Display Message Some Thing Missing In Code

I am trying to get a message displayed when I insert data, but it's not working...I can't spot any missing thing from this code. is there any body who can tell me why, I am sure something is missing. Code:

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How To Display Message Box In ASP

I want to display message box with ok,cancel buttons. If i click on Ok then i want to execute some ASP functionality,how can i manage both,If i gave runat=server then the messagebox will not displayed.If i use runat=client,then ASP function was not worked.

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Display A Message In Js

I'm using Javascript window.alert to give my user a message after updating a database, which works fine, but is there an ASP equivalent, so I don't have to dive off into JS just to give a message?

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Display Message

I want to display a message in prog2.asp, only if its referer is prog1.asp

if refer is prog1.asp then
end if

Actually what is the correct way to write it.

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Display Please Wait Message

I need to display a "please wait" message when the user click a post button on a webform, so that the webform can start data processing. I am using asp.net in vb.net code-
behind. I saw some javascript example, but I could not find a way to show the message before the processing.

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Display Loading Message

I have a form that when a button is clicked opens an asp window. This asp window can sometimes take a long time to process on the server before it is fully loaded. When it initially opens it is just blank untill the server processing is down.

Is there any way to display a "please wait..." message in that window or in another popup (modal to the asp window) window until the page has fully loaded. It is not satisfactory to display "please wait..." in the original window as it would be covered by the asp window. I am using ASP/VBScript not ASP.net.

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Display Updated Message

I have a SQL database with a ASP frontend. I can update my record without a problem. What I am looking to do is update the record by pressing the submit button and when the record is updated display on the same page that the record was successfully updated. When I update my record now, I have it where it redirects me to a different page. I would like the message to appear on the same page.

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No Image Then Display Message

I have catalogue online but some of my items have no images. When there is no image I would like to show a note: response.write("There is no images at this time.") instead of the Icon of the image missing. I tried several ways but it ends up showing the response in all my records regardles if there is no image.

How would that be applied to the code below?

<% If (rsNeat.Fields.Item("product_image").Value) <> "" Then %>
<a href="#" onclick="MM_openBrWindow('cat_images/<%=(rsNeat.Fields.Item("product_image_big").Value)%>','','width=450,height=450 ')">
<img src="cat_thumbnails/<%=(rsNeat.Fields.Item("product_image").Value)%>" alt="" border="0" />
</a><% End If %>

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Display Customized Error Message

How can I display my own message instead of the error message which may appear in the explorer? , and can I use ASP code in this message?
Iam looking to display a custom page when somebody type a URL for a page in my site, and this page is no longer available

like: http://www.site.com/me.asp

and me.asp is not available

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Display Message Session Has Been Expired

in asp i want to check if user inactive for 10 minutes..than i want to kill his session and display a page showing message into this page ..."your session has expired" .

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Display A Message After Response.redirect

I am trying to display a message on page1 which is set up in page2 (message1) by sending it from page 2 with this response.redirect command.

<%response.Redirect "page1.asp?message=" & response.Write(message1) %>

In page1 I have the following at the beginning

dim messageBack
messageBack = Request.QueryString("message")
...all the stuff that opens page2 then the last line is
<p><%Response.Write messageBack %></p>

It appears that I am not seeing anything on return to page1 but is it possible that it is flashing up and disappearing instantly or have I got hte whole thing wrong?

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Display Error Message On Constrain Violation

i've got a form to edit data or delete a record in sql server. if the delete fails on a constraint violation, nothing happens and of course the record is still there.

how can a check to see if this has occured and display a friendly message for the user so they know why the record will not delete. i've tried:

ret_string = Connection.execute(sqlstmt)

but that doesn't get anything.

