Designing Relational Databases

I have an interview for job which requires following:
1.Modeling and Designing Relational Databases
2.Database applications for the web
3.Server side Programming using PHP
4.Macromedia Flash and Dynamic Data
5.Internet and Web Protocols
6.Installing Apache Web Server, PHP and MySQL
7.Authentication and Security
8.Integrating Streaming media into web development
9.Understanding Mobile Communications
can anyone pls suggest me what Dynamic Data in point 4 means?Also what is Integrating Streaming Media of point 8?and when it says mobile communication.

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ASP And Relational Databases

What i need to do is build 2 tables below with the following fields:



Now i need to build a relation between the two id fields but what i relaly need to know is how to retreve the data in the tblUsers from the id in the tblShop through asp. This is like for a shop

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Relational Database Fields

Is their a way to check with asp-code if a database field is relational with another field (from another table)?
For example:
If fieldname = relational Then...
End If

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Adding A Relational Table

I have a database which contains 2 tables. One which contains standard information (which every record has) and then the other, which is a relational table and is just a long list of records with different attributes that apply to various id numbers found in the first table. Both tables are contain records with the same ID number.

Now, I have an ASP file that accesses the MDB file and displays it in XML format. I have it working for only the first table. However, I was wondering how I would go about getting entries from the second table entered.

So it would display the items from the first table on 1 line - and then add on anything from the 2nd table that applies to that ID - all on one line. Code:

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Multi-Relational Database

I have a table (Software Table) in a database that is linked with a many to one relation to another table (Computer Table). I wrote a simple ASP page to return the records for the software table which shares a one to many realtion with the Computer Table.

One (Software Table) to Many (Computer Table)

At persent the only records that are returned are the ones from the software table. Is there some way to return or display the many computers (one to many) for each record.I cant think how to start to do this. Can I link to computer table and have a drop down that lists the many computers?a better way to display this information?

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Connecting Relational Database

i have been thru a couple of books on ASP working with IIS 5.0 but still havent figured out how to connect to a MS Access database. the problem is with the SQL which i dont know well. My database has 6 related tables.

It's for inventory control. The 1st table has the catagort the 2nd has the machines per category, the 3rd has machine parts per machine and so on. what I have been trying to do is to view the database for the latest updates per machine (which for now i am updating manually for the time being ) but the code dosent work and i get some errors one of which is " use an updateable qurrey" and others are related to SQl with every modification i make.

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Designing A Website With XML, XSL, And ASP

1. all the content (i.e. the text) is located in an XML file
2. the XML file would then be styled with an XSL stylesheet
3. and finally, the XML/XSL files will be outputed via an ASP script (for all the browsers)
that's all fine and good. the problem is, that for every ASP page, i have to have a separate XSL file. so, for 3 ASP pages, i'd have to have 3 different XSL files. this could become a hassel.
so, my question is, is it possible to have:

- 1 XML file (which holds all the content)
- 1 XSL file (which extracts the appropriate info for each of the 3 ASP pages)
- 3 different ASP pages (which call the appropriate info)

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Designing A Forum

how a forum such as this one is created in regards to showing "new posts". For instance, when I view the forum every morning, the new posts are highlighted bold. How is this achieved from a DB standpoint? You don't track every IP/UserID in the DB against every post, do you? What is the most efficient way of accomplishing this?

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Document For Website Designing

While starting up with a website devlopment work which document do we prepare first? What are the components mentioned in it?

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Designing Shopping Cart

I would like to know if there is any article some where describibg how to design/program a shopping cart in ASP with Access and/or SQL database.

Habe to develop my own coz can't find any other the way i need. I do program in ASP, self-learned.

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Designing Of Online Status Indicator

I have some experience in asp coding and we have a nice "Help Desk" portal in our company. The only thing it's missing is an online indicator, where people can see online availability of other co-workers and so on. I want to keep the portal simple as possible.

We are using MsSQL as database. There are about 10 users who are going to use the online indicator. Login is integrated in AD / LDAP. I just dont know where to start making of the online indicator?

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Designing A Jobs Listing Page.

I'm currently working on a method for my Personnel/HR department to add job vacancies to our website.

I'm using an ASP with an access database and, not having done anything like this before, require a bit of help.

The entry of data such as job title/ post number and other text based fields has been no problem, it enters fine and displays as I want on the 'display jobs' page. I am getting stuck on the following.

- a way for them to browse to and then upload a job description (word doc) that is then automatically displayed on the 'display jobs' page

- a way for them to tick a checkbox to add links to other relevant documents e.g. if a checkbox on the job entry form is ticked, then that particular document will be added to the jobs listing on the 'display jobs' page.

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Using Databases With ASP

I'm learning ASP with a database in Access (new to Access also). I have created my tables and all but I'm stuck on how to query the table. I'm familiar with sql statements, so I was wondering if you can access the database the same way as with php and mysql. I.E.

Select * From Table Where id = 5.

Something like that, or will I need to use

objRS.Filter "ID = 5"

I guess the main question is does Access accept SQL statements and if so can you give me some examples as to querying the database.

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ASP And SQL Databases

I am working on ASP and SQL Databases. I have written the code . the program is very simple . its just an application form and u will be having upload and submit button . So after the data is being entered , the submit button code should be invoked and the data entered should be stored in the database.

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Asp And Databases

I'm having Difficulty understanding the concept of retreiving information from a database upon user request. E.g i have an ASp page that has a form with 3 drop down boxes and a submit button.

I want the next page to bring results from the database that meet the criteria set upon by the 3 drop down boxes. The DB is Access and its already got the information in it, i just want the correct information to come up in tables once the user has selected the choices in the drop down boxes.

