Display Japanese Text On Web Page From Access Database

I've got a simple template based ASP page which pulls information in one of several different languages from an Access database.

The copy I have in the database is fine. All languages - including the Japanese are displaying correctly when I look at them in Access. However, when I pull the Japanese text from the database, each character renders in the browser as '???????'.

I've tried different HTML encoding, but nothing seems to make a difference.

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ASP With Access Database (Input Text - Value Display)

I'm using Access Database with ASP. There is one particular thing that I
have issue with.

My purpose is for user to update their own profile. Their existing profile
information will be display in Edit Form format. The problem is if the field
has space, the second word will not display, when I display in input text

E.g if My first name "User_FirstName" in my table has entry, let say "David
Johnson" as FirstName, when I execute following code and do a input text, it
will display "David" only. Code:

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Display Japanese Characters

I try do display japanese characters with ASP .NET. (visual basic) but the output is unreadable. (‚±‚ñ‚É‚¿‚Ã)

When I save my test.aspx in VisualStudio, VisualStudio tells me that Unicod characters are in my test.aspx file. So I stored the whole thing with Encoding. After I display the page in the browser it shows me still some ureadable output.

(I also tried different encodings, and also switched the browsers encoding setting)
My IIS Server is 5.0 (default setting)I also have a Japanese Server. On this japanese server everythingworks fine.

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Display Text From Ms Access

I got a form (textarea); user can input details of the property. And I am saving it in database. I need to display it in the site. text should be formatted. For example
Thi is how user enter details in texarea Code:

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Japanese Text

i'm trying to work on my very first asp pages which require japanese text to be entered into a form. i did search the forums about this but still couldn't figure it out.

i have a contact page.the contact page has a form where the action is "gdform.asp". this is from godaddy.com. english characters send fine, but when you enter japanese, you get a series of question marks.

i think that i somehow have to change the character set, but i'm not sure where to do that.is it on my contact page? somewhere in the form code e.g. to accept japanese characters?or in the gdform.asp file.which i can't change and will thus have to create my own page.

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Display Info From A Access Database

I have a table in an Access database that is called news. Inside that table is a field name called newsNews. I'm trying to get that is in that field to display on a page and her is my code:

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Formatting Text From Access Database

how to display data that I have in an Access Database to be formatted in paragraph style when I have it written to my asp page - but does anyone know how I can format text to display as bolded or to show http:// as a hyperlink?

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Display Records From MS Access Tables As A Total In A Table In A ASP Page

I'm trying to display records from an MS Access DB (*.mdb) in an ASP page (table).. I don't want to display all the records though, I just want to display the total of these records..i.e in my table I would like to show how many calls someone has closed this year..(number)

Joe Bloggs ---> 100 Closed

Is this possible? I was thinking that I need to write an ADO that includes COUNT but I'm not too sure how to write this.. Here's what I have so far: Code:

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Displaying Text On Asp Page From Access

I've created a db field with Memo type, and I have stored some text with
carriage returns (no html) So the 3 words start on a differnt line. In
access this displays correctly ( each word starts on a new line).
However when I display these on a web page all the words appear on the same

I need the words to be displayed on a seperate line.

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Display Ms Access True/false Fields As Check Marks On ASP Page

what is the easiest way to display Yes/No, True/Falst, On/Off MS Access fields as check marks on an ASP page? it would be either checked or unchecked.

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Update Access Database Through ASP Page

I developed an ASP page which has 2 input fields- First Name and Last Name.I used Access 2002 as database. Once I click the Submit button,

it has to perform 3 tasks-----
1) It has to update the First Name and Last Name in the MS-Access database in their corresponding fields.
2) It has to go to the Home Page(which I already did)
3) It has to update the date/time in the "Time" field in the MS-Access database.

The following is the code I wrote to connect to the database and update the fields in the Access table---

set MyConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
MyConn.Open "driver={Microsoft Access Driver

(*.mdb)};;DBQ=c:/documents and

rs.Open sqlqry,MyConn,2,2
rs("firstname") = first name
rs("lastname") = last name


Can somebody please help me in figuringout if I am missing something.

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Accessing The Access Database From An Asp Page

I have created a asp project local.and have created a access database local. Iam trying to use the access database from the asp page. But It is not accessing the database file.

once i changed the rights of the access file and checked it.It inserted the records.And after some time, iam not able to access it.some times it accesses and some times it doesnt.

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Compacting Access Database Through Asp Page

I wrote a script to compact my access databases from my admin section. Everything is working except I get this error:

Provider error '80040e4d'

Authentication failed.

Is their some reason the JRO.JetEngine needs authentication? I don't have direct access to this server and was wondering how to get around this problem or how to fix it. It fails when this link is run:

objJetEngine.CompactDatabase strCon, "Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source = " & DBTempPath

None of the databases have a username or password. Would I have to have the host company setup an account for this action to take place? And why could I do everything except compact the database? Is their a vulnerability issue when accessing this function?

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Can I Use A Query Stored In An MS Access Database From An ASP Page?

Currently, I do the following in my ASP pages when making use of an MS
Access database:

Dim adoCon, rsSet, strSQL

Set AdoCon = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set RsSet = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")

adoCon.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" &

strSQL="SELECT * FROM MyTable;"
rsSet.Open strSQL, adoCon
...do some stuff...

