Detecting Session Functionality And Redirecting

I want to redirect users who DO NOT SUPPORT sessions to another page.

Think this will work? PSEUDO CODE:

<asp vbscript>
<if session("test")="true" then do nothing else
response.redirect( end if>

This is setting a session state of "true", and I presume if sessions are
disabled for security reasons, that the site will redirect accordingly?

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ASP Session And Redirecting

I have a site using ASP Sessions, everything in this respect is working fine and the timeout is working perfectly. However, when sessions timeout and a user navigates somewhere it simply returns 'Page cannot be displayed', ideally i would like the system to return them to the home page. how to do this if it can be done?

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Session Cookies - Detecting Specific User-agent/IP?

I'm new to using session cookies and need just a bit of help. On the introduction page to my project, I'm setting:

<%@ Language=VBScript %>

Then, on subsequent pages, I'm checking for the cookie, and redirecting if it's not there:

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
If NOT request.cookies("user") = "authenticated" Then
response.redirect "http://somepage"
End If

What I need to do is incorporate an ignore element (by user-agent or IP) into where it checks for the cookie. For instance, if a user has an IP of, it ignores whether they have the cookie or not and lets them view the page.

The reason I'm doing this is I have a search engine that's crawling the site and it doesn't always go through the front page - therefore, it's getting redirected on most of the pages it sees. So what I'd like to do is have the script see that user-agent or IP, then ignore the cookie requirement.

Is that possible?

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PDF Functionality

i have a server that has x number of pdf's. from time to time people are wanting to print one or more of those pdf's. right now they have to open up each pdf individual and then print. which can get annoying and time consuming after 3 or 4 pdf's.
i'm going to setup a simple screen where they can use a checkbox to select which pdf's they want to print, hit print, and then combine the selected pdf's into a temporary pdf where they can go through the process one time.
do yo all know of perhaps some functionality built into asp or some third party deal that will allow me to do this?

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Functionality Of Sql 'like'

i have this search textbox and i want to search the likeness of the value
i've entered in the box i created a query but i notice that when i type small caps letters it returned no results...

no matching record but when i capitalized the first character records were found
e.g i type San the query returned results... i entered san and it returned nothing....this is my code "select * from profile where name='varname%'"
help please?

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Search Functionality

I am really interested in creating a search the site.I am unsure how to actually approach such a task, but would rather do this using ASP, without the use of third party search tools, taht I know can be used.Can anyone give me some direction for actually developing one.I hope to add one to my site in the future, as the site will mainly be focussed towards offering tutorials etc, and it would be cool to actually have a serach utility, that could make things a lot easier for the viewer.
Any advice.
I have briefly looked at one offered on:
But the complexity of it is overwhelming, and includes code that I dont think would be required for the search I actually have in mind.

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Database Functionality

Im trying to finish off this project, but obviously I need a way for them to edit the database through asp. Does anyone know a good place to get some code or tutorial help for this?

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Tear Functionality

point me to some code/pointers that would pull down the HTML of a page as a string, a little like ASPTear?

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Search Functionality On Page

I made an application using asp using help from fellow members. This application allows user to download files uploaded through ftp through a web page. they can select the check-boxes and download all the files in a single zip file.

Now some users want that some search functionality should be put on so that they can type a part of file name and all the files having the searched words in their name should come on a separate page so that they can select and download in one go.

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InterDev 6 IntelliSense Functionality Is Gone

InterDev 6 IntelliSense functionality is gone. IntelliSense is when you type Response. and it automatically pops up a menu with Response Methods:


Anybody knows which Windows DLL's or EXE are responsible for this functionality?

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Excel Functionality In A Browser

I want to give Excel functionality. like copy/paste functionality in a web page and similarly I want to update the respective values at the backend after some action is taking by the user. like save/upadate data.

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Script To Mimic Database Functionality

I need to read information from a delimitered text file and list it in a specified format on a web page.

I have no access to a database so have to use the method above, I am wondering though, how much of a strain this sort of function would be (ie. load times etc) for a very large list?

If someone could point me in the right direction of which functions i need to be learning about (Old hand at PHP brand new to ASP),

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Protect From SQL Injections Without Affecting Functionality

I am trying to figure out a good way to go by protecting from sql injections, but still letting people be able to post those symbols etc...

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Add A Quick Search Functionality In ASP Or ASP.NET Page

I want to add a "quick search" functionality in ASP or ASP.NET page. I heard
we can use Microsoft Indexing Service to accomplish the task, but not sure
how to do it. Is this the correct approach? Code:

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Search Functionality In ASP - Syntax Error

I am trying to create a very simple search functionality on my site. But I keep getting syntax error. Any one knows what I am doing wrong? Code:

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Image Search And Lightbox Functionality And Code..

I'm pretty new to this and im in the process of developing a site for a wildlife photographer in ASP and i need to implement an image search on the site including the functionality to add images to a lightbox etc. And to be honest i just dont know where to start... been searching and currently still searching .....

