Disable A Text Area Element

How to disable a select element via vbscript from another element in the same form. I want to disable a text area element named xptoTextArea if and only if a certain option value is selected.

If this option is selected then disable this text area element.

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Controlling Text In A Text Area Or Text

I have this problem in controlling a the text in a Text Area. How can I do
that for example the field size is 200, when it reaches 50 it automatically
goes to the next line. Bcoz im having problem when viewing it in my report,
it continuesly views in a strieght line and im having problem in printing.

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Text Area Limited Text

I have a text area which I want to limit the number of words or number of text entered into it. Is this possible?

<textarea name="textarea" cols="35" rows="5"></textarea>

In the text area above, can I say limit the person filling in the text area to say 100 characters?

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Controlling Text In A Text Area

I have this problem in controlling a text in a Text Area. How can I do that, for example the field size is 200, when it reaches 50 it automatically goes to the next line. Because im having problem when viewing text in my report, it continuesly views in a straight line. Can you give me ASP code for that.

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Text Area

I have a database on a website, and a table in this db contains two fields,PCode, and Verified. I have to add new records to this in batches, and these batches are generated on a local PC.

Is it possible to paste the contents of a text file into a text area form field, and then run an asp/vbscript routine to update the database.

The text file contents to be pasted would be in the format:

1234, Y
1235, N
1236, Y

I am ok with updating the database,what I would like to know is how to split the text into individual items - is there some kind of read line function.

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Formatting Text Area With ASP

Can anyone help me format text in a text area using ASP? I am bringing in data from a database and need to format headers for the data. Is there anyway to format this in a text area using ASP?

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Display Text Area

when I´m typing a text data in to the form and I press Enter to go
to a new line and after when the data is submited in the DB I go to PHPMyAdmin and the field looks like this:
line1: text
line2: text2

But in ASP it looks like this:
line1: text1 text2

What the hell is this now

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Dynamic Text Area

I'm having a complete brain cramp today. I've written a form that displays information based on content in a database. Can someone tell me what's wrong with my code to display the data in a textarea?

<textarea name="AdditionalInformation" cols="32" rows="10" wrap="VIRTUAL"><%=(UpdateRecruiting.Fields.Item("cs_additionalinformation").Value)%></textarea>

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Max Length Of Text Area

How do I set the max length of a text area. Say, only 200 char.

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Text Area Formatting

I have an from that emails @ the mo But I have to insert e variables into the <boby>.

useing asp this works fine but the formatting is all over the shop I have looked on the net and can't seem to find anything that formats a textarea any ideas????

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Fill Text Area With Variable

I have a text area in my asp page:

<textarea name="content" rows=10 cols=60>
"end of code"

Is there any way to fill the text area with the value of a variable?]

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In HTML , I need textarea box with 4 rows & 5 cols . But if I enter the 4 th row, it shouldnt allow 5 th row. Only 4 rows should be accepted, can anyone tell me hw to creat text box?

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Inserting An Image Into A Text Area

I am working on a asp and sql website that I did not make. It runs an asp based content management system, where users can enter news articles. They enter the "body" into a text box/area and can add images separatly. The image will show up to the to left of the article.

This goes into a SQL database, and gets pulled out by asp for the webpage. I want to make it so a user can add in an image into the body of the article ( like in a word document ) and have it show up where they put it. What is the easiest way to do this. Both easy on me and the user.

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Diff Colors In Text Area Of HTML

Is it possible to have, first n number of charectors in a text area in one
colour and the remaining in a different colour? If so how can it be done?

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Pop Up Text Area After Click Yes From Drop Down List

I want to write a asp script, basically, that has drop down box in the form, if user select Yes, on the same page, a hidden textarea will show up, if user select No,
then nothing happen.

so far, my code is unsuccessful, in addition, I also got syntax error on the response.write line anyone has idea. Code:

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Setting Carriage Returns In A Text Area

I have a form which contains a textarea input, when I request the value of this and display the contents in HTML the carriage returns are gone, so I am trying to find a way to re-insert any carrigage returns.

I have tried using a regular expression with the replace() method to search for a carriage return in a javascript string and replace it with a <br> - but no joy

I thought the following would work (code is in Javascript by the way): Code:

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Restrict Non ASCII Character In Text Area On Postback

Am trying to restrict user from entering non ASCII character in the text area. Say if the user entered non ASCII character then on the form post back it should show them the message like:

"non ASCII character between the word1+word2"

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Text Area Carriage Returns Don't Work With Sendmail Script.

