Display Elements By Date

I have an html file where I put a date (im_lixis) in a form and I also have an asp file that checks this date and if this date exists in my table timologisi in ms access I want to display all the recordsets with this date.

I dont know what I'm doing wrong... but when I run it.. it takes some time and then tells me that I got out of time ... without telling me if I have something wrong in some line Code:

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Date Display

I get a date diplayed from the database
in the format month/day/year eg 10/25/2007
but I want it displayed as day/month/year 25/20/2007

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Display The Date

I have a slight problem with the way the date is displayed when it is retrieved from the database.When I write the ASP-code like this:Code:


The date is displayed like this for July 10:

That’s probably fine for many people but not for me. I want to display the same date like this:


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Display Date

I have a variable that is set to:

vD1 = 2004/1/1
vD2 = 2004/1/15

I am doing an if/then that looks to see if date() is > vD2. If so then response.write vD1 & " to " & vD2. When I write out the variables, it is giving me the numeric value of these dates:

334 to 105.473684210526

How can I convert these values to either yyyy/mm/dd or dd/mm/yy?

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Display Until The Date Expires

I am creating an access DB that has job listings and displays the DB online.

I am creating tables rows for 'BeginListing' and 'Endlisitng' etc that are stored as a Date

How do I get the asp/vbscript to check the date 'EndListing' of the entry and to stop displaying it when the date is later than today (so it takes them offline when the date is expired)?

My script is like this and loops through each record set displaying the contents: ...

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Changin Date Display From US To UK

Just wanted to know how to change my display of the date at the moment it is displayed as:

Which is bizarre if your from the UK(), so does anyone know how to change the month and day around to display:

The code on the page is:

strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblCastnews (heading,content,postedby,status,[Timestamp])VALUES('" & strHeading & "','" & strContent & "','" & strUserName & "','" & numStatus & "', '" & date() & "')"

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Display Yesterday's Date

I wasn't sure if this is doable with ASP, i searched for a javascript on the net that i found, but it seems a bit complicated, is it possible to do it with simple ASP script?

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Date Format On Display

In backend access table, I have set date format as medium date i.e. 15/Nov/2007 but in ASP output it shows as 11/15/2007. Can it be displayed as 15/Nov/2007? Also there is a hyperlink .. Code:

<a href="mailto:<%=rsProject("ClientEmailID")%>&mailccto:<%=rsProject("UMLEmailID")%>?Subject=<%=rsProject("Subject")%>">Click Here</a>

But it does not work properly and gives only to output, not CC or subject. I want to make a mailto link which can have to, cc, subject and if possible mail body also.

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Date Display Format

I currently have a .asp web (using VBScript) that retrieve the date field from my Access database. The format stored in my database is in DD-MMM-YY format.

But when i display it onto the web, it is in MM/DD/YY format. May i know if there is any way i can change the format that i display to DD-MMM-YY , or to a DD-MM-YY format?

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Date Display Problem

I'm trying to display items from the database based on dates that have not expired.

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How To Get Date Time To Display Like 01/01/2005 16:14:10?

How to get date time to display like 01/01/2005 16:14:10?

Here's something that I found works against an Oracle database.
However, I'm not getting the same results against a SQL 2000 database.
Can anyone point out the correction needed? With the following, the
time displays correctly, but no date at all.

<%d=formatdatetime(rs2("Begin_Time"), 2)
if mid(d,2,1)="/" then d="0" & d
if mid(d,5,1)="/" then d=left(d,3) & "0" & mid(d,4)
Response.Write (d) & "&nbsp;"
Response.Write formatdatetime(rs2("Begin_Time"), 4)
if second(rs2("Begin_Time")) < 10 then
Response.Write ":0" & second(rs2("Begin_Time"))
Response.Write ":" & second(rs2("Begin_Time"))
end if%>

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Date Driven Data Display

My client has an annual calendar of events consisting of a record for each event, key field is the event date saved as a date type field. They would like the display to start with the current month, list to the end of the year then start the beginning of the year and list up to the current month.How does one retrieve data based on date? I guess I'd like something like :

SELECT * FROM EVENTS WHERE [month is greater than or equal to the current
month] ORDER BY Date

Then :

SELECT * FROM EVENTS WHERE [month is less than the current month] ORDER BY

What is the syntax for the month bits between the []?

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Can't Display Today's Date Records With = Now()

I'm trying to display only those records from the events table with today's date in the event_date field. I thought it would be easy to do with

"SELECT * FROM events where event_date = now() order by event_date asc"

But that returns nothing at all. why it won't work?

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Date Format Display Gone Wrong

i have a form value which accepts the date format in the dd/mm/yyyy Code:

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Display Records Based On Last_modified Date

I have an access product inventory DB which has a Last_modified field associated with each product. I need an ASP function that will display all records that have been added within the previous week. Aka, SELECT * FROM TBLINVENTORY WHERE .....

The format of the date and time stored is like this: 18/02/2004 6:15:55 PM ...

