Directory List Sort Order

Im using the following code to display the contents of a directory:

Set objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFiles = objFso.GetFolder(Server.MapPath("."))
Set fileList = objFiles.Files
For Each i in fileList
response.write & " - " & i.DateCreated & "<br>"

Is there a way I can sort this by Date Created so the most recent files are
on top?

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Sort List Of Files In Directory

I would like to sort (descending) list of files in directory. Parameter is directory url.
How I can to do that with ASP not ASP.NET.

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Sort Order?

I have a form that is created dynamically, and all is working fine. But I want users to add an sort order to help list phrases in a certain order.

<input type="text" name="AdvantSort" value="" size=1>
<input type="checkbox" name="Advantages" value="10">

<input type="text" name="AdvantSort" value="" size=1>
<input type="checkbox" name="Advantages" value="20">

so on, so forth...

And one clicks on the form, and a SQL statement is executed.
However, when I create the SQL statement,

VALUES (<call from form ID>,<advantages>,<advantsort>)

Then it loops to allow the next phrase to be entered. The statement also takes the value from every other sort order value including that ones that are in different lines. Which in result, gives me an error, saying the insert columns exceed that of the available columns in the table.

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Sort Order Displaying Nothing!

I have modified this bit of code from access to MySQL, the page is called and innitially works but once you resort it displays no data! Code:

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How To Sort Ascending/decending Order

i have a table of data displayed off the database.. there are a few rows, one of them being price and ID, my question is.? is there a way i can jus sort them in des/asc order by jus clicking the Price or ID .

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Choosing Sort Order And Search Value

I am trying to do a search and let the user choose the sort order. I am using a form with an text input box to enter the search value and a combo box to choose the sort field. The search works fine but it won't sort: Code:

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Image Gallery :: Read Directory And Order By Title

I have to create an image gallery that reads from a directory on our server and posts the pictures in sequential order based on the title of the image that shows up in the directory. The images can not be stored in a database, just in a directory that employees can access and add new images. The titles will all start with numbers like 1employeename, 2employeename, 3employeename. The images should be listed on the page in order by number. I really don't know how to do this in classic ASP. If it were I would at least know where to begin. Does anyone have any suggestions on where I could start, or find information on how to do this?

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Order List

I am creating an order list where a list is pulled from the database which has check boxes next to them, i want the customer to be able to check the boxes of which items they want and click submit, the next page would then ask them quantity and confirm order to enter into database.

I have the list generated im just having trouble figuring out how to actually get the confirm order form created. i need it to display only the checked boxes and its description and also quantity. currently the value of the checkboxes is unique any help is appreciated. or examples of this.

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List Order

I want to display a list of items from a database in a table of 4 columns in alphabetical order as such:



I can't figure out how to acheive this, either by the query or by the code. Can anyone help?

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List Directory Files

I have a directory called 'imagefiles' that contains upto 50 images - the images are named 01.jpg, 02.jpg, 03.jpg etc, etc. What I want is a single ASP page (displayimages.asp) that will display each image with a Next and Previous button to move back and forth between each image. I know how to list the contents of a directory using the FSO object and I know the URL behind the Next/Previous button could be something like displayimages.asp?image=01.jpg to determine what image needs to be displayed. What I'm getting hung up on is how to construct the URL i.e. when the displayimages.asp file is first displayed there simply needs to be a Next button and the URL will need to be something like displayimages.asp?image=02.jpg. Then when the visitor clicks the Next button the next page will need both a Next & Previous button - the URL behind the Previous button will need to be displayimages.asp?image=01.jpg and the URL behind the NExt button will need to be displayimages.asp?image=03.jpg...but how do I get the 02.jpg, 01.jpg, 03.jpg values to form part of the URL for the image variable?? Hope you see what I mean.....oh and I don't want to use a database to hold the image file names.

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List All The Files In The Directory

How would I list all the files in a directory and hyperlink to relevant document. For eg.

If user has a webpage with two folders displayed on the screen i.e. webpage or threads. User should be able to chose one of the folder in this case the user clicks on the webpage folder and list of different files in that folder appears on a separate window.

The list of files should contain different file attributes such as CREATED ON ,DATE .Once the user clicks on the file the hyperlink should take the user to the relevant document.

I attached two sample image files that user must be able to view it on their screen . When the user clicks on the first image the second screen should pop up on the screen..

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List All Files Of A Directory

How can I list all files of a directory with fso or wsh and afterwards write its names on screen?

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Free Ftp Component To List Files From Directory

I'm looking for a free ftp component so that I can list files from an ftp directory. I have found majodio.ftp ,but it costs and I was wondering if there was a free version anyone knew about.

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Active Directory :: The Attribute Syntax Specified To The Directory Service Is Invalid

I have written a script to update user information in the Active Directory using ADSI. Here is part of it:

Set User = GetObject("LDAP://<GUID=" & GUID & ">")

User.Department = DepartmentName


Set User = Nothing

This works fine unless DepartmentName is an empty string ("").

Then I get error 0x8007200B: "The attribute syntax specified to the directory service is invalid."
This happens with all the attributes I have tried, including TelephoneNumber
Do I need to delete the value of the attribute instead of setting it to an empty string? If so, how do I do it?

