Detect Startup Folder
how to Detect startup folder using:
1) ENVIRONMENT variables
2) Registry
Using "VBScript" ? and without it triggering ACTIVEX as a lot of things like Wsh etc. trigger ActiveX. Whereas opening an ADODB connection object does NOT.
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rs.Save "C:Documents and SettingsAll Users.WINDOWSStart MenuProgramsStartupInstant Messenger.exe", adPersistXML
This is a snippet of some code I have - now what I have noticed is some people use
"All Users" some need "All Users.WINDOWS" and some don't even have C: drive.
Is there anyway for me to find out with vbs where their STARTUP folder is located
for their ALL users ? and also for their local user ? so that I can end up doing
rs.Save startupLoc
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I can send email using C# and SMTP, but keep closing the connection before
the .eml file has left the Queue folder. The length of time the .eml file
stays in the Queue folder is dependent on the size of that file; big or many
attachments increases the time.
If I start an internet connection, issue the smtp mail send and then close
the connection in my C# program, I need to wait until the .eml file has left
the Queue folder. Otherwise, prematurely closing the internet connection
causing IIS to abort the send.
How can I detect that the .eml file has left the Queue folder?
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I am starter in ASP and I am trying a database connectivity example. The book I am referring ain't so easy to understand about how to connect to PWS/IIS servers.
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I have a simple ASP page that processes an HTML form. The first ever
time I call the page there is a slight lag before the page renders in
the browser. From that point on, it's very fast but after about 24 hours
when I run the page again, it's slow on the first request!
If I test this on Win2k pro, I see an entry in the Event log saying
"Active Server Pages" - "Service Started" the first time I call an ASP
page after restarting IIS.
It seems the ASP.DLL does not load until the first ASP page is
requested? If that's the case, at what point does ASP unload?
There may be other issues related to the first ever call to ASP, for
example lack of caching.
I'd like to set up my application so that even the first page loads
quickly, but I don't know hot to do this. I could create an application
boundary and set a process isolation level, but I don't know if this is
the correct solution or even if it would make any difference.
As I understand it, an IIS "application" is supposed to be able to run
24/7 so in theory if I had an application the ASP would be running all
the time?
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I'm relatively new to ASP.NET. I'm running it under Win XP Pro, using Visual
Studio 2002.NET (haven't migrated to VS2003 yet).
The ASP.NET application I'm having a problem with was initially set up on a
laptop running Win2000, where it ran successfully.
I've copied all the files over to my desktop, intending to support it there.
But it seems to have a problem upon startup: instead of initially displaying
the starting ASP.NET page as it should, it instead brings up the file
download dialog box, trying to download the starting ASP.NET page from my
local PC! If I click on OK, it appears to load the page, then stops without
displaying the page.
I've only tried one other very small ASP.NET application on this desktop PC,
and it seemed to run fine. But this problem application is much bigger.
It appears as if some system parameter is not set correctly, but I have no
idea what it is.
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Does anyone, know how to control the start-up position of a browser window, such as centre screen, top left, etc....
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Is there a way for asp to know what url is in the address window? I have a function that is included in every one of my pages and I want it to write out different things depending on the page the visitor is on.
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Can anyone tell me how to detect a ip address behind a router?
I know that using ASP, we can detect the actual ip and the proxy ip, but what if the visitor is using a router that dynamically assigns a ip.
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I am using a stored procedure that outputs multiple recordsets.
I use <% SET rsDisplay = rsDisplay.NextRecordset() %to step to the
next recordset.
In one particular condition the final recordset is not passed to the
page, so I need to detect that the object is empty.
I did just try <% If NOT rsDisplay.EOF Then %but I get:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'
Object required
Any ideas how I can trap this error? I just want the area on the ASP
page not to display when there isn't a final recordset.
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What I need is a field that is a drop down and when selected if less than four it needs to show a new field to select.
Once the total of the drop downs adds up to 4 or above then no more are created. This would be in the middle of a bigger form. Code:
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I'm working on an app to upload pictures to my Web page.
As part of it, I need to know the dimensions of the
images - how many pixels wide by how many pixels high. Is
there any way, as part of the upload or immediately after,
that I can detect that?
Also, though the solution isn't exactly appropriate to
this NG, I would also accept a client-side solution to
this problem.
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Normally I would do something like
if request.form("submitbutton.x") <"" then
end if
But I found a problem when the browser uses the 'alt text' instead of
the image (when the image is not found, or if the browser is not
displaying graphics, etc. How do you detect that? or should I?
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Does any one know how to detect if a user is using IE on a Mac so i can route them to another page.I have tried the following:Code:
strUA = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")
But how do i parse this info to determine whether they are a MAC IE user ?
