Designing Of Online Status Indicator

I have some experience in asp coding and we have a nice "Help Desk" portal in our company. The only thing it's missing is an online indicator, where people can see online availability of other co-workers and so on. I want to keep the portal simple as possible.

We are using MsSQL as database. There are about 10 users who are going to use the online indicator. Login is integrated in AD / LDAP. I just dont know where to start making of the online indicator?

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Status Indicator

who know i can get a own Status Indicator , not the one on My own Status Indicator by own jpg/gif pictures.

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ASP Progress Indicator For File Upload

I've looked through old posts about progress indicators, and i understood few things, but still i'm having trouble understanding the whole process.

I have a webpage with a form to upload an image. I would like to make my own progress indicator with asp. I found some Java indicators that are hard to implement so i thought why not make my own one. Hope u'll be able to help me, i need some hints.

I use smartAspUpload. When clicking on submit (upload.asp) i want a pop up to show and manipulate an image width during the progression. The file that makes the process of taking the image, manipulating it, saving as etc... is named picuploaded.asp

My questions:

-Can picuploaded.asp communicate with the pop up and not upload.asp ?
-I don't have a do while loop in my picuploaded.asp so how can i increment a variable like the examples on this forum how can i proceed otherwise?


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Designing A Website With XML, XSL, And ASP

1. all the content (i.e. the text) is located in an XML file
2. the XML file would then be styled with an XSL stylesheet
3. and finally, the XML/XSL files will be outputed via an ASP script (for all the browsers)
that's all fine and good. the problem is, that for every ASP page, i have to have a separate XSL file. so, for 3 ASP pages, i'd have to have 3 different XSL files. this could become a hassel.
so, my question is, is it possible to have:

- 1 XML file (which holds all the content)
- 1 XSL file (which extracts the appropriate info for each of the 3 ASP pages)
- 3 different ASP pages (which call the appropriate info)

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Designing A Forum

how a forum such as this one is created in regards to showing "new posts". For instance, when I view the forum every morning, the new posts are highlighted bold. How is this achieved from a DB standpoint? You don't track every IP/UserID in the DB against every post, do you? What is the most efficient way of accomplishing this?

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Designing Relational Databases

I have an interview for job which requires following:
1.Modeling and Designing Relational Databases
2.Database applications for the web
3.Server side Programming using PHP
4.Macromedia Flash and Dynamic Data
5.Internet and Web Protocols
6.Installing Apache Web Server, PHP and MySQL
7.Authentication and Security
8.Integrating Streaming media into web development
9.Understanding Mobile Communications
can anyone pls suggest me what Dynamic Data in point 4 means?Also what is Integrating Streaming Media of point 8?and when it says mobile communication.

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Document For Website Designing

While starting up with a website devlopment work which document do we prepare first? What are the components mentioned in it?

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Designing Shopping Cart

I would like to know if there is any article some where describibg how to design/program a shopping cart in ASP with Access and/or SQL database.

Habe to develop my own coz can't find any other the way i need. I do program in ASP, self-learned.

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Designing A Jobs Listing Page.

I'm currently working on a method for my Personnel/HR department to add job vacancies to our website.

I'm using an ASP with an access database and, not having done anything like this before, require a bit of help.

The entry of data such as job title/ post number and other text based fields has been no problem, it enters fine and displays as I want on the 'display jobs' page. I am getting stuck on the following.

- a way for them to browse to and then upload a job description (word doc) that is then automatically displayed on the 'display jobs' page

- a way for them to tick a checkbox to add links to other relevant documents e.g. if a checkbox on the job entry form is ticked, then that particular document will be added to the jobs listing on the 'display jobs' page.

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Status Bar

i have this code to show the numbre of users who are currently in my asp page... but its showed directly in the page and i want it to be in the status bar.

Hi can i do it? The code is...

<%Response.Write Application("Users")%>

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Status Of ASP .NET

I'm looking at C# and ASP .NET these days. Visual Sudio 2005 looks like a neat dev. env.
But before committing, I would like to know more about the current status of these tools.
I noticed, that my site hoster does not support ASP at all.

And more providers do not... PHP however, IS supported a lot, but does not have anything like .NET facilities, does it?

What is the status of the language wars these days?

ASP is still the way to go?

What is the market doing?

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Network Status

Is there anyway I can check to see if a server is online in my network with an if statement saying if online response.write "Online" else response.write "Offline"?

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Status Information

I'm have a page which requires considerable database processing before writing the results to the page. I therefore wish to have a "Please wait message" up on the screen whilst the main page is processed.

I've tried Response.redirect hoping that the previous page will stay until all processing on th main page is complete and id drawn but this is not the case.

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Server Status

I want to offer on our organisations intranet a support site for our
webmasters, one of the features I'd like to add is a server status page.
Currently webmasters use MS Frontpage to connect from their local PC to our
development servers, work on their sites, then publish from there to our
live servers.I have found an ASP component that can PING a server(s) however whilst
normally this would be the ideal solution, are organisations firewall
currently has PING blocked, I have spoken to the person resonsible for the
firewall in the hope that he maybe able to unblock it for specific servers
within our organsations, thus allowing me to check whether the servers are
up or down, but I expect the 'block' is probably a blanket block, ie all or
nothing, so its probably unlikely it'll be I could check using
ASP whether or not its possible to talk to another server without using

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Displaying Status

I am wondering if this is possible. I have an ASP page that calls a stored
procedure (MSSQL). I want to display the status on the ASP page as each
process is executed on the Stored Procedure and ASP page. For example, when
I connect to the database, show the user that a connection has been made or
in the stored procedure when some tables are updated to show that.