Set rsSet=Nothing
Set adoCon=Nothing

I have a couple queries stored in the database that I use when in MS Access.
Can I call these queries instead of using a string to specify the SQL

The above seems kind of verbose for making use of a database. Can it be
simplified at all?

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Page 2 - Login Stamp In Access Database

Unless you declared those session variables earlier, they have no data in them. Assuming this information is coming from a form, try using request.form("fieldname") instead of the session variables.

If this doesn't address your problem, give more detail about what "isn't working"

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ASP Page Loads Slow When Getting Information From The Access Database

It all seems to work well, but takes a large amount of time for the entire page to load, I guess due to the amount of records that get displayed, or maybe its the repeat region. So, Is there anything I can do in my asp code to speed these things up. Code:

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Create Login Page To Edit Access Database?

I have index.asp (Form) & process.asp (submit data from index.asp to Access Database), the Form is running Perfectly.

But, How can I create a login name and page for the applicants to edit the information they submitted?

Let say I have Email (username), Password (password) & lastname on index.asp, then I really have no clue!

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Linking An Access Database File To HTML Page On IIS6.0

My client has various Access databases that they want to be able to access (using MS Access, not through ASP pages). I thought I'd be able to create the link from an HTML page but when I do that and click the link, the file is downloaded to the local temp folder. I want the database to open directly from the web server, and then changes must be saved.

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Text Display

Can anyone tell me how to display just the first few words of the data. For example:

The full text:
Hello, how are you? What are you currently doing and hope you have a good day. Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.

I just want to display:
Hello, how are you? What are you currently ...

I am not very familiar with the asp coding for displaying part of the message.

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Display The Text

I need to write a code where if the user selects a radio button depending on that i need to display the text. can any one tell me how i can do this ?

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Display Text

What im lookng to do, is display a message if the user searches for a product that doesnt exist in the database. So if they look for a particular book, and it returns nothing, they get a sorry we dont have it in stock message.

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Display Value From A Text Box

I have a form that contains 5 text boxes and user enters values inside them and then press the submit button (checked.gif) and inserts them in the database. In my page there is also another button (fakos.gif) that when the user press it supposed to take the values from the text box that the user JUST entered the value and display it in another page (before submiting the elements).

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Text Display

Im having this problem, I have a database and a text field on it. When I try to display the text into a web page it thosen't do the correct paragraph, etc..

Text on the database:
"This is a test.
please read.

Thank you very much"

What apper on the webpage is:
"This is a test. please read. Thank you very much"

Everything in one line insted of four.

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Display Aspx Page Or Reporting Services Page In User Control

What I want to be able to do is create a user control that will display an
entire page page within it. Does anyone know how to do this or better yet
have any same code?

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How To Transfer A Data Display On 1st Page To 2nd Page Upon Clicking On The Link

I like to know how to write this specifc function on ASP where the user eg: display a set of records on the webpage. Example the data are ID, Name and address.

Lets say i display the data on the webpage and i set the Name as the <a href>. So when i click on the name, it will move to another page with the id of the specific name. Code:

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Display The Text As It Has Been Typed...

My problem is that when I´m typing a text data in to the form and I press Enter to go
to a new line in PHPMyAdmin the field looks like this:

line1: text
line2: text2

But in ASP it looks like this:
line1: text1 text2

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Only Display Text In String Once

K i have a string which is

id1, id2, id3, id3, id3

ive split them and put them into an array and only want to show each item once Like:


instead of showing:


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Display Source Text

I want to read an ASP file and display its source text.But I only get its HTML output. Later on,I will extract that source text to display certain thing.

Here is my code:

Const Filename = "/aspBoard.asp"

set FSO = server.createObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Dim Filepath
Filepath = server.MapPath(Filename)

Set TextStream = FSO.OpenTextFile(Filepath)

Dim content
content = TextStream.readall

Response.Write content

Set TextStream = nothing

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Display Text Area

when I´m typing a text data in to the form and I press Enter to go
to a new line and after when the data is submited in the DB I go to PHPMyAdmin and the field looks like this:
line1: text
line2: text2

But in ASP it looks like this:
line1: text1 text2

What the hell is this now

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Display Text In Textbox

I have a search page, after search returns value I want to display fields in text box instead of table.

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Limit The Display Of Text

how I can control or limit the display of text so that info from the database is displayed in a more uniform manner. For instance a user requests a group of article titles and is given a list of article names to select from.

The list that displays looks a mess because some titles are very lengthy. Is there a way to control the number of characters that is displayed from a string and end it with "..." so the user understands there is more to the title?

I've seen this done but can not seem to find any info on HOW to go about it. I could place the full title in the mouse over but wish to clean up the initial display of the list.

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Display Text In Text Box

I have a search page, after search returns value I want to display fields in text box instead of table.

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Random Image And Text Display

On my index page I have got an area for one product to be displayed randomly from the
database. I have got it workign, but there is one problem i cant get my head around, here is the code so far:

' Initialize ASP RND() function
intRandomNumber = Int (1000*Rnd)+1

strsql = "SELECT TOP 1 art_Artist, art_Title, Rnd(" & -1 * (intRandomNumber) & "*cat_ID)" &_
"FROM eventDisplay " &_

The code above isnt working and its when i try and draw out more that one value, as in art_Artist and art_Title.

It works fine if all I want is art_Artist, but as i said when i try to draw out more than one value the randomize function doesnt work.

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