I am using the asp sendmail script from brainjar. But I'm using a text area instead of input field for comments. Is there a function that I should run this thru in order to get it to recoginize carriage returns. Currently it won't send anything after the first carriage return.

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Radio Button, Check Box, Text Area Values In Sessi

I have a radio button, a check box and a text box in a web page. From this page, I go to a series of other pages. In one of the following webpages I am providing an option to come back to the first page which has the radio button, check box and the text box.

When doing so, I need to retain the values I originally checked in teh radio button and the text box, and also the text in the text box. I understand that I need to carry it through a session variable, but I dont know how I can do it.

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Disable Text Box Property

I want to disable text box property so user can't modify that perticular text box value in HTML form.I do not want to use label.how to disable text box property in HTML form.

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Key Is Already Associated With An Element

I am getting this error message with the following piece of code.

sqlSelect = "Select * from UserPermissions where UserID = " & UserID &
set tbl = GetRecordset(sqlSelect, false)
while not tbl.eof
response.write ("<br>key: " & tbl("SectionID"))
Permissions.add tbl("SectionID"), 1

The screen displays
key: 1
key: 2

I've been staring at this problem for two hours now.

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Display XML Element In ASP

I'm trying to write a piece of ASP that will allow me to display only one
element of a XML file. I am new to XML and wanted to find out what I am
doing wrong. I think it may be to do with the nodes ? When this is currently
run it comes up with the error "Overflow" ('800a0006').

Any pointers or solutions ? Code:

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PageSize Element- WHere?

I am trying to split my search results into manageable pages, with 10 or 15 results per page. My question is- where do I place the pagesize element in this code? and what would it look like? Code:

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Form Element

I have a form that has dynamically assigned element names. How would I do the following:
(original code)
sub OnControlLoad
set Control = Document.getElementById("MsRdpClient")
if Not Control is Nothing then
if Control.readyState = 4 then
Document.all.connectbutton.disabled = FALSE
end if
end if
end sub

I want to get this line
Document.all.connectbutton.disabled = FALSE
to loop and look like
Document.all.connectbutton1.disabled = FALSE
Document.all.connectbutton2.disabled = FALSE
Document.all.connectbutton3.disabled = FALSE
etc....up to a predefined value

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Position Of An Element

I use an array of elements and I want to know the position of a given element in my array
I know the filter function that allows to determine if the element i look for is in the array but this function doesn't allow me to know its position.

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ASP File Element

How can i find an asp file's TAG like input, button from another asp file...
For example i call a.asp from internet explorer and i want to list b.asp 's
elements.(input, button, etc...)

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Get Post Element Name

for i=1 to request.form.count
response.write request.form(i).name & " - " & request.form(i) & "<br>"

this throws Object doesn't support this property or method: 'name' is there anyway i can display the post data with its field name?

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Finding Element In Array

I'm creating an array from the querystring, then I want to find if something is in that array..

url = quiz.asp?done=6|3|4

done = Request.QueryString("done")

myArray = Split(done,"|")

For Each i In myArray
If myArray(i) = x Then
do something
End If
I keep getting a "subscript out of range error"

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XML Document Must Have A Top Level Element.

I am creating a simple XML file via asp and want the XML to appear in the browser. Here is what I have tried: Code:

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Remove Element From Array

is there a function i can use of some sort to remove a specific element in an array by its index number?

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Getting Form Element Names

I have a dynamic form sending information via name=value pairs.I know I can read the value of each element in the sending form by using the following....
for i = 1 to request.form.count
response.write "<p>" & request.form(i)

but since it's a dynamic entry page (it's built based on number of fields in a database), I need to know the name of each element also.not just the value.Is there a good way to get the "name" portion of the element on the form without having to parse through the request.form string?

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Removing Element From Querystring

I am creating a recordset paging script, however I am having a few issues. I need to remove a certain part of the querystring for it to work properly. i.e i need to remove


I can't just do a Replace, because the value of the parameter will change for each page. Is ther an easy way to remove this from the full querystring?

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Textarea Form Element

I have noticed on some forms that when a user submits the form and there is a textarea element that a lot of extra whitespace is getting submitted at the end of the elements content. What's going on.

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