Display Member Name Once Session Created

I have created a session, where a user logs in using his/her email address and password.

Howver I now want to display the users name once he/she is logged in. It should be easy,
but I cant quite get my head around it.

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Created New Session

I am facing a strange problem in my application. Its a ASP application. I have a drop down one page. When I select a value from the drop down, its an ASP call, after processing ,new session starts. This doesent happen for the first 3 or 4 times when i select the value from the drop down.

Also I noticed that when the new session is created , the old session is still alive.
Can You suggest me as to Y the Web Server tries to create the new session, when the existing session is still alive.

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Yes: The SESSION Cookie Is Never Created

The session_onstart event will fire for every pull BECAUSE no SESSIONID cookie is ever created and the server has to assume that every HTTP REQUEST frame is a new session. The response object is actually just setting a header, of course.

Every redirect is sending a header to the browser equivalent to a "meta refresh" and that once again triggers the session_onstart.

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Cookie And Session Are Not Created When Using A Host File Instead Of DNS

When I use a host file entry to point to the host header of the site
that I have created on a Win2k server running IIS5, a cookie is not
created to hold the session id. The result is that Session_OnStart is
run every time a page is requested.

If I set up a DNS entry on the DNS server it all works fine.

I never noticed this problem before we put in Active Directory so it
may have something to do with that.

I have set "allow per session cookies" to promt(under Custom Secrity
settings in IE) to see if this is being attempted and it is not. So
the browser is not even trying to create the session cookie when using
the host file.

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Display Session Variable

I want to display a session variable as a textbox value:

<input type="text" ...... value="<%=Session("myvar")%>">

I've tried several different variation of this and can't get it to display properly with any.

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New Member

I have this error that keeps coming up after submitting a query on a website. been working on fixing it all day and need a fresh set of eyes to help me.

Provider error '8000ffff'
Catastrophic failure
/Process.asp, line 25

i think this is line 25 in my process.asp file

str = str & " WHERE tblData.Application Like '%" & Request.Form("Application") & "%' "

If one needs the entire process.asp script to look over, let me know.

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Display Message Session Has Been Expired

in asp i want to check if user inactive for 10 minutes..than i want to kill his session and display a page showing message into this page ..."your session has expired" .

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Member Login

All i want to do is create a page with member login and forum by using access database. once i get that far ill be able to figure out the rest.

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Member Area

I am trying to do is make a member area. I am setup for asp and others but what I want is it to show how many points they have in there account when they enter and then when they use some of there points it will deduct there points from there account any help on this would be great Ie: websites code or any tips.

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Display Session Objects, Cookies From App On Other Server

I'm writing a reporting application in ASP.

I want to have links to a CF app - specifically VeriSign's eCommerce
Manager (on VeriSign's server).

The links in my app will need current values for CFID and CFTOKEN in
their HREFs - I think these are cookies or session objects the
VeriSign/CF app sets once logged in, they appear on the url.

Assume user has logged into VeriSign manager before my app.

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Check Member Of NT Group

i can use Request.ServerVariables to check the login user. is it possible to check whether the login user is the member of the NT security group? it is because i wish to create a dynamic banner according to respective NT security group.

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Member And Staff Interface

We got two interface. Staff and member. When member login, they are brought to member's page. However, when staff login, they are also brought to member's page. This is because at Dreamweaver 8, we have specified that if login succeeds, go to member.asp.

So how do I make sure that when staff login, they go to their staff.asp.? Is it by command procedures or SQL or some kind of other function? Much help needed! Project deadline is just around the corner!!!

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Member Section Of Website

i need to login to a member section of a website and get authenticate at the index.asp before i can reach tools.asp, another page i will use. I see that the member section do not use cookie. It used session.

I had tried reaching tools.asp directly (with all the variable pass in together in a url example: URL). However, it will redirect me back to index.asp ,asking me to authenticate first. Is there a way to skip index.asp and go directly to tools.asp?

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Member Login For Ceylon Web Designs

I need a member login system for one of my web sites where only the members are allowed to read articles published.

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Variable To Call A Member Of Recordset.

Lets say I have created a Recordset named MySET. And I have a value passed from a form: Request.Form.Key(1) Code:

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Dynamically Pass Member Id For Affiliate Program

An affiliate program I joined gave me this link to place on my website. I'd like to track which of my members use this link. To do this, the affiliate program said that I would have to dynamically populate the "YourMember" portion of this link (see below) with my member's user id. Can anyone tell me how I can do this? Code:

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Check Is Current User Is Member Of A Group

I need to check to see if the Current logged in user on the system
is a member of a group called CustAdmin on CustNT Domain.

If the user is, I need to allow them to have access to the following:

<input type=Button value = "Click To View Credit Report"

This is a Windows 2000 network.

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Get The ID Of Rs I Just Created

Using the below tage, i successfully add a new Record to my Videos table but the varibale i declare with the newly created rs ID is always blank? Code:

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Created An Image With VBS

It is possible to create an image of the format gif, jpg or png with VBScript? If yes can somebody tell me where I can find such references?

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App-Domain Could Not Be Created

After restart some time is everithing ok. After some hours - some days, problem start. Only in pool, where dll VB6 is used, aspx pages (asp ok) does not work.

Failed to execute request because the App-Domain could not be created.
Error: 0x8007000e Not enough storage is available to complete this operation.