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If I have something like this...

if Count > 0
Response.Status = "400"
Response.Status = "200"
end if

The status is always set to 400 even if count is zero. Am I missing something?

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Checkbox Status

Im trying to figure out if a checkbox was checked or unchecked on an ASP page. I want to store Completed or Not Completed to a variable based on the status of the checkbox. My first page has all the checkboxs and my second page will do all the processing so i need to pull the data from the prior page.

This is what i have so far:

dim chk1stat
If request.form ("chk1") = true Then
chk1stat = "Completed"
chk1stat = "Not Completed"
End If

Status = true and false is not working for me is there another way?

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Email Read Status

i am using cdonts to send email , i want to know whether the the receiver read the email or not

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Mail Status Report

I use CDONTS to send out my mail. But I want it to report me whether it can successful delivery or not.I want it both delivery report and non delivery report. Does this object has property to do that ?or Could you please suggest me other componets that have these feature?

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HTTP Headers - Status

When I catch HTTP headers with the Live HTTP Headers plugin in Firefox I get some information that I'd like to catch with ASP: Code:

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Checking Status Of Server

I have an intranet site which has a list of ftp servers. Is it possible to use ftp to check if the server or computer is on?

I have though about pinging from asp, but I'm not sure what is the conventional way if there is one.

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Retain Checkbox Status

I have a form which submits data to a new page based on the checkboxes that are clicked corresponding to each row of data. My next page has a cancel button which takes me back to the first page I have to retain the status of the checkboxes that were checked.

How do I do that? The no of checkboxes depends on the no of rows of data returned
I have them named in a for loop as strcheck0, strcheck1 and so on . the data that is submitted to the next page is assigned to the value attribute of checkbox.

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Display Users Cookie Status

I'm trying to see if there is a way to display what a users Cookie status is. For new members joining my site may have cookies blocked and not allow "Session"'s to active...

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How To Track Iis Generated Email Status

i've got a client that wants to be able to review records about IIS
generated emails.

in his own words, he wants the "ability to track and report message status
(i.e. how many messages were sent successfully, how many were blocked, how
many bounced back with an incorrect address)"

i'd start by adding a new row containing the email address, dateTime, etc
when first sending the email, but how to track the rest of the info? for
instance, if an email bounces back, does it bounce back to IIS or to the
"from" email address? what about the blocked (i.e. spam filter) emails? is
there a way to track blocked email? since most spam filters don't generate
response emails, there's not much i can really do about this, is there?

this will be run off an IIS6 server. can anybody tell me my options?

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HTTP Status Code 400 W Redirect

I used a Response.Redirect "page.asp" as the last command in ASP code that
processes a submitted form from an Adobe PDF form (using HTML format). For
some reason, if there is any linked file (image, stylesheet, javascript) in
the target "page.asp" IE hangs until you press Escape. With Refresh, the
page loads completely.

I checked the web log and the entry for "page.asp" is 200 (OK) but all the
files I mentioned above all show 400. The description for this status code
is pretty generic and not much help (a syntax error in the request and the
server doesn't understand it

I can't control the syntax of the request so how can this be fixed? (and how
could the submit from the PDF form have anything to do with this since other
HTML forms directed to an ASP page with images etc. works fine.

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Popup Windows :: Remove Status Bar

When I launch a popup window from our application, the status bar now shows up for some reason. I explicitly turn it off in the code that launches it. This problem just started happening after our app has been around for more than a year. It may be because of I.E. SP2, but I'm not sure yet. If anyone has experienced this problem.

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Get .Send Status In CDONTS Or CDOSYS

I put the following code into my mailer: Code:

if objIndexMail.Send then
Response.Write("Mail Sent")
Response.Write("Failure. ")
end if

and it's coming up as Failure every time. Is there a way I can see the status of the .Send command, and why it came up as a failure? no errors are being generated, it's just not sending..

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Checking DHCP Server Status

Looking for some info and possibly a pointer in the right direction.

I have been asked to code some simple status checks on the network at work, one of the ones mentioned is monitoring the status of the DHCP server, monitoring usage is the scopes, number of free address, etc.

I have been trawling the net but can't find anything about it either in asp, javascript or VB. So what I would like to know is it even possible and if so were I might get some pointer?

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Send Email Upon Project Status Update

Currently have a change request process. Requestor completes a form which populates a db, sends an email to a project manager, and lists the project in a master list. The project manager asigns open, in review, rejected, or closed based on criteria. Is there a way to automatically send an email to teh requestor when teh status of teh request changes?

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Ventrilo Status Script & CMD Process Triggering

I made a Ventrilo Status script which basically when the user hits the page for the first time it initiates a batch file which triggers the creation of a text file in the wwwroot: Code:

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Display ASP Application Status During Long ASP Code Execution

I have a ASP code that will query a server 200. Nothing will be displayed on the browser during this time, which could last upto 5 minutes. Is there a way to inform the user of the status of my ASP code?

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MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP Returning Status 500 When Accessing Webservice

The following shows when I call it locally. If you look at the URL that has http://localhost, this is the one I use when I call the ASP page from the
same local server (self contained).

When I want to call the remote server (the one that fails) I use the other URL has http://remote.

I hope this helps..

Because the webservice is the same on both machines and I'm calling both machines the same, what would cause the remote machine to return that the Request form not recognized?

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Call Localy MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP Returning Status 500 When Accessing Webservice

That's better than internal server error. This is what came back, which is confusing because when its called locally it comes back fine. Am I missing something? ....

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