Disabling HTML Code

I have creating a simple ASP guestbook using an Access Database, is there any of disabling HTML code so that visitors cant post HTML in the guestbook entries?

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Displaying The HTML Code In HTML

I'm doing a content management system, whereby the user can enter the HTML code for a currency symbol, eg £ for £.y . when I bring this data backup, say they want to edit the settings, then my ASP/HTML page is rendering the HTML code, eg £, rather than showing the original value, eg £.

If for example I put a space between the '&' and the 'pound;', eg & pound; then this will cause me problems because the user will think that they have to a put a space in or they file it with the space, which means the HTML code won't work any more. Is there a way round this?

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Asp Code In Html

I am designing an Interactive website that uses MySql. At the moment I have just designed the Login pages for users. However to do this I have a Login.html page and a Login.asp page. The values from the html form is posted to the asp page which checks the details against the databse and redirects the user acordingly.

However I would like to have just one Login.asp page where this is all done in. I have tried simply putting the html code into the asp page but the problem is that as soon as i run the login.asp page (on IIS), the asp code is also run. How can I change this so that only once the user clicks on the submit form button, only then the asp code is executed?

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Encrypt Html Code

I'm looking for asp or java script that encrypt html
code. That it will confuse some surffers that trying
to steal content.

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Put Code Inside HTML Tag

How do you put an asp code inside an html tag?

This is not working:

<a href="contact.asp?subject=Question about group
<%=(Recordset1.Fields.Item("group_name").Value)%>">Send a message</a>

I am actually putting above info in an Access field. People would be able to send me email through a form in contact.asp and I want the subject line reflect which page they came from.

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ASP Write HTML Code

So, when my search returns the result I need one of the fields to be clickable and show the customer's info for the clicked customer.So, lets say we make the ID clickable.
So, my HTML has to look like:Code:

<input type = "submit" value="sqlrs("ID")">

How do I construct that in ASP since, using " in strings ends it and same with Response.write methods.

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HTML Code In A Textarea

is there any way to indent HTML code inside a simple textarea?

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Insert Code Html

How would I insert this code into a .HTML document rather than a .ASP document.

Set MyFileObj = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set MyTextFile = MyFileObj.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("content.txt"))
WHILE NOT MyTextFile.AtEndOfStream
Response.Write(MyTextFile.ReadLine & "<BR>")

Works fine in .ASP but not .HTML.

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Inserting Html Code Into DB

im using some wysiwug editor called htmlarea to add some articles to the DB through textarea (something like that we use to add threads) but when the html code contains a link for example it gives error coz of the the ("") in the html tags .. it's something like this Code:

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ASP 1.0 Retrieve Raw HTML From URL In Code

,I need to call a URL, receive the raw html in my VB Script code and parse it
to retrieve a value from a cgi generated web page on a remote Apache Web

What is the best method to accomplish this in ASP 1.0?

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Using Asp Variables Straight In HTML Code

I have a page which has a header finding out some variables from request.querystring and other places. Later on in the page in what is normal HTML code I want to use the variable but am having to do this:

response.write "<A Href='" & shopurl & "' target='_blank'>Shop</A>"

is there any way i can just have the line with the variable being interpreted without having to go into a code protect and write the line out with code. Something like this:

<A Href=%shopurl% target="_blank">Shop</A>

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Line Breaks In HTML Code

How is it you should format your ASP code to that when viewing the resulting
HTML text from the browsers "view code" it looks nice with line breaks?

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Html Code In E-mail Body

I have a e-mail function in serverside VB, how would i put html code in the body variable so when email is recieved it looks like html page in the body. right now it just shows up as text in the body of message,


There must be a way because i get emails with html ?

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Inserting Dynamic Code In .html Page

inserting dynamic page code in .html page? i.e. i would like to insert a code which will display links. where my homepage link extension is .html. if it is .asp it would have been very easy. and also i would have worked fine. but now the problem is the homepage index file extension is .html.

so if i insert the code it is not displaying the links. i tried inserting the code in a separate file and saved as file.inc and gave the link from home page <!--#include file="file.inc"--> but still the link is not showing and not working.

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Simple Form Html Code Needed

i have a database and the asp file. my database will have one table, a user table, with various fields like username, password, name...age.. all i need is the html code to make a simple form such as

Welcome to the add user page:
PLease enter a username (input box)
Please enter an email address (input box)
finally a submit button.

i then want the variables to run a 'signup.asp' file which i have, and be placed into a database.

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I have span and Textarea fields. How can I disable and gray out those dynamically using DHTML. when I called disabled = true it makes it readonly and does not gry out.

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Disabling Other Page

I have a login form. when user logs in, user is transferring randomly an Exam page.
these pages're(ExamA.asp and ExamB.asp)

Question is :
if user transferred to ExamA.asp how can i disable to enter ExamB.asp ?
(there is no link in ExamA.asp to ExamB.asp. only changing url in the address bar.)

here is my login from code :

strSQL="Select Exam from Exam"
set Exam=conn.execute(strSQL)

if Stat=1 then

sqlUp="update Exam set Exam=2"
response.redirect ("ExamB.asp")

elseif Stat=2 then

sqlUp1="update Exam set Exam=1"
response.redirect ("ExamA.asp")
end if

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Disabling Links

I would like to know how to disable a link when a certain value is false. I have the following link.