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Changing Display Of Auto Date Field

i have a field in my form which auto adds the date to my database, its inputs as 1/09/2007 and what im after is when i retrieve that data to be displayed i would like the date to be displayed as 9th September 2007,

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Change Display Date Format Coming From DB

I have this is my code:

<%= linkRec("datein")%>

It displays the date like this: 12/14/2004

But I need it to display like: Dec 14, 2004 or something similar (not just numbers)

Is this possible?

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Asp Session Elements

i'm having a bit of trouble inside a loop displaying values for session variables that are wrong the code thats not working looks like this:

Response.Write"<tr><td>Answer "&counter&"</td> <td><input type=text maxlength=50 id=option"&counter&" size=50 title=answer"&counter&"value value='"=session("answer"&counter&"")"' name=answer"&counter&" /></td></tr>"

its enclosed in a loop with the counter element increasing to the given total and its meant to set the value of the text box (the session variable) to display the value.

in plain ASP and html all thats needed for the normal input box to display a session value is :



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Array Elements

i have one array of string and it contains 51 elemnts. it will get bigger and bigger but i want to read these array ellments from a text file.this is possible?

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DB Elements As Hyperlinks

I'm using Visual Web Developer Express 2005 to get me started - probably a bad idea I'm told. Anyhow, I've connected a drop-down list ('Components') to a column in a SQL DB, and, upon selection, the resulting gridview is being generated as I hoped (with the corresponding 'Applications').

However, I would like each of these resulting rows in my gridview to be "clickable" as a hyperlink so that I can display each of the applications details on another page. If someone could enlighten me as to whether/not this is even possible, and if so, how?

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Inserting XML Elements

I am aware of how to create elements, attributes on the fly with the Microsoft.XMLDOM however I was wondering if anyone had any examples of how you could extend this to insert the content created in to an existing node.


<section> <- INSERT ELEMENT HERE -> </section

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Menu Elements

In my ASP page I have a set of menus on the left side and list boxes just on its right side. Whenever I click on a menu and the submenu appears it gets hidden under the listboxes and cannot be read properly.

The page design cannot be changed at this point of time and the listboxes cannot be moved to any other position of the page. So is there any property or function so that I can make my menu elements appear above the listboxes.

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How Many Elements In An Array

Like in PHP you can use:

PHP Code:

$length = count($array); 

Is there an ASP alternative? I'm using VB4.

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Removing Empty Elements

I have this form that collects text values and I use VBCrLf as delimiters to tell one element from another. Sometimes, I get several empty elements. Is there a way to remove those elements?

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Problem With Array Elements

I'm inserting elements into a 2-dimensional array from a form like this..... Code:

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How To Get Number Of Input Elements?

Does anyone know how to get the number of input tags contained in a div tag? I am trying to build a dynamic list of checkboxes from a database and I don't know how many checkboxes i have until the form is built to do some validation.

Probably using client-side javascript - something like

var obj = document.all.tags("div").item(0)
var mydiv = obj.id.indexOf("chk0100")

But I am not sure how to specify the name of the input tag.
I dont know what the above statement does.

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Extract The Form-elements' Value

Is there any way to extract the form elements' value without submitting the form. I want the value of the form element be used in the script written in the same page without submitting the form.

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Fill All Elements In An Array

this may seem like a very basic question but one I could do with having answered!! I have an the following array TableArray(20, 100) and I need to start off with all elements in the array to hold the value 1. Is there a simple way of doing this or do I have to loop throuugh the array setting the values?

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Delete Individual Elements

I would like to remove individual elements from a vbscript array without just blanking out that element. Is this possible?

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Record Set AutoNumber Elements

Why won't this code work - the "id" fields are autonumbers


<select size="1" name="Agent" tabindex="">
<option value="Select">Select Owner</option>
x = rs("id")
Do While NOT rs2.eof
y = rs2("id")
Response.Write "<option value='" & rs2("id") & "'"
If x = y Then Response.Write " Selected" End If
Response.Write " >" & rs2("first") & " " & rs2("last") & "</option>" & vbCrlf

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Master Pages And There Elements

I have a master page with one Content Pane, on the left is a Nav bar that has a Login View in it so if the person is an Admin they see on thing if they arn't they see another.

For the regular users I have a gridView that displays a lists of dates pulled from the database. I want to access the selected value there normally if it was inside my content page i could just do Code:

EventID = ((Label)GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells[1].FindControl("Label1")).Text;

But now except GridView on is no longer in my Content Pane but on my Master Page how do I reference to it?

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How To Use Form Elements Value For SQL Queries?

Here is my input box which has the employee id.

<input type=hidden name=empid value=40578>

In my SQL query, I would like to call the value of "empid" textbox in my SQL Query. How can I do this? Code:

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[ASP/VBscript] Creating Empty XML Elements

I'm using MSXML2.DOMDocument.4.0 to create an XML document on-the-fly.

Everything is going great except that at some point I need to create an empty XML element with a start and an end tag, not only an end tag.
Eg. I need to create <Signature></Signature> instead of <Signature />

However, MSXML2.DOMDocument.4.0 refuses to create the empty element with a start and an end tag.

It insists on creating only the closing end tag, even if I try to set text value for the element to "". Code:

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