Display File In Browser

Can anyone tell me how can i use ASP to display a file in the web browser?
the file is located on the server in C: emp directory. It can be any file.
Is there any way that i can do this?

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Display PDF In The Client Browser

I am trying to display a PDF file in a client browser and get garbled characters. Here is my code and please let me know if I am making any mistake. The client machine has Adobe ACrobat (Full version installed) Code:

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Display DATA From Browser

How i display DATA from Browser to Text file.In my web page there is a script that fatches data from this URL: http://www.rediff.com/rss/newsrss.xml and display data on the web browser.now ,how i get that displayed data from the browser to a text file.

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.asp Page Wont Display In Browser

I created my .asp page in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 and when I right-click my page in there it displays perfectly. But when I try to view it in internet explorer I only get the html part to display.

I've tried regestering iis in the cmd, it didnt solve it. Here is the code if it could be to any interest:

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Pages Display Source Code In Browser

I'm just trying to set up a testing server via Dreamweaver that is my local box. HTML works fine and ASP works fine IF there is no js code input. I can save a few images in a table as an ASP page and it works great, but if I try to pull a table from a database, the browser suddenly displays the code, rather than the page.

I've heard some people referring to articles that might address this, but so far I'm not seeing them.

I have .asp files being handled by asp.dll from the internet information services section.

What the heck am I missing? What else should I provide y'all so we can brainstorm this?

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Include Different Asp File, Browser Based

I have different asp files to "include" in asp page, depends if the browser is IE or not. The browser detection is not the problem of course. I would like to know how can I include the right file, based on the browser detection.

In partly free language I need:

IF (IE) ->
<!--#include file="x.asp"-->
<!--#include file="y.asp"-->

I have tried to test something simple in an asp page, but not working (not too surpriseingly)

<script language="javascript>
<!--#include file="../menu/menu.asp"-->

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File Browser / Wysiwyg-textareas?

I want to force the users of my company's intranet to follow my templates by storing the contents of webpages into a database, so now I'm developing a webinterface for them to edit it. I've run into two initial problems. I want the user to be able to add pictures to the page, but I don't know how to make my asp open a file browser for them and retreive the adress as a string. Is there an easy way? Secondly, I'd like them to be abled to add some styles and stuff to their text, but can I get a wysiwyg-textarea that displays underlines and italics and stuff(like this one, btw)?

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Open A PDF File Inside Browser

I have a asp web page with a link point to a file which depend on the database information. Sometime is a picture file sometime a word and some time is a PDF file.
For picture file, when user click the link, it will open the picture inside the IE browser. Now here is my problem:

On some of the computers, for PDF file only, it opens outside of the IE browser. Like the Acrobat program is not in the browser. With the same code, some computer works good. But I want to force it open inside the browser. why and how to fix it?

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How To Make ASP Page To Let Browser Upload File

how to make asp pages that could let people to upload files. I use Macromedia Dreamweaver and there is a form for file field, but it doesn't has any help function on how to do it.

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Loading Content Of *.txt File Via Asp Dynamically To Browser...

I'm using a flat text file in place of sessions to run my shopping cart. I have a couple different asps' that manipulate the session file to preform tasks like deleting items and updating quantities. The file stores one product along with the user selected options per line so it looks something like this:

product, color, qty, unit_price, selection_total |
product, color, qty, unit_price, selection_total |


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IIS 5 Cannot Display ASP File.

I got a problem with IIS 5 on my local machine with ASP page. I can
browse gif, html, jpg, and even ASPX file, but when I try to browse an ASP
file. I got the erro "The page cannot be displayed".

Any idea? Is it something wrong with the ASP.dll file?

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Display The Xml File

I made a content management system using ASP XML and XSl. I am displaying the xml file using xsl. This is my problem. I want to display the xml file from the last node not from first node. how to do that.

<node3>a</node3> ...

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Word File Display

I m working on the application wherein I am requiered to display the local word file from the client side on the client system.

I have tried it by redirecting to the file with the local path but it is giving the 'Access Denied' error.

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Display A Different Txt File Every Week

I've made up a set of simple tide table files in notepad showing high and low tides. Each file is for 1 week (7 days) from Sunday to Sunday.

At present I change the text file manually every Sunday...Erm, ok, most of the time anyway.

How can I call a different text file on a weekly basis, using ASP, from the directory which the .txt files are all stored in. (The site is an asp driven site)

The existing files are each named by the starting Sunday date.....18_04_04.txt. (UK date format, sorry), but it'd be no effort to number them sequentially if neccesary.

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Display Word File

I am having trouble displaying a word file. Following is the code I am using.

Response.ContentType = "application/msword"

Response.Addheader "Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=hostsfile.doc"

It opens Word but the page is blank. What am I doing wrong?

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Display Test File

A client wants to include a news page on his site . This would change basically weekly. I have tried to explain basic HTML ie headers etc but he cannot or does not want to understand.

Is there a way to say for him to create a word file or equivalent with nicely Bolded coloured headers etc. There will only be three or four news items a week.

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Display All File Names

Is there a way that you can display all of the names of the files that are in a specific folder that I have set with the website? So for instance is there a way for .asp to show all of the files that are in the c:userdocuments and settings. So when someone clicks that link, it will let them open up the file.

