Display HTML Data In Excel File

I am displaying the data into HTML table into a EXcel file using the REsponse.header and content type, The data retrieved from the database is sucessfully displayed and I am able to open Excel application and save it. But in One of my TD tag I have a image <IMG> tag which should disply the image, but in the excel application the image is not loaded, If I open the table in web browser the image is visible.

Also if I select the save open form the file download box, there is a blank browser window still open, I open this file with window.open functionality. Can somebody suggest how to close the blank window when the excel file is saved on the client PC instead of opening.

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Asp Display Excel Data

I try to find the best small exemple to display data from excel to asp (connection & code). But only asp.net exemples in microsoft.com.

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How To Display Html File In Asp Page

How to display html files content in a asp page through server.create object

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How To Get Data From An Excel File

If there are any tutorials out there or websites that can explain more about this? How to get data from an excel file(or any other file like a .txt) and inserting them into a database using asp? can this be done in asp?

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Exporting Data Into MS Excel .xls File Using ASP

I am writing a web-based information portal and one of the requested features is that some data be outputted not to the screen, but to an MS Excel file.

I could not find much information on this topic, but I'm sure there's a way. All the database searching is in place, the recordset has been built, I just need an interface to send data into Excel as opposed to a text file, or to the screen. Code:

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Export Data To Excel File

how can i export the result of query in a excel file(.xls) in asp page.

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How To Get Data From An Excel File And Inserting Them Into A Database Using Asp?

I would like to know if there are any tutorials out there or websites that can explain more about this? can this be done in asp?

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Import Data From Excel File To Mdb Database Using Asp

I have excel file,from which the all data to store the .mdb database. Any one give an idea.

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Read Data In An Excel File And Than Write It In The Format Of XML?

How can I use ASP to read data in an Excel file and than write it in the format of XML?

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Parses And Excel File And Inserts The Data In An Access Table

I have created a script that parses and excel file and inserts the data in an Access table. The script works perfectly fine, however I also need to extract a column comments via my script.Column comment is like a tool tip for any given column and therefore it occurs only on mouse hover, not in the actual column data.

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Upload Excel With Macros Using HTML File Upload

We face problems uploading excel (with macros) documents using HTML
File Upload.

The file contents are corrupted while viewing the same. However, we
are able to upload excel (w/o. macros) documents successfully. Is
there anything we have to take care of, while handling uploads of
excel documents with macros?

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Get Data From Form, Send To A Html File And Send A Mail

i am trying harder to mix this 2 solutions... but without success... the below on seen to be grabing a template and replace the data with the values posted in a form Code:

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how to output a pdf file using asp. I know it can be done.

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ASP To Excel Display Problem

I am extracting data from a SQL table and attempting to display in a browser window as an Excel sheet. I have no problem with this but, depending upon the data, I get unhelpful results.

In the first case the data being displayed is a SQL varchar "11-20" but when displayed in the spreadsheet it is appearing as "Nov-20"

The other problem is if I display large numbers (energy account numbers) e.g. 4412345678901, they are appearing as 4.41235E+11, even if they are of type varchar.

Is there anything that I can put into the (very old) code that will display the values as they should be displayed?

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Html To Excel 2003

I have a report created in ASP (not ASP.NET) that uses Response.ContentType="application/vnd.ms-excel" to display the results of a query from SQL Server 2003 formatted as an html table using Excel in Internet Explorer (version 6.0.2800).

The report displayed fine when my PC had Excel 97 installed. My PC was recently upgraded to Office 2003 and now the report only displays the report header. Does anyone know of a change I can make to the ASP code to display the rest of the report in Excel 2003?

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HTML To Excel Chart

I developed some code to export DataGrid to excel base on the html stream technology.
But that one works only with worksheet cell. Is there any way to output Excel Chart based on the html stream?

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Render HTML Doc As Excel

This is a simple report that is supposed to render as an Excel document, for some reason it's not anymore, not sure why, I think it's related to permissions, we recently added a domain user as the anonymous user for the site, everyone has permissions to the virtual directory where the asp page is executed... Code:

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Display Txt Into Html Table

i want to convert my txt file into a html table for display . But i dun want it to go through db .