Source: ASP.NET 2.0.50727.0
Event ID: 1088

OS: Windows 2003 Server SP1

HW: dual Xeon, 4GB RAM, Server is not Domain server. dll VB6 is used in pool where aspx pages does not work, in other pools aspx pages work.

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Newly Created Row

I have this form that creates a row in my access database. I then put in the action of the form another asp page with a questionmark and some stuff.

What stuff do I put there to help the other page recognize which row I'm talking about and be able to pull the correct information?

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Dynamically Created Gif

Using preferably Asp or an Asp component, but maybe .NET, here is what I need to do:

A user enters a hex value (Or rgb if need be), which then colors a pixel high, n pixels wide gif and saves it to a folder in the sites directory.

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ASP Won't Set Cookie Created In JavaScript

I am reading and setting a cookie using JavaScript in the BODY onload
and onunload events respectively. This works fine.

However when I use ASP to set the cookie under some condition where I
want to override the last value set in the onunload event, it has no
effect. The next onload still has the old value.

The following code simulates the problem I experience....

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Duplicate SQL Records Created ?

I am trying to do a simple INSERT into SQL. I've done it tons of times before with the same code, but this time is is placing duplicate entries in the table. Any ideas why this would be happening? Here is my ASP code doing the form processing:

set conn=server.createobject("adodb.connection")
conn.Open "Driver={SQL Server}; Server=SERVERNAME; Database=DATABASENAME; UID=USER; PWD=PASSWORD"
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")

strTitle = Replace(request.Form("title"), "'", "&#39")
strContent = Replace(request.Form("txtContent"), "'", "&#39")

strSQL = "INSERT INTO [webPages] ([created], [section], [title], [content]) Values ('" & now() & "','" & request.Form("section") & "','" & strTitle & "','" & strContent & "')"
rs.Open strSQL, conn, 3

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Dynamically Created Query

I'm having a problem dynamically creating an UPDATE query that will write the string value of an existing record set field into a data base.To be more concrete, I can generate a string that looks like this:

UPDATE Person SET Person.name='objRS("oldname")'

but when I try to execute it, the literal objRS("oldname")gets written into the oldname field of the Person table, as opposed to the value 'Betty'. (In a separate write statement, I've already checked that objRS("oldname") prints 'Betty'.)

And if I change it to:

UPDATE Person SET Person.name=objRS("oldname")
I get an error saying there is an undefined function 'objRS' in expression. Can anyone help me? If I can get this to work I'll be done with this task.

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Data From Php Created Page

I run a website that reads our own databases and makes the data available to our users. However, recently someone has sent me a link to a php page that contains data they want me to display on our site. The php creates a csv formatted text string.

Example : I type in www.somewebsite.php and the page returns game1,gamedate,gametime,hometeam,visitor,,,, with real values of course being in these values. the ,,, are null fields that have no value as they expect our website to fill in this data for them from our users. how do I read this data with asp into a recordset, or a database?

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Dynamically Created Images

I have an asp.net application that generates dynamic images (charts). When I run the application in debug mode from visual studio, or refer to the url with localhost in the name, everything works fine. When I try to access the site with the full machine name (not using localhost), or from another machine, the dynamic images only appear as red x's.

I've searched the groups, but can't find anything that seams to relate. I am assuming this is some sort of security setting, which I have messed around with in IIS as

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Linking To A Created File

I'm using PerlScript in my ASP page and I have the following problem: Each time the page is refreshed a CSV file is created. I want this file to be available for download. The problem is I can't create the file in the "wwwrootsite" dir, so I can't link to it. I can however create anywhere else on the server.

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Dynamically Created Folders

Is it possible to assign permissions on the fly as you are creating a directory structure on the web server?

I want to create a new folder for each new user of this system I built. Each folder will have the same permissions and will be used for uploading images. Should I just have write permissions on the parent folder and have the folder permissions inherited from the parent? Or is there a better way to do it?

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Newly Created Files

I'm struggling with this problem: in a website I developed, XML files are created by users of the site to describe. The creation is OK, the (new) file is present, but it can not be read by any website visitor.

How can the default permission become at least readable?

It's a ASP script running on W2K, using the FileSystemObject component.

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Problem With Cookies Created With Javascript

I have some cookies created with javascript, I need to be able to delete them (by expiring them) or set their contents to nothing ("") using ASP. However, when I try to do this, it doesn't work. If I try to set their values to nothing by doing:

for each x in Request.Cookies
It just creates a duplicate of each of the cookies with no content.

If I try to expire the cookies by doing the following:

for each x in Request.Cookies
It does nothing. They don't expire.

How can I get ASP to recognise and modify the actual cookies which are there?

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Sort Files By Date Created

I have files in a folder that I am using the FileSystemObject to read. I can read the files and display links to them no problem, what I want to do is to sort them by date created.What is the best way to go about this?

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Getting 404 Error On All Projects Created With VS2003 (IIS 5.1)

Just installed VS2003 and tried a hello world app. Getting 404 error even
when I explictly specify the start page in the url.

In IIS Mgr (v 5.1), App has .aspx mapped to
C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv1.1.4322aspne t_isapi.dll.

The file in question IS in the virtual directory and this is the inetmgr log
file entry that occurs when my browser requests the page: 19:42:27
GET /UP1/WebForm1.aspx 404 Code:

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