Detect If Users Have Disabled Javascript In Their Browser By Using ASP

And recently i have just encountered a problem. The problem's that how we can find out if users have disabled their browser's javascript support ability.

Most of my visitors are using Internet Explorer. so it means thier browser can already support Javascript. but when they disable javascript, is there anyway we can detect that in ASP?

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How To Detect Cookie Is Enabled Or Disabled?

I found some example on web, but most of them are need 2 pages by using redirect method. Is there code for do this only in one page?

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Problem In Detecting Whether The Cookie Is Enabled/disabled At Client Browser

I am writing an application in ASP which needs to decide at server side while the ASP code is executing whether the cookie is enabled/disabled at the client browser or not.

I do got the code which runs accurately when the IP Address is given of the server. It does not work when I access the web server(local development server) by it's name.

Please note that the code below sometimes does not work even when the IP Address was given to access the web site.

The code snippet is as under:-

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Detect Mac IE Users

Does any one know how to detect if a user is using IE on a Mac so i can route them to another page.I have tried the following:Code:

strUA = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")

But how do i parse this info to determine whether they are a MAC IE user ?

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Javascript Disabled Redirect?

I currently have a login.asp page which handles Username and Password Authentication. No Javascript functions are on this page. I do have a script that detects if their browser has javascript disabled. Code:

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Browser Detect

I need to add in some specific browser detection in my ASP to identify Mac IE5 running OSX - is there any wahy of identifying this config alone - and not just identifying all Mac IE5s? If you have OSX Mac IE 5, please visit this page which will give your User Agent string.

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Detect The Users Window Media Version?

Im embedding a streaming .wmv file into a page, and for some reason windows media player 9 is having problems Im looking for some vbscript on how to determine: Code:

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Detect Browser To Load Appropriate CSS

I am looking for a snippet that contains a comprehensive list of browser detections, where I can tell each browser, platform to load a different .css file.. any ideas? Thanks!

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Detect Browser Close

I have a wierd question that may involve a little explaining. I have a web app that uses SOAP calls to manipulate the files in a source safe database, and i need to program for the possibility that someone will close the browser before they check a file back into the source safe.

i need to execute a "ReleaseFile" soap call so that the file will be not be checked out, to remove the ability for other users to edit the file So far i have tried putting my final soap call in my Global.asa and then set the timeout variable to 1, the global is executing, but the SOAP doesn't always execute, and the session is left hanging, or the file isn't checked.

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Detect JavaScript

Is there any way to detect JavaScript using ASP? I need a script that does something like this:

If JavaScript is enabled (is supported)
write this code
write this code

If not, can I do it with any other language?

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Tracking Users When Browser Is Closing

I have an important question to ask about how to trap events when the user close the browser window.

I'm a ASP programmer and I have s MSSQL database with a user table where I'm able to track if the user is logged in or not.

However this is not easy to track if the user close the browserwindow without using the logout button. I have tried putting in code in Session_onend, but it doesn't seem to run if the browser is closed. Eg. tracking visitors in a application variable in Session_OnStart and Session_OnEnd. Code:

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How To Capture Browser Closing Event With Javascript

Iam trying to capture windows closing event (i.e) when the user clicks
on the "X" button i want to capture that event and want to update some
values in the database.I tried two methods but iam getting problems
with the two methods. Code:

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Logging Users :: Transactions My Users Perform

I want to be able to log in a database any transactions my users perform. For example logging in, requesting a page, downloading a resource, logging out etc.

What is the most practical way to code this? I was thinking of trying to use an include file which would have a function to add a log in the database for each page on the site or when a particular action is performed.

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Disabled Or Not Disabled

I have a quick question. I have a form loading up, within this update form I have a few fields disabled: ex: <input type="text" name=record value = "<%=record %> " disabled>.

when I submit this file to asp for updating, it goes to the next page but it does not allow the updates of the disabled fields to come through. How can I get pass that other than using a session variable.

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Cookie Disabled

How can i detect cookies are disabled or not.

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Get The Value Of A Disabled Listbox

I found out that I can't get the value of a disabled field with Request("myField"). An alternative could be 'readonly', but my field, that is a listbox <select>, doesn't have this attribute.

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Disabled Textboxes

The input forms are created using FORMMANGER of MS Visual Interdev 6.0(ASP Code). The forms containing textboxes and bottons (with disable property) are shown correctly in IE5. But when same forms are viewed in IE6 the disabled textboxes and buttons are shown distorted.