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Display Html Tags

I need to display a lengthy html source code within a text area. The problem is, a part of html source code is displayed in the text area and the later part is displayed in the actual html page in which I have the text area. i.e the the html source code is treated as a part of the actual page.

I want to show the whole html source code (which is from the database column) in the text area. Is there any special way to display the html tags in a text area. Hope I have made myself clear enough. how to achieve this?

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Response.ContentType Display Excel

You know how you can use "Response.ContentType" to tell the browser to display the content as Excel or Word and it will automatically convert your html page into an .xls or .doc file. My question is can I convert it to PDF? If so how?

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Display Part Of An Excel Sheet

I am trying to create an asp that will display part of an excel sheet. I have many hundered excel files and i want a page to view them.

the excel files do NOT have any header rows, i can't change the worksheets, is there any way i can display the contents of a work sheet? I have tried many ways but i seem to always have a problem displaying the top row.

all the excel files have been created using excel 97 if it makes any difference
is there any way of doing this?

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Exporting HTML Table To Excel?

Is this possible? I am planning to export data from SQL that generates HTML
table. Instead of selecting the table and then copy then paste to excel, is
ther a script(JS or VB) that will automatically export or open the Query to

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Excel To HTML Conversion Automation

We have a excel document, which is been updated regularly. After everyday
updating, we export as HTML file and upload it.
As a ASP programmer, I want to write a script, which can parse this excel
file and make it as a web ready file.
Is there any simple way to do this?
Our data entry operator, is very new to computers and all he know is a
little in Excel.

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Use ASP Or HTML To Display Contents In Notepad

I was thinking about create a web page to display my log files. I have a folder that holds all the notepad files (logs) on my hard drive.

There is a new file will be created everyday. Is it possible for me to create a webpage (ASP or HTML) to display all the logs?

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How Do I Truncate A Fileds Content For Html Display?

I would like to change it so that it displays only the first 40 (or so) characters from the record being pulled from the MySQL DB producing a result more like this:

Is there a way to change the SELECT call to MySQL so that it retrieves only the first 'x' characters found in the record? Code:

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HTML Table In Excel With Line Feed In Cell

I an using ASP to read a database table and generate an HTML table
which is save via FSO with a file extension of .xls which opens up
in MS-Excel. I am inserting several lines of text into a cell and would
like to force a line break between them.

I recorded an MS-Excel macro so see how Alt-Enter was captured
which turned out to be Chr(10) which is the same as vbLf (right?)

I tried inserting that in character in the text but it didn't show up as
a line break in MS-Excel.

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How To Display A BSTR String Returned By C++ Component In HTML

i have an asp page which creates a object using server.createobject and
uses its method. example:

set obj1= server.createobject("test.test") ' test is a dll
tmp = obj1.method() ' it returns a BSTR string.

i want to display tmp in HTML. when i tried to print tmp like

i get some garbage value.

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How To Open Large HTML FILES IN EXCEL In Quick Time

i am using the following code to generate a xls file using the content type now when the user opnes the file at his pc it takes long time to open..if the no of records in file is large does the use of html tags has slow down the process of opening in excel. Code:

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How To Find Excel File Width And File Version

It works if the file in on the server side, how to use the component (DSOleFile) with the file on the client side? Also how can I calculate the width of the file. (Page set up - Landscape or porrait). Code:

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ADO Data Into Web Excel?

Is it possible to write out the contents of a database into an exel-type
spreadsheet within an asp page?

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Data From Sql To Excel Using Asp

I'm trying to use Activer Server Pages (ASP) to get Data from SQL database to Excel. Do you need to have any ActiveX installed to achieve this and has anyone has experience in doing this?

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Data To Excel

is there anyway to extract the data out of an asp table and write it into a seperate database that can be read by access or excel?

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Display New Data

there is a JavaScript/ASP function that that will check for new Private Message (PM) Inbox. New PM will be referred as "NEW" in the status field in the database and "READ" for all the old PM.hen there is a new PM, a popup will appear in my page. But I have to press the REFRESH BUTTON before I get the popup ALERT!
Can this be done in AJAX? (Alert me without refreshing the page?)

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