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Simple Thing

can someone tell me whats wrong with this code.i applying the style in right way


<tr style="background-color: #386cae; color: #000000; a:link {color: #000000; font-weight: bold;}
a:visited {color: #ded9dd;} a:hover {color: #000000; font-weight: bold; decoration: underline;}">

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Shopping Basket Style Thing

Further to a question I posted a few weeks back - i'm devloping a site for our company where visitors can vist product sections, and pick catalogues they want - currently they can only go to one section, pick catalogues, order them, then move onto another section - problem is this. The powers that be want a more 'shopping basket' style - where customers can browse all the sections and pick as they go - and order them all together. In a 'shopping basket' styleee - so does anyone know of any good shopping basket style tutorials?

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Dynamic Form Update Sproc Thing!

I have a page that is populated from a db. It consists of lots of drop downs (dynamic - could be 20 or 32 or...) with the option value set as a number.

Basically they represent the skill level someone has in a skill which is you guessed it - written beside mr drop down.

So once i click on update i awnt them to all go off to the db and update. Any idea of an algorithm on how to do this. Im aware of for loops etc but i just dont see how it would work out.

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ASP Code Display

I just installed ASP and enabled the Web Server Extensions and still
cannot get any ASP code to execute.
I added some html code to test and all html code is executed fine, but
once the asp section is reached, blank is displayed below the html
code. I then scaled back and created a Hello World with asp code with
still no results. I turned every one on that server, and am running
out of ideas

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ASP Code To Display Last Row In DB

I'm a new to asp and I'm trying to display the entired last row on the DB. I
try the objRecordset.MoveLast but I get the erros saying "Rowset does not
support fetching backward." How I can do that?

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How To Display Code On Page

One of the fields ("Description") in my MSAccess database table contain text formated by HTML tags (<b>, <i>, etc) I now need to display it on asp page, but not as formated text, but as it is stored in my database:

Not like
Description of this product is good.

but as
<b>Description</b> of this product <i>is</i> good.

How can I do this?

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Display Actual Code

I have an administrative page that allows users to enter HTML which is then stored in a database. I would like the user to be able to view code extracted from the database without having the HTML rendered.

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Pages Display Source Code In Browser

I'm just trying to set up a testing server via Dreamweaver that is my local box. HTML works fine and ASP works fine IF there is no js code input. I can save a few images in a table as an ASP page and it works great, but if I try to pull a table from a database, the browser suddenly displays the code, rather than the page.

I've heard some people referring to articles that might address this, but so far I'm not seeing them.

I have .asp files being handled by asp.dll from the internet information services section.

What the heck am I missing? What else should I provide y'all so we can brainstorm this?

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Display ASP Application Status During Long ASP Code Execution

I have a ASP code that will query a server 200. Nothing will be displayed on the browser during this time, which could last upto 5 minutes. Is there a way to inform the user of the status of my ASP code?

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Need To Display Error Code When I Get HTTP 500 Internal Server Error

I tried to display an error detail on my webpage when I got an "HTTP 500 Internal Server Error" of my .asp page, but I was failed I did setup in IIS so it will display debug error on my asp page as well as setting up my browser internet option.

Can you help me how to set it up so I am able to see the error detail on my browser when I get "HTTP 500 Internal Server Error" ( Currently, I just got a blank page with "HTTP 500 Internal Server Error" in the web page title)I run IIS 5.0 and window professional xp browser.

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The Missing Zero

I have a problem here, dealing with zero.
When i insert into a SQL database a value, say 4.50, through an ASP, it will display in the SQL as 4.5,
instead of the value 4.50 i entered. Therefore, when i retrieved the data from SQL, it will only return and display 4.5
IS there any way whereby i will get 4.50 instead of 4.5?

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Missing Path

My error is as follows:

Server.MapPath()error 'ASP 0171 : 80004005'

Missing Path

/raven/aspBoardFunctions.asp, line 19 The Path parameter must be specified for the MapPath method. Code:

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Clr 2.0 Missing In Iis Log (& Broken App)

We created an asp.net 2.0 app, which sends smtp email using System.Web.mail.
The app is in an IIS 6 application pool isolated to 2.0 apps on a 2003

The app worked fine for a few days; recently however it began failing when
sending to external addresses (it works fine if the recipient is inside our
internal domain).