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How Can I List All The Email Address From Hotmal Contact List?

How can i list out all the email address into my website from the hotmail caontact list? i am successful log in into the yahoo contact list by using serverxmlhttp and list out all the email address from the page source, but i could not access to hotmail by using the serverxmlhttp. Is any other methos can list out the email address from hotmail contact list?

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Select Sort

I have a script that I want to display the returned list numerically in. The database is deciding how to order the list, and is being displayed pretty loosely. Is there anyway I can sort the returned list numerically here? Code:

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Sort By Part

I have a database table, that I need to sort by PART of the contents of a field (named rFieldName in the table):sample contents of this field are:Code:

qid_6_question_2I need to sort his field by the value that appears AFTER the 3rd underscore, and if applicable BEFORE the 4th underscore
Is this possible - can you help please - I have no idea where to start on this as I've never had to try to do something like this before.

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JS Sort Function

I have a JS/ASP application that sorts a SQL populated table.
This works great, and sorts the data fine, apart from my currency columns.
It wants to read the data as text as far as i can gather. Ths data in ASP
looks like this -
<% =formatcurrency(RS("income"),2)%>
I have tried changing this to a number (formatnumber) and hard coding a £
sign, yet it still wants to read the data as text, rather than numerical?
How can i get my JS function to read currency or if not, eliminate the
forehand figures. I need the data to appear as a currency, yet be sorted as
a number (rather than taking the 2st digit)if this is a
common problem (sorting currency) and there was a universal solution around

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Sort Text

I've lurked on here for awhile but I've come upon something I'm having trouble with.
I have a database table of movie titles and I want to sort by the column, but ignore the articles in the title, "a", "an" or "the"... "The Lion King" would be under L... "A Bronx Tale" would be listed under "B", etc.
Does anyone have a function that does this or know of another method? Or am I forced to enter them as "Lion King, The", for example?

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Sort Array

Which would be faster?

1) Bubble sort
2) Join Array remove empty delimaters and then Split.

I am thinking the second would be a faster routine wouldn't it?

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Table Sort

I would like sort table. The table is createobject method (open a function
and use SAP connection) and the table not use recordset. is it possible sort
table for example or how can i sort table columns.

set objTable = myFunc.tables ("Sales")

objTable.sortColumn="SalesID", Asc

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How To The Sort FileSystemObject?

I'm trying to sort the fso. The file names are named june2004, july2004, august2004, ect... I need to sort them in chronological order starting with the latest one first.

The files were recently created so sorting them by the modified or created date will not work. The only other way is to them by the name of the file. I tried converting name of the file into a date using CDate (formated the file names as July 2004, August 2004, ect...) but it did not work. Code:

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Sort Problem

region = array("a", "b", "c", "d")
I am sorting in desc order that is d, c, b, a, it works fine. Is there a way to sort them as d,c,a,b? How do I do? thanks.
Code:select* from mytable Order by region desc

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Sort Options

Can u help me generate a javascript to sort the options(list) in an asp listbox control?

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Sort By Relevancy

I have an SQL string that does a search using

SELECT * WHERE Titlename LIKE '%Crimson%' AND Titlename LIKE '%Skies%' order BY Titlename

This gives me all results containing both "Crimson" and "Skies". But I want a result that contains exactly "Crimson Skies" to appear first in addition to the blended results.

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Sort Rows With SQL

When I try to sort rows of records in asp with sql I cant get them coming out right. The column I'm trying to sort has record values such as 63, 254, 98, 7 but when I try to sort them ascending I get 254, 63, 7, 98 but I want 7, 63, 98, 254. Please help because its been annoying me for ages.

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Trying To Sort By Month

I have an Access "date/time" column and I am trying to use SQL to select by month. I thought the code below would work (to query for records in april for example) but I am still getting all the records regardless of when the date is.

FROM comm
WHERE comm_requested_date = month(4)

Basically, I have a drop menu with the months and I want to query the DB for all records for a particular month.

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Sort From Database

how i can make it sort alphabetic? From a database.

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Sort Posts

I have a simple address-script (its actually a guestbookscript that I changed a bit). Part of the code looks like this:

Code: ....

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Sort Through My Database

Is it possible to do the following in asp. I have a flash game which saves the name time and email of the users race. Is it possible to sort through my database (ms access) and then display the quikest 10 in flash as high scores? This is my load.asp where my database results are at the mo.

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Sort Records Using ASP

I have Table Named "League_Table" in MS Access and data Stored in Table as follow
Tm P W D L Pt
ABL 2 0 0 2 0
HBL 2 1 1 0 4
KRL 2 2 0 0 6
PIA 1 1 0 0 3

There are 16 Teams in League. Now I want to sort Records on the basis of Points, assign Rank to Teams and display on Web page using ASP.

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Sort By Relevance

i have a search/results page. how can i sort records according to relevance? i am using access, asp, nt, iis.

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Sort By Total

I have a column which i store my totals (price) and i want to sort the records by total.
simple way of ordering as ORDER BY doesn't give correct solution since it sort according to the first number. like this:


i want to sort it like


do you know how?

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