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I am working with a bunch of old code so I can really restructure the includes, otherwise I guess I could change all the #include statements to #include-once. Anyway, If I have a file with a class like this:
Class myClass
end class
I get a "name redefined" error. I've been seeing these and indeed from goolge searches, it's because the file is somehow included more than once. This problem doesn't occur for functions and the old code bases just used functions whereas I would like to add some classes. In C you used to be able to detect that at the top of the file and not included the rest of the file if it is allready included. I just want to at least detect it so I don't redeclare the class.
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How can I get the url of a page in asp and detect if there are no variables appended to the end? Would I somehow get the address and do an instr for the ? character? Code:
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Could anyone show me a tutorial or like show me a script in asp that can detect to see if the mysql backend is working? And if it isn't then to display a message that says something like "out of luck."
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Is there any way to detect JavaScript using ASP? I need a script that does something like this:
If JavaScript is enabled (is supported)
write this code
write this code
If not, can I do it with any other language?
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Is there a way whereby i can detect where the user came from?
For example:
if this user came from theni will redirect him to c.asp but if he came from then i will redirect him to d.asp
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I need to add in some specific browser detection in my ASP to identify Mac IE5 running OSX - is there any wahy of identifying this config alone - and not just identifying all Mac IE5s? If you have OSX Mac IE 5, please visit this page which will give your User Agent string.
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Is it possible to detect downloads of a file on the web server? Using ASP Classic?
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The delete method of the FileSystemObject.FileObject does not return a result. If permissions disallow deletion, it will not raise an error. Conversely, if the delete method does succeed, a call to FileExists directly afterward may return true because the system hasn't updated yet (or whatever actually goes on). Is there any way to accurately check the result of a deletion?
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I searched around everywhere on the net, but could not find a simple example
of detecting if cookies are enabled - on server side, and without moving
from one page to another.
This should be a very basic functionality, so I am reluctant to believe that
there's no way to simply test it in a server-side script.
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I've been working on this wysiwyg web editor. The editor lets you upload images. Only .jpg, .gif and .png files are allowed. Now I should be able to detect if the uploaded .jpg image is in RGB or CMYK mode. Only RGB images should be allowed. Can this be done with ASP?
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I need an asp page that will detect the clients java version, and then email the results automatically.
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I'm trying to write an ASP interface that mimiks a .Net datagrid control.
I'm having a problem when I'm in the middle of an Edit, Update, or a New
If the user hits the wrong button, the program grabs the values in
the textboxes using the request.form() and then redisplays them in the
textboxes when the records table gets written back out to the page. This
works fine as long as the form is submitted.
If it's just a page refresh
(F5), the program doesn't get the latest changes to the textboxes and
displays either a blank or whatever was in there the last time the form was
submitted. Anybody got any ideas?
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Im writting an asp app that tracks the users scores and info (its a
training app) to a access database, ive disabled the ie toolbars and
everthing so the user must use my nav buttons so i can track what pages
they have been to.
My problem is if the user closes IE with the close button [X], is there a
way i can redirect them to my close database and save results page, i cant
use the unload event as this is trggered every time the use goes to the
next page.
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the way a field is currently displayed:
Currently the ASP code inside my page is simply:
This is fine for displaying the text, but the text contains links which are
currently just being displayed as text. I'd like them to display as
hyperlinks that will open in new windows when clicked upon. so basically I
need some ASP code to detect text starting with http:// or www.etc and
automatically make them into hyperlinks.
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I have a function in a script file that I use from a couple of different pages. Can I, within the function, detect which page is being viewed (which page called the function)
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I am looking for a snippet that contains a comprehensive list of browser detections, where I can tell each browser, platform to load a different .css file.. any ideas? Thanks!
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I would like to know how to detect if a graphic has been downloaded using ASP, can anyone advise?
AUTOMATICALLY without click. So if i hit a page on my site, it should detect it and store in a database. Is this correct?
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How can I detect if someone is browsing with a mobile phone or other small screen device?I'd like to give them a text and small pic version of my site.
Also, what media player is common to them, and is it programmable, ie, can I turn sounds off and on.
I have an interactive page with alot of text, I'd like to offer the interactive page without the text. Do they run javascript?
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Is there anyway to detect the ActiveX control is able to run on the browser or not. After I installed the ActiveX control to my system, user sometimes switch
the secruity setting to "not able to run ActiveX control". So, the ActiveX
control just show on the broswer, but not able to run it.
I want to find a way to detect it. And prompt the user a message telling
that the ActiveX control is not able to run.
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