Display A Message After Response.redirect

I am trying to display a message on page1 which is set up in page2 (message1) by sending it from page 2 with this response.redirect command.

<%response.Redirect "page1.asp?message=" & response.Write(message1) %>

In page1 I have the following at the beginning

dim messageBack
messageBack = Request.QueryString("message")
...all the stuff that opens page2 then the last line is
<p><%Response.Write messageBack %></p>

It appears that I am not seeing anything on return to page1 but is it possible that it is flashing up and disappearing instantly or have I got hte whole thing wrong?

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Redirect To Secure FTP Site Via Response.redirect

I am trying to use the following in an ASP page to redirect a user to a
non-anonymous FTP site:


but I keep getting a "permission denied" error. If I just put the same
address string in IE6's Address box and go to it, IE opens myusername's FTP
home page just fine, so I know the FTP site is working as expected. Also,
if I put in an anonymous ftp site, without the username and password (e.g.
"ftp://ftp.microsoft.com"), the redirect works fine, too.

I don't want the user to be prompted by IE for the username and password at
the FTP site, so I am providing them from within the web site.

What can be preventing the response.redirect from handling non-anonymous FTP
access? Is there a better way to do this?

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Test CDO Message Send Response

Does the .Send method return anything from CDOSYS?

Dim result
Set oMail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
' other code
result = oMail.Send

I've tried searching, but I can't find where anyone says what "Send" returns. An integer, a boolean, a string, or void?

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How To Display Message Box In ASP

I want to display message box with ok,cancel buttons. If i click on Ok then i want to execute some ASP functionality,how can i manage both,If i gave runat=server then the messagebox will not displayed.If i use runat=client,then ASP function was not worked.

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Display A Message In Js

I'm using Javascript window.alert to give my user a message after updating a database, which works fine, but is there an ASP equivalent, so I don't have to dive off into JS just to give a message?

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Display Message

I want to display a message in prog2.asp, only if its referer is prog1.asp

if refer is prog1.asp then
end if

Actually what is the correct way to write it.

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Display Please Wait Message

I need to display a "please wait" message when the user click a post button on a webform, so that the webform can start data processing. I am using asp.net in vb.net code-
behind. I saw some javascript example, but I could not find a way to show the message before the processing.

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Display Loading Message

I have a form that when a button is clicked opens an asp window. This asp window can sometimes take a long time to process on the server before it is fully loaded. When it initially opens it is just blank untill the server processing is down.

Is there any way to display a "please wait..." message in that window or in another popup (modal to the asp window) window until the page has fully loaded. It is not satisfactory to display "please wait..." in the original window as it would be covered by the asp window. I am using ASP/VBScript not ASP.net.

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Display Updated Message

I have a SQL database with a ASP frontend. I can update my record without a problem. What I am looking to do is update the record by pressing the submit button and when the record is updated display on the same page that the record was successfully updated. When I update my record now, I have it where it redirects me to a different page. I would like the message to appear on the same page.

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No Image Then Display Message

I have catalogue online but some of my items have no images. When there is no image I would like to show a note: response.write("There is no images at this time.") instead of the Icon of the image missing. I tried several ways but it ends up showing the response in all my records regardles if there is no image.

How would that be applied to the code below?

<% If (rsNeat.Fields.Item("product_image").Value) <> "" Then %>
<a href="#" onclick="MM_openBrWindow('cat_images/<%=(rsNeat.Fields.Item("product_image_big").Value)%>','','width=450,height=450 ')">
<img src="cat_thumbnails/<%=(rsNeat.Fields.Item("product_image").Value)%>" alt="" border="0" />
</a><% End If %>

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Display Customized Error Message

How can I display my own message instead of the error message which may appear in the explorer? , and can I use ASP code in this message?
Iam looking to display a custom page when somebody type a URL for a page in my site, and this page is no longer available

like: http://www.site.com/me.asp

and me.asp is not available

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Display Message Session Has Been Expired

in asp i want to check if user inactive for 10 minutes..than i want to kill his session and display a page showing message into this page ..."your session has expired" .

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Response.redirect And Response.end

Is there any point in having response.end after response.redirect?

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I have a Popup window where a user inputs soem data.

On successfully entering this data I redirect the user to
a page in the same popup indicating that the form has
submitted successfully.

I want to resize the page that I redirect the user to.

