Install EXEs On Clients

How to incorporate this Install-feature into my web site. I already wrote the setup program which is available on my web server. I do not want to let the setup program to be downloaded and get installed If this is not possible using ASP then do I need to really move to CGI scripting.

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ActiveX Component Can't Create Object: 'CDO.message'

I run a script on my server I get a error

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01ad'

ActiveX component can't create object: 'CDO.message

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Error: ActiveX Component Can't Create Object: 'CDO.Message'

does anyone knows how to send email from ASP forms?

I wrote this code for sending email:

Dim objMail
set objMail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
objMail.From = ""
objMail.To = ""
objMail.Subject = "New leave application."
objMail.TextBody = "Testing"
set objMail=nothing

But I got this error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01ad'
ActiveX component can't create object: 'CDO.Message'

What does it means?

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ActiveX Component Can't Create Object: 'CDONTS.NewMail'

Does someone know the cause of this error? I'm developing a simple christian site for our church and it needs to have an email functionality. When I submit the form I receive this error. Can anyone give me some tips?

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ActiveX Component Can't Create Object Error Number = 429

After server went down I got this error after submitting Membership form. (win2000, IIS 5.0, Access Database(mdb)
ActiveX component can't create object Error Number =429

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Error :: ActiveX Component Can't Create Object: 'ScriptUtils.ByteArray'

I need to upload large files.I had the Huge ASP upload installed.It came recommended here.

Using the sample script I get this error when uploading:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01AD)
ActiveX component can't create object: 'ScriptUtils.ByteArray'
/, line 53

What does that mean?

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ASP.NET Deploying

We created ASP.NET pages and set the Web.config file correctly then copied then and deployed on a another server (IIS). The problem is when we try to access the .aspx files they still redirect to the old testing server path. I have checked my Config file and the
connectionstring is correct. all the subdirectories have the right Location reading....anyone with an idea?

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File Component

Do you know where have free/buy a upload file component?
I need allow user to select the folder instead of select file one by one

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ASP Component To ZIP And Upload A File

We are looking for a ASP component (ActiveX/Applet) that can zip a file from client side and upload it to the server. Currently we are evaluating ASP Upload(It does not have the zip feature) and AppletFile components.

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File Upload Component

I use the ASP Simple upload component to upload files. Do you know if there are differences between asp simple upload and asp smart upload concerning the size of the
uploaded files?

I want to upload 5 Mo-sized files and I have problems using asp simple upload ...

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File Upload Component

I am using the ASP File Upload component, It works fine when I upload a file from my desktop but when I copy the same page to the server it gives me error. Bad File Name or Number I searched on internet for this problem someone suggested u have to create a general user account.

u have to assign permissions but till now I have'nt solved this problem and I am so sad as I worked hard to make this file upload pages going on my desktop and now due to little setting I cannot.

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Upload File / Component

I am now creating an Content Management System which support 3 languages (English, Tranditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese). Before I use the component (aspSmartUpload) to help me uploading photo and files. It works for English and Traditional data; for Simplified Chinese Version, I need to use unicode (nvarchar, nchar, ntext) to store the data in MSSQL; .

however, I discover that the aspSmartUpload component can't get correct data from the form so that all records become wrong coding after inserting into the database. I would like to know are there any component which can support storing unicode form data or how can I upload the file without any component?

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Size :: Using Persits File Uload Component

using persits file uload component ..up to what size of image we can upload. there is any limit for image size?

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Unable To Browse Website While Downloading A File Using A Component

I've been trying to send a (large) file to the browser via a download
page that uses a file download component. The file downloads fine,
except that Internet Explorer refuses to browse to a different page
while the file is downloading! I don't understand why it does that
and I don't know how to fix this problem.

Any idea? Code:

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Is There Any POP3 And NNTP Component I Can Use As A ASP Component?

What I want to do is to show always the latest post on our company NNTP
and the newest email in my inbox as an activex background on my desktop.

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VB6 Activex .DLL

Does any one know a way how to use a visual basic 6 written activex .DLL
without registering it with classic .ASP?Reason why my hosting is charging me for registering .DLL.

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ActiveX Or COM

how can I create a simple non-UI dll or component which will be used by MS Access and .ASP apps which I can build with Visual C++ .net? An example or template which would allow me to paste in C code without learning all the C++ details would be perfect.

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What Is ActiveX?

Can somebody explain me wht this ActiveX is all about. I am not a ASP coder, actually i just need to create something however i needs to be ActiveX i have been googling around trying to figure out how to implement this AcitveX in this ASP(not aspx) page. The page is done. kinda just missing the ActiveX.

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ActiveX DLL

I created a ActiveX DLL project that will be with a asp page. I compile the project using Project compatibility instead of Binary Compatibility and import the DLL into Component Services.

Is there any problem that might occur using Project compatibility instead of Binary Compatibility with IIS? Also, what is the difference with the two type of compatibilities?

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Or ActiveX?

what is faster, ASP Code or compiled ActiveX DLL with same functions(queryng data from ms sql server).

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ActiveX Components

which ActiveX Component allows IIS to provide e-mail services

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