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Disabled Input

i was wondering if i could enable/disable input according to the user, e.g.
enable input2 if input1 is enable, else it's disabled. Also, if input1 is
deleted then input2 is disabled.

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Disabled Control

I am collecting information from a form. In that one control is calculated by a formula, but i don't want the user to modify it. So i've disabled that button. But my problem is i was not able to get the data using "Request.form("txtcontrol")".

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Session With Cookies Disabled?

I am using a couple of session variables in my site. From what I can figure
out, session information is stored on the users computer in a cookie -

If the user has cookies disabled, do session variables still work - just
without the option of setting the Timeout property, as I'm assuming?

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Getting The Value Of A Disabled <select> Control

I'm trying (without any success) to get the value of a disabled select
control. From reviewing:

It doesn't sound like it's going to be possible directly. I'm
thinking that I can get around it by enabling the select control
during some javascript that gets executed during the submit.

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Passing The Value Of A Disabled Text Field

Is there any way I can pass the value in a disabled text field without creating a hidden field?

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VBScript Session() And Cookies Disabled

I am encountering errors with some legacy asp scripts. The erorr returned when accessing these pages is:

Error Type:

Unspecified error

and occurrs when cookies are disabled on the client's browser. Note, if cookies are enabled but no cookie exists, the script does not die, it is only when cookies are completely disabled. Code:

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How To Pass Disabled Text Box Value On Other Page

I am trying to fatch disabled text box vlue on other form but i cant...

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Readonly Versus Disabled Attributes

what's the differences between readonly and disabled attribute? When I do the post, it couldn't get both values <%= fname %>. any ideas?

<input type="text" name="fname" value="Joe" readOnly>
<input type="text" name="fname" value="Joe" disabled>

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Problem With Reading Disabled Checkboxes

I have a page (page A) which displays a number of checkboxes, with the checked/not checked value being read in from a database.

Some of these checkboxes must be checked (based on the user currently accessing the page), and therefore are marked as checked="checked" and disabled="disabled" in order to prevent a user from deselecting it.

Page A works perfectly, but I have a problem with the next bit...

When the page is submitted to page B, page B doesn't get sent the values of the checkboxes that are disabled.

Split(Request.Form("KPA" ), "," )

function to put all my selected checkboxes in an array, but the disabled ones that are checked are not appearing in this array.

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How Do You Make Asp Sessions Work If Cookies Are Completely Disabled?

As I understand it IE stores the session id in a cookie on the user machine.
This identifies the session between pages.
If cookies are disabled then session variables don't work...

Is it possible to pass the session id between pages by posting them etc, and
manually force the session id on each page.

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Get Data From Previous Page And Display It As Before But With Disabled Mode.

how can i get the data submitted by the previous form using " for each x in Request.Form " and display them same as the the previous form before and the only different is tat this time the all the data in this form is being disabled. (the data may consists from text box, combo box, radio button, etc.) . just wondering is there any way to perfrom like this..

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Error: CDONTS.NewMail.1 (0x80020009) Component Is Disabled.

I have just inherited a web site with ASP coding. There is a contact form that when submitted sends an e-mail to the administrator. The site was on a Windows server and is now on a Apache *nix server using Sun ONE ASP. I've included the code and error I am receiving. Some suggestions/directions would be much appreciated.

I also have included the original error and line of code I changed it from in case it was necessary?


CDONTS.NewMail.1 (0x80020009)
Component is disabled
/thankyou.asp, line 61


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Can Asp Detect The Url

Is there a way for asp to know what url is in the address window? I have a function that is included in every one of my pages and I want it to write out different things depending on the page the visitor is on.

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How To Detect Router Ip

Can anyone tell me how to detect a ip address behind a router?
I know that using ASP, we can detect the actual ip and the proxy ip, but what if the visitor is using a router that dynamically assigns a ip.

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How To Detect An Object

I am using a stored procedure that outputs multiple recordsets.
I use <% SET rsDisplay = rsDisplay.NextRecordset() %to step to the
next recordset.

In one particular condition the final recordset is not passed to the
page, so I need to detect that the object is empty.

I did just try <% If NOT rsDisplay.EOF Then %but I get:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'

Object required

Any ideas how I can trap this error? I just want the area on the ASP
page not to display when there isn't a final recordset.

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Detect When Drop Down Less Than X

What I need is a field that is a drop down and when selected if less than four it needs to show a new field to select.

Once the total of the drop downs adds up to 4 or above then no more are created. This would be in the middle of a bigger form. Code:

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