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If i upload an ASP page that is connected to an MDB (Access) database to my FTP server, is there any way that I can ensure that no one can download the database and that it remains "untouchable".

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Checkboxes And Databases

The problem I have is that I need to save the content of a form in a database, and I donw know how to save the content of a checkbox, can you give me an example of the code?

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Multiple Databases

I need script or a link to a tutorial that will allow me to do the following.

User enters username and password site checks the username and password against database1
if the user entered the correct username and password the page shows records from database2 if the user enterend incorrect username or password then nothing happens.

I am new to this forum and really looking forward to being involved in the community.

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Searching Databases

I'm trying to design a simple website with 2 dynamic searching functions. The first is the user enters text into a search box, clicks on the search button and then connects to a sql or access database and brings back those records that are LIKE the search phrase. It's my intention to then have a detailsview link on the searches so the user can drill through.I'm designing an online version of my catalog so that the user can browse by page. I also want the user to enter a page number and then click go and that would then take the user to the corresponding page in the catalog. I'm guessing I'll need to declare If 1 then open page1.html, if 2 then open page2.html.
I know I'm close but not close enough and my knowledge has been well and truly stretched and I must have read and read my Dummies book about 20 times over the last week.

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Access Databases

For my ICT (computers) project at college I'm using an Access database, and I now have a problem with that. Basically the way it works is that the user enters their details in a form page (here). This then does the usual thing; runs a script which inputs the data into a database and then displays a thank you message.
the problem I'm having is that whenever I input punctuation into the form, it refuses to work; it comes back with a 500 server error. This is understandably quite irritating, as I'm setting up a mailing list that needs to incorporate a list of email addresses

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MySQL Databases

My hosting account gives me a lot of MySQL databases but I usually just stick with MS SQL Server because it gives me fewer troubles.Now I want to challenge MySQL again. I use connString "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}; SERVER=myserver; DATABASE=mybase; UID=myID;PASSWORD=myPwd; OPTION=3"

And the conn and recordset objects connects smoothly with the database. I can even get the things i want out of it. But every time I try to update the database such as:

rs.update names, values

It just wouldn't work...why? Content field is a text field.

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Multiple Databases

I'm trying to pull information from two different databases, use it, and then put it back into a database. The program I am writing is one which will keep track of exempt employees' absences. At the end of the year, employees get to rollover the sick days that they do not use. Herein lies the problem. The information on how many sick days an employee is in an AD download on one server. The information on how many days that employee has taken this year is on another. I need to take that information do a little math, and then add those days into a different table on the same server that the absences came off of to keep track of their "sick bank".
I would like to just Loop the information, but I cannot put recordsets inside recordsets and I cannot create a view from two separate servers, so I am at a stop sign. Can I just take all of the users and the amout of sick days they have and put them in a text file and then pull off of the text file? I'm not quit sure how to do this.

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Three Databases Tables

How do you go about searching three tables at the same time? I'm using Dreamweaver MX, but I can also hand code it in if know one knows the dreamweaver method

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Querying From Two Databases?

Given if tables A and B are in the same database, writing a query for them is relatively easy. But what if tables A and B are in different databases? Is it possible to query them together? If so, can anyone provide a generic example?

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ASP & MS Access Databases

I have a search page with an access database in the background.
When you type in a keyword, it brings the related article up.

Is it possible for this to display a hyperlink??? When i choose hyperlink in the access field it displays thefollowing on the screen: Code:

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Dates And Databases

Inserting into an Access database using the above script generates this
error :

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e07'
Syntax error in date in query expression '#20031021 20:36#'.

Using SQL : UsersTable SET UpdateTime=#"& dbDate(Now())&"# .....

If YYYYMMDD hh:mm:ss is a universal date, why is it rejecting it?

If I change it to YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss it then becomes valid. Is this valid
in all situations, or am I doing something wrong in the first step?

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Multiple Databases And ASP

I need script or a link to a tutorial that will allow me to do the following.

User enters username and password
site checks the username and password against database1
if the user entered the correct username and password the page shows records from database2 if the user enterend incorrect username or password then nothing happens.

I am new to this forum and really looking forward to being involved in the community.

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Classes With Databases

I'd like to create a class file for a shopping cart that I'm working on but I'm not sure about how to use the database with it.

Do I connect and open to the database inside the class or outside of the class and set the properties?

I'm thinking that if I open and close the database with say a getItem() method and I have 15 items to get, I'll be opening and closing a connection 15 times. Isn't that bad?

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ASP Accessing Databases

Can ASP Apps read from a mySQL database?

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Apostrophes In Databases

I have an apostrophe in an access database in a name. e.g. O'Brien. When I read this value back into some script the apostrophe seems to be terminating my script.Unless of course I have mis-understood what's going on
Are there any rulesguidelines for this sort of data handling

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Databases With Webpages

I have a website, of which i have a website of which i update now and again, however, i want to be able to insert data into a database and not the page it self, so when a visitor navigates my site, it will generate the page from the database. And also i want to use an Access Database Is this possible, if so, how.I can use ASP (of course) and Php
however have little knowledge of either, little bit of HTML, and some VB programming.

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More Than One Connection To SQL Databases

Can I made more than one connection to SQL databases in a single ASP page or it may create problems or what are the drawbacks?


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Checkboxes And Databases

I want to collect user input. I have a collection of 30 checkboxes that I would like the user to pickout from. The information then will be recorded to a database somehow. Finally the user will be allowed to change the selection if required.Which is the best way to do this. Do I need to create 30 different fields in the database ?

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