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Display Csv File Content On Page

I have a csv file that has 2 columns..."Name" and "Team" I would like to be able to have 2 dropdown menus on a webpage showing both of these and a method (a post I guess) to change which team they are a member off...For example Joe is in Team 1 but moves to Team 2, from this page the user can change Joe to Team 2..

I would also like to be able to add new members and remove existing ones.

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How To Display Html File In Asp Page

How to display html files content in a asp page through server.create object

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Display HTML Data In Excel File

I am displaying the data into HTML table into a EXcel file using the REsponse.header and content type, The data retrieved from the database is sucessfully displayed and I am able to open Excel application and save it. But in One of my TD tag I have a image <IMG> tag which should disply the image, but in the excel application the image is not loaded, If I open the table in web browser the image is visible.

Also if I select the save open form the file download box, there is a blank browser window still open, I open this file with window.open functionality. Can somebody suggest how to close the blank window when the excel file is saved on the client PC instead of opening.

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Web Browser

I have a simple ms access database front ended with simple asp pages using ms front page. I used the wizards to put it all together and I can send data easily enough using forms. I can recall the data using the data base wizards but I can't seem to design it to update the data once it's been submited. I've played around using sql update statements and modifying pages... but I gave up in the end.
how I can design an update page using ms front page??? It doesn't have to be fancy or complex... I'll work on making it pretty later.

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How To : Web Browser

I have a website with a default webpage having an image. I am also having four(4) images.
I'd like when the user closes the browser and reopen it, it must load a new image.

e.g. The User open the browser for the first time - Loads Image1.
The User open the browser for the second time - Loads Image2.
The User open the browser for the third time - Loads Image3.
The User open the browser for the fourth time - Loads Image4.

The User open the browser for the first time - Loads Image1.

How do I go about doing that?

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ASP Browser

I know I can do this using JS but can I do it using Vbscript? I want to check if a browser is NS4 or lower and if so to display a certain stylesheet. If another other browser then display an alternative (more feature rich) stylesheet

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is there any way to know browser cookies are disabled and is there any way enable the cookies from asp code.

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IE Browser

Is there a way to tell IE not to display URL links when a user hovers over a link?

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Get IE Browser

in ASP Application can we get the application page by entering a single word in browser?
more clearly. see i have my application in www root. called "test" folder.

now if i am entering only "test" in internet explorer browser, how can it will take fist page of my application. my first page of appliation is "login.asp" from test folder?
please tell me how to implement it in ASP?send me the code.

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Browser Statusbar

How can I get text to remain on the Browser's statusbar?
For example, if I'm saving data to a DB Table after a user
clicks a Button in the ASP page, I want the statusbar to
show something like "Save Successful" or "Save Failed" so
they know something happened.

Right now, I'm trying to use the windows.status property,
but it just flashes real quickly in the statusbar and
then "Done" is displayed.

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Browser Detection & CSS

I have just uploaded my website and it looks fine in IE, but awful in Mozilla. I need to load a different CSS file according to what browser a user has. Does anyone have any code that will detect browsers and versions?

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Asp Site As Web Browser

anyone knows a VBScript that acts as a webbrowser? I am
behind a firewall and my local machine is not visible to the internet,
but I have a access to some webspace with asp VBScript. With the right
script I could tunnel pages and sites from my local machine

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ASP Function Browser

Does anyone know how can I get Visual Studio to show a classview-like
function browser for my asp files? (For VBScript functions.) It would be
enough if it showed the functions in the asp file I'm working on, even
better if it showed all the functions in all the .asp and .inc files in a

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Toolbar - Less Browser

I'm designing a small web application which is a table displaying live data
which updates every minute or so. This app is very small and will stay open
on a client PC's pretty much all day. So I was wondering if it is possible
to display it in a browser , without the IE toolbars, just like a fixed

Am I making any sense ;-) ?Any ideas?

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Browser Plug-in

We are trying to record browser information when a customer comes to our
site. I have been able to get most basic browser information using both asp
and asp.net. The only thing I’m missing is the ability to detect plug-ins.
Does anyone know how I can access the plug-in collection in IE? I have not
found any clear way of doing it on the internet I’m starting to think I am
headed down the wrong path. Maybe IE doesn‘t call it a plug-in collection?

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Browser (and Other) Caching

I have a dynamic website system that my clients use to change their webpage
conten online. Sometimes the new change isn't visible right away to a
browser. I have the following in every webpage's <HEAD> section:


which on previous investigation was supposed to be a solution for this. All
I want is a definitive solution so that when a browser makes a call to my
server for one of my pages, everything along the line that has a cached copy
of the page is going to say "Aha! The browser wants the latest version of
this page! I'm going to pass this request up the line to see if their is a
more recent version instead of sending it my cached copy". (Yup, that is how
browsers and ISPs speak to each other). What do I have to do to my webpages
to ensure this happens? At the same time, I don't want it to be getting the
page all the way from the server if the page content hasn't changed. In
other words, I just want the cacheing to work properly!

Sorry if this isn't an explicit ASP question but no one in the HTML groups
I've tried has any idea what I'm talking about and I'm hoping that those who
frequent this room will have a better handle on the whole
client/server/caching problem and the solution!

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