Disable Header Info Printing

can anyone teach me that is it possible to disable the title, no. of page, web address and date info when I print the html page.

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Disable Header And Footer Of Browser When Printing From ASP

As my subject line says, I need to remove the header (Page 1 of x) and the footer (the url of the page) from the printed page. Can I do that through the code? I am using ASP.

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Disable IE Header

I am trying to print HTML page from Internet explorer. In default IE prints header and footer when you print HTML page, I just want to disable those header and footer while printing my page...not permanently.

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Getting Rid Of The Header And Footer When Printing

Does anyone know how to get rid of the header and footer that internet explorer adds to the page when printing a webpage. I know how to do it manually (File - Page Set Up) but i wondering if there is a way to maybe put some sort of tags into the page or an ASP script so that when any user prints the page it just prints whats inbetween the tags ?

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JPG Header And Flash Header

A client wants a splash page with the option of going to his website with the flash header or the one with the .JPG header.

Now it's only the header that will be different and all the content will be the same. I don't want to make two seperate websites, because I'll have to update it twice then. Is there a way to just have the header change, without using frames. Maybe SSI,

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Printing/printing Reports From The DB

Is there a way I can put a print button on my asp that will actually print the current Screen opened. My asp has an access backend.On my asp page can I have a button that can actually print a report from the Acesss Database.

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Printing/printing Reports

Is there a way I can put a print button on my asp that will actually print the current Screen opened. My asp has an access backend.On my asp page can I have a button that can actually print a report from the Acesss Database.ie a button that will go the report section of access DB and print teh report that I want a way to get around with the appropriate codes will be appreciated as I am new to asp programming.

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Checkbox Disable

if i want to display many records from database with each record has one checkbox.. if the record do not meet the constraints.. e.g. if supplier name has no email address.. then that checkbox will be disabled....the rest will appear.. i tried the disabled/// but no result.

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Option Disable Value

how extract previews option value disable from script.

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Alert And Disable

How can I check if the file is an JPG within my form??
If the file is JPG then the submit button should be enable, if not the
submit button should be disable

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Disable Explorer

I would like to open up explorer without any of the top menu.

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Disable A Link

Can anyone please help me how to disable a link when i submit a form. I am using <a> tag for the link. I dont know how to do it.

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Disable A Controls

I am just learning asp and I have a question. Is it possible to disable a control that is on one page from another?

For example, I have a control on "Control.asp" and I want to disable it from "Sample.asp"? Is that posible? If it is, how is it done?

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How To Disable Button

disable button if no conditions are met. how to do it in asp?

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Disable Button

I have a page that updates/deletes user records. I made the mistake of thinking that because admin's use it, that I didn't have to make it stupid proof.How do i enable/disable submit buttons based on a radio button selection? or what would be the best way of prompting a "are you really sure you want to delete this record?"I'm not finding much info with being able to do this in vbscript.

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Disable An Input Box

I'm using an input box in a form

(<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="btnLocation" CLASS="btnLocation" value="<%=btnString%>">).

Is there a way to put this button in a disabled state, where it can't be clicked? I've tried adding an "enabled" property, but that doesn't work. I've even tried "visibility" property, but the input box doesn't seem to support that either.

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Disable Submitbutton With Asp

I am trying to disable submit button after user submits the form.

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Header For ASP

I'm creating a bunch of ASP pages and want a commom header to be included in all. In this header, I want the name of the page included. Code:

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CDO In Header?

I have multiple asp files which used CDONTS. As we are switching over to CDOSYS these files need to be updated. Is there a way that the cdo commands can be called from one general area, rather then have to modify each file?

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Disable Radio Button

here is the script

<input <%If (CStr((Recordset1.Fields.Item("co1").Value)) = CStr("Mercedes")) Then Response.Write("checked=""checked""") : Response.Write("")%> name="radio1" type="radio" id="bbd" value="Mercedes">

I need the radio button disabled if the value in the string matches "Mercedes" and not checked. How do I change it?

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Disable Download Pop -up Box Button

I have a ASP Page that allow the users to Download a File @ the Click of the button the File Download Dialog Box will pop up on the Screan ,on the download dialog Box are 4 buttons namely Open ,Save,Cancel and More Info ,How do I disable any Button on the Dialog box let say the Save button?

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Disable The Save As Function

For a web page, how to disable the "Save As" function? thanks

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Disable Back Button

This isnt really a problem more like extra secutiry.
I am creating a wesite for a user who isnt completely computer literate and i want to either disable him from having access to the IE Back button as if he goes back on one of the pages and then re-clicks on the button on that page it will re-submit data that he shouldnt be!

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Disable Back Button

I'm having a problem disabling a back button. Normally what I would do is just throw a history.forward() javascript on the preceding page and be done with it. My problem is that the preceding page can either lead to an error or a confirmation page. If the user produces an error and are taken to the error page, they'll need to be able to click back to correct their mistake. If everything is correct and are taken to the confirmation page, then they shouldn't be allowed to get back.

Has anyone come across this? I've tried setting a session variable when everything is correct but clicking on Back makes the value of the session variable what it was when you originally got to the page.

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Enable/Disable Combo Box

I have two option button and on combobox,in that combobox i added "all" statically. My need is if i select that first RADIO BUTTON that "all" in the combobox has to be enable and if i select that second RADIOBUTTON the "all" in the my combobox has to be disable.this is my need.
My first radiobutton name is all and second is select. tell me the coding and where i have to write that coding. please answer me becos i am new to this environment.

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Disable Text Box Property

I want to disable text box property so user can't modify that perticular text box value in HTML form.I do not want to use label.how to disable text box property in HTML form.

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Disable Windows Options

I need a script that will disable save, save as copy and select all Windows file and edit menu options.

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I create a popup web page using:

newWin = window.open(.....)

In the popup window I have href links. The popup takes a while to load and I don’t want the users to be able to click on a link until the popup information has finished loading. Does anyone know what Visual Basic Script commands I can use to disable then enable the display in the popup window while the text and hyperlinks are loading (preferable I would still be able to see the text in the popup while its disabled.

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Disable Selectall Button

My asp application has 2 lisboxes. The 1st lists lists school department and 2 buttons (teschers button and students button to select either teachers or students from selected school depatment, which populates the 2nd listbox.

The slectall button under 2nd lisbox is used to select all items listed. how do I disable selectall button if teachers buttons is clicked, and enabled if students button is clicked.

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Disable Authentication For One Page

This may be a newbie question, but I cant seem to figure it out. I want to disable authentication for only one page, so that way anyone can get to that page. How would I do this?

I thought it was just adding EnableSessionState="false", but that did not work. So I am looking to have every page but this one authenticate and redirect to the login page. Is there some kind of exception I can add to the web.config?

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Disable Submit Button

i have a text area on a form that users fill in. is it possible to prevent the user from submitting the form when there is no data entered in the text area. as soon as the user enters data in the text area then the form should be able to submit.

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Disable Button After First Click

Anyone knows the method/codes to disable the clicked button after first click by using .aspx-- to prevent people to click many time when waiting for the server response.

I tried to do this by adding a java script for the button. But, useless..

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Disable Page Saving

I don't whant to let the users to download my page by going to the File -> Save menu.
Is this posible? Or/And disable the View page source? I have already done the "Disable Right-Click" function.

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