Comparing the logfiles, I notice when it was working both versions of the
CLR appear in log entries, for example:

(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.1;+SV1;+.NET+C LR+1.1.4322;+.NET+CLR+2.0.50727)

Log entries from when it fails only contain CLR 1.1, for example:

(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.1;+SV1;+.NET+C LR+1.1.4322)

The app is configured to use ASP.NET 2.0. What would be causing that
version to disappear from the log entries (and presumably the app) like

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Missing Data

I have code that inserts data into a db.What I would like to now is make sure that all textboxes have been filled out before inserting the data into the db. Moreover, send the user back to the page with the incomplete data, but with the completed data in the textboxes.

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Missing Operator

iam trying to insert some data into a database but i keep getting the above error msg this is the line that is causing the problems any ideas?


sql3 = "Insert INTO course_dates ([Course_Id], [Course_Heading], [Course_Title], [Week_No], Status) VALUES ("&courseid&", "&course&", "&title&", "&weekno&", "&status&")"

here is what is printed when I response.write the sql3 statement

Insert INTO course_dates ([Course_Id], [Course_Heading], [Course_Title], [Week_No], Status) VALUES (285, NEBOSH, test, Week One, TBA)

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Missing Components

I am running Sun One ASP v 4.0.2 on Apache 2.0.x on Win XP Home. I noticed that Sun One Asp doesn't come with components such as AdRotator, Content Rotator, Browser Capabilitles, etc. Is there any way I can install all these components on Win XP Home. For me upgrading to Pro is not an option.

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Missing Number

I have a record set with the ItemNo field with the data type as Text. In the record that I have, I want to find the missing number in the series

for example:
missing number is 2.

How can I display the missing number in the browser or give me a return value that notifies me that there is a missing number in the series. Is there any function for that? Or how can i do that using a loop?btw im using ASP Classic and MS Access Database.

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Missing Character

i've a problem here. everytime a user click on "approve" button, they'll always get database error. and when i check the error log, there are several fields that have missing characters, which results in database error.

for example: the fields for:

1. "refID" (supposely: 1952/102007 becomes 952/10 007 or becomes 9
2 "staffID" (3456 becomes 456)
3. "PONo" (IVT123 becomes VT123)
4. "date" (2007-10-13 becomes 2007-10-3)
and etc

the facts are: Code:

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Missing Data In Cookie

I have a record set (rs) that contains 25 barcodes values that I set to true
in a cookie. (see code section below)

If I read the cookie from within the same page that created it, I see all
25 values. But if I redirect to another page and read the cookie only 18 of
the values remain.

Even though I load the same 25 barcodes at login, the 18 that remain can
differ each time.

If anyone can help figure out why I am missing data in the cookie, I would
appreciated it. The cookie size is only 2k.

Here is the section of code i am using to create the cookie. Hopefully, I
did not make any typos when I retyped it.

while not rs.eof
response.cookies(cstr(rs("code"))) = "true"
response.cookies(cstr(rs("code"))).expires = dateadd("d",1,date)
rs movenext

Here is the section of code i am using to view the cookie.

for each cookie in Request.cookies
if not request.cookies(cookie).haskeys then
response.write "<br>"
response.write cookie + " = " + request.cookies(cookie)
for each key in request.cookies(cookie)
response.write "<br>"
response.write cookie + "( "+ key + ") = " +
end if

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Hide Missing Images?

Is there a way I can test if an image file exists before displaying it?

I have a database that has an image field in it that users enter a filename into. Is there a way for me to check using an "if" statement that the file is actually on the drive before displaying it? ie:

If okimage='actually on the drive' then%>
<img src='(rsFile.Fields.Item("image").Value)'>
<img src='noimage.jpg'>
<%end if%>

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Redirecting Missing Image

How do I redirect a non existing image link on my server to another image?

On a page in "Server A", there's this tag:
<img src="image_url_on_Server_B" >

suppose I want to remove the image from "Server B", and the tag above will display a different image, which was redirected due the absense of the original image src.

Is there any solution based on IIS and ASP?

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