<br><a href="OrderProgress.asp" class="blueLink">Check Order

I wish to disable the link if blnValidCustomer = false and enable it otherwise.

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Disabling The Image On A Href In Asp

I have the following href in my asp code. I would like to disable the image
so the user cant click on the javascript for this image.

<input type=text name=thedate size=10><a
href=""javascript:show_calendar('dataform.Line" & lineno &
"6',null,null,'YYYY/MM/DD');"" onmouseover=""window.status='Date
Picker';return true;"" onmouseout=""window.status='';return true;""><img
src='../Production/show-calendar.gif' width='24' height='22' border='0'></a>

Is this possible?

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Disabling A Submit Button

I have pulled some date from a table in access and displayed it on a form in a table. If there was no data in the Table, Hence the Html table displaying it was empty is there a way of disabling the submit button that submits that data to avoid a conflict?

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Disabling Session State

I was thinking about disabling session state on some of my pages by doing this:
<% @ EnableSessionState = False %>

My question is if I disable the session state will the page still reset the session timeout (eg. back to 20min. default) when that page is loaded? I need it to reset the session timeout.

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Disabling Text Fields

i have a form that has a multiple fields,when a user chooses an option from option seleect then it should disable some part of the form and i have no idea how to do that.

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Disabling Referer HTTP Header In IE / IIS 5 / ASP

Is there any way to prevent an IE 6 browser from sending up the REFERER HTTP header? (Either as an IIS Server setting, change to asp files, or even a setting in the IE browser).

This is wasting WAN bandwidth in our Intranet application - we have fairly low network bandwidth. The referer is inevitably somewhere else in our own ASP application, and is usually has a really nasty long QString attached ... (and no, really dont want to run stats about how users navigate our app)..

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Disabling ASPBufferingLimit For File Downloads

I have a website that (like many) allows users to download large files. Some are up to several hundred MB in size. The problem is that since switching to IIS 6.0, the size of the file is limited by the ASPBufferingLimit, and it's size seems to be limited to only 4294967295 bytes.

That's pretty big but it's not quite big enough and I need to disable it. Some people have recommended setting it to -1 via:

cd C:inetpubadminscripts
cscript adsutil.vbs set /w3svc/1/aspbufferinglimit -1

but the -1 doesn't really "take"...IIS keeps it at 4294967295.

Setting it to 0 does "take", but then IIS returns nothing (0 bytes).

How do I disable or workaround this security feature in IIS which is not allowing people to download large files?

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Disabling Edits To A Text Field

I am using text fields to display data from a table in access in an ASP file, i am using text fields because if i used anything else, like labels the info was not updated to the table correctly.

Does anyone know how to input of edits to a text field so that the user can view the data in it but cannot remove or change it?

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Disabling Explorer's Back Button

How can I prevent user pressing the explorer's back button?

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Disabling Default IE Window Buttons

I have a window that pops up from an asp page... and stays open for 5 seconds
then closes... is there a way to not allow the user to close this window manually before the 5 seconds.. ? Code:

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Disabling A Text Box/list Box After A Selectio Has Been Made.

I have a .asp page that has a text box and a list box. The user enters criteria into ONE of the boxes.

What i would like is that when the user makes a selection from the list box (sql populated) the text box is disabled, and when a user enters a character into the text box, the list box is disabled (not including spaces)

This is a bit cosmetic, but what is the best way of doing this? Some client side code presumably, Javascript? Code:

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Disabling Open/save Dialog In Word

In my application I am using Word to hold data out of a MS SQL Server 2000 database. On the clients PC's I am getting a open/save pop up dialog for opening MS- Word. How can I disable this pop- up and load Word without having this dialog? The clients pc are Windows XP/SP2 machines.

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Copy Part Of HTML Table To Another HTML Page

I have a table having 3 columns. There is a checkbox for each line. I
need to get those lines whose checkboxes are checked, and show those
lines to another webpage. Is there any way to do that? My concern is
that all information in the table are in <tb></tb> pairs without any
name tag. Any idea?

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ASP Code - Anti Spam Verification Code

I'm looking for sample code that will require a use to enter a code from a scued image format.

I'm sure you've seen them before where the image is barely readable by a human and the user has to enter the code correctly to submit the form.

I'm looking for ASP code and NOT ASP.NET code as I am supporting a legacy site.

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Html Inside Another Html

i need to include the html inside another html, though it might appear simple, the catch is this, my one html is in one server and my another html is in another server.I cannot read the html and stream it as it has images and their path gets changed when i do that.

More over i donot have any control over the html which i am going to include all i have is a url http:abcxx.htm whose content i want to show in another asp page. The technology is ASP (vbscript and javascript).

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I've created a form, using ASP to pull through first and last names from a database into another database. I cannot get it to put a space between the names it pulls through!!! Can anyone suggest what a put between the two to get a space!!

<%= rsGetStaff.Fields("FirstName").Value %><%= rsGetStaff.Fields("LastName").Value %>

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