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Detecting Page Name

how do u detect what the current pagename is (i.e. page.asp). also if the
command is stored in the include will it return the include file name or the
page that the command is included in name?

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Detecting Flash With ASP

I have a Javascript to detect whether a client's browser has flash installed, but as so many people are putting me off relying on Javascript, could you please let me know if you know how to detect whether a browser has flash installed using ASP.

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Detecting Macintosh, Etc.

Is there any way to detect a mac using ASP? I am trying to let a mac with no referer into my site, but NOT any other OS that does not come from my site

for instance:

If OS = Mac & http_referer = "" then
do nothing
If OS <> Mac & http_referer <> "" then
response.redirect ""
end if

Here's what I have so far:

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Detecting Email

I have an ASP website which curently sends emails via CDONTS.
Sometimes emails are not getting sent and there is no way to detect
the error.
I would like to be able to log on a database that an email has been
sucsessfully sent or log an arror on a database if the email has
failed. One ways I have thought of is to call a VB.NET DLL which I
have written (I only have .NET not VB6!!). But i ma not sure how to
call a VB.NET DLL from an ASP page.

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Detecting Bandwith

Is it possible to measure the time it takes an amount of bytes to reach the server with asp?

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Detecting Bots

How can you detect if it is a bot that's visiting your page, or a real person? Is it in the 'Request' class or what?

I know you can ban bots from crawling your page, but this is not want I want to do, I just want a script that can define if its a real person thats visitng your webpage, or a spider.

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Detecting A Spider

I've got a page that increments a count when the page is hit. The problem is, I do not want search engine spiders to affect this count. I'd like to wrap the increment code in an if/then statement so that it doesn't get triggered when it sees that the visitor is a spider.How do I sense that spider? Is it with the server.variables("referrer")? Is there a good list anywhere of the names of the major search engine spiders?

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Detecting Null

At the moment i am checking that all the fields have been filled out, at the moment i am using the following...

if firstname = "" and surname = "" and address1 = "" and town = "" and
county = "" and country = "" and postcode = "" and phone = "" and email11 =
"" and email2 = "" and password1 = "" and password2 = "" then

is there a better more efficient way of doing this?

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Detecting ID Of DB Entry

I have a DB with 3 fields.


If I write an entry into this DB, Name and EMail, the ID is auto increment. How can I detect what ID has been created ? I want a user to submit details to me, they get the ID as a ticket number ?

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Detecting Resolution

I have a page with a pop up window for a 800x600 resolution. But people using a different resolution will not benefit. So is there an asp script to detect what resolution people are using. And by detecting this it will alter the pop up screen size. Get what i mean?

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Detecting New Mail?

I am planning out the stages for an application at work, the application
needs to detect when a client has emailed 'us' and then trigger a new row
written to a database and email the client back by return.

I can see how most of what our application needs to do can be achieved with
ASP/SQL Server - but the part I am unsure of is the email detection...I
suppose the closest thing to what we are aiming for would be one of those
'helpdesk' apps that many companies have - you email them - you get an
automated confirmation email back by return with a ticket number etc etc -
anyone got any ideas on how I can achieve this?

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Detecting A File Upload

I have a form that also allows an image to be uploaded.

<input type="file" name="Upload">

How can I detect if a file has been uploaded, example

if [upload has been made] then
Do thing A
Do thing B
end if

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Detecting Blank Fields

I am writing an application which when the code first loads there is a form which all the fields are blank. I then need to test some date fields to check if the end date is before the start date etc. The form fails to work. So I then wrote a test asp page which has a single box I then use an If...

Else statement if it is Blank then do nothing if it has data in the text box then display a message. The form works ok until I input text and then it does not detect any input text in it and therefore does not display the message. This is totally the oppoisite of the original application which does not detect the form is empty. Code:

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Detecting Invalid Dates

I'm writing a script to add documents to a database, that can be sorted via date. As the date doesn't necessarily corrospond with the day the document is being added (i.e. it could have been orignally published in 1999) I have created a series of dropdown menus that allow the user to choose day, month and year. However, they could potentially choose, for exmple, 31st of February, which will generate a database error.

How can my code intelligently detect an invalid date before it generates a database error? Every system I can think of is overcomplicated for such a seemingly simple problem.

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Detecting A Page Is In Frames

I have a program written in ASP. Normally it is all done by using include file etc.The client has asked for the program to be rewritten using frames. This can be done, but I have of course told the client that includes are better than frames and more easily manageable. Despite that advise the client wants to press on .

I have worked out a means by which I can move everything over to frames. How do I detect and ascertain if a page has been opened in a frame; if it has determine the name of the parent frame; and ensure it cannot be opened else where - ie another frame or window without a frame ?

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Detecting A File From Another Server

What i wanna be able to do is make something where my server say, can do something like this:

if = true

then response.write "That image was detected"


response."write" "That image was not detected"

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Detecting Failed Images

Is there any way in VB ASP of identifying if an image which is placed on a page fails (if it's simply not been put on the server for instance so IE gives it a red X)? I want to detect this if it happens and display a default image or something.

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