Is this possible in ASP?

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Response.Redirect IE5

Can anyone tell me if Response.Redirect works with IE5?, for me its seems to be working with IE6 and Firefox, but seems ineffective with IE5.

I have also set Response.Buffer = True

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How to send more than one value using response redirect? For example i can send one like this:

response.Redirect "pregled.asp?ime=" & strUserName
but how to send two or more values? I tried:

response.Redirect("pregled.asp?ime=" & strUserName & " & prezime = " &
strUserLastName)but it didn't work.

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How do I use Response.Redirect to point to an interal private box/site? Code:

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IF Trim(Request.QueryString("v")) = "" THEN
Back = Replace(Request.ServerVariables("Http_REFERER"),"http://localhost/","")
Back = Request.QueryString("v")


why i cannot Redirect to the page?

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is it possible to open a page in a new window with response.redirect, and if
so, what is the syntax.

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if left(request.Form("phone_nu"),3) = "234" and len(request.Form("phone_nu")) < 11 then
end if

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is there a way to response.redirect what's already in the address bar then add on what you want for each link? I have a page that will sort but I dont want to type out all the links. cant I do something like

response.write((whats in the address bar)&sort=asc)

I know I could do this
but that doesnt give me the stuff in the address bar

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What is the proper syntax for this response.redirect? I am using mulitple IDs that I need to pass??

<%Response.Redirect("uGallery3.asp?ID=" & commInsert__ID & GalleryID= rsImages__MMID) %>

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I have a page, progress.asp?id=<%=rs("id")%>, all the insert function will be done to nextpage.asp. Then, on nextpage.asp, I will like to redirect back to progress.asp?id=<%=rs("id")%>, but I have problem with the id.

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I am using response.redirec to do the url redirection on my login page. The
login page is under http://myURL/test/dir1/login.aspx, when the user login
successfully, the login page redirects the user to the default.apsx page,
which is under http://myURL/test/dir1/default.aspx.
When I enter the IP address of myURL in the address bar, the redirection
works perfectly fine, but if I enter myURL (which is hostname) in the address
bar, the redirection in login page doesn't work anymore, the login page just
gets refreshed.

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I have an application form which on confirmation of details, takes you back to the page from where the person chose which course they want to apply for. The process has been working fine when I had just basic html (just the form tags) but when I put it into my html template I'm getting an error message when it comes to the response.redirect "index.asp". The error is
Header Error
The HTTP headers are already written to the client browser. Any HTTP header modifications must be made before writing page content.

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response.redirect seems to urlencode a querystring thrown across at it..
is there a way to disable this function that anyone knows of?

response.redirect "http://www.blurb.com/default.asp?test=sweet+%26+sour"

actually comes back after the redirect with the % urlencoded which obviously
considering its been given the encoding anyway is a nightmare.. ie

and subsequent redirections would just keep replacing the starting % with

tell meif it can be disabled through IIS somehow

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IF rsQuery("survey_taken") = "Y" Then
<script language = "Javascript">
alert ("You have taken the survey.");
Response.Redirect "page.asp"
End IF

Is the codes wrong? becos after the msg box pop up, it doesnt redirect me to the page.asp

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but still give me file not found 404 and i print the content in database to ensure it contain the exactly file and when write the file name as string it is worked

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response.redirect "activemovieframe?movie=" & movie & """

the error is :


Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0409'

Unterminated string constant

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is there a way to do a response.redirect with a target of _self?

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I'm using the following code:

If x=1 Then
Response.Redirect ("Page.asp")
End If

As I'm using frames I would like the Response.Redirect to contain a similar code entry as target_top for an HTML link. Please does anyone know if there is an asp equivalent?

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I have a .mdb file with name, email (which is really a URL), password, code, date, and ID. My goal is to put a form on the login.asp page. If the user logs in with their username and password, they'll be redirected toward their page.

I'll paste my code below for my login.asp page. Any help would be greatly appreciated. And I'm a "dummy programmer" ... I can understand it if it's simple. Basically, I want "Joe" to be able to put in his password, and go to "Joe.asp". Then "Jim" to put in his password, and go to "Jim.asp". My login.asp page: Code:

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after moving your user to a designated screen what server variable is it to look up the previous page you came from? isn't it something close to refer variable. i can't find an example anywhere.

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